B E G I N N I N G Sun., Aug. 29 For Four Weak»' Engagement Griffith'* llalf-Mlllion-Dollar Mastrrpie THE BIRTH 2 la NATION rounded on Theme* Diaon'a THE ClANSMAN UNREST OF BUSINESS HAS MANY CAUSES U. S. Investigating Commission Makes Report 18,000 PEOPLE; 3,000 HORSES Matinee 2 P. M. Evenings 8 P. M. Price* 25c, 50c; 75c; «1.00. Reserve your acata by mail. Portland, Ore. HEILIG THEATRE » ■ _. , . . Each Delegate Files Opinion and No Decision of Committee Found; Suggestions Are Offered. ........— Unconquerable liwpulae. “ Pinochle," *al«l Three Flutter Ham. “ la one game Uieru ain't no uae o' me tryln' to learn." "Too hard?" "It a easy enough. Hut I can't git over ronchili' for a aun the minute aome one liamla me a deck with more'n four area In It."— Washington Star. STRIO INHERITANCE TAX ADVOCATED NORTHWEST AUTO DEALER BACK. Chicago— Summaries of the reports, Thraa Weeks' Journey Through East three in number, of the United States Makes Him Optimistic. Commission on Industrial Relations as Mr F. W. Voglcr, president of the to finding* and recommendations for were Northwest Auto company, returned the information of congress, laat Sunday from a three weeks’ trip made public here Monday. The com­ mission was composed of three repre­ through the Fast. He comes back charged with enthus­ sentatives each of the employers, the Different Waya. iasm and happy over securing one of employed and the general public. It “ Why are biographer* like retribu­ the biggest Keo contracts that the became apparent some time ago that tion 7" Northwest ever received. This con­ they would be unable to agree on a "W hy are they?" tract provides for the selling of 1000 single report, and it ia said that none "Because they both bring men to Keo rara and trucks in the Northwest of the reporta given out can properly book." territory, which comprises Oregon. be called a "m a jo rity" report. The report of the representatives of Washington snd a part of Idaho. Very Considerate. Mr. Vogler says that the Fast is the employes, known as the "s ta ff” Mistress I »hull be very lonely, more prosperous than aver. It seemed report, drawn up by Uaail M. Manly, Bridget, If you leave me. to him almoet like a new country, the director of reaearch and investigation Bridget Hun t worry, mum. I'll not Improvement was so marked since his for the rommisaion, was signed by go until ye have a houseful of com­ last trip, eight months age. This con­ Commissioners Walsh, Lennon, O'Con­ pany.— Uoatoii Transcript. dition in general, he says, is true of nell and Garretson. In connection with every line of industry. There is a job the main reports these commissioners Shake Into Tour S h o e e for every man who ran handla a tool, issued three "supplemental opinions Allan'a Font 1'*»«. a *o«r4*r for Ih» fwt. It ruraa and suggestions." painful, ■wullen. ■martins, ■w eallna feat. Make« while the demand for labor in the fields new »hu— M>y. Huld by all I>njxffUt* and Slew ! is enormous, duo to tho extremely The report of the commissioners itturue. Hun t areaot any auballtuta. tiampla representing the public, and the sum­ heavy crops. fr'Ki.K. A .M r—. A .4 ht al i A ve.. S ea ttle k lu * M ain 4L past manufactured 16,000 cars, are agrees In recommending practically preparing to build 20,000 this coming the single tax and other things, while ••USE T H E R I V E R " season. This is doubly remarkable the employers disagree with the Har- D a l l e s - C o l u m b i a L i n e when one considers how the Keo car is riman-Commons report only on the built in its entirety, from rear sxle to boycott and some minor labor details. Stnt» o f W M h'nrton. f-*r Th»* !>*!)«•• dailjr e t The Manly summary finds "that the It is not, F u rw la y llp m lc»vr> !>«IU*s cîailr eu Motwlay radiator. In the Keo plant. 1- M R lH iM f« J N Ira i. Inlanl Lm pir* and like over 50 per cent of the cars made cause* of industrial unrest group them­ Twin OtieA fur Upp«*r Columbia atindon— The British steamer Cober, of 3060 tons, has been sunk by a Ger­ I f yod are ill do not drng along and Washington Star. man submarine. The craw has been continue to suffer day In and day out but Taking no Chances. at once take Lydia E. Pinkham’ i Vege­ Lady of the House— If you wash landed In safety. The British steamers Windsor and William Dawson have table Compound, a woman’* remedy for your face. I'll give you a meal. Woman’s ills. Tramp— Better gimme de meal first met disaster. The Windsor, a vessel If yon want special advice write to lady— I'm erfrald yer mightn't recog­ of 6055 tons, has, according to a report issued here, been sunk, while the W il­ Lydia K. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi­ nize me.