SALES D A Y T O -N IG H T “THE WOLF UNMASKED” D A N C E 1 @ j TOWN' Harold Murphy wan o v .. from Sa.«in Sunday. ALL Beauchamp’s 8 part Amt'ricun mu<1o Pathe Production “ Amateur Night” 4 Reels, 5 and 10c A. t'. Peteraon experta to leave for Newport Satuniay. He will make the trip in his Font. Saturday: The St ir Theutrr nivea you more for the money. “THE BOMB BOY” 3 Acts l)r. Drewer reports a girl born t o Mr. ami Mrs. Hoy Huber of Lyons, Dairy Lunch ;.t any time at tlieSluy- Friday, Annusi 20. ten Bakery. ----------- M. J. Crabtree and wife *|K>nt Sun- A di >• Selli is Iliade a business trip to ¡day visitine witli Mi t'rabtree'.t Saleni Tue» lev. ents near Salem. S. A . Starr made a business trip to Albany Monday. Saturday, y Police Dog Cartoon, 1 Act. Talmadge’s Orchestra O f Salem A Great Historical Wild Animal Production with the Real Dope to it in 5 Wondertul Acts. Tangle Foot Fly Paper “W hen Rome Ruled” G Reels COOD ORDER MAKTAINED DANCE TICKETS, 75C Dan Doll and wife. Mis* Mary Frank - Miss Gladys Hill is home for a few find Frank Kerber motored over to Sa- ■ days visit from Mill City. lem Sunday cveninK. J. W. Jackson was down from Mill Mrs. E. C. Lau is visiting at the ! City on business batunlav. home o f her son Fred and family at Fox Valley this week. $ 1.70 ROLSD TRIP. Crabtree. W est Scio. Shelburn. and It esi Stat ion to Independence and W'lgrich. ON Hop Pickers Special TRAIN Special Hop-pickers Train will leave Crabtree at 10:55. West Scioat 11:10 Shelburn, 11:15. West Stayton 11:25 via Geer and Salem and will run through direct to Independence and W ignch. TICKETS will be good only on special train on going trip and will be limited to 30 days from date o f sale, but can be used on any train on return trip. f BAGOAQE intended for this train must be delivered at S. P. Depot on Sunday, August 29th. Call on nearest Agent for full particulars S O U T H E R N PA C IFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Rock Point Mrs. Albert Frank and daugh­ ter, Emma, w e r e trading i n Aumsville Friday. < W. H. Downing is back from 4 the Hot Springs. * Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hunt ar.d *- daughter, Helen, are back from the Exposition. They report a good time, but were glad to get home. Albert Frank and Joe Hen­ dricks went to Keiser Bottom af­ ter peaches Sunday. Notice to Contractors E. C. Downing and spent Sunday at tne Orlo ph reys home. r Tuesday. AIREDALE PUPS $3.50 and $7.50. Few as good. E. B. G. L. Brown and W. C. Gauntt mot­ None better. ored to Hubbard yesterday in quest of Flake, 600 S. 17 St., Salem, Oregon. Phone 1046J. peaches. Jos. ilirzsirftn o f Chicago, III., and Mrs. G. F. Korinek spent the week­ end at the W. C. Parry home in Junc­ Mrs. Marguerite Whyte o f Astoria are visiting at the home of their mother tion City. and sister here. Dr. Brewer visited Uncle Sam Lake G. S Barhan o f Mehama will erect one day this week and reports him the new bridge across the Little North quite low. Fork above Mehama. His bid wan the lowest, being $1177. Geo. Tate, G. C. A sm a n and Nor­ man Davie spent Sunday with friends Jno. Thorna and family and Jno. Ker­ in Salem. ber and wife motored to Salem Sunday to meet Wm. Petzel who has been at­ Mrs. H. N. Huntley and daughter tending the Fair at San Francisco. Stella are here from Brooks for a few days stay. Drs. Lowe & Turner the well known eye specialists o f Port­ The Last. land will be at Luthy’s Jewelry Store Stayton, September 7th. Consult them. Jos. Fisher and Harry Porter expect to start the first o f the week for Clear Lake, Fish Lake, Marion Lake and the Pyramids for a three wee’ ks fishing and hunting trip. Mrs. Dena Mack visited in Portland a few days last week. She was ac­ companied home by her two brothers in this office on or before Friday, Sep­ Five newspapers in Western Oregon Albert and Ben Roy, Saturday who re­ tember 10th. at one o ’clock P. M. have gone on the "b lin k ” in the past turned to Portland Sunday evening. Max Gehlhar, few months. County Clerk. A Reminder. Pleasure and Pain. C. P- Darst and Marion Hunt went to Salem after peaches Monday. Miss Etta Lang o f Silver Creek Falls Mrs. Miehabuch o f McMinnville spent is the guest of Miss Marie Henkel this the week-end with her sister Mrs. Er­ week. nest Matthieu, returning Wednesday. The Sloper Fountain disperses the Marlon Creamery Co’s. Ice Cream, of Salem. eous stomach, use Nyals Liver