The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 02, 1915, Image 6

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    •860 Oregon State Fair w*
(1906 State Fair not held on account o f Lewis & Clark Exposition)
$20,000 in Premiums
Have \our picture taken by experta.
Mr*. Win. Nendel and children viait-
I'rover & Weigel, Saturday and Sun- cd relatives near Salem over the week-
i day only. tf.
i end.
A full week at the Oregon State Fair Broaden* the Intellect.
Munter, the Aviator, will make two
flights daily.
Free Camping space in shady Oak Park. Free stalls for Camp­
er’s Teams. Free Transportation on Railroads for Exhibits.
For any information relative to the Oregon State Fair w hich
Opens Sept. 2 7, and closes Oct. 2.
5 Big Reels
“The Bomb Thrower”
Ed Blakely went to Corv. Ilia today.
I). P. Hutchinson ami father o f near
— ■■ -
I Mohmna were Stayton visitor* Tues*
Klecker pays 25c per dosen for egg*. I day.
An Exposition in itself. The Pride of Oregon. A Great
College for the one engaged in Agricultural, Horti­
cultural and Livestock Pursuits.
Saturday Night:
I.uther Stout waa down from Meha-
High achool hooks and supplies at
ma Tuesday.
Sloper's. Hooka must be sold for cash
Will Carter was in from the Waldo
| Hills Tuesday.
Plea, cakes, rookies ami a cup o f hot
coffee at the Bakery.
Just what you
Baker Lunches at the Bakery at any want.
hour. Try us.
Lester Smith and wife are at New­
Mrs. Jennie Lovejoy went to Port- port. They will be gone about three
¡ land yesterday.
3 Parts Featuring Edwin August
5 Keels
Where Is He?
What has become o f the bare­
footed boys and girls v e used to
see throng the streets? It is a
rare thing now to see any o f the
small fry with their pedal ex­
tremities bare We are all either
too proud or better o f f than in
our boyhood days. We remem­
ber when there were only one or
two families whose children wore
shoes and stockings the whole
year around, and they were con­
sidered “ stuck up’ ’ . Our moth­
ers used to have to whale us to
make us wear shoes on the Sab­
bath, and we would hike home
and get them o ff as soon a s
church was o u t nearly even-
fellow had a stonebruise o r a
stubbed toe and carried it in b
sling unless he was a “ Miss Nan­
cy ” and played with the girls.
O f course there is not t h e
same inducement to run bare­
footed now, for there is no dust
six inches deep on the streets for
a fellow to shuffle through, or
ponds in front o f every store
when it rains for him to splash
around in and work the mud be-
teween his toes. It is also true
that a follow does not have to
stumble through a f l o c k o f
geese or fall over a cow every
here ana there on the sidewalk
as in the good old days. —Ex.
still missing and a suitable re­
Carl Schaefer o f Linn county v
ward will be given to the o n e
i Stayton Tuesday.
catching the bee. o ra bear wear-1
ing a 11)15 straw hat.
j . \v. Mayo was u Lyons visitor
Possibly the cat did not intend rue*da>' « ftt’rmx>n.
getting into the cupboard, but
Mrs. John Mayer o f Lyons was trad­
mother could have killed that old ing in town Tuesday.
beast when a youngster said.
Ernest Matthieu went to Champoeg
“ Y mamma, that cat’s so old she
is childish, you ought not to take| ! on business Tuesday.
her so seriously.” Tabby is on
A. Hill and wife are visiting the
week-end in Mill City.
A Quick Wink.
The closing o f the eye. the rest and
the opening o f It have been measured
p.nd are found to consume three hun­
dred nnd niuety-flve one-thousandths
o f a second. This is a quick wink.
and winks bare been measured that
required forty-one-thousandths of a
second more time. For these measure­
ments especially arranged photograph­
ic apparatus is required, and then when
a bit o f white paper Is placed ou the
eyelid its motions can be accurately de­
termined. In a quick wink the closing
o f the eye has been found to require
seventy-five one-thousandths o f a sec­
ond. the rest twice as long and the
opening one hundred nnd seventy-one
one-thousandths o f a second.
Miss Etta Lang o f Silver Creek Falla
is working in the bakery.
Star Theatre
Several families attended the
circus at Salem Friday.
