The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, November 04, 1915, Image 2

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    WORLD’S D O IN G S ]
Railroad Business on Increase.
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Ferdinand, king or czar of Bulgaria,
Oermany la considering a plan of whose entry into the war on the side
bonusea and national aid for babies. of the central powers made the task
of the entente allies so much harder.
Twenty-one children were killed In
a Cathollo school fire at Peabody.
By the death of an uncle. Qlfford
Pinehot. of D. S. forestry fame, be­
comes heir to $250,000.
La Grande.—There are fewer “ dead
engtues" on the O.-W. R. A N. division
of the Union Pacific this week than In
any time for more than a year. Dally
for the past two weeks the line of Idle
engines has been diminished, until the
local supply Is uearly entirely In the
New engine crews and train crews
have been put on to meet the spurt
In business. Railroad men and ship­
pers generally attribute the major por­
tion of the latest revival In freight to
the Panama canal slide, which hln
ders steamship traffic, while transcon
tlnental busiuess Is brisk, local crops
are scarcely moving at all, fartners
holding their wheat tenaciously.
With the present sharp Increase In
business coming on before a concerted
movement of wheat from inland points
railroad officials foresee a good win
ter. Twenty machinists have been
added to the shop force here during
the fall, and from time to time.
Train crews scratched a year or
more ago are coming back to service,
two such crews being re-employed out
of here within the past day or two.
Boy Makes $830 on Acre of Spuds.
¿ fa
CKxoynr&rr o y a n rrr
10 —
H a ll Bonlatslle. artlat photographer. pra-
parva fur lha d ay's work In hla studio
r'lodls Flahvr. hla assistant, reminds him
o f a party ha la to slva In tlta studio that
night, and that hla business la In bad
ttnaiu-lal e lisp «
Mr Dorrmus. attornay
and Juatlra of lha paaca ralla and Informs
H all that hla Uncle John's w ill lias laft
hloi tt.uuu.uui on condition that ha m arry
bafora hla tw sn ty-sigh th birthday, which
begins at m idnight that night. Mrs Hans
K oyalton calls at tha studio
H all asks
har to m arry him
Bhs agrees to glva
him an answer at tha party that night.
Mias Carolyn Pwllye calls
H all proposes
to her
Bhs agrsss to glvs him an an ­
swer at tha party. Itoaamund Gala, art
■nodal, calla
H a ll tries ta rush har Into
an Immediate m a rria g e She. too, defers
har answer until lha evening Flodle tries
to show H all a csrtaln w a y out o f tha
mtxup. but ha la obtuse
Jonas Haselng-
bury. hair to tha millions In csss H all
falls ta m arry on lima, plots with Flodle
to block H a ll's -m arriage to any o f the
thrae woman before midnight
Flodle ar
ranges to have H all's thrae Intendeds
■neat at tha atudto aa If by chance C a ro ­
lyn and Koaamund coma In first and com ­
pare notes
Portland.— The chamber of com
Douglas, A r il.— Corporal Jones, of rnerce has received many letters from
Spokane women will make war In
every way possible against “ tin sol­ Company G, Seventh Infantry, late different sections of the state, attest
lng the effectiveness of the campaign
diers" and military toys of all kinds.
Monday night was shot through both of the "Flying Squadron" last week to
Mrs. John Asevedo, wtfe of a San thighs by a Carranza soldier, who arouse interest In the Manufacturers
Rafael. Cal., dairyman, gave birth to
and Land Products Show.
her ISth child In I I years Friday. The leaped from his trench at Agua Prieta,
One of the most striking letters re­
CHAPTER VII—Continued.
newest Asevedo Is a husky 10-pound shouting “ Viva Carranza,’ ’ and fired ceived came from Alfred Guggtsberg
six shots at Jones, who was on patrol a boy farmer near Drain.
Rosamund flinched, but recovered to
The letter, which resulted from the sneer, "Well, then, wbst answer did
It Is reported In New York that the near the boundary line in the rear of
visit of C. W. Robison of the “ Flying
six German officers who escaped from the custom house.
The American
you glvs him. I'd like to know!"
