The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 04, 1915, Image 7

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AMNUUNrKMKNT to our twin».*
throuahvut l he I’», id. Northwest
I*I* c « h 1 under the m*rtair«rr»#nt o f
N K ('lark*, who wan for many y«*r*
rofmocUd with (ha PuitUnd <orn«llu«
and Haw aid Hotel*. and who will always
aatand to all a cordial walcwma
Commenrlnir November l«t wa shall In*
augurata tha Amarican plan In sonnaatlon
with tha ICurufaan plan
Wa solivit your patrunaga.
American l»Un. IS to |6 pw day.
European Flan. II per day up.
Hamit at onea and
deduct no co»nir»U
•Ion Hhlp us rour
vaal. ho««, poultry.
IU7 Krönt Ht.. Portland. Oregon
We pay cash
• f n . au .
D allas-C olu m bia Line
H»ala o f Washington, for Tha Dallas dally at.
Humlay II p m I«**v« Dallas daily as Monday
I*' M. Sbramare J. N. Tasi. Inland Empire ami
Twin Cttta« for Dpp**r Colombia and Hnaka rlvor
pointa Taylor Ht. Dusk Tal Main til.
im i
It ls A i
Tem ei I « , PwtLaJ
Didn’t Face Him.
Hompton -That clear you're amok
Inc la strong enough to kill a mule.
Rhodes—O’wsn! I’ve been smoking
these for year*.—I’ hiladelphla Hulte-
iOStlt SUtflY PttVEMTfl
tMt uktrt ilk a *aa«isM fail.
Urli« far bo.«i-t «ad la»«t»'*aUlr
try Cattw 's
fr ic a d . fresh. ra ll»L j« prWerrwl l»f
\v ostarti «u>« tü rm i « i u H tftcy are-
10 S«as pk««
ID t»M »•«•
liM k lH PHI« Il N
Olsdklof Pill« 4 M
l a
liUartur. but Cuti«r*S breL
Tha sopartoHiy of ruttar product I« du« to curer K
t — r% of
«t>artai(iirif In i i u I n h a«S a r u a i ssly.
la«IM «S C w tt«r'«
If unuM alnahi« «M a r rllrert
T »l| C U T T I R L A B O R A T O R Y , OarfcaUy. C s llf S fS it
It Wat a Family Squabble.
"You must not do your squabbling
here," «aid the bead waiter. "If you
wish to settle your differences you
niuat go outside.”
'■Why «o7" a«ked the man. "Don’t
you advertise this place aa a fauitly
hotel 7’’— Detroit Free I'reas.
Tima Enough to Btgln.
“ You may luuith. but I can truthfully
aay that my wife r.nd I have not had a
altigle disagreement since we were
"Thal’a a good deal for any married
couple to aay. Whan were you mar­
ried ?
"Yesterday." Halt (more Amertcun
Shake In to T ou r S h oes
i h n ’i fa o t.E u a . ■ powder for the fart. It r u n s
painful, awollan, .martin«, awaelln« art. Malta«
saw .hues aa.jr. S .1.1 by all Dru««Uta and Shoe
Rtorwe. Don't arraet any substitute.«
FkkK. U l M A M nim al-l
Huy. N Y.
An Eye for th* Future.
Goldsmith Would you like any
name or motto engraved on It. alr7
Customer (who has chosen an en­
gagement rlnitl Ys-yea um. Augustus
to Irene And ah—look here, don't
ah—look here, don't ah—cut Ireue
very deep,—London 1‘unch.
I W ANT to prove It to your tatl.faction. If
you have Khaumatfem. ai .it. nr no mat­
ter what yaur ronJHoo. - write today for my
and Cora
Thousand, call it "Tha moat
ful bo..U *var written ” Ihm't avnd a .tam p- lt*a
JESSE A. CASE, • »«. Brockton. Maaa.
