THE STMT©N MAIL H a s the L a rg e s t C irc u la tio n o f A n y P a p e r in the S a n tia m V a lle y — It C o v e r s the T e r r i t o r y L ik e a B la n k e t. S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , ¿1st Y e a r , N o . 40. O CTO BER 28, S e ria l N o . 1024 1915. Cupid Plays Havoc This Week With Vicinity Beautiful Weather May Have Something to do with his Capers Little Naked God Shoots Right and Left, Leaving Many Victims in His Flower-strewn Path Mimy weddings havo taken place In the punt «even day«, and it looka a« if there mi^hl b e many more in »nd around Slayton in the near future. SLOPER-FRANK DOUBLE WEDDING GOLDEN WEDDING “ HIGH J1NKS”AT I.O.O.F. IS CELEBRATED ANNIVERSARY HALL SATURDAY NIGHT and was attended by Mins Minnie Hass- ler, while the groom ’* best man was Eugene Ditter. A sumptous wedding dinner at the Becker home followed the ceremony, a fter which the young couple together One o f the most interesting events o f with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Becker, started for Sun Francisco on a wed­ the season occured at Mehama on Tues­ day ot this week, when over 125 rela­ ding tour. tives and neighbors o f M o and Mrs. Lew is Stout o f that place gathered to celebrate the golden wedding o f the couple. A very pretty church wedding was There waa such a crowd present that solemnized at the Catholic church in the dinner, which waa prodigal beyond this city Monday morning, October 25, description, was held at the church. at 10 o'clock by R ev. A . Luinck. 1 The Mr. arai-Mrs. Stout were among the contracting parties being Miss Katie very earlist settlers o f that vicinity, l ’ietrok, daughter o f My. a n d Mrs.1 and Stout Mountain rears its head in Vincent I'ietrok o f Linn county, .and the background as a reminder for gen­ Bieaa Selinaki, a young farmer o f erations to come o f the Stout family, Brooks, Oregon. which has always been held in high The bride was prettily dressed i n respect in the community. whith crepe do chine and was attended •This wa < the 1st reunion o f the families by the grooms sister, Miss Rose Selin- o f Mr. and Mrs. Stout in 5*> years and ski. The groom was attended by the all except one o f Mrs. Stout’ s brothers bride’s brother, Lawrence Pietrok. and sisters were present. A sumptuous wedding dinner follow ­ Several addresses o f note were made, ed the ceremony, and was held at the and the talk o f old times dimmed many home o f Mr. and Mra. Jos. Brand, a » an eye. the father o f the bride, Mr. Vincent Time and space forbids us to give the Pietrok, waa in (>oor health. names o f all present, but all went home The young couple will live at Brooks. feel'ng that it was “ good to have been there. ” BECKER-DITTER Many congratulations were showered upon the bride and groom at a pretty church wedding at Sublimity on Tues­ day o f this week. The ceremony waa performed in the Catholic church ut that place by Rev. Lanick, and the contracting parliea were Miaa Rosa Ditter, daughter o f Mra. Mary D itter o f Sublimity, and Joseph Becker a well known young farmer living cast o f Stayton. The bride wan beautifully attired in a dress o f embroidered chiffon, and the groom wua conventionally clothed in dark blue serge. The maids o f honor were Misses Ida Becker and Genevieve Ditter, while the groom was attended by Dan Kintz and Eugene Ditter. They will be at home to their friends a fter December 1st a fte r a wedding trip to the Exposition. A very pleasant surprise affair waa held at the John K in tz home near Sub­ lim ity last night. The occasion being the 30th anniversary o f the marriage o f Mr. and Mrs. Kintz, alao the 30th anniversary o f Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Ker- ber o f this city who were induced to go out on a ride and were also much sur­ prised when they arrived at M r.K in tz’s. Mrs. Kintz and Mrs. Kerber are sisters and were married the same day 30 years ago. About 60 were present, those from Stayton being; John Thoma and family, D. M. Doll and wif*-, Ed Kerber, Frank Kerber, Miss Mary Frank,* John Van Handel