Squadron" to Drain, follows;
the Interned cruiser Kronprlm W il­
Carolyn was, for a moment, non­
“ C. W. Robison was at the Drain
helm have been captured by a British
Heavy firing on all sides of Agua High School today and Invited us all plused “ Oh,” she replied. Anally, “ I
Prieta was renewed at 1 o’ clock in the to come to Portland and see the Port­ didn't want to throw him down too
Germans deny that death sentences morning. The Carranza garrison has land Land and Manufacturing Show.
hard, you know. 1 said I'd let him
have been passed on any Belgians or
” 1 am unable to come, but I am very know later, so that I could break It
exploded mines along the front over
others In Belgium recently, and de­
Interested In It just the same.
to him gently."
clare that no one la on trial for espion­ which they expected the Villa charge
"I planted one acre of potatoes last
to take place.
age or treason.
“ Exactly. So did I ! ” Rosamund,
Firing is violent on the west side of
Fire, believed to have been of In­ Agua Prieta. indicating Yaqui Indians I was very successful in raising po­ triumphant, scrambled upon Carolyn'«
tatoes. It cost me just $130 for plant lifeboat. “ But I den t Intend to break
cendiary origin, destroyed a pier and
caused $500,000 loss at Seattle. The from Naco are attempting to storm the lng and harvesting, etc. I raised Just It to him very gently, after this!”
pier was owned by British agents and town from that side. A ll the Villa 1200 bushels from the one acre. The
“ No."
Carolyn reflected grimly
artillery was in action, pounding the potatoes bringing me $960, making a
oontalned war stores.
W e ought to make It Juat a little bard
Calles defenses south and west of the profit of $830 on the one acre of land
for him. don't you think? We might
R. B. Hatley, prominent farmer of
The potatoes were called the Netted
the Ewartavtlle district near Pullman, town at 1:30 o’clock, and Calles re­
even torture him a bit—If poaalble
Gem variety.”
Wash., Is the proud father of a 10- plied with guns, rifles and mines.
The queatlon la. how to do I t " She
pound son, making 20 children of
contemplated Roaamund, musing on
whom Mr. Hatley, who has passed his
H. K. Jones, a lettercarrier, was
76th milestone, is the father.
“3 don't understand It at alt!“ Koaa­
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
Freeh air cars, windowless and un­
Us.— With but six weeks of the Pan mund complained “Why In the world
heated. are to be operated on Chica­
Apparently Villa forces are making ama-Pacific exposition egg-laying con should s man act like that?"
go's elevated railway system for the
test to be run. the O. A. C. White Leg­
"My dear Miss Gale, 1 don't know.
benefit of passengers who are out-of- a big dash to storm and capture the horns have firmly established them
But 1 do know that It's Just like men.
doors devotees. The cars probably town.
selves In first place. Even if they
Yon never can tell what they'll do
will be run on half-hour schedules,
A Calles officer said:
were to lay off altogether for the re­
only one coach to a train to be un­
“ We have killed half those Yaquis.” mainder of the term their position You think you know them -you think
heated. It will be marked “ fresh air
The Yaquis under Generals Urbaiejo would still be secure. The October 1 you're perfectly safe— year« go by and
and Mendez are said to number more report shows that they are 245 eggs they seem perfectly human and ra
ahead of the nearest competitor, not tlonal—and then— plff! They explode
The Los Angeles police force has than 3000 .
counting the other O. A. C. pens— a No woman yet has ever eolved the
set the pace for other polioe bodies
lead that cannot now be overcome.
of the country by the addition of a
The three Oregon college pens con
balloon-shaped aircraft that will be
Rosamund's suavity was perfect es
tlnue their lead, Leghorns first, Ore-
used to chase criminals. The police
gons second and Barred Rocks* third. she looked Carolyn over pragmatical­
tried out the craft In a flight from
The Oregons are 62 ahead and the ly. "Funny you let Hall Bonlstelle go
Monrovia and over the city and easily
Rocks 16 ahead of the closest pen, so far with you, wasn’t It I Say, he
followed a speeding automoblllst
through the streets.
San Francisco — Only 45 out of a Adams’ Sanada White Wyandottes mint have shocked you aw fully!"