I'akln, C h in a -W h ile outward calm
prevail« In I'akln, Japan’s communica­
tion haa caused excitement in official
circles, aa It la feared thla la only a
prelude U> further action.
It la In­
comprehensible to the Chinese why
Japan choaa tha present moment to
hand in tha communication, aa the
secret aarvlce must hava informed the
Tokia government two months ago that
a monarchy was suraly coming.
The communication is more likely to
cause trouble than to prevent it, by
encouraging the revolutionist* with
the idea that foreign powers are
against the restoration o f the mon­
archy, and thus strengthening the op-
position to it.
Foreigners and Chinese realise that
the raatoration movement has gone so
far that It is impossible to atop it.
Japan's action is all the more strange,
considering that Premier Okuma a
fortnight ago said that the restoration
of the monarchy was China's domestic
affair, that it had been decided on and
that be was convinced it would be
Chinese government, he said, was
fully able to control any situation
\rbich might arise ana Japan bad no
right to interfere.
In some quarters Japan’s communi­
cation 1s considered an impertinence.
It is said here that the Russian min­
ister had not received any intimations
from his home government, but accom­
panied the Japanese Charge d’ Affairee,
Obata, with the object of fully under­
standing the situation should compli­
cations arise.
The French minister did not attend,
because he was not invited and hod no
instructions from his home govern­
Whether the British minister was
advised by his government is not
known, but It is most significant that
before Obata presented the communi­
cation be waited for the British min­
ister to speak.
Both ths British and Rusaian min­
isters remained silent, forcing Obata
to read the communication.
The elections are still guing on, and
as no attempt is being mode to alter
the voting schedule, the monarchy un­
doubtedly will be decided on.
Í w U w W A v V W xvx
To Cleanse
and Heal
Deep Cuts
You must, first, tret
the stomach work­
ing properly, keep
the liver active and
the bowels open.
You can help
Nature by taking
B IT T E R S ^
Gee W o
Barrereful Huns
Hla succoitRful herb­
al rrnwtlies cure sll
kind« o f ailments of
men and women with­
out operation.
from the wonderful
Chine*« herb*, roots,
buds and vegetables, which are unknown to
the medical science o f this country.
Write for blank and circular*.
Send stamp.
The C. Gee W« Chinese Medicine C«.
PBIV First St.. Portland. Or*.
Mrntinn Pspar.
r. N.
W IIE N writ In« ta ,
tie s tk la papar.
N o. 41. I I I !
Gsnsrsl Staff Favored.
London — Simultaneously with the
newspaper demands for a smaller cab­
inet, which apparently resulted in Pre­
mier Asquith adopting as a compro­
mise the constitution in definite form
o f an inner war council, there has
arisen in various influential quarters
an advocacy o f a creation of a general
staff on tha German plan. The W eek­
ly Nation, in an article on this subject,
says it believes the lack of such a body
has been responsible for all the graver
errors o f the war. It points out the
advantages attained by the Germans.
B o m it on hand
Balsam of Myrrh
__________A L I N I M ■ N T
For Cuts, Bums,
Bruises, Sprains,
Strains, Stiff Neck,
Chilblains, Lame Back,
Old Sores, O pen W ounds,
and all External Injuries.
M ade Since 18 4 6 .
Price 25c, SOc and $1.00
n i l Dealers
U U H I b l d * SYKALX'St. M t *
, .
Poor Fellow.
He—Do you know Foe's Raven?
She —Why. no. What’s the matter
with him?—Club Fellow.
W onderful How
Resinol Stops Itching
To those who have endured for
years the Itching torment of eczema
or other such skin-eruptions, the re­
lief that the first use of Resinol Oint­
ment and Resinol Soap gives Is per­
fectly Incredible. After all the suf­
fering they have endured and all
the useless treatments they spent
good money for, they cannot believe
anything so simple, mild and inex­
pensive can stop the itching and burn
lng INSTANTLY! And they find It
■till more wonderful that the Im
provement Is permanent and that Res
lnol really drives away the eruption
completely In a very short time. Per
haps there is a pleasant surprise like
this In store for you. Resinol Oint­
ment and Kesluol Soap are sold by all
Enhanced By Perfect Physi­
cal Health.
