The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, September 02, 1915, Image 1

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    ■ f*< ’u
Has the Largest Circulation of Any Paper in the Santiam Valley—It Covers the Territory Like a Blanket.
Serial N o. 1016
S T A Y T O N . M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , SE P T E M B E R 2, 1915.
¿1st Year, N o. 32.
A large parly o f picnickers from
near Shaw went through Stayton Sun­
day evening anil stopped long enough
to attend the Star Theatre in a body.
The merry crowd was riding behind a
four-horse-team on a hay rack, and
seemed to be having a jolly time.
The following were I n the party:
George, Marcella, Frank, Frets and
FJImer Caspell, Hilda F'ish, Kmrna, Lil­
lian, Adeline and Louie Priem, Fred
and Hose Zurchcr, Albert. F'red, Ida
and Margeret Mailer, George a n d
F'rank Yost, Ors and Areleta Given,
lads, Byron, laurcnce and F>ina Me-
Elhsney, Mable F'rank a n d Bussell
About fifty friends and relativea of
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Thoma gathered at
their home on Water Street Saturday
night a nd gave them the surprise of
their life. The occasion was the cele­
bration of their wedding anniversary.
T h e merry crowd brought many
wooden presents, for the couple, and
even promised John a wooden leg if he
ever should need it.
Cards games, singing and refresh­
ments made the hours pass only to
quickly, and the guAsta departed at a
late hour wishing Mr. and Mrs. Thoma
many returns of the day.
■L. F. J o h n s o n
The Stayton Ball Team went u p
against a hard proposition when they
played the Salem Senators last Sunday,
and had the game cinched, except for
one fatal inning, the fourth.
Cole was in fine form and put them
on the bench in the first two frames,
one, two, three; one, two, three.
Everything was lovely and the goose
was as good as cooked until the fire­
works started in the fourth, when Sa­
lem run in eight, yes, eight big fat
ones on a bunch of errors that the lo­
cals pulled off that killed their chances
of that game forever.
Salem’* only runs were made in that
PI F A ^ A N T HIITI* ' fatal frarne 8nd when the totals were
i L L A J i t l l l I l l l i L counted up it was found that it stood 8
to 4 in favor of the Senators.
Cole fanned 13 and allowed but 7
Last Saturday the Boy scouts o f scattering hita, and but for the costly
Stayton went with their scout master errors in the fourth innjn?i the stayton
on their first hike. There were twelve bunch would have anneXed the Senac-
boys in the party and everyone of them j or<8 gdipg, a n d by this time they
were well behaved. The Scout Master would have been hanging in the Stay-
was well pleased with the interest tak­ ton tepee. “ You Never Can Tell.
en by tke boys in the scouting games
and all instructions given while on the
The party gathered at the Masonic
Hall at nine o’clock and promptly at
the hour left for Tom Ware’s place.
Part of this three mile hike was cover­
ed Bcouts pace, fifty steps walking and
fifty running. While at t h e Ware Flayer-meeting Thursday eve. 8 p. m.
place a temporary organization of two Ladies Aid Meeting Friday afternoon.
patrols took place. Patrol leaders and Bible School Lord’s Day 10 a. m.
their assistants were chosen. The rest Preaching Service Lord’s Day 11 a. m.
of the time was spent in eating dinner Subject: “ Made Perfect Through Suf-
and playing games such as “ Hunting fering.”
the beat", "Stalking” etc.
Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.
The return trip was made along the Preaching Service
8 p. m.
river. At the river the boys engaged Subject: “ Seven Things God Hates. ”
in water sports of their choosing. M-
R. L. Putnam, Pastor,
though the weather was very warm
the boys enjoyed the trip and intend to
_ , _ .
. _ .
Mr». Paul Zuber of Sublimity is suf-
make similar ones every two weeks.
, .
... , , ,
. ' . ,
faring with blood poison in her hand.
Dr. Brewer is in attendance.
Co Two-Cent F* i Monger Rates
The farmers of 1 loth the State and the Railway Com­
llili nation are pany testified that the claims of the
n r-
vitally Interested railroad were sustained by the facts.
