EMPLOYERS TO AID OREGON STATE NEWS NEW DEFENSE PLAN apathetically. "Of rouraa I'm nothin' but a Jan ito r nun but Miss Flahar, If I only had you I'd show 'em. And — say. don't go yat, please. Miss F ishar-* w all till 1 gat rid of It for ouca and for Government Studies Sentiment all—It'll do m* good -y o u wouldn't avar have tha Itkea of ma, 1 know — In Railroad Land Grant Case th a t ain 't all of U—It'« only 1 w ant to Eugene.—T he U nited S tate s govern­ do som ething for you. Just to piov* m ent is m aking an investigation of how I faal! If I could only help you soma way I —don't you understand bow sentim ent In Oregon as to w hat should It ta. Misa Flatter? W on't you g i/a ma be done w ith the Oregon & C alifornia a try som etim e? T h a t’s all I w ant railroad g ran t lands. A ttorney S. W. now !" W illiams, of the d ep artm en t of justice, Fiodla, leaning against tha tabla, arrived in Eugene to pass several days w atched him with tears In har ayas. in Lane county. H e will also v isit all < x s > m w r or anrrr ¿uvrary.v Ah, Fiodla understood I How wall she 60-DAY VACATIONS FOR ALL WORKERS counties in which the land is located. knaw! Hha could no longer laugh at Upon his re tu rn to W ashington Mr. "Eleven o'clock! Lord, I generally him. Kindly aha stretched forth her S Y N O P S IS . W illiam s will m ake his rep o rt to the git to bed by Ian.” hand; and th* Janitor who. In all hla attorney-general, who will in all prob­ Wall B o n la ta lle. a r tls t'p h o to g r a u h a r . pre "You won't tonight, then. B atter ¡If* bad never known gallantry, Security of Positions and Earnings ability report to congress. He w as ac­ parva fo r th e d ay a w ork In Ida s tu d io . drink some coffee if you're sleeps ' reached for H. and klaavd It na natu­ Klodto F latter, Ilia aaatatan t. rem ln d a hint com panied to Eugene by L eonard Un­ >f a p a r ty ha la to site In th e e tu d lo th a t And I guess It'll ba worth sitting up rally as might a co u rtier lia touuhad Is Essential Part of Proposition derwood, special agent of th e d e p a rt­ n ig h t, an d th a t hie bualneaa la In bad for. Good afternoon, Mr. Massing- ' Flodla'a little baud as If It war* a holy m ent of th e interior. fin a n c ia l a h a b e Mr D oram ua. a tto r n e y Now Interesting Officials. Flodle did not offer to abahe relic; and on It tbera fall a soft rata and Juatlre o f th e p e a c e , c a lla an d Infortna b u ry !" Mr. W illiam s m et a num ber of E u­ H a ll th a t h is U n c le J o h n 's «III h aa le ft hands. gene bankers and business men a t the of tears. ttlm M.OOO.OUO on c o n d itio n th a t he m e r r y com m ercial club. He sta te d briefly Jonas g ated at her in avergrow lm f | Fiodla bit har lip; aha slowly shook b efore h ie tw e n t y - e ig h t h b lr th d e y . w h ic h th a t his m ission w as to asce rta in w hat ttegtne e t m id n ig h t th a t n ig h t Mra R e n a adm iration "Bay. mtaa," ha ventured. har head "I'm awfully sorry, Alfred, W ashington. D. C. — Em ployers the lands are best suited for and the H x y a lto n c a ila a t th e e tu d lo H a ll aek a realty; but 1 don't see what I can do." throughout the U nited S tates—corpor­ views of th e people in th e section of her to m a r r y him . d h a a g r e e e to g iv e "It alu ’t often I get loony over n worn Mm a n a n a w e r a t th a p a r ty th a t n ig h t. an ations, m anufacturers, professional the sta te m ost vitally in terested as to I don't tru st 'em enough. But A lfred's lip* quivered, and hla hand« Mlae C a r o ly n D a lly * < a l i i it a l l prop oeae men, tradesm en and business men of w hat should be done w ith th e lands. to her. S h e a g r e e e to g iv e h im a n a n - I've took conalder'ble fancy to yon. w rithed aa ba replied; "W hy, all I all classes—a re to be asked to co n trib ­ >wer a t th a p a r ty R o sa m u n d D a le , a r t somehow. You got a good head on want you to do la to promise. Miss Mr. W illiam s sta te d th a t if no ac­ m od el, c a lls H a ll tr le e to r u sh h er Into ute as th e ir sh a re in the national de­ tion your shoulders, you h av e!” F la h a r —ask rua to