The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 25, 1915, Image 1

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Ha* the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
¿1st Year, No. 44.
S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y ,
Mr. and Mr«. B. A. Schaefer went to
Salem today to attend the wedding of
W. H. Schaefer and Mia« l.ydla Stett-
Attendance at the the Pacific Inter­ ler, both o f that place.
A very pleasant time waa had at the
The ceremony
national I h e .lo c k Expoaltion, which
Geo. Spaniol home lu«t Sunday evening
w i i performed at high noon, at the
will be heUl at the Union Stock Yarda,
home prepared by the groom, after ! when about forty o f Mr. and Mra.
Spaniol’ a friend» gathered a t their
North Portland, Dec. 6-11, haa become
which a aumptuoua Thankagiving fcaal
a habit with moat o f the breeder« and will be nerved only to immediate rcla- | home and apeut the time in playing
1 game*, singing and a bounteous lunch-
l.veatock people o f the Weal.
Early j tlVe . ami friend,
in the eummer they t>egln to figure on j
' eon served about midnight.
A fter the
a week or ten ilaya vacation at thla ,
| refreshment« the guests departed for
time. In going to this ahow they know
their home», thanking Mr. and Mr».
they are going to aee livcatock, the
Spaniol for the pleasant time, and a
beat o f all kinda in thia country; that
very enjoyable evening.
I am thankful I came to Stayton
they are not going to be aaked to waate
Those present were: D. M. Doll and
A Raker for to be.
their lime on horae race«, wild wcat j
wife, Jno. Van Handel, wife and aon.
I hope the people o f Stayton
ahow a a n d other incidental thing«.
Jot., Jno. Kerber, wife and »on Frank,
Are aa thankful they got me.
They know it to he a fact that n o t .
John Thorns and family, Jake Spaniol
C. E. Kramer, the Baker.
more than 10‘A o f the vaat rrowda who
! and family. Misses Mary Frank, Theo
Matthieu, Leona and Thercaa Forrette,
go t o large International and Stale I
Fair» get to ace the liveatock exhibited
• Marry Porter, Wm. Petzel. Adam Sua-
— that la why the Pariflc International
j bauer, Clarence, Oliver and Edwin For-
haa auch atrength In the Northweat.
clean teeth. C l e a n teeth means 1 rette, Andy and George Zimmerman
Breeder« and feeder«, aa well 11 * healthy mouth» with breath pure and a n d Mr. and Mra. John Kintz and
farmer» all over Oregon, Washington, Bweef_ Give good digestion, f r o m ! daughters Rose nnd Arilia.
Idahp, Montana, California and atatea thorough mastication.
Insure good
further eaat are adviaing o f their par­ looks and perfect health.
Men’s |6 Shoes at Hammond-Bishop’t
All first
ticipation. The man who fulla to viait claaa tooth paste such aa, Rexall, NyJ for $3.86. Your fit.
the Show lone» a wonderful opportunity ala, and many other makes 26c large
o f mixing with hia fellow breeder« and tube. Beauchamp's Drug Store.
feeder». The grand champion o f the
Pahama Pacific International Exposi­
tects, your skin needa portection, such
Up to *2. dress ahirta for only 96c at
tion and o f other large ahowa on the
weather «a thia. Its nature's greatest
coaal will lie judged here by people of tlammond-Biahop’ a.
help. No better Face Cream made,
national reputation
rubs in perfectly smooth a n d n o t
60 and 25cent large jar at
Let every person feel that thia la hia /'f> i k i r x i f i l l / m i Y I T
Beauchamp's Drug Store.
rhow and that it» aucccaa depend» upon u K A n i /I T I A m L U U L l
hia attendance.
If there is anything '
for which it stunda, it is for the up­
$1.60 silk ties at Hammond-Biahop's
building o f thia wcxteJn country along
for 35c. See them.
m»«t constructive linea.
