The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, October 21, 1915, Image 1

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Has the Largest Circulation of A ny Paper in the Santiam Valley— It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
^ 1st Year, No. 39.
S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y ,
Th«> Slayton high school moved Into
the new I uilU.nK Monday morning, «1*
thoiiKh the lower floor« w ere not quite
The heating plant 1« completely In*
stalled and |(ivea gtxid «atiafaction. The
aaaeinbly hall or atudy room la ona pi
the moat modern in the atate, and the
recitation rooma are fitted with tablet
arm rhulra.
D. C. Davie arrived Monday morning
to luke charge o f the Commercial De­
partment, which necupiea t h e t w o
nortliweat rooma on the upper floor.
About twenty are enrolled in that de­
partment alone.
I'rof. (ieuntt will uae the recitation
room in the rear o f the aaaemhly for
hie claaaea, and Mina Tiffany the room
to the aouth, while Clyde llo ffe r will
teach muaic, art and w riting for the
grade« in the room to the aouthweat o f
the aaaembly.
It ib expected that the grades will be
moved to their rommootuua and modern
room« next week, while the teacher«
are attending the County Institute at
Salem, which begins Monday, and lasts
until Wednesday night.
The pupils, a« well as the patron«,
should feel proud o f the new buildinh.
and .hould do everything in their power
to keep it in a first class and up-to-date
It is said on good authority, that
Slayton's schools rank as high as Sil-
verton or Woodhurn, towns o f twice
this sise. Let everyone, who ia in any
way connected, try their very best to
keep the school in that plane.
Posters are out announcing a regu­
lar High Jinks time at the I. O. O. F.
Hall Saturday night, Oct. 30.
your plana to be there.
That it pays to advertise in the Stay-
ton Mail, was evidenced by the way
things sold at the tw o public sales this
week. Don’t bo misled, The Mail has
the largest circulation o f any paper
that cornea in. or is printed in this ter­
ritory. The Mail haa lieen established
21 years. The Mail ia known in almost
every household from Gates to Turner.
W e ran save you money on any paper
or magazine for which vou wish to sub­
For one more week we will
cell the Mail and the Daily Telegram
fo r $8.00 both one year.
A piece o f hot steel flying from a
white hot cold chisel, which the young
man was tempering in w ater was the
cause o f Jesac A plot, son o f Oscar
A plet o f near Lyons, nearly losing hia
eye one day the first o f the week.
The steel cut a glancing gash in the
eye hall letting out the outside w atery
fluid. Dr. Brewer o f this city succeed­
ed in getting the wound closed and the
eye is filling nicely, with many chances
o f complete recovery o f sight.
In these days when everyone ia using
the telephone and the mail for business
purposes, w a jtn o w that a large num­
ber o f our subscribers are using the
malls in renewing their subscriptions.
W e always like to see your cheerful
faces in our office, but we realize that
you use the telephone or the postoffire
for the same reason we d o—to save
steps, and wc are perfectly willing to
have you send us your orders by post.
nut in renewing your subscription
this year, we wish to inform you that
can, if you wish, secure four magazines
by adding IK cents to the regular price
o f our paper make your check to in­
clude the gruat magazine club wc have
advertised elsewhere in this issue o f
the pa|>cr. l,ook over the remarkable
club o f high class magazines we offer
you in connection with our own paper
for only $1.18 a year—not $1.18 extra,
as you may be inclined to think when
you look over the advertisement and
see tho publications offered—but J1.1H
pays a yea r’s subscription to our paper
and to four magazines besides.
Drop us a lino right a w a y -s o that
we can get your name in our next or­
der to the publishers.
You ought to
get every bit o f your reading matter
from us while this bargain offer holds
The annual Teachers’ Institute will
convene at the Salem High school build­
ing on Monday, October 25, at 9:30
The sessions will continue through
Tuesday and Wednesday.
A ll public
schools in the county will be closed dur­
ing this time, the teachers being com­
pelled by law to attend.
A good program haa been arranged
for the institute. One halt of the time
being devoted to general addresses by
prominent educators o f the statq and
one half to department sessions.
teachers are grouped, according t o
their work, into the following depart­
ments: Kural. primary, intermediate,
advanced and high school.
Problems o f teaching, school man­
agement and discipline, will be present­
ed by the instructor o f the department
And discussed oy the teachers.
Lectures will be given at the gener­
al sessions as follows:
“ Professional Progress’ ’ E. D. Ress-
Icr, Corvallis, Oregon. "T h e Philoso­
phy o f the Teacher” Supt. J. A . Chur­
chill,'Salem, Oregon.
"T h e Adapta­
tion o f the Gary System ” to the Ordi­
nary School" L. R. Alderman, Port­
land, Oregon.
"T h e Paramount Im ­
portance o f the Rural School" E. T.
Reed, Corvallis. Oregon.
“ Play and
its Meaning to Child L ife ” B. W. De-
Busk, Eugene, Oregon.’ ’ Parent-Teach­
er Organizations" Emma F razelle,Port­
land, Oregon.
"C lub W ork ” F. L.