Salt», Mrs. Linn Lambert o f Linn county 50-25c bottle at Beauchamp's. was trading with Stayton merchants Mrs. E M. Olmsted and children,Dot, Tuesday. Gene and Susie and Mrs. F. H. Downs Frank Grierson and Ben Gehlen and are spending the week in the tent city family started by team for the Coast at Newport. What race may reasonably be ex­ Sealed bids will be received by the County Court o f Marion County for the pelled to t>e the last on earth? The improvement o f certain roads in Road Finnish. District No. 40, near Mill City, by A new girl is reported by Dr. if row-I clearing and grading the same, as more fully appears by the plans and specifi­ er at the Amos Hiatt home o f Lyons,* cations of the same now on file in this August 23. office. Trover & W eigel’s Studio in the Bak­ All bids must be accompanied by a certified check o f five j>cr cent, o f the ery building is open every Saturday tf. amount o f the bid and must be filed and Sunday. Orlo Humphreys and wife of I Pleasure and pain are the nnlls Triumph visited with the latter’s which fasten the body and soul to­ gether.—Plutarch. brother. Pearl, Friday. W e Fix ’Em To Stay Fixed Short Time Only "W hen Rome Ruled” in 5 parts at ' Miss Mary Reiger o f Portland is vis­ the Star Theatre Sunday night. A Wild Animal production o f merit. iting at the home o f her father here. For sour, bilious, gas­ Monday, August 30 At Cladek’s Garage Konus Johnson o f Osceola, * Nebraska Visited a few days the first o f the week at the Clyde HotTer home. V. A. Goode and family moved into Miss Vera Flapman o f Mill City vis­ the Maag property on Third St. across ited at the Kerr home here Tuesday. from the school house Monday. Dare Sloper made a business trip to Hugh Kellogg, the young man who Portland Tuesday returning Wednes­ was hurt while swimming last Thurs­ day. day is able to be at work again. Combination treatment for rheumatism is gu­ A t the Methodist church next Sun- aranteed to give relief. “ I utmost wish we hadn't named our boy William. Everylasly calls him Hill, nnd 1 Just linto that name.” ” Vcs. I suppose It is rather annoying to be reminded of your debts.” — New | York World. CHANGE SCHEDULE John M. Stewart and wife o f I,in- I coin, Nebraska have beer here al­ The Kuril Route change schedule most a week visiting at the home o f family I Sept. 1. Kt No. 1. Leave 9:30 re- their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mayo. Mr. Hum­ j turn 3:30. Stewart is a prominent lawyer o f the j Rt No. 2 leaves 9:30 return 3:00. Nebraska capital. A Good Example. ‘‘Some men,” said Uncle Elicn, ‘‘put In delr lives kickin' at nothin'. Har'a dls much to be mild fob de mule. If lie’s Interested enough to kick he’s willin’ to go to de trouble o f fakin' aim.” —Chicago Herald. Lathe W ork We can turn out any kind of Lathe Work, up to and including a enink shaft for an engine. Briny your engine troubles here Mrs. Dora Harden who had been Mr. and Mrs. Chestain of near Shel- here a few days, returned to her home burn were trading here Monday. : at Pleasant Hill Tuesday. J. W. Mayo, S. L. Stewart and J.M. Stewart motored to Salem Saturday. • Worth more A Specialty Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blakely o f Cor­ vallis spent Sunday with home folks Five reels at the Star Theatre with here, returning Mondav. Police Dog and Pathe News. Misses Ina Harold and Ella Williams Frank Thomas rep-ipored the Sloper left for San Francisco yesterday for a week’s visit at the Fair. Drug Store the first o f the week. Large assortment of Colgate» Fancy Toilet Soaps at Sloper's Drug store. G and 10c Star Theatre 75e-$1.25 at Beauchamp's. Dancing at 9 O'clock-Lots of Good Music 5 nnd 10c___________________ SUNDAY NIGHT’S PROGRAM Conkeys Fly Spray 50 c- This Four-piece orchestra is considered second to none in the state. Pathe News, 1000 ft Current Events ______________________ G Iteola also Fly Powder and Poison Fly Pa­ Oliver Lcal.