The college Rocks suffered an acci­
"Now, see hers!” said Carolyn firm­
The United States bonded ware­ total of more than 2000 American sea­ dent last month when one of them was
ly, putting her hand on Rosamund's
house on piers 34 and 35 of the Balti­
accidentally killed, that may affect arm. “There's no use In our bicker­
more & Ohio railroad at Locust Point. strict requirements of the La Follette their lead.
ing like thla. Don’t you realize that
Baltimore, Md., was destroyed by fire. seaman’s act had qualified before the
Records were destroyed and estimates local Federal steamship inspectors up
we're In the tame boat? Now. you
Loop Road Survey Made.
of the value of the contents of the to the closing of office hours Tuesday.
say you don’t want to marry Hall. I’d
warehouse varied between $300,000
like to be sure, though, before I go
Unless an order comes from Wash­
and $400,000. The building and piers ington setting aside the letter of the engineers has completed the survey any further.”
were valued at $150,000.
law and making it flexible in many the upper Hood River valley to the
“Oh, you needn't worry," cried Rosa­
Abandonment of little-used street­ respects, San Francisco shipping in­ Barlow road, the route emerging from mund, “ you can have him, eo far as
car lines, so that the copper might be terests fear that vessels scheduled to the forest reserve on the east fork of I'm concerned!”
obtained for war purposes had b e «« depart on the day the law goes into Hood river a few miles south of Park
Carolyn couldn't keep from smiling
ordered by the municipality of Kiel, effect will be held in port for want of dale. A crew will run another line
now; Rosamund was too much for her.
Germany, according to a Reuter dis­
patch from Copenhagen, which de­ clearance at the custom house.
canyon and passing around the base "Oh. thank you very much; but I have
Collector o f Customs J. O. Davis of the mountain through Elk Mead other plane for him. And we ought to
clares that the work of tearing up
three streets for this purpose has be­ said that no vessel which did not have ows.
try to find out what In tha world he'a
gun and 3000 metres of cable weighing 40 per cent of its crew list qualified
The main road will pass down the up to.”
approximately 4000 kilos (nearly sev­ under the new law would receive clear­ east side gorge, but It is proposed to
‘Do you suppose It could possibly
en tons) will thus be available.
ance papers.
run another survey with the view
a Joke?" Rosamund asked anx­
San Francisco shipping men mani­ eventually of building a road through
Greek frontier guards were attacked
by Austrians and Bulgarians, but re­ fested a pertinent interest in the new Elk Meadows.
“ It looks to me.” said Carolyn, re­
pulsed the enemy with heavy losses. law in that it possibly meant the hold­
flecting, “ as If eomabody bad slipped
The proposed plan to make all Cali­
s powder or something Into his coffee
fornia state officers strictly non-parti­ loss because seamen could not qualify
Albany.— When a light wind Satur­ Or, It may be a disease. Incipient In­
san was beaten in a state election by
While more than 350 able seamen day blew down 72 peach tree* on the sanity, perhaps. No doubt he's going
19,000 majority.
had qualified before the local inspec­ farm of A. W. Martin, seven miles east about proposing to everyone today,
A report has reached London that
as to profession examinations, the of Albany, he discovered that all had and— ”
Prince von Buelow, former Oerman
Carolyn paused. The door was open­
chancellor, will shortly submit to Pres­ stickler came in passing the physical been sawed more than half through
ident Wilson and King Alphonoso, of examination before the medical exam­ near the base of the trunk. Only four ing. Mrs. Royalton entered.
Spain, an outline of the conditions on iners in the United States Marine Hos­ trees In the whole 4-year-old orchard
which Germany might be disposed to pital.
were not sawed. The trees were Just
discuss terms of peace.
coming Into bearing, many had yielded
Launch Wrecked; Tw o Die.
a light crop this year, and next year
Mrs. Royalton, In an almost too
Winter has set In In the Russian
Port Townsend, Wash.—-The 60-foot would have been In full bearing. Mar­ vivid shads of purple, was. In contrast
war theater, according to the London
Times’ Petrograd correspondent, who powerboat Seeam was wrecked on the tin had depended upon these trees to to the two rather excited women al­
yield money to pay o ff a mortgage on ready there, calm, cool and confident.
says snow has been falling for three
days and the roads are frozen so hard north end of Whidby Island in a strong his place.
Things were going very well with
that there is no foothold for horses. gale Tuesday, and George Bridges,
Rena Royalton; she had a man In her
The conditions, the correspondent
Newport.— Corey Smith, an Alsea pocket. Rens was getting on; thirty-
adds, are thus worse than In the rainy man named Wickersham were drowned.
Their bodies and the wrecked launch Bay fisherman, caught a Chinook sal flve had struck Its warning bell; If she
were found on the beach. A large hole mon on hla regular drift Saturday ware going to be married again, why
Twenty-four of the 48 big 36-inch was stove in the Seeam when she night that tipped the scales at 60 not now?
Wasn't Hall Bonlstelle
projectors that have formed an Im­
pounds. This is the record fish for handsome? Wasn’t he well born and
portant element of the Panama-Pacific struck and she filled with water. The this season. The record fish on that bred?