B. Wagner is building a very
pretty farm house.
A Specialty
At Cladek’s Garage
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adsit o f Salem
are visiting at the C. E. Kramer homo
this week.
We can turn out any kind o f Lathe Work, up to and
including a crank shaft for an engine.
Bring your engine troubles here
We fix ’Em To Stay Fixed
Short Time Only
Tanglefoot Fly Paper
A Certain Lot of $5.50 and $6.00
Poison Fly Paper and Flv Powder at
P. M. Hermen was in town Monday 1
with his new “ Buick Six” .
Jno. Downing, the city marshal, is
home from his trip to the mountains.
Henry Siegmund and family o f Fern
j Ridge were trading with Stayton mer-
j chants Monday.
Dr. Brewer reports a fine girl born
to Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schleis Satur­
day, August 28.
Dan Doll and wife, Mrs. Jno. Thoma.
and Guv Kearns took in the ball game
in Salem Sunday.
Eggs, 23c per dozen at Klecker’».
$ 5 .0 0
Lancefield’s Cash Shoe Store, Stayton
O n« T o
Convince the Most Skeptical
Stayton Reader.
Signs of Sapience.
"Pa. why do people call tlio owl the
bird o f wisdom?"
“ Because lie's got sense enough not
to come out and fly around until all
boys o f j’oiir age aro in Issi." —Boston
D. M. Doll and wife, Frank Kerber
The test o f time is the test that
and Misses Etta Lang and Marie Hen­ counts.
We will pay at the rate o f IJc. per
kel motored to Salem Thursday even­
Doan's Kidney Pills have made their pound for all fresh picked evergreen
reputation by effective action.
blackberries delivered at the following
The following case is typical.
Misses Bessie a n d Crystal Shank
Stayton residents should be convinc­
At the Baldwin place near Mei.ama,
drove through Stayton Tuesday e n- ed.
route for Salem, they returned yester- < T h e testimony is confirm ed- t h e or at any point on the Mehama road
from Baldwin's to Stayton.
proof complete.
Testimony like this cannot be ignor­
In Stayton at Paul Fehlen’a place.
J. R. Gardner and wife, E. C. Titus, ed.
Alao at any point on the Stayton-
Mrs. Effie Miller and Miss Cora Cooper
A. J. Wood, 733 N. Front St., Salem, Aumaville road.
motored to the Wilhoit Springs Sun­ Ore., says: "K idney complaint got so
bad in my case that I knew I would
A truck will collect the berries each
have to check It or suffer more serious day, beginning Thursday, August 8 .
Will pay once a week.
Jas. Rossell and sons are home from results. Just after getting up in the
their moss camp near Toledo.
They morning, the complaint waa worse.
For further information a e e Paul
have about 10 tons stored and ready to Before I had finished one box o f Doan's Fehlcn, the Stayton Mail or the under­
Kidnev Pills, I wss free from every signed. Collins & Starr, Brooks, Ore.
symptom o f kidney complaint and my
Mrs. Frank Hamman and children kidneys were normal.”
returned home Tuesday after a pleas- given January 30th, 1906).
ant week’s stay in Gates with rela­
Wood aaid: I haven’ t had a return o f
kidney trouble since Doan's Kidney
Hoppickers Wanted at the T. J. Hill
J. M. Ringo sports a black eve ob­ Pills rid me o f it. ”
yard near Sublimity. Phone or sec the
tained in a friendly scuffle with Jos.
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’ t sim­ owner, T, J. Hill.
Fisher one day this week.
Boys will ply ask for a kidney re m e d y -g e t
Doan’s Kidney Pills- the same that'
be boys.
Mr. Wood had. Foster-Milbutn Co., I
Herman Marking was over from Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tborras Creek yesterday, and reports
A good well improved lovely little
everything in fine shape in his neigh -1
farm o f 20 a. near Stayton, Oregon for
•ale on long time In Installments to
Enquire at Stayton
F. M. Munkera returned to Portland
I expect to make two trips per day, suit purchaser.
| with h'* daughter, Mrs. J. H. Mulchay, | each day o f the Scio Fair. Auto leaves Mail office or office o f V. A. Goode,
9 . 1 #*
¡ who ha,J bcen visiting at his place west at 7 a. m. and 9 a. m.