The experience o f Motherhood Is a try­
ing one to most women and marks dis­
tinctly on epoch in their lives. Not one
woman in s hundred is prepared or un­
derstands how to properly care for her­
self. O f course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical treatment at such
times, but many approach the experi­
ence with an organism unfitted for tha
trial o f strength, and when it is over
her system has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Following
right upon this comes the nervous strain
o f caring for the child, and a distinct
change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
«happy and healthy mother o f children,
Teutons to Attack Canal.
and indeed child-birth under the right
Paris, via Rome— The Austo-Ger- conditions need be no hazard to health or
tnans are preparing a new offensive beauty. The unexplainable thing is
against the Sues canal, according to that, with all the evidence o f shattered
an Athens dispatch to the Tribuna, nerves and broken health resulting from
which adds that the British have made an unprepared condition, and with am­
gigantic preparations to meet such on ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial.
Among other things, they have
Every woman at this time should rely
flooded the land along the canal, leav­
ing the fortifications just standing out upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
o f the water, the defenders being Compound, a most valuable tonic and
amply supplied with provisions by gun­ In vigors tor o f the female organism.
In m a n y homes
Germans Restrict Meat,
London— German newspapers publish
the schedule prepared by the German
Federal Council in pursuance o f the
decision to restrict consumption o f
meat. The schedule as forwarded by
Reuter’s Amsterdam correspondent is
as fo llo w s:
Mondays and Thursdays
— Restaurants shall offer no meat, fish
or fowl, or dishes cooked in lard or
Tuesdays and Fridays—
Butchers shall sell no meats.
day»— Pork shall not be sold.
mro *iwajr* in dvmand Thur« U
m good
you ran prepare for it. HOLM ES Training
V eg eta b les— Arti* hokee.
7 i« M c
d o z e n , tom a toes, 1 0 « 4 0 c per b o x ; c a b -
b a g«, l c per p ou n d , g a r lic , l i e ; peppers,
4 « i c : eg g p la n t. 4 « l c , sp rou ts, 8 « 1 6 c :
h orsera d ish , 10c; ca u liflo w e r, 00c « 21 2i
per d o z e n ; c « l« r y , t o « 7 0 c ; beans, 8 « lue
per p ound
■ G reen
F ru ita— A pples, 7 ic « 2 1 72 per
b o x , pears, 21 « 1 1 et>. g ra p es, 8 6 < :« | fl6
per e r s ta ; i-aaabas, l f t c per p ou n d : c r a n ­
b erries, 12 5 « « 1 0 per barrel.
P ota toes— O regon , * t « 0 0 c ; Y ak im a f t
per aa ek. aweata, 21 0 0 « 2 per hundred
O n ion s— O reg on
B u y in g p rice, 21 26
f. o. b. «h ip p in g point.
E g g s— O reg on ranch , b u y in g p ric e s: No.
I, 36c; No.
20c; N o 2. 20c p er d osen .
J o b b in g p ric e s: No. 1, 3 t « 4 0 r .
P ou ltry — H en s, l l « 1 4 c ; sp rin gs, 1 2 «
14c; tu rk ey s, 1 7 « l t c ; d u ck s, w h ite, 1 2 «
'lu r e d , 1 0 « H e ; g eese, 2 « 19c.
R u tter— C ity cre a m e ry cu bes, ex tra s.
21 t i c ; fir s t«, 20c, p rin ts and ca rton s, e x ­
P rice « paid la p ra d u aw ai C otin try
crea m ery , 2 2 « 2 t f c ; , b u tte r fs t, p rem iu m
qu a lity , 32c; N o. 1 a v e r a g e qu ality , 21c;
V ea l— F a n c y , OM OlOc per pound.