and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kerber. Games, singing and luncheon were the features o f the evening. H allow e'en—that occasion w h e n young and old pay their tribute to the mythical, when t h e supernatural is supposed to exert its strongest influence and when witches, goblins and mischief making elves, according to the super­ stitions, disport themselves—will b e celebrated in Stayton this year. Eva Rebekah Lodge No. 92 now is preparing an elaborate program which has much to do with witches, goblins ghosts, not to mention pumpkin pie, apple cider, witch’s brew and other delicacies. The High Jinks will be held Satur­ day night, October 30 in the I. O. O. F. hall, a “ Chamber o f Horrors” and a “ Trip to the Low er Regions” a r e among the entertaining features listed fo r the evening. N o admission to the hall but a small fee for supper and the Everybody The third sermon on the series o f services o f t h e ghosts. Popular Sunday N igh t Discourses being welcome. delivered at the Methodist Episcopal church will be given Sunday evening, entitled “ One o f the W a r’s Bravest Acts, or Edith Cavell and Heroism on Rexail Cherry Bark Cough Syrup will Battlefields.” In the morning the pas­ do it, or money back. 25c-50c-$1.00 tor will preach on “ Praying in S e c r e t” bottle at Beauchamp’s, T h e Rexail The public is invited. ! Store. Not entirely unexpected was the ne'v« that reached Stayton yeaterday that Mian Emma Frank, the chartninK daughter o f Mr. and Mra. A lbert Frank o f Rock Point, and V. Dare Sloper. the «■nterpriaing proprietor o f the Slofier Drug Store o f Stayton, had atolen a march on their frieiala, and were quiet* ly married in Salem. The young couple were married in Salem at the Chriatian paraonage by Rev. Porter at 4 p. m. Mr. and Mra. Albert Frank, ann Norria and daughter Ida, accompanied the bride and groom to Salem. Miaa Frank ia well known in Stayton, having been a student fo r a couple o f year« in the high achool here, and alao aa a clerk in the local poet office. The groom need« no introduction to the On Wednesday o f this week, another readers o f the Mail, huving live«! in 1 wedding was solemnized at the St. Bon­ Stayton all hia life, except during the iface Catholic church at Sublimity by time he waa finishing hia work aa phar­ the Rev. Lanick. macist in Portland. He ia the son of Mian Ida Becker, daughter o f Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Slopvr o f this eity. Regina Becker and Phillip Steffes, a Immediately a fter the ceremony, the prominent young farm er o f near Sub­ young people atarted on a three w eek’ s The wedding tour to California, where they limity being the happy couple. wedding waa at 9 a. m. and was at­ will take in the Exposition amt other EIGHTH GRADE HAD A FEED (Special to the Mail) l>ointa o f interest, after which they tended by a large jium ber o f the friends A very pretty home wedding occured will be at home to their frienda in j and relatives o f the newlyweds. J. W . Apple and fam ily have moved Have you been in to see the bargain Stayton. The bride wore a white silk dress at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer The eighth grade clasa had a china from their farm east o f town to Salem, counter at Young’ s Cash Grocery. o f Gervais, Oiegou, on Sundgy, Oct. 24, pheasant feed at the Clyde Hoffer home at 2 o ’clock, when their eldest daugh­ Wednesday evening. ter, Edith was married to Lewis R. The boys are real sportsmen, which Sawyer in the presence o f friends and was shown by the number o f birds relatives, Rev. Jasper officiating. brought in and the girls good cooks, The home was prettily decorated in which was proven by the delicious sup- autumn a u v u i i m i leaves v a > i 9 and a u i i lv cosmos. / p u i u s , Mrs. r o . n A . .T Aw . ., Cline presented the bftdo with a biu-K^f **’\T. M" . f Average Figure, no side steel . . . 98c ’ . . . . , . .. The «upper, which consisted or china o f beautiful pink daniias us a center- Average Figure, med. bust, long skirt . $1-50 pheasant, mashed potatoes, salad, pie, piece for the table. Slender Figure, free hip bone . . 