Rena had thought him over,
exposition Illumination system have seas carried away the pilot house and bay last season, for chlnook, weighed
and decided to accept him. She en­
been sold to the Russian government stripped the deck of all gear. The 73 pounds.
tered, therefore. In a most becomingly
and are to be shipped at once to Euro­ Seeam was carrying a cargo of fish
amiable state of mind, lofty and some­
pean battlefields. It was announced in from Hood Canal.
350 Teachers at Institute.
San Francisco. The price paid is
Salem.— With 350 teachers present what detached.
placed at $24,000.
the annual Marion County Teachers'
T e Carolyn she gave a smiling but
Divorce Cases Held Up.
London— Divorce cases against offi­ Institute convened here for a sesalon suspicious, “ Why, hello, Carolyn! You
Drastic action by officials of Kan­
of three days. W. M. Smith, county
sas City. Kan., to prohibit Illegal sale cers and men serving at the front will superintendent. Is in charge. Well- hers?” and to Rosamund the quick,
of beer by breweries was taken Wed­ have to stand over until they return to known educators of the state will de­ unconscious tribute due the natural
nesday when three drivers were ar­ Great Britain. Such was the decision liver addresses. The schools of the blonde. Her eyee returned to Carolyn,
rested and sentenced to jail and the of Justice Sir Henry Bargrave Dean county are closed during the Institute. a little troubled. “ I didn’t expect to
beer trucks confiscated. The drivers when asked for leave to serve a di­
see you again so soon, my dear!” she
were fined $600 each and sent to jail
How He Got Them.
for six months. More than 100 cases
Koaamnnd. meanwhile, was staring
fighting line.
Blx—That’s a fine lot of hooka you
of beer were destroyed.
“ It is not in the interests of the have. Why don’t you get a case for at tbs prototype of the portrait which
Rural credits plan was beaten In nation,” said the court, “ for men to them.
had started the discussion of Hall's
Dlx— I would If I could get one the Intimacies. Carolyn, noticing. Intro­
California by over 14,000 majority.
have their minds diverted from their
same way 1 got the books. Have you duced her. Rosamund, however, did
Lord Lansdowne plainly tells the duties by such matters.”
one to lend?
not Interest Rena Royalton so much
house of lords that Serbia's plight Is
Mors British Gold Arrives.
At the first of the year, according to as did Carolyn herself.
‘Where Is Mr. Bonlstelle?*’ she
New York — British sovereigns to a government estimate, there were
The wholesale price of gasoline has
108,577,000 farm animals in the Unit­ asked.
risen In Portland from 9ft to 12ft
“ Oh, he’s ont—as usual," said Caro­
were shipped on the steamer New ed 8tates, a gain In a year of about
cents within a month.
lyn. "I expect Miss Fisher will at­
York from London to the Guaranty ,922,000.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed a Trust company, were deposited at the
tend to you, though.”
Loulshkln, the giant Russian drum-
garage and eight autoa and several assay office Tuesday.
Another ship­ major of the Imperial Guards, was
Mrs. Royalton shrugged her shoul­
motorcycles at Wood burn. Ore.
ment totalling $1,000,000 is expected eight feet five Inches high.
ders. “ Miss Fisher will hardly do for
what I want," she aald. “ I’m afraid
A British submarine on Sunday sank to be deposited later. The grand total
the Turkish transport Carmen, laden of more than $321,000,000 gold has
Ornamental handkerchiefs formerly I’ll have t « set Mr. Bonlstelle him
with munitions, In the sea of Mar­ been received here from all sources in were worn In the hat by men as to­
the present movement since January 1. kens.
Only 45 Out of 2000 Seamen
Pass Test— Act Imperils Shipping
Rosamund frowned, but Carolyn
only raised her eyebrows.
“Oh. well. I expect Hall will be back
before long," said Carolyn.
Mrs. Royalton, placid as a cow, eyed
her for a moment, then remarked
slowly, meditating, "You call him Hall,
don't you! 1 hadn't known you wera
so Intimate."
"Oh, Lord, yes. I always call him
Hall." Carolyn was beginning to be
Roaamund tossed her head and
crossed her feet, watching the new­
comer sharply,
“ Well," said Mrs. Koyalton. primly
Ironical, " I ’m delighted that you know
him so well, my dear!"