P o rk — R lock , l* A « 0 c p er pound
H o p s — lO li crop , 3 « l i e per pound.
H id es— Halted hides, l i e ; salted kip,
t i c ; Malted ca lf, 13c; g re e n hides, 12S ic;
g reen kip, l i e ; g reen c a lf, l i e ; d ry hides,
l i e ; d r y c a lf, 27c.
W o o l— liiis t e m O regon . 1 3 « 2 3 c ; V a lley ,
2 7 0 28c; fall la m b s' w ool, 2 1 « 2 ic .
M oh a ir— O regon , 2 7 « 3 0 c per pound.
C a s c a r a Mark— Old an d new , 2 Vi « 4 c
per p ound
P elts— D r y lon g -w on ted pelts, lS V tc:
d ry s h o r t-w o o le d pelts, llV ic ; d * ry ah<
sh ear­
lings. 10« l i e e a c h ; salted shearil ings. l i
13c e a c h ;
iZ ic e a c h : d ry g oat, lon g hair, IS
ry g o a t sh ea rlin g s. 1 0 « 2 0 c e a c h ; salted
lo n g -w o o le d pelts, S ep tem ber. 7 i c « f l . 2 i
H olm es B usiness College
ey«* and an ld « l eye waah. Keep
ftm ty«s mil *ad toy «nil Kelp keep you.
Best Part.
Long speeches make no hit these days
Most of the people I could mention
Grow cheerful when the speaker says,
"I thank you for your kind atten­
Oxgall Drusuu arm* N
LJL u mm mam d pea
Itt RWer 8t Trey. N. Y.
Th is Baking Powder
Keeps Its Strength
The large can o f K G lasts longer
than 25 cents worth o f other baking
pow ders but no matter how long it
takes the user to get to the bottom
the last spoonful is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. K G raises
the nicest, lightest biscuits, cakes
and pastry you ever ate, and it is
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
tie .
Portland—The strong export de­
mand is the feature of the salmon
Domestic trade has been
good all the season, and with foreign
business increasing the situation is
entirely satisfactory at this end. and
there is every prospect that the pack
will be entirety cleaned up.
European orders heretofore this sea­
son have been for medium grades, and
a large quantity of Alaska reds and
sllversides has been disposed of. Now
the London trade Is becoming interest­
ed in fancy Columbia River Chinooks,
an Inquiry of this kind having been
received yesterday.
The British steamer City of Corinth,
now loading on the Sound, will reach
Portland the latter part of the week,
and will take on between 5000 and
10.000 cases of salmon here for Lon­
don. The steamer Tampico left down
the river carrying 250 tons of salmon
for west coast points.
The steamer Yucatan will reach As­
toria in a few days with about 36.000
cases of Alaska fish, and the steamer
Despatch ia also due there from Alas­
ka with a salmon cargo. All the Port­
land salmon ships are now in.
Eastern salmon orders are also in­
creasing. a new development of the
trade being the booking of new busi­
ness with Boston. A still heavier ton­
nage could no doubt be disposed of but
for the interruption of Panama Canal
traffic. The blockading of the canal
and the congestion of freight at Gal­
veston has left the Eastern markets
lightly supplied, and some grades of
salmon are practically unavailable
The total shipments of canned salm­
on by land and sea from American
ports for the present year up to Sep­
tember 1 were 2,676.795. as compared
with a total of 1,801,896 for the same
period last year. Inasmuch as a large
percentage of the Alaska pack for this
year had not reached San Francisco
by September 1, thla season, the pack­
ers expect that more recent shipments
will show a still greater increase over
the shipments that were made last
year. In the first part of the year,
before the current season’s pack be­
gan to move. Puget Sound exported
850.000 cases of salmon to Great Brit­
ain, double the quantity exported to
that country last year.
A n A n g e l o f th e A e ro p la n e .
Andrew Carnegie said the other day
Dyer—How did Litely overcome
Gotrox’s objection to him as a pros*
at Bar Harbor:
"How war sours the sweetest of us! pectlve son-in-law?