In railroad rales Two cents did not pay the cost of
and equity be- ; carrying a passenger a mile. The
tr.een passengerj Hate, however, contended that tho
and freight rates j railroad was earning enough surplus
Is especially Im­ on Its state freight business to give a
portant to tho fair return upon the capital used In
Iran who follow* its passenger as will as Its freight
tho plow for the business. For the purposes of the
travels case, the railroad did not deny this,
very little but he but held to its contention that the
Is a heavy con­ State could not segregate Its pas­
tributor to ths senger business for rate fixing with­
frt Igbt revenue--. out allowing, a rate that would be
Ho me of t b s sufficient to pay the cost of doing
states have a two c«ut ] issrnrar ra i business and enough to give some
and whatever loss la Incurred Is racov- return upon the capital Invested In
erod through freight rev taut- Tho Jus­ doing the business regulated. This
tice of such n pro.’(Jury was recently was the Issue presented to the Su­
passed upon by the Cupreine Court preme Court Its decision responds
of West Virginia and li e dtclslcn Is to the Judgment of the fair-minded
so fur-r<-achlng that wo naked sentiment of the country. The Su-
L. H Tohnron, j r
y-.t c; tho N*.r prern. Court says that, even though
folg and Western Kailv.ay v, :.oio road a railroad earns a surplus on a par­
contented tho case to brlelly r view ticular commodity by charging rea­
the suit. Mr John ' j u i aid in part:
sonable rates, that affords no reason
"Some ten years Ago, passenger for compelling It to haul another's
fares were fixed by the legislatures person or property for less than coat
of a Inrge number of st3'< » at two Tho surplus from a reasonable rate
centa a milo. As a b U for such properly belongs to the railway com­
economic legislation, no < \a ml nation pany. If the surplus Is earned from
was made of 111 • c t of doing the an unrcaronablc rate then that rate
business so rcgnlati d, ncr was any j she Id bo reduced The State may
attention given to t ‘ •• .aU whother not even up by requiring the railroad
such a rate would yield to the rail­ to carry other traffic for nothing or
for less than cost.
way companies an Adequate or a
The decision Is a wholesome one
net return upon llm ci., i 1 lrivc:t i
and demonstrates that the ordinary
In conducting this <' . - of busltn sn.
rules of fair dealing apply to railway
"Such a law v,
pit ; -od In West l companies.
The fact that one makes
Virginia In 1907
hie Norfolk ar.d a surplus on his wheat crop would
Western Railway Company put the never be urged as a reason for com-
rate into effect and maln'a m I It for ... lllng him to sell his cotton at less
two years
Its ac "e'i-t* during j than cost. It would not satisfy the
there two years il red that two . man who wanted bread to be told
cents a mile per i r e j ¡ n T bari ly j that Its high price enabled the cotton
Ot t * : d noth- manufacturer to get his raw product
paid the out-of-rad
for less than cost. In this case the
Ing was leit to t i iv y r ‘ urn OP I court reaffirmed the homely maxim
ht n lief frem that each tub must stand upon Its
capital Irvo.ted 1’
tho courts. Ilxprr c ’our.tints for own bottom.”
Notwithstanding tho fact that Satur­
day « «« on* of thu hottest daya of the
year, and the farmers were busy ns
been at work on the ranches, a nice
crowd gathered in Stayton Saturday
afternoon for the Public Sale.
Kverything that sold brought a fair
price, and quite a number of the mer­
chants have signified a willingness to
put op more stuff when another sale la
It was announced at first that a Sale
would be held September II, but on ac­
count of hoppicking and the fact that
several other public sales will be held
near that date, It Is thought best to
put the next sale off till a later date,
which will be announced in plenty of
time to advertise the same.
The people behind this Saturday Sale
wleh to thank the publif for their pat­
ronage and good words, and assure
Mr. J. P. Wilbur dropped Into the
thoee who patronise it, that they will
uo their beat in any effort along this Mail office Monday afternoon witn a
small box of the finest fiearhcs that the
line in the future.
writer has set eyes on or struck a tooth
Tnto since he left the Ozark region of
Missouri five years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur a n d 0 . F.