do aoinathlng for was tak en by congress th e rail­ > n I m m e d ia te m a r r ia g e S h e. to o d e f e r , fense perm ission for th e ir em ployes road would he perm itted to carry out le r a n s w e r u n til th e e v e n in g K indle tr ie s Flodle evaded hla hand "W alt, it'a you. Som ething hard to do The vary to engage, w ithout serious financial th e term s of th e original g ran t. T hose Mrs. Mary Logan T ucker of W ash­ to s h o w H a ll a c e r ta in w a y ou t o f th e likely to stay there. I'm afraid. At hardest thing you know. Why. I'd do loss, in two m onths' m ilitary train in g p resen t a t th e m eeting w ere not in ­ ington, daughter of the late Gen. John n lx u p . b u t h e la o b tu s e J o n e s H a e e ln g bu ry, h e ir to th e lu llito n s In c a s e H a ll any rata, it'll never ba on yours. Mr anything. Mtaa Flslmr, an ything!" during each of th ree years. clined to th e view th a t congress should A. Logan, and a m em ber of the nation­ (a lia to m a r r y o n tlin a. c a lla llasslngbury " Alfred m eant literally w hat he said. T his is an essential p art of th e ad ­ not ta k e action. al com m ittee of the Navy league, With which Flodle want, without Hha put har soft hand In his. "I know m in istratio n ’s plan for raising a c iti­ Mr. W illiam s, for th e purpose of CHAPTER VI.—Continued. urges th a t m ilitary training cam ps for zen arm y of 800,000 men in six years, suggestion, said th a t th e rem oval of honoring him with another glance. what you mean. Alfred," she said so­ women be conducted, to train them In which, w ith th e regular arm y of 140,- all Into the stockroom, leaving him to berly. "Y ou're so good' I'll call on restrictio n s upon the railroad, w ith Fiodla ita ra d at him fascinated, as first aid, signaling, telegraphy and th e 000 m en and 300,000 reserves, would a condition th a t th e lands m ust be taka hla d ep artu re alone. you If ever I need you I'll promise “ a bird by a snake Try as aha could. give a trained force, exclusive of sta te sold w ithin a ce rtain tim e, would re­ use of small arms. Hha turned a little sadly back to bur It was iuipoaaible to daoy bia accusa­ m ilitia, of about 1,200,000 in th e event su lt in th e early sale of lands and desk CHAPTER VII. of w ar. tion. m ake them available in th e develop­ “All right ” A lfred's look feasted oa T he success of th e plan, officials ad ­ m ent of th e state. The suggestion did MEXICAN BANDITS WRECK TRAIN, “Hold on a minute, now!** Ha shook m it, depends not on the appropriation not m eet approval. bts Unger Impressively. "I'd give a ' A fter Jonaa llasslngbury had left. har. Ha paused by the door. “ It's of congress, for its cost will be com ­ BURN TRESTLE AND KILL.TWO good deal If i was satisfied ha wouldn t Flodle went to the telephone aud really w ore than I avar hoped for. Misa p aratively small, hut on the patriotic Fisher, wbat you Just said ' Thank culled up a number. be m arried before m idnight." response of em ployers to whom an ap­ Fight Timber Tax Reductions. "M rs itoyalton- , . . Yea. this Is y o u '” He left, alm ost with dignity. Brownsville, Tex.— Mexican bandits Flodle could stand it no longer. It peal will be m ade to furlough as many Fiodla turned to bor work. From Oregon City.—T he county w ill not early W ednesday held up and robbed was useless to attem p t to hide her Mias F ish er—at Mr. Bonlatelle'a, you men each year, a t different seasons, as they can spare and who w ish to subm it tam ely to big reductions in a St. Louis & San F rancisco p assen ­ feelings from this man. H er heart know . . , about your pictures . . . tha telephone to har printing aha vi­ th e assessm en ts of th e W eyerhaeuser, ger train, killing two persons and was bursting. "Oh. so would 1, If II Could you drop In this afternoon and brated. and from th a t to her arrounla, Join th e proposed continental arm y. A dm inistration officials a re confi­ Collins estate and other big tim ber wounding th ree oth ers, near Olmite, had tha m oney!" aha cried, woebe see some proof*T . . Ob. yea. occasional Inspection of Alrred'a prog­ d ent th a t, even though