Reserve neats.
i o f town.
Wm. Nendel.
D ic t io n a r y L o re .
"Poison” and “ potion" are doublets,
Miss Walk has returned from
the former being an older form o f the
California where she has spent latter. Both are derived from the
the summer visitinp relatives and Latin “ potare,'' to drink, and “ poison”
in Its original sense signified merely
enjoying the Fair.
something to drink.
Ethel and Donald Davis o f Sa­ While the word "human” used as
lem have returned home after meaning "a human licing" Is now only
spending several weeks w i t h colloquial or humorous, I.ouVIl In the
their sister, Mrs. Floyd Hum­ Introduction to the “ Biglow Papers”
chided Bartlett for including it In his
"Dictionary o f Americanisms” and re­
Frank Shedeck a n d family, marked that It was Chapman's habit­
also his sister Emma and M r . , ual phrase in his translation o f Homer
and that It is found also In tho old play
Donaldson o f Salem called at the o f “ The Hog Hath Lost His Pearl."—
J. Tefft home Sunday.
Not long since a small boy fap-
peared hatless from a small strip
o f timber, leaving a bee’s nest
in the distance. Returning late
in the day in search o f the hat,
he saw a bear. The headgear is
Lathe W ork
Mrs. W. H. Tate and daughter Edna
were in from Union Hill Wednesday
10c large Dar, 3 bars 25c.
S. M. Smallwood and wife o f Port­
Beauchamp’s Drug Store.
land arc here visiting his mother, Mrs.
C. E. Kramer.
Nearly one hundred people have left
John Caldwell has moved from the
Stayton for the hop fields.
Cottage Hotel to the English house on
L. A. Thomas shipped a load o f fat I Fourth Street.
hogs to Portland this week.
Mrs. E. M. Olmsted and children and
Jacob Spaniol sold a gasoline engine j Mrs. F. H. Downs came home from
I Newport today.
to Louis Giesler this week.
Union liill
“ A pronoun," said the master. “ Now
remember that. Then cotnes the verb.
Now what follows that?"
“ A proverb, please, sir.” — London
Mrs. Millie Berry is here visiting at
the Orlo Mack a n d W. J. Hewitt
Between Two Fire».
Mrs. Alice Baker of Kingston spent
She was desjierately gone on them
both, and she couldn't think which one ¡Tuesday with friends here.
to choose. It was rather perplexing,
H. E. Burmester was over from the
no doubt, for one she was bound to re­
Bilyeu Den country Tuesday.
She gazed at them both In despair,
Ben Gehlen has moved into the Alva
quite puzzled to know what to do. As
soon ns she thought about one she Smith’s house on Fifth Street.
Threshing in this vicinity was cared for the other one too.
Completed Thursday, Aug. 26th.
Roy Crabtree and daughter, Eunice
They still remained under her gaze,
without a drop o f rain. T h e little recking the trouble they brought. o f Lyons were in town Mortday.
yield has been very good and the It really was hard to decide. They
were both so delightful, she thought
Remember that Klecker pays 23c
quality such that buyers are mak­
She couldn't say which one shed ■ pg,. dozen for your surplus eggs.
ing an effort to secure the covet­ have: her efforts fell hopelessly flat.
It's really exceedingly hard selecting
ed grain. The men folks have
H. A. Thomas and wife were in from
a new bat.
wanderee to the “ old awimmin’
near Silver Creek Falls yesterday.
Idiot’s Joke.
hole” and the housewives have
“ My pillow Is awfully hard,” remark
E. A. Weddle and Wm. Downing
stowed away the nnmerr us cook­
ed the star boarder.
were down from Mill City Monday.
ing utensils, which in many in­
“ It Is stuffed with feathers from a
stances are kept on hand simply tailor's goose." explained the confirmed
Cliff Carter is back from Eastern
for the big annual feed d a y s Idiot as he helped himself to another Oregon, where he has been at work.
prune Philadelphia I-edger
when each house is turned topsy­
L o g ic .
turvy preparing and serving food
to about 25 men from 2 to 4 “ What—a hoy o f your nge doesn’t
meals each. ’ Tis rumored that know the parts o f xpeeeh!" exclaimed
the schoolmaster.
tho local thresher is undergoing
“ No. sir." replied the pupil.
a change o f heart and before an­ “ Haven’t you ever beard o f a noun?'*
other year rolls around, will put
“ Oh, yes, sir.”