Christian Endeavor Bazar next door
Mrs. E. Weddle, one o f Stayton’»
oldest and moat respected residents Stayton Hotel. Dec. 11.
The Eastern Star held their regular died at her homg here Tuesday even­
TO T R A D E —A blocky draft spring
aemt monthly meeting last Friday even­ ing, November 23.
The funeral will be held a t t h e colt for cow or heifer coming fresh.
ing. Mra. J. P. Wilbur, Mra. C. H.
Brewer and Miss Della Harold were Christian church tomorrow (Friday) at Enquire at Mail office.
t h e committee o n entertainment. 10 a. m. Obituary next week.
Joa. Miller and wife who have been
About 26 were present
Lawrence Siegmund and siater Miss living in Olex, Oregon for the paat
Peter Fiedler and Tony Schlndlct Mcrta o f Fern Ridge were visiting at two months returned Lome on Friday
o f this week.
have the lumber hauled to their ranch the C. A. Luthy home Saturday.
N O V E M B E R 25,
One hundred years ago today
When wilderness waa here.
With powder in hia gun, the man
* Went out and got a deer.
But now the thing haa changed —
And on another plan,
with powder on her cheek»,
The “ dear” goes out and gets the
Serial No. 102 8
No real beauty without
The Progressive Party met in the
Christian church Monday evening Nov.
22, and put the following ticket in the
For mayor, J. M. Ringo; for council-
mcn, J. R. Gardner, C. M. Holford;
for recorder, J. B. Grier; for treasur­
er, V. D. Sloper; for marshal, J. M.
On Tuesday evening pursuant to a
call by the committee, the Citizen’s
In reply to the atatement o f V. A. Party met In the city hall Tuesday
Goode in last week’i Standard, I will evening Nov. 23, and after proceeding
say that the whole explanation as con­ to put in S. H. Heltzel aa chairman
cocted is a beautiful miag-atatement o f and E. M. Olmsted aa secretary, put
the following ticket out.
facta, whoever ia behind the assertions.
For mayor, Dr. H. A. Beauchamp;
Furthermore it can be o f no interest
councilmen. Grant Murphy, C. A.
to the general public concerning any
suit between me and Mr. Roy, and the . Luthy; for recorder, Jno. Thoma; for
article in question labeled “ An Expla-
“*ur" ’ V’ D' &l°Per: for
nation," must be simply an easing o f
some one's conacience.
In an ,nterv,ew
Mr. Ringo yes-
W j Freres.
terday he stated positively that he
1 would not accept the nomination for
mayor, and there is a rumor out that
nir TII1 lllforillllir
lhe Progressives are going to endorse
r* Beauchamp.
im m r n
I T C T n r r r ’C
A committee o f Gran£ Murphy, Dr.
A ’ Beauchamp and Jacob Spaniol
were appointed to make arrangements
for the convention o f the Citizens Par­
The M. Streff home in this city is the ty next year, and a committee compos­
scene o f much festivity today, and the ed o f J. W. Mayo, E. M. Olmsted and
reason is apparent when one knows Geo. Keech was appointed to formu­
that all ten o f the children are at home late rules o f the convention and pre­
for the first iime in many years. Near­ sent them at the next meeting.
- -
- -
In l.lnn county for a new house and
Bataar next door
barn, but the wet weather ia keeping
them from work, however they will Stayton Hotel, Dec. 11.
make thlnga fly when they do get at it.
A. B. Townsend is suffering with a
Clarence Ovcrhultz and Ben Darby case o f blood poisoning o f hia hand.
o f Linn county were business visitors Dr. Beauchamp is in attendance.
here one day the first o f the week.
Men's $6 hats at Hammond-Biahop’s
Get one before they are
Mr. and Mra. Frank Smith o f Sub­ for $1.46.
limity were trading with merchants gone.
here one day the first o f the week.