it is proposed holdings and every case will be fought seven m iles north of here. lovely, I think . , . About thrao ress, and arran g em ents for the eve­ gone. to en list only 133,000 men in th e year Meanwhile her T he dead: Jonas leaned back, with a sm ile of o'clock. If you will . , , Good by!" j ning's refreshm ents in the continentals, o r a to tal of n ear­ through th e courts, declared D istrict H. H. K endall, engineer busy mind was going o- n he problem victory on hla face. "W all. I guess Next she called up Mias Daily«, and | A ttorney Hedges. ly 800,000 in th e first six-year period,, U nited S tates cavalrym an, nam e un­ I got to th e woman of it at last," he ■aid nearly the sam e thing, both la- ; of m anaging har trio of rivals. If aha m ore th a n th a t num ber would be a t­ T he W eyerhaeuser case, which was known. gloated. "All women Is Just alike, dies agreed to call. But how about 1 could only find Rosam und' Rosamund trac ted by the outdoor life of a mili­ appealed from the board of equaliza­ T he injured: aba had. front the flrat. disliked; she ta ry cam p if they could be assured by tion and lost and lost in th e circu it Dr. E. S. McCain, Cameron county when you come right down to It. 'One had always resented her appearance. th e ir em ployers th a t th e ir positions co u rt S aturday, will be appealed to physician, probably fatally shot. man among a thousand have 1 found, Now ahe fairly longed for her to open would not be lost and th e ir earnings th e suprem e court, said Mr. H edges, H arry W allis, seriously wounded in but a woman among all those have 1 seriously decreased. who believes th a t th e county can abdomen. the door Hhe thought and thought of not found'—th at ts. different. But T he proposed en listm en t requires prove its case before th e h ig h er tri­ • o n e possible way to reach her. Conductor P. E. Morgan, slightly that * n either hare nor there. I sue I two m onths' service for each of th ree bunal. T he co u rt refused to reduce wounded. In a half hour, miraculously, aa If pected you was aweet on H all; your j years and liability for service during A ssessor Ja c k 's value of th e tim ber, T restle is Burned. sumaooned by Flodle'a m ental dam aud, faca give you dead away. Wall. then, th e rem aining th ree years only in b ut cu t the estim ates 144,460,000 feet A long tre stle half a mile south of who but Rosamund did open tha door! event of war. in five sections in question. T he sec­ th e w reck was se t afire half an hour mlas,'* he brought It out deliberately, — Rosamund Gala, mura patronising, T he arm y plans for more than 1,000,- tions w ere n o t changed by th e court. a fte r th e tra in was held up and alm ost "seem s to me our luterests ought to more assured and noucli lia n t than 000 train ed m en in six years, and the Betw een $1100 and $1200 is involved destroyed. he Identical." ever. navy' program of te n dreadnoughts in the annual tax paym ents by the re­ T his hltidered th e progress of the "W hat d'you m ean?" Som ething in and six b attle cru isers w ithin five ductions ordered in th e circu it court. first detachm ent of troops which was "H e llo " she said ror.lly; "H all Flodle’s subconsciousness waa aw ak­ years, both of w hich will be presented T he case is considered Im portant in- sen t in p u rsu it so th a t the bandits ha^ here?" She aaunteied up to the m ir­ ened. to congress w ith th e indorsem ent of as-much as it opens the w ay for o th er am ple tim e to flee into th e brush, ror and poked at her golden ringlets. "You, bein' a woman, don't want him P resid en t W ilson, w ere the absorbing big tim b er in te re sts to fight for lower i P assen g ers who reached here on a "W hy. no Mr Boulstelle has Just to m arry anybody else. Wall, ueltbor . topics of in te re st here. assessm ents. T he county's figures relief train said th a t th e train was de­ left," said Flodle. suspiciously cordial, are all based on th e M. G. N ease railed. th a t M exicans poured into the do I." Ho w-atebed her closely, heart stopping her w riting "But I'm expect­ cruise. coaches shouting "V iva P lzan a’1 and lesely. New Radio Dispenses With Masts. ing him any minute. W on't you com m enced to shoot a t the passen ­ "I see," said Flodle frigidly, "be­ wait ?" gers. cause you’d lose a fortune.” Governor Paroles Ten. Rosamund craned her neck, trying Pizana, the m an th e bandits were San Francisco.