“ Well, now I come to think of It,
Rena, 1 don't know that 1 do know
him quite eo well as i thought, after
She exchanged a smile with
Rosamund, who laughed aloud, harsh­
ly. causing Mrs. Koyalton to turn and
stare at hor.
"I'm afraid I fall to see the joke,”
she said haughtily. "But of courae
Hall Bonlstelle Isn't at all the sort of
roan one sees through at a glanca. you
know. He'a deep; a very subtle per
son. In fact. However," aha smiled
complacently, “ 1 flatter myself that I
understand him a little better than 1
Carolyn ahot her a suspicious
glance. “ Why ?*'ibe demanded "Made
any recent discoveries?*’
Mrs. Royalton deliberately nodded
up and dowu. end smiled cryptically.
"Oh. I don't know—I fancy he has
something on hie mind—In fact. I
know he has—there's a— well, a sort
of críala—yea. I suppose he would ap­
pear a little excited but of course I
really have no hualnesa discussing It."
“ What In the world are you talking
about, Rena?" Carolyn exclaimed
“ Why, I'm talking about Hall Boole-
telle, of course!"
“ Well, you're not saying much.”
“ Never mind, Carolyn, dear. It Isn't
because 1 haven't anything to aay!
You don't expect me to go about re­
peating things he has said to me In
confidence, do you?"
“ Oh!” said Carolyn, narrowing her
eyes, “ then Hall has been confiding
In you, too. has he?"
By this time Rosamund was hard
on the scent, having almost caught up
to Carolyn's suspicions. 8ha said noth­
ing, but her eyes were hot end shin­
ing. as she scrutinized Mrs. Royalton's
“ See here." said Carolyn, now thor­
oughly Interested, "I don't tee why 1
haven’t a right to know. I'm a pretty
good friend of Hall's— you know that—
and I think you ought to be able to
trust rte."
"Well, It Isn't only trusting yon— “
Mrs. Royalton looked significantly at
Rosamund, sulkily listening.
"Well, I declare!" said Carolyn
calmly, “ Rena Royalton. either you're
making an awful fool of yourself, or
else Hall Bonlstelle has actually— ’*
She got no further. Flodle, head up,
with a busy air, bustled Into the room,
carrying a handful of prints. She
stopped suddenly, with a fine Imitation
of surprise, and gated at Mrs. Royal-
“ Oh, Mrs Royalton!” she exclaimed
“ Why didn't you let me know you
were here? I've got your proofs all
ready for you. I think they are splen­
d id !”
She handed them over, and ap­
proached Carolyn with two other
proofs. “ Here are yours, Miss Dallys.
I’m sorry to hare kept you waiting so
long." She returned to Mrs. Royalton.
"Oh. how 1 dread to look at them!”
that lady was saying. She was, nev­
ertheless, perusing them hungrily.
Carolyn meanwhile had stridden
across the room to Rosamund, and the
two girls conspired as Mrs Royalton
lost herself In her portraits.
"Oh, I don't like that one— . , .
Really? . . . Why. I look a hundred
years old! . . . There! That's more
like me. . . . Which one do you like
best. Miss Fisher? . . . No, do you?
Why, I think It's awful. My eyes are
so hard to take right; you don't get
the soul In them, somehow , . . Oh.
I think I ought to try another sitting,
don’t you? . . , Say, where Is Mr. Bonl­
stelle, anyway?”
There came a ring at the telephone.
Flodle jumped to snatch up the re­
“ Hello! . . . Yes . . . Why, what's
the matter? . . . Oh, naturally . , .
Walt Just a minute, please!"
Flodle stopped and held her hand
over the transmitter. “ Oh. Miss Dallys,
would you and Miss Gale mind not
talking quite so loud for a minute? I
can't hear very well.”
Thera was a long pause, and the
three women, all studying Flodle'a
face, saw s dozen different expressions
pass over It In quick succession. Then
she spoke again: ‘’Really? Oh, you
know, Mr. Bonlstelle— well, personally,
I loathe them . . . Oh, I don’t know,
but s big diamond Is so funny, some­
how . , . What?” Then: “ Oh, yes
. . , well, I know . . , Ob, but It's awful
to pawn that! Why, It was your fa­
ther’s, wasn't It? , . . Well, of course
you know best . . . Oh, didn't you?
Well, I might send It by the Jani­
tor . , , where did you leave It? . . .
When will you be her«? . . . AM right,
good by!"