Griffin, Corvallis, Oregon.
"W h a t tci
say in telling Childern the L ife Story”
Harriet Heller, Portland, Oregon. “ The
Converted Public”
M. S. Pittman,
Monmouth, Oregon.
W. M. Smith,
Supt. Marion county, Oregon.
Seven Corn Shows will be held in | the flint type. A perfect ear should be
Marion county this fall.
The places ' cylindrical or nearly so in shape.
and dates are as follows;
circumference should be 3-4 Its length,
Mt. Angel
October 22-23
i The kernels should b e well formed,
St. Paul
about 5-16 o f an inch wide by 5-8 c f an
Novem ber 5-6
" 10-11-12-13 inch long, uniform in size and shape
and aix to the inch in the row.
It ia
" 18-19-20
not expected that anyone will find a
" 22-23-24
December 1-2-3-4 perfect ear nor ten ears that look alike.
A t a recent meeting o f the Marion It is hoped, nevertheless, that every­
County Potato Growers’ Association it one who has com will make the best
was decided to make an exhibit o f po­ display possible in order that the main
tatoes at the Marion county corn show. purpose o f this years’ corn show may
Each local corn show has ulso added tie accomplished— to show that corn
potatoes to its list so that the entire c a n be profitably grown in Marion
county will be represented.
A farm ­ county.
The greatest yield o f good feed corn
ers institute will tie held in connection
what is sought and the only reason
with each show.
The introduction o f corn into our for following the above standard is
cropping schemes will do much to im­ that more corn can be produced by so
prove our general agricultural condl doing.
Potatoes—Select 18 as nearly uniform
tions. It supplies a profitable cultiva­
ted crop to take the place o f summer tubers as possible—not necessarily the
fallow on the grain farms and clean largest ones -true t o varietal type
culture in the young orchards. Fifteen smooth, free from bruises, knots and
bushels o f corn to the sere will pay the other irregnlarities and free from scab,
cost o f production under ordinary con­ rhizectonis and other diseases.
ditions. A ll above this may, therefore, best market potato is always the best
be added to the cost o f clean tillage or show potato.
It is hoped by these shows to demon­
summerfaliow as net profits.
A con­
servative estimate o f yields on lands strate which are the best varieties to
that are now in summerfaliow every grow and how to grade them. A spec­
third year is 50 bu. per acre.
Records ial day will be given at the county
o f this year’ s yields in every section o f show, at Salem, to potatoes, how to
the county warrant the above estimate. produce and market them.
The premium lists for all o f the
In fact, manv fields that have but re­
including the Marion county
cently adopted a suitable rotation are
show are as follows:
yielding from 35 to 50 bu. per acre.
Besides changing a year o f total loss
Best 100 ears any dent variety
to a profit, a rotation o f clover, corn,
“ 10
" yell->w dent*
and grain will double the yield o f grain.
" white dent
Greater yields means greater economy
“ flint corn
o f production and, therefore, greater
“ sweet corn (rip e)
net returns. As a general guide to se-
“ pop corn
lect’ng exhibits fo r the corn and pota­
" single ear any dent variety
to shows, the follow ing suggestions are
A ll o f the shows, except the Marion
Dent Corn— The ears should be ripe, county show, also give a prize fo r best
uniform in size a n d shape, r o w s individual display.
straight, Jjutts and tips well covered,
Beat 12 potatoes, any variety.
kernels deep and closely bet, rough at
Marion county Show will offer
outer ends. Smooth, glazed kernels in­
dicate a run-out seed, a re vert ion to prizes for each o f the leading varieties,
the Ladd & Bush bank donating all o f
the cash for these prizes.
Luther J.
For the benefit o f tho>e who are un­
fam iliar with my treatments I give
here a brief definition o f chiropractic.
Chiro-practic is a system o f adjust­
ing the articulation o f the bony fram e­
work o f the human body,especially asy­
métries o f the spinal vertubrae, for the
purpose o f removing the cause o f the
disease by the correction o f subluxa­
tions (partial displacements or dislo­
cations) thereby removing the pres­
sure, impignment or tension from the
nerves having their passage between,
through or around the structures sub-
luxated. The auhluxation is corrected
with the hands, using the bones o f the
body, more particularly the pteccsses
o f the vertebrae o f the spine, as levers
to which is applied a peculur adjuslic
There are some who think that Chi­
ropractic treatments are beneficial only
in cases o f hysteria or other purely
nervous disorders, but there Rre thous­
ands o f people who can testify to hav­
Good Drugs, Good Cigars, Good Sodas
ing been relieved or cured o f chronic
at Beauchamp's Drug Store.
stomach trouble, constipation with its
attending ills,kidney nnd liver troubles,
gall stones,
rheumatism, lumbago,
heart disease, female weaknesses etc.,
in a large percentage o f cases when
every other known method o f healing
has failed.
I do not profess to be n "cu re all”
but I do claim that the history o f chi­
ropractic shows a wonderful success in
the treatment o f human ills.
My terms are not exorbitant, in fact
there is no need to suffer longer with
your illness for fear o f being robbed
for treatments as they are within the
reach o f everyone, and furthermore I
do not take your money unless 1 am
sure I can give you relief.