—A w ireless tele- “Oh. It ain 't the money, miss, don't 1 cheering, is supposed to be the leader to catch a glim pse of her bariette. Salem .—T en paroles w ere issued grapy invention elim inating th e con­ you m isinterpret my motives. I don't , "Those pictures of mine developed?” stru ctio n of the p resen t tow ering steel T uesday by G overnor W ithycom be of th e so-called “T exas revolution” stru c tu re s for sending and receiving upon recom m endation of th e parole nurtured under th e "plan of San Die­ want a cent of it for myself. It's what "No. Mias Gale. Mr. ilonlstnlle lied I can do with It. See here; if Hail go,” w hich la st year contem plated the by sim ply projecting a w ire along the to work on some of his custom ers'. board. gets th a t money, he's bound to throw seizure of border sta te s and returning ground for a sh o rt distance is an ­ I'm aorry.” T hose receiving them are : B. O. Ma- them to Mexican rule. It away on all so rts of foolishness If nounced here by R. B. W oolverton, "W elt, I should think he might get A negro reached his home four he m arries tonight, soma sheep-head United S tate s radio inspector. In col­ goon, com m itted from Columbia coun­ min* done flrat 1 was in an awful laboration w ith P alm er B. H ew litt, of ty for forgery; F red B arn h art, com­ m iles from Brow nsville and gave the ed, ex travagant woman will have the burry to see 'em." H ollister, Cald., Mr. W oolverton has m itted from Ja ck so n county for la r­ first rep o rt of the w reck and killings. spendin' of It.” Ha watched the shaft Four com panies of U nited S tates In­ "W ell, he has to attend to business been experim enting for m onths w ith ceny; J. B. G irton, com m itted from U m atilla county for forgery; Billy Le- fan try w ere rushed to the scene by strik e Flodle, and went on. "W here­ the new apparatus. part of the time, you know, Miss Gale,” as, If I inherit it—why, l got my plana r A ccording to its discoverers, the Law rence, com m itted from Jack so n special train s, followed by two troops satd Flodle all laid out a'ready.'* H e leaned for- I new m ethod has proved em inently suc­ county for larcen y ; Fay R. Sm ith, of cavalry. "Ob, Indeed"* Rosamund gave her a T he bandits w ere passengers and ward earnestly. "W hy, do you know, cessful in receiving m essages from com m itted from Coos county for la r­ long, cruel ataro "I don't see why h* Honolulu, Sayville and A rlington, Va. ceny; W illiam Sm ith, com m itted from se t fire to th e train . The M exicans miss, they'« heathen in the tropica "It'a Hard to Ketch Veu Alena, Yeu bothers about his old buciocss so An absolute freedom from sta tic con­ M alheur county for larceny; F rank severed th e telephone line betw een w hat don't know w hat clothes be, let Know—" much Ha can afford to take It easy, ditions h as been achieved in th e re­ Johnson, com m itted from U m atilla Brow nsville and V illa Nueva, five alone the Bible. They tell me they well enough " county for larceny; Sam uel Dlshaw, m iles from here, which resulted not ception of m essages. com m itted from M alheur county for only In delaying inform ation reaching ain 't a toothbrush nor a pair o' corsets Rosam und? She wandered f porn stu ­ "W ell, of course 1 w ouldn't say any­ In all Polynesia. And all of them mis­ dio to studio. Well. Flodle muat risk larceny; P e te r Kelly, com m itted from Brownsville, but also interfered with thing about it lo a custom er, you atilla county for larceny; H erb ert com m unication with troop B, of the erable niggers got to be damned ever It. P erhaps she could be found later. know, but so long ■■ you and Hall ara England Demands 3,000,000 Men. U S. m Sullivan, com m itted from Clatsop T h irtie th Cavalry, on duty near the lasting. Then they's hospitals I In­ Meanwhile she had much to do She such g reat friend* why. well, th a scene of th e holdup. county for assault. tend to endow, and tra c ts ought to be flew back to the printing room, and fact la. I'm rath e r worried " London.