Mrs. Royalton and Rosamund still
sat as If entranced, but Carolyn Dallys
rose Impatiently now. and glanc’d
about, as If In search of an excuse. Tha
room was tsnssly charged with clso-
trtclty. It was evident that In another
minute the esploiloii must come Hut.
first, how to get rid of thle ImportunL
buey little Mlse Fisher?
Flodle herself answered the un­
voiced question. Wasn't she aa desir­
ous as any uf them to brlug the thing
to a bead? Yes; so she must fly and
leave the Held of battle clear Still
smiling, she disappeared luto th*
■lockrootu. She left the door ajar
Mrs. Royalton rose, with a self-con-
sclous smile. "Wall, Carolyn." she said,
“ I suppose I'll have to tell you. now.
It Is most unfortunate that Mias Fisher
wasn't mors discreet In her conversa­
tion. Rut so long as she has let the
cat out of the bag. 1 might as well In­
form you that the ring she was talk­
ing to Hall about Is for this Auger! ”
She held up her left hand, her thumb
pointing to her third Anger.
Carolyn, with n whoop, fell Into
Rosamund's arms, and the two laughed
until they cried.
Mrs. Koyalton stared as If they bad
•uddeniy gone mad
Then she ex­
claimed angrily, "I'd like to know what
there la to laugh at! 1 don't see any­
thing particularly amtielng In the fart
that I'm going to murry Hall Ronl-
"Oh. don't you?" Carolyn gurgled.
"Miss Gale, do you see anything funny
la It?"
"Funny! It's a scream” ' Rosamund
shouted with mirth. "Who'll bs the
next one?”
"Oh, the more the merrier!" cried
Rena Royalton drew herself up
proudly "I think you're exceedingly
Impertinent!" she replied.
Carolyn dried her eyee on a lace
handkerchief. "Rena." she said, still
giggling. "I don't know whether It'e too
true to be funny, or too funny to be
true But you ought to be In on thle
Joke, really, my uear. It will Inter­
est you itran gely'”
"W ell, 1 don't call R a Joke. lt‘a an
outrage!” cried Rosamund.
"Say. Mies Gale," Carolyn turned
conHdentlally. "¿'you know, we ought
really to form a society of the sur­
vivors. you know. Rena's the oldest,
aud we'll elect her president!"
Mrs. Koyalton stared from one to
the other, her temper rising Finally
■he remarked cuttingly, ” 1 must say.
"Hellol . . . Ves . . . Why, What'a
the Matter?”
Carolyn, I always thought you were a
lady!" and she walked swiftly toward
the door,
"Oh. don't go y e t!” Carolyn called
out. "You’ve got u laugh din ing to
you. too, Kena. You haven't heard our
new*, y e t!”
Mrs. Royalton trembled on tho
threshold. "Your news? What d'you
"Listen here," said Rosamund, walk­
ing over to her coolly. "Hall Ronl-
■telle proposed to Miss Dallys at ten-
thirty this morning and he proposed to
me at a quarter to cloven. Now, what
time did he propose to you?"
Mrs. Royalton put out a hand trem­
bling with appeal. "Carolyn!" she Im­
Carolyn nodded unsympathetically.
Mrs. Royalton dropped Into a chair,
speechless, and burst Into tears. Caro­
lyn walked up to her and laid a hand
on the heaving purple shoulder.
"Brace up!” she said, "It won’t hurt
but a minute! S?a here, Rena, were
you carried off your feet by hla wild
wooing, or did you take notice of the
"W hy—here this morning, Caro­
lyn," Mra. Koyalton sobbed, "I left Just
before you came. It was— It was be­
fore that.” Her tears poured forth
Carolyn nodded to Rosamund. "Make
It ten-Afteen, then. I expect ho pro­
poses every quarter of an hour, rain or
"But I don't see." said Rosamund, "If
■he accepted him, why be ever pro
posed to us!"
(T O
B K C O N T IN U E D )
Red 8ea Colored by Weeds.
Tho drowning of Rharaoh and his
host In tho Red sea had nothing to do
with Ite name. It takes this from a
peculiar reddish color remarked at
certain seasons of the year In parte
of this sea. due to marine plants, or
te reddish anlmalculae, called hy
sailors "whale feed," which Aoat on It
like scum; or to the reefs of red
coral which abound In many parts of
It; or, possibly, to tha fact that Its
upper course was ona of the bound­
aries of Edom, "the red.” No Rlbllcal
scholar of any repute has ever as­
serted that the sea took Its name from
the overthrow of Pharaoh