Phillips of Portland, who is spending a
few days with them, motored to the
famous "Mission Bottom” north o f
Salem Sunday, where thev visited
During hoppicking it is found unus- Senator A. M. LaF'ollctte’s model
ally quiet, and therefore we will only peach orchard of 46 acres.
show twice a week, Saturday and Sun­
Mr. La Folic tte starts selling peaches
day nights.
in June and keeps It up until Novem­
We will concentrate our utmost ef­ ber, having all the early, medium and
forts to please our audience upon these late varieties in bearing.
two nights.
The samples he sent to the Stayton
In the past we have been Fsing some Mail comprised the Champion, Early
foreign made pictures who (i were un­ and Late Crawford and Elberta. Sev­
satisfactory, and therefore have discon­ eral of them measured 10 inches in
tinued using them. You will see noth­ circumference.
ing but American made Pathe produc­
We wish to thank Mr. LaF'ollette for
tion hereafter.
Star Theatre.
his present and hope that we may be
able to visit his orchard in the future.
A n ice n ew L ine o f
Were your children backward
their studies last year? If
Mr*. Docker’s house on Fifth Street so, ponaibly it was due to eye trouble
raught fire from a defective chimney of some kind. Drs. Lowe & Turner,
Saturday morning, nml caused a little who Bre to beat Lulhy’s Jewelry Store
excitement on the atreet for a short Tuesday, September 7th, a r e e y e
specialists of long experience and skill;
FYrtunately some of the near neigh- take your children to them and let
lairs were at home, and with the help them give their eyes a thorough exam­
of a garden hoae had the fire out by ination, and if they are defective, have
the time the new chemical engine w*s them correctly fitted with glasses.
o n the ground. But small damage , Our charge covers entire cost of ex­
was done.
amination, frames and lenses. Wheth­
er they cost $2.00 or more they are
School Books at Sloper's Drug guaranteed absolutely. Scores of ref-
erences. Remember the date, Tues­
Store. Must be cash.
day, September 7th.
Complete line of Colgates toilet soaf
REXALL STATIONERY just re. : talcum powders, shaving and dent
ceived, come in and see the new pat­ creams at Sloper’s Drug Store.
tern envelopes in the Symphony Lawn
D. B. Hill of Mill Citv stopped ov
packages, all prices, at Beauchamp’s
Sunday here with his parents while
| Drug Store.
his way home from The Dalles.
Copyright, 1914. by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. ii. S.
Dr, Beauchamp and wife, S. H.
Crotker Co., official photographers.
Heltxel, W. H. Hobson, S, L. Stewart, !
G. F\ Harold and G. W. Murphy went
Drug Store received a shipment of
to Albany this afternoon to attend «
Masonic meeting at that place.
Rubber Goods, Hair Brushes, Toilet
HIS Is one of tho many great exhibit palaces at the Panama-
Pacific International Exposition to open In San Francisco In
Dr. W. N. Pintler and wife, C. A. Goods. Rexall guaranteed remedies,
1015. now completed. Its exhibits will be dominated by an arti­
Beauchamp and wife and Master Harry Stationery, Etc.
ficial mountain which will contain working models of every aort
Jones were among the Stayton people
of mining and mineral.
who took in the circus at Salem.
Joa. Peery and family went to Salem
Sunday to see Stayton get beat in the
O. M. Baker, Titus Archer, Lester ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gallo­
Lewis, Lon Titus, Carl Follis and Ru­ way, who had been here a few days,
dolph Henkel motored to Salem F'riday weht with them, and Mrs. Peery and
night and attend Barnes’ Circus.
daughter, Cleta, are spending a few
daya with friends in the Capital City.
W. E. Thomas Hnd wife, and grand­
daughter Lenta Smallman and Miss
Five masked men entered a tent at could give no information as to approx­
Maude Morton motored over from Sa­
'•There’s something In this world he­
imate ages or physical characteristics,
lem Thursday afternoon f o r a few ikles money.1 "Yea,” said the cynic, the Liveslev hopyard at I.ivtsley Sta­
could tell nothing of the other two
tion about 10 a. m yesterday, hound
“there’s the pnorhotge."--Exchange.
hours visit here.