—"G reat B ritain needs 3,- printed.” But Flodle'a eyes were cast went to work on the negatives. They Fiodla noted with glee that Rosa­ 000,000 m ore m en by spring." He saw th a t he had lost bis muat all be finished before the ladies mund was losing color. Hatchery Improvement Advised. T his declaration w as m ade Monday Strange Tragedy Comes to Light. down. audience, and came back to his best arrived, tb at they m ight suspect n oth­ by B rigadier-G eneral S ir Erick “Do you mean to say th a t H all R oseburg.—As a resu lt of a v isit to Cauyonville, Or.—How an Bid tra p ­ argum ent. Quickly her lingers flew. Hud Bonlstetlc Isn't doing as well r e —well, “Think o' H all's wife ing Swayne, director of recruiting in the n o rth ern com m and, in a speech at the N orth U m pqua fish h atch ery by per, w ith his leg cau g h t in a big bear throw ln' th a t cash round on parties, denly she looked up. Who was that as well as he says?" Rosamund de­ A ttorney-G eneral George M. Brown, trap, perished alone and m iserably in and low-necked dresses- - to any nothin' in th a office? Fiodla went fn and manded. Hull. G eneral Swayne estim ated th a t G er­ th a t official will probably recom m end th e fo rest 17 years ago, was revealed o' balls and concerts and th e a te rs !" found Alfred thn Pale, with • big Flodie smiled with secret satlsfao- m any still has betw een 9,000,000 and to the sta te fish com m ission th e in sta l­ by th e finding of a skeleton with a He tlon. "Oh. I wouldn't exactly suy that, "W ell,” Flodie said, with a pathetic bunch of evergreen garlands. 10,000,000 men from the ages of 18 to lation of a pum ping plant th e re as an bone held in the ru sted trap, on the look In bar face, "I don’t see what we pulled off bis hat and grinned. you know, but then well, It costs a 45, and th a t, therefore, it w as useless auxiliary to th e p resen t w ater supply. F ortune Branch C r « k , and reported can do about It. H e's made up his "W ill I fix up the studio nowT” ha lot to run this place Here, look at to ta lk about w earing out Germany. T he ru n n in g w ate r for use in the here W ednesday. T he skeleton is believed to be th a t mind to m arry tonight, and he's a l­ asked. those bills! I don't think h e’d mind, In th e spring, said he, G erm any would h atch ery is procured from a sm all "Yea," said Flodle, "rig h t away." so long as It's you!” Hhe handed Rosa­ lose m ore men th an th e allies, which creek, b ut In dry seasons is insuffi­ of a once well-known c h a racter named ready proposed to th ree women." Blynn, who had a cabin a t the head of would balance th e num bers of th e al­ cient. Jonas whistled long and low. She held np a proof of Carolyn Daily* mund a neatly folded parcel. “I don't the creek, about a mile from w here lies and th e ce n tral powers, b ut if At p resen t th e re are approxim ately th “Looks like we got to get to work In j and Inspected It critically. Alfred, know how In the world we re ever e skeleton was found. T he place is G reat B ritain should raise 3,000,000 ad ­ 3.000. 000 salm on eggs in the hatchery, a hurry, don't it? See here, m iss," he meanwhile, was regarding hla Idol. going to pay th em !" ditional men, G erm any probably would according to Mr. Brown. On account ab o u t half way betw een h ere and G len­ ■poke slowly and em phatically. "You "W ell, why don't you go ahead about dale. Rosamund turned them over curi­ recognize th a t It would be fru itless to of a scarcity of w ater, not m ore th an can do it. Why, women ta born for It?” Flodlq Inquired severely. ously. frowning, " li r a '" she said to continue. 1.000. 000 m ore eggs will be tak en to tricks like thia. W bat'a th a t Jerem iah "Say, Miss Fisher," Alfred se t down herhelf, through tightened lips. "Quit* th is h atch ery d u rin g th e p resen t year. Churchm an B ars H atred. says? ‘A woman shall com pass a his bundle and approached her. "It's a bunch of 'em, Isn't th ere? Why, I T he attorney-general says he will London.