THE STAYTON MAIL H a s th e L a r g e s t C irc u la tio n o f A n y P a p e r ¿1 st Y e a r, N o . 42. S T A Y T O N , AUMSVILLE CORN SHOW WAS DECIDED SUCCESS in t h e S a n t i a m V a l l e y — I t C o v e r s t h e T e r r i t o r y L i k e a B l a n k e t . M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , OREGON EDITORS MEET IN SALEM SLOPER WILL BUILD N O V EM BER 11, 1915. S e ria l N o . 1 0 2 6 ELECTRIC LIGHT CO.GETS SUBLIMITY FRANCHISE TAKEN TO BEAVERTON STREET GETS CLEANED Clarenc» Swales, an 11-year-old boy The property owners along Third V. Dare Sloper hna made all arrange­ of near Slver Creek Falls waa taken Street got busy this week and scraped ment« to start building a modern live- to Salem yesterday by Deputy Smith up most of the loose mud from the top room bungalow on the lot In the rear of The Aumavillr corn »how, In »««»ion Over one-hundred of the editors of and George Keerh, where he was sent A deal of considerable importance of the macadam into piles and had it the Sloper Drug Store. The work will Friday :.uturil»y, rloaed with n | Oregon met in Salem November 5-u at to t h e Beaverton Home by Judge was made by the manager of the Stay- hauled away. Part of the street has go through with a rush, and it is ex­ •perial M»»ion attended by more than pected that Mr. and Mrs. Sloper will the Annual Editorial Association date. Bushy. ton Electric Light Co., C. EL Taylor, since been washed with the fire hose 2O0, addreaaed by L. J. Chapin, who the latter part of last week, when he and h u a much more pleasing look, es­ move into their new home by Dec. 1. The meeting was held in the state Illustrated his lecture with atereoptican Grant Murphy Is to superintend the i house in the hall of representatives, Turkeys, turkeys, Sell your turkeys obtained a twenty-five year franchise pecially when one wants to cross. •lid«». and many a budding would be repre- in the city of Sublimity for the trans­ The macadam is holding up quite building, assisted by J. E. Sloper and to W. F. Klecker. The ahow wai a succcaa In every re­ others. ' sentative got to sit in one of those easy mission of and sale of lights and power. well, and if it only had a top coating of | chairs provided for the chosen from aped, not only from the large numlwr A contract with the city of Sublimity bitumen next summer we would have of antrlea and flne quality of the ex­ was also signed up for five years for a first-class street. among the people. hibit», but alao from the large attend­ the furnishing of street lights to the The entire time from Friday morning ance each aeaaion. For the 100 ear minimum number of twenty. {to late in the afternoon wan spent in prile, there waa M entries, three for discussion of subjects dear to an edi- Mr. Taylor is a hustler and is to be the beat general display and 20 for the . tor’s heart, whether he be high or low. congratulated on securing the concess­ beat 10 ear* displayed. Many entries 1 The Commercial Club of Salem had As stated last week the dedicatory ion as we understand several parties were made of awoet corn and popcorn. The Seio Dramatic Club, which drew I provided a splendid banquet a t the program of the new high school building were after it. Saturday afternoon, a board for the a crowded house here a few weeks ago Marion Hotel for the visiting newspa­ wiil be held tomorrow night, Novem­ Work will commence on the new line coming year waa elected, of which C. with "Jim, the Westerner," will again per men and their wives, and to say ber 12, in the spacious assembly room as soon as possible, and in the mean­ Marshal Downing, upon phone mes­ I). McCulley ia president, O. E. Darby, be In Stsyton with a better comedy-; that it was enjoyed would be but stat- of the new building. time the work on the plant here is pro­ sage, from Sheriff Bodineof Linn coun­ | ing a mild truth. The meeting of the vica-prcnident, T. W. Johnson, secre­ drama next Thursday, November IS. State Superintendent J. A. Churchill gressing nicely, and soon wi II be in a ty, arrested a young man, named Jo*. tary; H. C. Von Hchren, treasurer, and Gridiron Club after the banquet was will be here and give the