“ Well, what comes next?"
on a cook shack. The world do
"I don’t know, sir.”
Peter Rumlt was over from Jurdttn
trading with Stayton merchants yes­
Rexall Pure Castile
5 and 10c
“Where you see the Best”
Trover & W eigel’s Studio in the Bak­
ery building is open every Saturday
Mrs. J. T. Caldwell is cocking at and Sunday.
the Commercial Hotel.
E. Roy and Forrest Mack sturted for
Lee Tate and family attended the Holley for a week’s hunting and fishing
trip Sunday.
circus at Salem Friday.
Jno. Thoma, wife and son Leonard,
VV. A. Elder and son, Calvin and E. M.
Olmsted and children, John and Hazel,
attended the Barnes’ Circus in Salem
Friday night.
O f course the elders
would not have gone it it had not been
for the ’ ’ kiddos’ .
“The Boundary Riders”
American made Pathe Production
In 5 Thrilling Parts. 5 & 10c
W. Al. Jones, Secretary. Salem. Ore.
Winthr» p Hsmmoml was over
| Salem yesterday.
Rathe News,
Pi|s For Sale—
Mrs. Henry - Miller and son o f Sub­
Mrs. Carrie Beauchamp is home from
Mrs. Margaret Graham o f Kansas,
15 young pigs, just right for fetten-
a visit with her son, Dr. F. E. Beau­ limity a n d Mrs. Nick Geymer and
who has been visiting here at the S.
champ at Albany.
P. P. Crabtree.
G. Crabtree home for a few days, left
position Saturday.
Wednesday morning f o r Califo^iia,
Mrs. C. Bushnell returned to her where she will visit both Expositions
before returning to her home. Mrs.
home in Salem Sunday after a week’s
Supplies at Beauchamp’s, also Devel­
Graham lived i n Stayton about 2 0
oping and Printing.
years ago.
1 Ringo o f this city.
K od ak s and K od ak
A. S. Davie and Stout & Son drove
Myron Harwood o f South Dak. and
about 435 cords of excelsior down the
Miss Coral Smuck o f this place visited
Santiam this week.
j Friday and Saturday with Mr. Har­
wood’s sister in Salem.
Dr. Brewer reports a boy born to
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Sanders east o f
Oliver P. Lesley, V. Dare Sloper and
Stayton, September 1.
the Misses i^na Berg and Emma Frank
Miss Vivian Young left fr.r Moscow, motored to Salem and took in the cir­
Idaho today, where she is an instructor cus last Friday evening.
iii the school at that place,
A. L. Schaefer, wife and children o f
Mrs. Edith Newberry o f Tacoma, Portland are here for a two weeks vis­
Washington i s visiting her parents, it with B. K. Schaefer o f this city and
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Blakely.
Carl Schaefer o f Linn county.
State of Ohio, c l " ' of Toledo. I M
Lucas County,
Fran;: J. r.iem-y m i l.o oath that ho la
renlor partner < t tin- firm of |\ j. chenry
A Co doing buolnesu l.i tlio Cay of To­
ledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the eum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev­
ery ran-! cf Catarrh that cannot bo cured
by the uao of H A L ? /» C A TA Itm t CURE.
Sworn to before mo end S'lhorrlhcd In
my t>r< sr—ce, this Cth day of December,
Stayton people who bought the sim­
ple mixture o f buckthorn hark, glycer­
ine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, arc sur­
prised at the INSTANT effect o f a
This remedy
is «0 complete a bowel cleanser that it
is used successfully I n appendicitis.
Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and
A . D. 1SS«.
lower bowel and ONE SPOONFUL re­
Notary Public.
TTall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally lieves almost ANY CASE o f constips-
end nets dlrortly upon the blood nnd mu- tion, sour o r gassy stomach.
con* stirfnoc* of tho system. Bond for
testimonial*, free
MINUTE after you take it the gasses
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
rumble and pasa out.
V. Dare Sloper,
Sold bv all Druatf***», "to.
T a k e H a ll's I's m llT n i t s fu r c o n a t io a t lo s .