I was talking this morning with a lit­
Ryer—He taught him a new danct
tle girl whose father is a member of step.
the British legation and she clasped
her little hands and looked up at the
blue sky devoutly, and sighed:
The Old and Reliable
‘“ I wish I was an angel!'
Or. I saac Thompson’s
“ 'And what would you do. my dear,’
I asked, 'if you were an angel?’
" ’I'd fly right over those Germans,'
she answered, 'and drop poiaon bombs
on them night and day.' ’’
im botli • remedy fo r « «sk.
13c; 4 *w en. lO ^ c .
! it Tmá. r * tM Or.
"Th* School that u*U you a good position.
C attle— C h olre steers, 1« 7.064 85: m e d ­
ium , 25 25 © 4 75: c h o ic e co w s. 2 5 9 5 5 « ;
g ood
ood, , 2t 5 0 «4 .7 5 ; m ediu m . 2 3 .7 5 « 4 26;
h eifers. 23 5 0 « 4 ; bulla, 2 3 0 4 6 «; sta g s.
24 6005.26
H og s— I-lght, 2 4 7 5 9 7 ; h ea v y, 25 7 5 «
P o u ltry — D u ck s, liv e,
1 0 «1 2 c;
d ressed,
h ea v y, 1 2 « 1 4 c . sp rin gs, 26c: live,
sq u a b s, live, 12 d o s e n ; dressed
g eese, 14c.
W h e a t— B lu estem , 31c; tu rk ey red. 32c;
fo r ty fo ld , 31c; club, 28c; fife , 27c; red
R usaian, S7c.
H arley. 222.60 p er ton.
Y e s te r d a y '« c a r r e c e ip t « :
W h ea t, 140;
oata. 12: b a rley , 7; h ay, 47; flou r. 6.
S heep— W eth ers, 24 7 6 « f 26; ew es, 2 4 «
5 6«; lam bs. 25 W « 7 25
W h e a t— B lu estem , 23c: fo r ty fo ld , 21c;
club. 2 «c: red fife, l i e ; red R ussian,
l l a v —C lov er. 3 1 4 « 17; Id ah o tim oth y ,
I 2 0 « 2 1 ; K llenaburg, 2 1 2 9 2 « . m ixed , 2 1 7 «
18; a lfa lfa . 2 1 5 «1 L
F e e d —C o m . 22 60 37; w h ea t. 236032 ;
w h ole ba rley . 221932 ; rolled, 232; rolled
oata. 131: w h ole oa ts, 23«; bran . 226.
ahorta, 227.
A p p le s— J on ath an s, 21 4 0 «1 .5 0 ; G rim es
G olden. 21 3 6 « 1 4«. R om a n B ea u ties and
W ln eaap s. »1 354*1 50.
F resh M eats— S teers, l l V i R l l c : h eifers.
11c; w eth er*, llVOc: d ressed h og s, 10c;
trim m ed aides. 16V4c: com b in a tio n s. 16c;
D iam on d T C. lam bs, 13V2c: y< arllngs.
position ready for you j u*t
KWrht thousand tw o hundred tw «nty-*ov«n satisfWd studontaM
hav* pa— d t h r ju fh H OLM ES during th« past tw «nty-«ightE
ware. Hundred« o f th«m are now «ucc«a«ful bu«in*«« rn*n with j
nd*p«nd»rit incom ««. Our gradual«* »tart at «• firiM ranging!
from $ 4 0 to 9 1 0 0 a month
W rit« for cataiogu«. Start NOW. |
No. 2. 20c.
that the marriage of President Wilson
W h e a l— H lusstem , l i e ;
r ty fold , *0c;
club, t i c : red fit«-, t i c . red R ussian, 84c
O a t«— N o 1 w h its feed . 124 6«.
‘ H \ H » H M H
i o . p l brew in g ,
B U tm r —Ñ t H ‘ 1 H feed.