$3.50 corduroy pants at Hammond-
Sloper’s perfumes satisfy the most Bishop’s for $1.95
Our prescription busi-
n e s . ga in ed m ore
o v e r last
A p r e tty su b sta n tia l testim on ia l
to the offlcency o f our work,
champ's, The Rexall Store.
y e a r.
Miss Francis Lambert of Port-
land 3Pent Thursday and Friday
3 t the P . H . Lambert home.
G. H. Ray made a business
trip to Albany Monday.
$6 logger shirts at Hammond-Bish-
op ’s for $2.95.
For our mutual benefit we
want to interest you in
We have exceptional values in
Sloper’s Drug Store
Miss Nellie Stowell, who has been
going to school for the past two years
Thursday 10 a.m, in Christian chore! ,
in Oakland, Calif, came home yester­
Thanksgiving service with ser­
mon b y Rev. E. B. Lockhart o n
Mr. and Mrs. Hawley o f Montana “ America Leading the Nation*^ w tf: -
are here visiting at the home o f Mr cle Sam’s Great Thanksgiving Fetal
Thursday evening at the residence of
Hawley’s sister, Mrs. H. A. Beau
F. F. Foster the Epworth league an 1
friends gather for Thanksgiving soeia'.
Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday school.
Sunday 11 a.m . Church service,musi -
40 or 50 good stock ewes, any or ail by choir o f ten voices under Stanley
Starr; sermon by pastor on “ Jesua the
o f them. Alva Sm’ th, Aumsville. tf
Great Revealer.’ ’
Sunday 6:80 p. m. Epworth League
E. T. Luthy o f Bend, Oregon w a s! Clarence Hunt, w ife and baby o f the
here the first o f the week visiting with Wakk) Hills and Mrs’ Henry Mi|,er of
Sunday 7:30 p.m. Church service with
his brother C. A. Luthy.
The family Sublimity were business vi.itors here
sermon by the pastor on “ The Coming
went to Salem today to eat turkey
City Election or The Demand o f a High
with their mother, Mrs. Peter Luthy.
There will l e
John Mielke drove the new Oakland Sense o f Civic D uty.”
over from Salem Monday.
The car ia a prelude to the evening sermon, cn
on exhibition at Korinek & Mielke’s “ W h y Christians Should D o Their
Store, and sells for $895 fully equipped. Christmas Shopping Early and Why
They Should Do It in Staytcn.”
It is a beauty, go in and see it.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shelton
are the proud owners of a new
eleven pound boy.
This Week
The first meeting o f the Ladies'
Birthday Club met at the home o f Mr.
aYid Mrs. G. L. Brown last Friday af­
The rooms were prettilv decorated
with yellow chrysanthemum and the
same color scheme waa carried out
throughout the luncheon which was
daintly served at 4 p. m.
The Club
presented the hostess with a beautiful
cut glass vase.
Mrs. T. W. Creech o f
Linn county w a s accepted u t h e
twelfth member.
Owing to a misun­
derstanding o f one o f the members,
the name o f Mrs. G. P. Korinek « a s
left out when publishing the namea of
tne members in last week’s Mail.
Teachers training cla
7:30 r p. m.
Union Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30
p. m.
Ladies Aid Meeting Friday aftemoen.
Junior Choir Practice Saturday 3 p. m.
Mrs. Putnam desires all children o f
Stayton to come.
Bible School Lord’s Day 10 a. m.
Preaching Service Lord’s Day 11 a. m.
Subject— “ Uplifting The C h rist’ ’
Communion 12 m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Preaching Service
7:30 p. m.
Subject— “ The Authority o f Jesus.’ ’
The pleasant laxa-
R . L . Putnam, Pastor.
Hive syrup o f figs and
’ senna. Fine for little
ly all were accompanied by their fam­
ilies, so you see it makes quite a crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Streff have been mar­
ried nearly fifty years, and it is quite
possible that a golden wedding will be
celebrated while the children are all
at home.