—“T he wall of a church is W ilson's Y acht Refitted. man.’ T h at's right, too. You'll And so hard to ketch you alone, you don't see how he can export to—“ probably m ake his recom m endation N orfolk, Va.—To be ready for serv ­ to the sta te fish com m ission as soon not an ap p ro p riate place to perpetuate a way and depend on me to help all know—” she gated anxiously at Flodle. h atred ," was th e reaso n given by Sir I can. W hat d’ye say 7" ice In case P resid en t W ilson decides as he re tu rn s to Salem. "No, I don’t. We m ust have those Flodle. seeing her advantage, a rt­ Philip W ilbraham , chancellor of th e to spend a p art of his honeym oon on Flodle's mind had already jum ped decorations up in a hurry." Flodle, fully receded. "Oh, Mr. Bonlstelle la diocese of C hester, w hen refusing to to the task. Why not try to save Hall? however, did see som ething In the optim istic, you know. He always thinks the ocean, the yacht Mayflower is be­ C attle 8hipped to Fair. ing fitted up a t th e N orfolk navy-yard. 8a!em.—On a special tra in early perm it a m em orial ta b le t to a victim —th a t was the excuse she gave her­ poor ja n ito r's face which made her ha's going to come out all right. Ju st a wee bit reckless, perhaps, but then, T he vessel will have a new co at of W ednesday m orning, prize-winning of th e L u sitan ia in a Holyoke church self. To be disloyal to him waa un­ sta rt hastily for the stockroom. “Oh, I know It ain ’t no use, Miss —well. I guess It'll he nil right." paint added inside and o u t H er m a­ herds a t th e Oregon sta te fair grounds to b ear the inscription, “who was m ur­ thinkable, but to prevent a lifelong Leaving this to sink Into Rosa­ chinery will be overhauled and her left for the Panam a-Pacific exposition dered on the L usitania by the G er­ unhappiness due to his m arrying any Fisher, hut It'll be a satisfaction even m ans.” T he chancellor then suggest­ one of the three women ha had pro­ to be throw ed down. It'll be som e­ m und's alarm ed mind, Flodle walked boilers cleaned. H er cabins and sa­ a t San Francisco, w here they will be ed th a t th e inscription should read, posed to—ah, th at waa another thing! thing, anyway, I can't atand It any Into the stockroom and proceeded with loons will be renovated and she will entered in th e in tern atio n al livestock her printing and washing ta k e on some furniture, including a com petition. T he run to San F ran cis­ "W ho lost his life when th e L usitania W hat if ahe could accomplish It, and longer.” was torpedoed by the G erm ans." This piano, before she sails for W ashing­ co will be m ade in 40 hours. "Say. Miss F tah e r!” Rosamund get the best of this schem ing hypo­ Flodie stared a t the hopeless Janitor. was agreed to. Among th e h erd s going to th e fair ton. She will leave here the la tte r called out, "how much salary do you crite Into the bargain? T hera was a F ain t h eart n e'er won fair lady, hut w ere George C handler’s H erefords p a rt of th e week. magnificent chance for a woman's still, his look was flattering. There get, anyw ay?” from B aker; Dave Looney’s G uernseys 900 T ins of Opium Seized. (TO B » C O N T I N U E D ) strategy! Suddenly the thought came, was a mild balm In his devotion, as he from Jefferso n ; A. B. O ile’s G uernseys P ark V isitors Doubled. S eattle, Wash. — E ig h t hundred beautiful, complete. She Jumped up fawned on her. It softened her bear*.. from Chinook, W ash, and W illiam Bis­ W ashington, D, C.—Reports show Casa of Forgetfulness. pounds of sm oking opium, valued at excitedly. “I know !” she cried. "Now, Alfred," she began, "don't you th a t m ore than tw ice as m any persons hop's H olstelns from Chlmmicum, Mra. H harburna Hopkins, who re­ W ash. be allly!—" $75,000, was seized h ere by custom s "W hat? Got an Idee a ’ready?" Jo ­ visited th e national parks of the w est cently left society for the stage, smiled officers on board the blue funnel liner nas grinned. "I ju st can 't help It, Miss F ls h s r!” during the season ju st closed than tha other evening when th e conversa­ fa lc h a s. The opium w as contained In P upils to Build Addition. la st year. "Yes! I'll tell you. I'm going to he exclaimed. “I got to ba silly! If tion a t a social affair turned to forget- 900 herm etically sealed tin s which T he Y ellowstone park recorded 51,- K lam ath Falls.