Sheriff Esch went to Indepen­
and gagged Mrs. John Glover of Stav-
an effort to find trace of the
ton, who was alone in tho tent, and
alleged intruders but could trace noth­
took $6 in money, a revolver and some
ing from the slight information given.
stickpins and rings, according to a re­
Mrs. Glover, it is said, had injured
port made to Sheriff Esch,
her hand the previous night and was
Sheriff Esch went to the scene upon unable to pick hops yesterday. All the
receiving the report about 1 p. m., but other pickers in the row of tents where
could learn very little. Mrs. Glover .-lie and her family were camped were
could give only meager descriptions of in the fields and no one was near when
three of the men, being unable to tell the alleged robbery occured.
Daily Statesman.
of anything but their clothing. She
T h is W e e k B e a u c h a m p ’s
of bringing his family here for the
M. J. Crabtree is taking his annual winter, in order that the children may
two weeks vreation from rural route 1, go to school.
in Stayton. Mrs. W. A. Elder will try
and keep it going during his absence*
Ed Young of near Salem has rented
Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree will put in most
Merrifield property near the Salem
of the two weeks a t the hop yard.
ditch on Third Street here, and is put­
ting in a line of groceries. Mr. Young
is an experienced man in his line. He
Nea r Thing.
has rented the Rabens property on Ida
"Was that a stag dinner?”
“Well, it was a dear one.”—Balti­ Street and has moved in his household
more American.
B a th in g C a p s-W a te r W in g s-S w im m in g S lip p ers
Save Money on Eats
W e can fill any legitimate prescription.
Coffee--15c-20c-25c-30c pound
Beans -3 lbs. 25c, 10 lbs. 70c, 25 lbs. $1.70, 90 lbs. $6.00
Maccaroni, 10 lb. box, 73c
Tomatoes, 10c each, 3 for 25c,
Solid pack, 12c can
Com, 10c, 3 for 25c
Fancy, 12c
(Special to The Mail)
The annual Linn County Fair will be
F'rances G., wife of Alfred B. Myers
held early this year, September 8-IMO,
ar.d will be held at the F'air Grounds at of Mill City died of surgical shock,
following an operation for tumor of the
Scio as usual.
The Southern Pacific is making an stomach at t h e Mill City hospital,
attractive rate on the roads leading to Thursday, August 2 6. T h e young
I couple had been married but a year.
West Scio and Munkers.
The remains were prepared by Mr.
The officials of the F'air have hung
up some attractive purses for t h e I Hirst of the Ringo-Hirst Undertaking,
speed program, and the a. ricultural Parlors of this city, and shipped to
exhibits will no douM be up to th us­ Sharon, Kansas, where the deceased,
I parents live.
ual standard.
No douht Stayton will send over a The sympathy of the entire popula-
big delegation to Scio on their Fair tion of Mill City i s with the grief
stricken young husband.
Carnation Milk, 3 for 25c
Yeloban Milk, $3.40
A ll o th e r p ric e s eq u ally a s lo w , G et o u r co n i”
p le te p ric e list.
Harry Porter, Jos. Fisher and John
Chas. Peters and daughter Mary
Smith started yesterday morning for a
northeast of Sublimity were tradiu
long drivé to Fish Lake on a hunting
with Stayton merchants Tuesday.
and fishing trip. They will be gone
two or three weeks.
Dr. Beauchamp is in attendance O'
Ray Griffith of near Aumsville who u ; s
Mrs. Lucy Kearns a n d daughter, pulled over a plow by a clevis break­
Miss Susie, entertained a number of ing, and suffered concussion o f th*
friends at their home Monday in honor brain.
of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant of Albany and
Mrs. Thompson of Long Beach.
S. H. Heltzel, Dr. Beauchamp, \V.
H. Hobson and Wm. Nendel motored
Miss Dot Olmsted is back from New­ to Hubbard Sunday to arrange for so
port, and at work again in the Mail Odd Fellow meeting to be held there in
office, but said office is mourning the October.
loss of Mrs. Edith Smith, who will be
at Newport for several weeks. Dad’s
Chas. Streff was down from h i 8
turn may come next.
homestead yesterday. He is thinking
Eastman Kodaks & Supplies
School Books and Supplies
Mayo’s (Bash Store