111 i o . bran. I l l 00. sh orts. 121.00
Hoot p ric e s:
liran , 224 |
.... ; . sh
. . orts,
rolled barley, 2 2 0 « to
C orn— W h ols, 117 i o p « r ton , cra ck ed ,
l i t i o par ton
H a y — E a stern D ragon tim oth y , f i t « I t ;
V alley tim oth y , $12011 a lfa lfa . 1 1 2 1 0 «
I t 10. ch eat. 9 V « 10, oata arid v etch . 1 1 1 «
A Woman's Curiosity.
and Mrs. Norman Galt will take place
Gladys—Why did you refuse him
"Are you fond of Futurist mualc?”
if you loved him?
"Can’t sny I tin Still, there's one that it will be private, at Mrs. Galt’ s
Owen—Well, you see. he said he
thing to he said In Its favor. It does
couldn't live without me. and It arous­
n't make any difference whether tha
ed my curiosity.—Sydney Bulletin.
plum. In In tune or not."
tary Tumulty :
m* *oon
Counts Up the Same.
Asker, the owner of a new car. had
been dilating on the expense of its
maintenance, and Stranger, not to be
outdone, began to boost.
Late December fixed for
Stranger—It cost me $100 last year
Nuptials of Presides! Wilson for Asker—You
own a car. then?
Stranger—Oh. no. I lent the money
Washington, D. C.— It was formally to a fellow that does.—Philadelphia
announced at the White House Monday Public Ledger.
"In order to quiet speculation. Pres­
ident Wilson and Mrs. Norman Galt
have authorised the announcement that
their marriage will take place near the
close o f December. Their plans are
for a very simple ceremony. It will
be quietly performed at Mrs. Galt’s
No invitations will be
issued and it is expected that the only
geusts will be the members o f the two
fam ilies.”
P O W E g e e S lo K
Something Dramatic.
"I spik so leetle Inglls,” said the
charming French actress, "zat I hard­
ly know what to recite for xe Ameri­
"I usually recite the multiplication
table In Russian." responded the other
"That always
Movement to Restore Monarchy Now sounds Impressive."—Judge.
Be Continued as Planned.
To S uccess .
Tokio’s Warning Gives to Rebels
Much Encouragement
Beyond Stopping— Vote Must
••USE T H E R I V E R ”
F or goodness sake, use
K C.
Enthusiasm Dampened.
Missing Tribute.
Crawford—He doesn't teem to be
Manager— What's the leading lady
very enthused over h>> vacation.
in such a tantrum about?
Crabshaw—No wonder. He has to
Press Agent—She only got nine bo*
spend It in the place where he bought quets over the footlights tonight.
a house and lot.—Judge.
"Great Scott! Isn’t that enough?"
"No; she paid tor ten.” —Tlt-Bita.
L aim J v . : : « , C o lo r a d o .
ttp#*-icj«u p r u e « : Leo id .
IfiJ ter. L o t t i, Xa (iiilil, t l l l 'e f . <óc; G o ld . ÚUe Z in o
lernt ion.
or Cooper SI
- JJ
«n velopre * id * fu
ll pri<?e hot
_______ und
« 4 e m p ir e
OirtMHuU) Notumni Hook.
Slang in a Hat Store.
"What can we do for you. sir?”
"I want to buy a silk hat,”
"Yessir. Jim. show this gentleman
some periscopes."—Kansas City Jour­
Seventy tons of coal a day will car­
ry an ordinary battleship along at the
cruising speed of 10 to 12 knots; but
to drive her at 20 or more, five times
that amount must be used.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure
constipation. Constipation is the cause
of many diseases. Cure the cause and
you cure the disease. Easy to take.
V P o o r B l o o d __
Is the indirect cause of much
winter sickness—it allows chills,
invites colds and sickness.
A Gleam of Hope.
“ I hear that Bilter's daughter eloped
with his chauffeur."