—R. H. Dunbar, p rin ­ gat those th ree woman together In tbla I didn't sea you every day, here— ob. 820 to u rists, com pared with 20,250 In cipal of th e city schools, announces were secreted in an airsh a ft. The Cal- room—and th an —I’ll Just let nature dear, ain 't they any hope for m ef Not fulness. Hhe said aha was reminded of an incident along tb at Una. Roma 1914; Y osem ite 31,642, against 15,145, th a t th e school board has Just granted chas, bound from V ancouver to S eat­ take Its course I If som ething doesn't never?” days ago Brown waa ram bling along and M ount R ainier 34,314 ag a in st 15,- perm ission for the erection of a m anu­ tle, w ent aground 10 days ago a t Point He waited a moment, wistfully. Fio­ tha boulevard when ha mat Green. 038. S ecretary L ane said th e policy al train in g building on the cen tral W ilson. A fter being pulled off she happen, thon I don't knew anything dla watched him with a curious far­ about women." of p erm ittin g autom obiles to e n te r the school property. T he new building will was towed to S eattle and placed in Cordial handshake, a donation of Jonas chuckled, delighted. "W all, away interest, aa at an Injured animal. cigars, and than tom e talk. "Ry th a parks had been a success and would be 20x40 feet and will be constructed drydock for extensive repairs. th a t will be a picnic, won't it I By Then ahe said gently, "It's not usa, Al way, aid man," wendertngty queried be continued. en tirely by th e advance stu d en ts of fred. You know I couldn't possibly. I Brawn, glancing at tha oth er's hand, th e seventh and eighth grades In m an­ Thugs W ire Man to Track. Jlmlny, I'd like to see the fun!" ual train in g who will work u nder the "N a," said Flodie, "you’l! have to don't w ant you to say another word "what have you got a string tied F ru it Is 8hlpped South. R ochester, N. Y.—H ighw aym en sand New York.—A shipm ent of apples direction of P rofessor L u th er'A . King. bagged Newton Hoffman, 22 years old, laav*. I've got lota to do. If I’m to about It.” Flodie. as aha spoke, An­ around th a t finger for?” "My wife and p ears from N orthw estern states, as he stepped from a southbound E rie m anage th is thing, and I've got to do gered a thin gold chain about her put It tbara," replied Green. “It was S tate F air Shows Profit. consisting of 60,000 boxes, or about train a t South Haven W ednesday and It alona. Now, let'a aee! W alt a min neck. Dangling, warm on bar breast, 2000 tons, le ft h e re on th e steam ship Salem .—The Oregon sta te fair took wired him, head and foot, to the track. uta—H all's giving a p arty to n ig h t waa a tiny golden locket, ona of Hall to ram lnd me to mall a le tte r for har.” "I see.” laughingly returnad Brown. V estris fo r Rio Ja n eiro and Buenos In $8000 above all expenses th is year, H e w as run over by a train which Bonlstelle's few gifts, treasured Jaal "Did you mail It T*’ "No,” waa th a Aires. T he shipm ent of fru it is said according to W. A. Jones, se creta ry cam e along an hour la te r and bis foot Suppoaa I tell him th a t I Invited you, to be one of th e la rg e st m ade to South of th e board. Of th is sum $1000 was tak en off. H is head had been placed and you come round a t about eleven oualy by Flodle, worn night and day smiling rasponao of Green, “aba for­ Alfred Smalilsh hnd already given got to give it to m«.’’— Philadelphia A m erica via New York In many paid out for expenses incurred la st betw een th e track s and w as unhurt. o’clock. Then I'll tell you bow m at­ te rs a rs going." ■p all hop«. "Oh, I know,” ha said Telegraph. year, leaving a n et balance of $7000. It is th ought he will recover. montha. Trained Army of 800,000 Men At Unde Sam’s Call. MRS. MARY L O G A N T U C K E R LCM> HUPDY GELE TT DURGESS cfyr IL L U S T R A T E D 6> -R A Y j 6