The children are: Mrs. Peter Ahrend
o f Alexander, S. D. , Matt J. Streff and
Jos. Streff o f Ft. Dodge, la.. Chas.
Streff o f Mill City, N. J. Streff, Mrs.
Jacob Spaniol, Emma Streff and Leo
Streff o f Stayton, Mrs. John Braun o f
Linn Co. and Mrs. Herman Marking of
Jake Spaniol had quite an accident Jordan.
the other evening, ask him about it.
He is a good sport and will tell the
In order to test the advertising
whole story.
value o f this paper we will allow
10c for this clipping in payment
Miss Vida Young who is attending
on $1.00 bottle o f “ A N Y OF
school in Corvallis arrived yesterday
and is spending Thanksgiving here
champ’s Drug Store.
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
H t. P le a s a n t
Nyals Cold Cream Pro­ BIG THANKSGIVING
Dr. Brewer, W. A. Weddie, Newt
Weddle, and Mrs. Or*» Weddle went to
Salem yesterday to see Oren Weddle,
who is reported to be much worse, with
another operation in prospect.
“ D odo" F. A . Pierce’ s long-haired
Angora goat from Douglas county, at­
tracted more attention and really got
more space in the city press than did
Mrs. Bert Beveres of Gates Teddy Roosevelt or W. J. Bryan, when
spent the week-end at the H. they visited the fair. Dodo had fleece
forty-one and one-half inches long, and
Shank home.
when introduced in Goat show qjrcles
Mrs D. Townes a n d Miss all other celebrities took seats far to
Miles called a t the Ed Smith the rear while the Oregon product was
triven an exalted position on a pedestal
horne Sunday evening.
in the front row.
Dodo was photo-
Roy Brenner of Stayton took a giaphed and re-photographed and the
load of dresses turkeys to West papers hailed him as the savior o f those
in need o f “ mo’ hair.”
White hair is
Stayton Saturday.
fashionable in San Francisco, and long
Lewis Ray called at the H. switches are the rage with the ultra-
ultra. It was figured out that Dodo’s
Shank home Sunday.
fleece would make at least 180 switches
John Huber shipped a load of j o f unusual length. At that rate the
fleece was figured as worth about $20
turkeys to Portland Saturday.
a pound and when it was cut there was
The Misses Mabel Townes and | something more than thirty pounds of
Anna Miles called at P. H. Lam­ | it. Mr. Pierce is said to have been
I paid more than $600 for the fleece and
berts Saturday.
the many stories revolving around that
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Shank j Douglas county goat made him one of
called at the Ed Smith home the best advestising features in con­
nection with Oregon activities at the
fair. As a freak. Dodo was a hummer,
Several from this vicinity at­ but William Riddell & Sons o f Polk
tended the play at Jordan Sat­ county, won all the championships for
Angora goats.
urday evening.
T h e Best by Test.
the W orld over. Anything
you want in Candies. Oranges and Bananas on hand
all the time. Standard Brands of Tobaccos and Cigars.
W e handle Confections and Tobaccos in large quantities
See Us First.
Tobacco Coupons
Redeemed in your own city at no cost for postage or registra­
tion. Bring your coupons to me, I have over $200.00 worth of
premiums on hand now. Magazines and Newspapers.
i. A. HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor,
Is What Every Customer Says, Who Buys Goods At The Woolen Mills
Our immense stock of Blankets, Dress Goods, Woolen Shirts, Sox and Underwear are at your service to select from, to make a nice servicable Christmas present to relatives or friends,
you can purchase these NOW and we will lay aside and preserve them for you until called for at your pleasure.
the expiration of this PRE-HOLIDAY SALE.
o f 10 % on all goods except contract goods.
This present will be FREE.
We are going to give away one o f the finest Dress Patterns we have at
Further information regarding same at the Woolen Mill Store., We will during this sale, give a reduction
We can positively save you money on your Woolen purchases, as you are buying direct from the Manufacturers.
CO.. S T A Y T O N . ORE.