"Y'es. and Bilter wired his forgive­
"What did he do that for?"
"He said he thought now there
might be a chance for him to use his
car.”—Philadelphia Public Ledger.
SovnuKtDrr alons makes blood—
not drugs cr liquors—and the nourish­
ing food in Scott's Emulsion charges
summer blood with winter richness
and increases the red corpuscles
Its Cod Uosr Oil warms
the body, fortifiée the hinge,
and allevia tes rheumatic
Hard on the Family.
Learned Naturalist—A cockroach
has 3,000 teeth.
Brother of Seven—What an awful
time the family will have when the
baby cockroaches are teething, sir.”—
Chicago Herald.
12. 16 AND 20 GAUGE
rHammerless Repeating Shotguns
The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest
and handsomest repeating sh otgu n on the m arket.
Although light in weight, it has great strength, because
its metal parts throughout w e made o f nickel steel. It
is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to
operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness
unknown in guns o f other makes. See one at your dealer’s or
Send to Winchester Repeating Arms
New Haven, Conn*, tor circular,
T H E L IG H T W E IG H T , N IC K E L S T E E L R E P E A T E R .
A Champion.
His Work.
Boss (to new boy)—You’re the slow­
“ You don’t mean to tell me you’re
est youngster we’ve ever had. Aren't going to invite Mr. Gink to your party!
Wheat Business Less.
you quick at anything?
Don't you know he doesn't dance?”
Portland.—Wheat busineas, both lo­
"Of course, but we've got to have
Boy—Yes. sir; nobody can get tired
cally and in the Interior, la on a much as quick as I can.—Boston Transcript. somebody to pump the pianola."
reduced scale. The present tonnage
situation amounts practically to an
embargo, and when offers were made
for wheat they were on a descending
I f you would be
h e a l t h v , s t r o n g and
scale. Bids at the Merchant#' Ex­
happy. Bath« keep the skin
change for October and November de­
clean and in good condition. But
livery were lowered 1 to 2V4 cents, and
what about the inside o f the body?
December bids were 1V4 to 4 cents
You can no more afford to neglect it
lower. No sales were posted. The
than the outside. It ia just as import­
coarse grains were also neglected.
ant that the system be cleansed o f the poisonous
November oats bids were reduced 25
impurities caused by weakness o f the digestive'organs
cents and December bids raised 25
or by inactivity o f ths liver.
cents. •
B e C le a n !
Inside and Outside
once childless there
are now children be­
cause o f the fact
that Lydia E. Pink-
barn’s V e g e t a b l e
Compound m a k e s
women norm al,
healthy and strong.
Portland.—Fresh fruit receipts dur-
the week were light, but supplies on
the street were sufficient for the quiet
trade. Apples are moving out in a
fair way with the demand chiefly for
medium-priced grades.
I f yon want special advice w rite ta
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi­
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
he opened, read and answered by a
W om an and held in strict confidence.
Portland.—The poultry and dressed
meat markets were well supplied and
the demand was fair. Prices were un­
changed. Egge were firm at former
quotations and batter was steady.
D R . P I E R C E 'S
Fruit Trade Is Quiet.
Country Produce Supply Ample.
G olden M edical Discovery
(In T a b le t o r L iq u id F o r m )
C ieantss th e system — end more. It puts the liv er In eueh s condition o f
health that it puriflaa the blood —aa it ehould.
It help« the stomach
d igest food t o that it m akes g ood blood— rich, red blood to sourish and
strengthen nil the organa.
Y ou may avail y o u rse lf o f its ton ic, re v iv ify in g influence b y gettin g E
bottle o r s box o f tablets from y ou r m edicine dealer—o r send 60c fo r o
trial box. A ddress aa balow.
" D r p ie rce ’ * Common Sense M edical A dvtaar"—a French cloth bound book o f
1006 p are* on ro re ip t of SI one-eent stu m p* to <
Dr. V .M . P iere«. Buffalo, N . Y .