principal ad­ condition t o furnish any amount of Robinson, just at the north end of town "Tennessee’s Partner" is the title of Clair Donker, trustee. This board ia the big 4-art feature, and it is brimful but one more proof that editors can dress. He will be accompanied b y juice for lights and power. yesterday. It is alleged by the Linn already laying plana for next year. county authorities that Robinson broke County Supt. W. M. Smith, and F. L. of sparkling cornedv from the start to talk aa well ns write. The following were awarded prizes: the finish. It is a story of the palmy The Saturday morning aewion was Griffin and Miss Helen Cowgill of the into a ranger’s cabin about 32 miles Charles E. Colvin, third on single days of Nevada, when the old-timers j I spent at the state house listening to O. A. C. will also give talks. east of Sweet Home, and also rr* the ear yellow dent corn. telephone wires. Sheriff Bodine came The program has been well arranged won ami lost a fortune in a day, and many good addresses, not the least J. W. Kay, first on 10 ears yellow deals with Tennessee Kent a high spir- | among which was the editor of the und everyone is cordially invited by the over in the afternoon and took Robin­ deni; llrat on 10 ears white dent; first I ted girl from the Blue Kidge mount-, Oregonian. The noon luncheon waa school hoard and the school faculty to son to Albany. He will probably be on popcorn; second on sweet corn and ains, and Caleb Swan, a miner of the ' taken at the State Hospital as guests be present, not only to hear the pro­ tried in the Federal Court at PortUnd. first on individual display, as the alleged crime occurred on re­ old and fast disap[icaring type. You | of the Board of Control, Gov. Withy- gram, but to inspect the new building. Teachers training class Wednesday A. Kerry, first on sweet corn and will want to see it sure, aa these peo­ combe, Secretary Olcott Hnd Treasurer serve land. Of coarse this is entirely free, and no 7:30 p. m. Kay. third on individual display. one who is the least interes>.*d In bet­ ple have passed the amateur class and Union Prayer meeting at the M. E. After the noon luncheon, which was ter schools, and who can possibly come, C. Zimmerman, third on 10 ears yel­ put on a real show, Prices 15 and 35c church-Thursday 7:30 p. m. low dent. all that could possibly be desired, the should stay at home. at the Star Theatre. Ladies Aid Meeting Friday afternoon. visitors went through the hospital and 8. J. Corulit, thin! on sweet corn and Junior Choir Practice Saturday 3 p. m. aecond on individual corn display. noted that everything was clean, sani­ Bible School Lord’s Day 10 a. m. W. K. Harris, aecond on 10 ears of tary and comfortable for the unfortu­ Preaching Service Lord’s Day 11 a. m. nate people who are the inmates. white dent corn. Message to be given by Mr. Hutton The penitentiary was next visited, Clair Donker, first on single ear yel­ That the Hammond-Bishop Sale here of Anti Saloon League. and a band concert by the inmates list­ low dcnt;aecond on 10 eara yellow dent; is a success is proven beyond a coul t. Communion 12 m. first on 100 cars yellow dent. ened to that fairly made the heavy Already the shelves look depleted, and Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. walls tremble. C. 8. Bowne, second on single ear the crowd that attended on opening day 7:30 p. n . yellow dent and third on 100 ears yel­ J. P. Wilbur of the Wilbur Woolen Preaching Service last Friday, was a record f< r On Saturday, November 18, I w ill1 Taking it all in all, it was one of the Union mass meeting in Opera House at low dent. sales. have a special sale of ali kinds of fruit most pleasant experiences the writer, Mills Co. of this place has commenced 7:80 p. m. C. I. Crane,second award on popcorn. and nut trees in front of the Hobson & who with his better half were among the erection of a modern California Mr. Hammond is well pleased, ard Everybody invited to these services. Clarence Forrette, first on 100 ears Gardner store in Slayton. The trees the number, hail ever had. a n d he bungalow on the land opposite the mill. has made further inroads on his | rices K. L. Putnam, Pastor. to induce careful buyers to take ad­ white dent. are here, come and see what you wunt. knows that he voices the sentiment of Contractor Douglas of Salem has the every member of the association when O. J. Ruble, second on 10 ears of Prices are reasonable Fred Kaufman contract for the building, which is to vantage of this remarkable chance to he thanks Salem, Salem’s Commercial be finished about February 1st. flint corn. The Methodist church choir met this buy the best at the lowest. Owner. Club and the Board of Control for their Those having exhibits at the corn The bungalow is a six room, steam week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. Notice the ad in this issue of the splendid entertainment. »how were: T. H. Hunt, William Cox, | heated; modern throughout and will be B. Lockhart. Last week the organiza­ Mail and govern youselves accor. in^ v. Hugh Kuenzli, A. Anhock, W. L. Diel, built oJithe best material obtainable, tion met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wood, C. W Kell, B. F. Dough preferably of Stayton manufacture. A Stanley Starr. Mr. Starr has charge ty, Z. Webh. Cora Calloway, Kollie The newly organized Epworth League | full size cement basement wiil be un­ of this body of singers and is rapidly If you wish a beautif i Galloway, P. M. Albtia, John Kusy, J.- getting things musical in good shape. of the Methodist church sent three del- j der the entire house. Clear, satiny skin free from all bk - H. Strayer, Mrs. J. K. Ixwis and John egates to the Salem convention last . ishes, roughness, irritation caused Albus. week. They were Misses Nellie Shreve j Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Doll entertained GRACE-MACK "Who Pays’’is oneof the clearest,and and Gladys and Verda Hamman. The about a dozen friends and relatives at cold winds and rain, use Nyal’s gre • beat picture that ever came to Stay ton. delegates will report the convention to their home in the east part, of town, less cream, 25 a n d 50cent sizvs . t Each night is complete in itself, but the league members at the next regu­ Sunday, Nov. 7. The occasion was in Beauchamp’s Drug Store. A quiet wedding took place at the GETS BAD FALL the main thread runs through them all, lar meeting next Sunday night. The M. E. church parsonage in Salem, on honor of Mr. and Mrs. Doll’s 4th wed­ "who pays” for the tears, heartaches first service held by the league since Thursday, November 4, when Miss ding anniversary. Those present were Nello Mack, John Fehlen ar.d Loom ^ and wrongs committed. A great moral organization last week was held last Ethel Mae Mack of this city and Hugh Jno. Thoma and family, John Kerber Rossell started to Snow Peak yest^ • Ed Meier, one of Snbhmity’s mer­ h-saon every Saturday nignt a t the Sunday night with an attendance of and wife, Frank Kerber, Misses Mary- day where they will trap and fish for n chant«,slipped and fell on the wet side­ Star Theatre, yet full of pathos and twenty-five young people. Following Theodore Grace of Silverton were unit­ Frank and Marie Henkle. ed in marriage. Rev. R. N. Avison few weeks. walk, Monday night, striking a hitch­ feeling. The price for this great pic­ are the officers elected at the business read the Methodist ring service in the ing post in front of the blacksmith ture will remain the same, 5 and 10c. meeting recently held: President, H. E. presence of only immediate relatives. shop and cutting a severe gash in his C. A. Silbernagel of Jordan has his Dr. Brewer removed the tonsils fr< in Bennet; in charge of the religious or The bride is the only daughter of A .-; jaw. Dr. Brewer had t o take six spiritual department, Mrs. E. B. Lock­ L. Mack and is very well known here apples dried and he is glad of it. He the 7-year-old daughter of Mrs. Jc' n stitches in the cut to bring the edges is now ready to sell them to the person Rands of near Shelburn on Monday of See W. F. Klecker before vou sell hart; in charge of the literary depart­ where she has grown from childhood to together. this week. your turkeys. ment, Chaa. Burmester; .at the head womanhood. The groom is the eldest who will pay him the most. of the mercy and help department, Miss sjn of Theodore Grace and is a native Nellie Shreve; manager of the social Silverton son, having betn born and department, Clyde Hoffer; Sec-Treas., raised there, where he is well known. A. D. Gardner; organist, Gladys Ham- Immediately after the ceremony Mr. man. and Mrs. Grace left for a two-week’s Another important step in the Ep- visit at San Francisco. IcHgue v.ork planned by the young peo­ After the first of the year the young Average Figure, no side steel . . . 