-y motoreil over to Salem per at Heuuehamp's. Tuesday on business. Have your picture laKc.i by experts. Clare Tnomss was in Sta.vton from Trover & Weigel, Satuniay and Sun­ day only. tf. Thomas Creek. Monday. % Music Furnished by Comedy A Certain Lot of $5.50 and $6.00 FLORSHEIM SHOES $5.00 Lancefield’s Cash Shoe Store, Stayton - the last word unless - The Editor o f the Standard comes back with what he culls an answer in hi* paper o f last night, and as has been his method in the past evades the ques­ tion with a halt apology saying that he was mistaken in calling us a grafter etc. Wc were pretty well riled up at the accusation and had several harsh things to say but forbear for this time as we never like to call names, Mr. Alexander also tries to drag into the discussion another bit o f private business in which he says that he offer­ ed ua all our plant waa worth before he started his paper. If he ever offered us a single red cent, he must have done so in his dreams. No doubt he expected us to say “ Here Mr. Alexander, vou ran the Mail 8 yonrx and made a howling suc­ cess o f it, take it, and I will take my family and move out on a "tru ck .” Nay,Nay, Pauline, we bought the plant four years ago, and since that time have put it into the best shape o f any plant In any town o f this size in the state. We have built the business up from a losing one (Mr. Alexander had but little patronage when he sold, and Mr. Freres lost money, Mr. Babcock sold as quick a s he could and Mr. Shields did the same) to its present condition, which is as sound as any in­ stitution in the city. W c retcr you to both banks. The truth is Mr- Alexander you were jealous of our success and wanted back into the newspaper business, but did not want to pay a decent price to do so, so you have started a one-horse propo­ sition in the back end o f your furni­ ture store. The Stayton Mail for the past four years has championed every cause o f merit that has tome before the peo­ ple, whether it was railroad, woolen mill, paving, high school course or high school building, and we expect to keep right along that line until we have to " g o out on a truck,” which at the present rate o f business will be quite a long time. Your allusions to my daughters work­ ing in the office, was ungentlemanly to say the least, and will be cast into the discard and forgotten, as simply the ravings o f one whom cannot have ev­ erything come his way. This is the last we shall say in this unseemly affair unless the one who started it off, shall see fit to continue it. If so, we can continue indefinitely. EVERGREEN BLACK- BERRIES WANTED Wc will pay at the rate o f ljc . per pound for all fresh picked evergreen blackberries delivered at the following places. At the Baldwin place near Mehama, or at any point on the Mehama road from Baldwin's to Stayton. In Stayton at Paul Fehlen'a place. Also at any point on the Stayton- Aumsville road. A truck will collect the berries each day, beginning Thursday, August 6. Will pay once a week. For further information s e e Paul Fehlcn, the Stayton Mall or the under­ signed. Collins & Starr. Brooks, Ore. STAYTON DRUGGIST PLEASES CUSTOMERS V. Dare Sloper reports customers greatly pleased with the QUICK action o f simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. This sim­ ple remedy drains the old foul matter from the bowels so THOROUGH that ONESPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASE o f constipation, sour or gassy stomach. It Is so powerful that it is used successfully in appendicitis. Ad- ler-l-ka never gripes and the INSTANT action iB surprising. THANKS FOR ARTICLE We wish to thank Rev. Putnam for the fine article sent in to the Mail this week on ‘ ‘ M exico.” We are s h o r t - handed this week, as part o f our force is taking a vacation. Wc will try to use it in the future. —Editor. $100 R ew ard , $100 The readers o f this paper wilt he ph ased to learn that there Is at least one uroadi <1 illscaae that science has b e n cblo to cure l i all lie stages, and that Is Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh Cure l i the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1s taken In­ ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces o f the aystem. there­ by destroying tho foundation of the dis­ ease nnd giving thn patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative pow­ ers that they offer One Hundred Dollar* Pr uning the Grape. for sny rasa that It falls to cure. Bend In priming the grape cut back to for list of testimonials. LOST Yellow Jersey Cow, dehorn­ ed, Black face, not giving milk, wild. Strayed from Mill City, probably to-1 ward Macleay. If found, phone A l­ bert Seitzinger, Mill City, Ore. Suit­ the third bini, as It Is usually the first entirely |»crfect bml produced. able reward. Address r. J. CBBNr.Y A CO., Toledo, Ohio, Bold by oil Druggists, TOe. Take Hell's Tamil/ puis for coeallpeUos.