Offices over Deidrieh’s store across
from post office. Dr. O. A .^n n d .
Good Goods—
Toilet Soaps
Colgates, Almond Cream
Bay Rum, Glycerine, Carbol­
ic Acid and Antiseptic
A lso G reen and Liquid T a r Soaps
5c to 25c
Slopers Drug Store
O C T O B E R 21, 1915.
Andrew Rauscher claims to be some
shot with a rifle, if you don’ t beliave it,
ask him how many times he shot at a
plaster o f paris jackrabhit up a t Gol-
dendale, Wash. The last shot was fir­
ed at a distance o f about 12 feet nfter
Mr. Rauscher had sneaked up on poor
bunny for nearly a hundred yards.
Andy will he home Saturday an l tell
you all about it.
Serial N o. 1023
Don’ t take chances in the matter o f
Christmas presents.
You don’t want
yours, like so many others, to be re­
ceived with indifference or worse, and
ten days a fter Christmas to be cast
aside and forgotten.
You take no chance in giving the
Youth’ s Companion fo r a year.
Did you ever know o f a home in
which it came amiss, or o f one in which
it was not conspicuous on the library
table or in some one’s hands all through
the year?
I t is worth while to make a g ift o f
that sort, and it is worth while to re­
ceive it, too, fo r The Companion illus­
trates the best traits in American life
in its stories and sketches, upholds the
best standards in its articles and other
contributions, and combines the practi­
cal and Informing with the entertaining
and blood-stirring.
I f you do not know The Companion
as it is today, let us send you one or
two current issues free, that you may
thoroughly test the papers quality. W e
will send also the Forecast fo r 1916.
Every new subscriber who sends $2.-
00 for the fifty-tw o weekly issues o f
1916 will receive free all the issues for
the rest o f 1915 and The Companion
Home Calendar for 1916.
T h e Youth's Companion, Boston,
N ew subscriptions received at this
A telegram came through Stayton,
via Aumaville this morning stating that
the body o f Dr. Ransom o f Mill City,
who had been lost in the mountains o f
the Jackson Hole country o f W yom ing
for several weeks, had been found by
the searchers, and that an examination
o f the body led to the belief that the
unfortunate man had been killed by the
accidental discharge o f his own rifle.
Complete details w ill appear later.
Over two-hundred members o f the
Beneficial-Fraternal organization, re|>-
resenting five lodges gathered at Sub­
limity last Thursday night. October 14,
in a "G e t-T o g fth e r’ ’ meeting.
A fte r a short bussiness session, an
open meeting was held, among the
speakers being, Hon. Thos. Brown o f
Salem, Chas. H ottinger o f Sublimity
and W . F. Klecker o f Stayton. Henry
Steinkamp presided.
A good social meeting was held ar.d
refreshments were served by the Sub­
limity lodge. About fifteen members
o f the local camp in Stayton were pres­
J. H. Missler was Tuesday appointed
by Judge Bushey as administrator o f
the estate o f Adam Missler who died
intestate in Turner, October 14, leav-
ing personal property to the value o f
$5,700. The only heirs are J. H. Miss­
ler, a son residing at Stayton, and May
Forrest, a daughter residing at Turner.
Adam Missler o f Turner died at his
home Thursday, October 14, at the ad­
vanced age o f 82 years.
His w ife pre­
ceded him about two years ago.
account o f sickness in the home, the
funeral was held at the Turner ceme­
tery, where he was laid to rest, and
was conducted by the Methodist minist­
er o f that city.
Mr. Missler was born in Germany in
1833, and emigrated to America in 1851.
Seven years later, in 1858, he came to
Oregon, and spent his busy life on his
farm near Turner until about eleven
years ago when he moved to Turner.
He is survived by one son, J. H.
Missler, o f Stayton, and one daughter,
Mrs. May Forrest o f Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks and Mr.
and Mrs. Skaife, all o f Silverton visi;-
Your attention is called to the ad o f ed at thè C. A. Luthy home Sunda .
Young’ s Cash Grocery in another col- Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Skaife are si ­
terà o f Mrs. Luthy.
■ K 't
For 2 Weeks |
Closing out of Men’s Pants and Shirts and Reducing of
Woolen Underwear
$3.00 All wool Kersey pants
2.50 Corduroy pants
1.60 Flannel over shirts
Several pieces of 54 inch all wool suiting
- $1.18
$0.60 Mohair Suiting now
54 inch pre shrunk all wool serge
black only now
- 1.18
Wool Underwear for Men
Lay in your winter supply.
1.50 Shirts or drawers
1 . 2 5 .....................
1 .0 0
10c Grade Outing Flannel, your choice
1 2 $ c ........................
1 5 c .........................
Heavy wool socks
Extra heavy wool socks
SWEATERS Less Than Cost
$0.75 Sweaters
We sell them
Regular 10c bats
20c “
75c 31b. bat
“ 15c
Just Received
A large assortment of new house dresses
and aprons. Made right, of good material
and cheaper than a mail order house sells