98c ple of the Methodist church is the for­ couple will beat home to their friends at Average Fisrure. nied. bust, long skirt . $1-50 mation of a junior longue with special the residence ot the bride’s father in Slender Figure, free hip bone . . 1.50 singing by the members o n certain this city. Empire bust, no side steel . . . 2.00 Sunday mornings, and special sermons Window, Tooth Paste in the Full Figure, extra heavy front steel . 2.00 by the pastor, to the children. DEDICATION OF SCHOOL TOMORROW NIGHT DRAMATIC CLUB WILL RETURN ARREST ALLEGED HOUSE BREAKER SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAMMOND-BISHOP SALE IS SUCCESS WILL BUILD MODERN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW SPECIAL SALE OF FRUIT AND NUT TREES “WHO PAYS” IS WELL RECEIVED See Our Tooth Paste Royal W orcester Corsets ONE SPOONFUL GIVES ASTONISHING RESULTS With an inexpensive brush and your choice of our tooth paste, you c a n An exceptionally good number for those wanting a strong cornet Fancy Ribbons and Silks Leading Brands, 10c to 25c I handle fancy ribbons and silks in all shades and widths, for sale for makj ing Holiday Gifts. Come and look ov­ er my stock at the Roy house in my Millinery Parlors. Mrs. Dena Mack. Mina Taylor House Dresses Made in full size of good material and priced reasonably. We now carry the extra sizes up to 50 in. bust measure. Priced from 98c up to $1.87 Koverall House Dress Aprons, 75c From reports received here, Mrs. W. Stayton residents are astonished at N. Pintler is somewhat improved at the quick results from the simple mix­ the Sanitarium in Portland, and Mrs. ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., E. C. Peery is so much recovered that known as Adler-i-ka. This remedy acts she will probably be brought to her o-i both upper and lower bowel and! home in Scio in the next two weeks. i s s o thorough a cleanser t h a t j it is u s e d successfully i n appen­ Mrs. J.M . Shepherd and baby daugh­ dicitis. One spoonful o f Adler-i-ka relieves almost any case of constlpa-i ter and Mrs. Chas. Gehlen and son left tion, sour or gnssy stomach. One min­ 1 hursday morning for La Grande, Ore­ ute after you tnko it. the gasses rum­ gon where they were called by the ser­ ble and passout. V. Dare Sloper drug­ ious illness of their mother at that place. gist. preserve your teeth. Fur Trimmings in Black ar.d Brown from 35c to $1.00 per yd. Sloper’s Drug Store i am ■ a r a jw a — i iWi— an— Mayo’s Cash Store uaa L E T U S CALL YOUR A T T E N T IO N To Woolen Merchandise That Will Sell Between Now And The Holidays, And Wi:h Which We Are Well Supplied. We will have something new to tell you of interest to the woolen buyer. Last week we gave you three reasons why woolen goods would be higher, now we will give you three more. $14,000,000 worth of blankets and uniform cloths sold to the Allies in the past year and shipped out of the country. est priced wool known in the world in 59 years. Watch This Space From Week to Week. 300,000 bales of wool shortage in Australia alone, making the high- Tariff restored on wool by next Democratic Congress is conceded to he a sure boost for higher prices yet. you any of our stock of Blankets, Dress Goods. Mackinaws. Shirts, Underwear. Etc. at low price wool rates. terns, No Two Alike, latest styles in Eastern Novelties. Buy blankets now! Dress up now! Just received in tine high grade woolen dress goods. 50 beautiful dress pa. It will cost more later on. You get a valuable coupon with each dollar’s purchase. G^t details at the mill. For this month we will r- ? WILBUR WOOLEN MILLS CO. STAYTON, OREGON. If it’s made of Wool, we make it.