1.50 cake, and fruit was served by Mrs. While the bride's sister, Miss Maude, H olfer and Mra. Beaver. A fte r sup­ Empire bust, no side steel . . . 2.00 played the wedding march the bridal per they played games and sang until a Full Figure, extra heavy front steel . 2.00 couple, attended by Rob Beer, Am y late hour. Everyone voted it a success An exceptionally good number for those wanting a strong corset Johnson, Kenneth Coomler and Jessie and hoped to have another one soon. Sawyer, marched from the hall to the Those present w ere: Mr. and Mrs. living room where the minister awaited Hoffer, M r s. Beaver, Misses Nora them under a canopy o f flowers. Crabtree, Josephine Lambercht, Nona Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer were tukrn to Fulton and Anna Spaniol, and William Brooks, where they boarded the train Smith, Hugh Rosscll, Orval Weddle, fo r Portland. Made in full size o f good material and Frank a n d Robert Teague, Lewis priced reasonably. We now carry the Kearns and Edwin Keech. SELINSKI—PI ETROK STEFFES-BECKER SAWYER-BEER Relieve that cough ; Toilet Soaps Royal Worcester Corsets Colgates, Almond Cream Bay Rum, Glycerine, Carbol­ ic Acid and Antiseptic Soaps Mina Taylor House Dresses Also Green and Liquid Tar Soaps SH1ELDS-PRETTYMAN 5c to 25c Sloper’s Drug Store Theodore Goeders o f Algona, Iowa Miss Madge Prettym an and Mr. A l­ accompanied by his niece Miss Mary bert Shields, both o f Detroit Oregon, W ollner are here fo r a few days visit were married at the Stayton Hotel, with John Goeders a n d w ife. Mr. Saturday, Cctober 23, Rev. Lockhart Goeders and Miss W ollner will visit the o f the Methodist church o f this city San Francisco Fair, and make another officiating. stop here on their return. The bridesmaid was Miss Josephine Shields o f Detroit, and Everett l ’ hillipj Recorder-J. B. G rier got home from o f Sil verton was best man. The young people will live at Detroit at which his vacation just in time fo r the special meeting o f the city council. place the groom is employed. WE W ANT YO U TO I f it’s made of wool, we make it. Fur Trimmings in Black and Brown from 35c to $1.00 per yd. Mayo’s Cash Store KNOW THE W OOLEN M ILL STORE B ETTER Just a C o rn e r in ou r B ig B u ild in g ! B u t F ille d to the D o o rs w ith S ea s o n a b le W O O L E N Wool extra sizes up to 50 in. bust measure. Priced from 98c up to $1.87 Koverall House Dress Aprons, 75c GOODS D irec t F r o m th e M a n u fa c tu re r to the C o n s u m er. N o M id d le M a n Wool Wool Keep your mon­ You can come and See Us Make the Goods! ey in your home town, if it goes to a Mail Order House it never comes back. We will sell yor a bet­ ter quality at a lower price than they will, and we prove it. pay no rent, hire no clerks, Wilbur says so, and will prove i t W OOLEN BLANKETS DO YOU KNOW Woolen Blankets, 2000 pairs The difference between Woolen to choose from in all colors, Goods, and Pure Fleece Wool sizes and weights. Fifty good9? pairs o f slightly damaged MEN'S SERGES SILKS M A C K IN AW S SHIRTS SATINS SUITINGS U N D ERW EAR SOX VELVETS VESTINGS AUTOM OBILE ROBES CREPES CORDUROY LOGGER’S OVERSHIRTS HOSE U N D ERW EAR WOOLEN DRESS SHIRTS blankets, SWEATERS CAPS GERMAN SOX wear. SWEATERS Our business is growing fast, on the merits of the goods we sell you. this patronage, and will never abuse it. are welcome whether you buy or not good as any Make us an’ offev. for You will find it in the wear. We give you Extra Qual ity in the Wilbur Line and time will prove it. Wilbur says so. Wc appreciate Wilbur Woolen Mills Co. Bring us your wool, we need it in our business and we will pay you the highest price for it, but come any time and look us over, you see. keep no books, give you the benefit o f all this in low prices. For the Convenience of our Many Customers we have added to our regular line LADIES' Wool Wool We know you will be interested in what you I f you want your wool carded into Batts for Comforters or Mattresses, wo do it. Ü Stayton, Oregon. We and