— Boston Transcript. liam Dawson, an old steamer of 284 dential) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter w ill Japanese government experts have be opened, read and answered by a succeeded in raising tobacco Ln Korea tons, has been blown up. The crew of the Windsor was saved, but five men woman and . held lu strict couildeuco. from American seed. of the Dawson’s crew were lost. LINK’S BUSINESS COLLEGE M O T H ER OF SCHOOL GIRL Russians Sink Big German Cruiser Moltke and Ten Other Vessels NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; This Baking Powder Keeps Its Strength GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland— Wheat: Bluestem, $1.01 bushel; fortyfold, 96c; club, 93c; red Fife, 92c; red Russian, 90c. Oats-- No. 1 white feed, «25.60. Barley — No. 1 feed, «26; brewing, «26. Mlllfeed — Spot prices: Bran, «27 ton; shorts, «28; rolled barley, «29 e drop­ peur family. It Ls more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for “ Have A complex local situation is apt to per!”— Gargoyle. you bad Typhoid/'* telJing of T y p h o id Vaccine* results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers, make the Portland wheat market un­ n c CLTTrt LA BOR A TOBY, BEBftfLEY, CAL. Pioouciaa vaccines • scauas unoca u. s. eov. ljc iks i usually dull. The farmers are showing themselves It Is a fact that the moment resinol totally unwilling to meet in any way A Misreading. the prices offered by exporters. In ointment touches itching skins, the Dr. Fritz Metzler, of the University fact, following telegraph reports that itching stops and healing begins. With of Hetdelburg, said to a heckler ln the aid of resinol soap, it almost al­ sterling had declined to «4.58, one ways clears away all trace of eczema. the course of a neutrality lecture ln leading firm of exporters announced Summer rashes, pimpies. or similar Denver: "M y good friend, you misread me. that they were not in the market, and, tormenting, unsightly eruption quick­ moreover, did not expect to be in the ly, leaving the skin clear and healthy. Purposely you misread me, my good And the best of It is you need never friend. You are as bad as the wife near future. who was disgruntled. The grower, generally, is not in­ hesitate to use resinol soap and resi­ “ To this wife who was disgruntled clined to take below $1.06, the price nol ointment. Resinol is a doctor's a young bride said, over their after­ prescription which for twenty years current a week ago, prior to the recent has been used by careful physicians noon coffee and coffee cakes: slump. “ 'I am so sad. Gustav is away on for many kinds of skin affections. "And, if he holds for that price, he They know that Its soothing, healing a business trip. This is the first time is apt never to sell his grain ," re­ action Is brought about by medica­ since our marriage that I have been marked one leading shipper. tion so bland and gentle as to be suit, left alone.’ “ ‘Oh. well, don't worry.’ sneered "T h e farmer is confident that grain ed to the most delicate or irritated the other, ‘it won't be the last.' ” will go up," said another. "B u t then skin. Resinol ointment and resinol the farmer fails to consider such little soap are sold by all druggists.— Adv. Reassuring. questions as exchange." Our Boarding House. The opinion seemed general that Motorist— Are you a religious man? “ What's the trouble this morning?” wheat trading locally would be at a “ S-sh! There’s a green waiter on 1 Chauffeur— Yes, sir. Motorist— Familiar with the Bible? standstill for some little time, the duty and a guy who is behind with water rate o f 50 cents by the canal his rent got the star boarder's break-, I’ve kissed it 50 times in court.—» Puck. making it practically impossible for fast.”— Kansas City Journal. local mills to buy wheat here and com­ The first steam fire engine was pete with flour on Eastern markets. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure Exporters asserted that unless he constipation. Constipation is the cause made in 1829 in London from the had ships which hqgwat compelled to of many diseases. Cure the cause and designs of Ericsson, the Inventor of the Monitor. fill, a buyer would be unlikely to buy you cure the disease. Easy to take. at all, because he might have to face a heavy deficit by the time his 60-day Rather Pathetic. payment bill became due. “ Why do you treasure these old fOR SALE — AUTOMOBILES With the farmers firm for wheat at love letters of your grandmother's?" "I never had any of my own.” sigh­ «1.06 and over, and buyers coy until the money market is more settled, ed the other girl.— Kansas City Jour­ there does not appear much chance of nal. heavy sales of Northwest grain. “ I think,” said Mrs. Thompson, 1 "that children ought to stay home Few Apples Yet Unsigned. with their mothers.” And then, as well as the applause I Wenatchee, Wash.— The apple crop would let her, she went right on of the Wenatchee district is now al­ again.— Washington Star. moet entirely lined up for market— 85 The Right Kind. per cent ia the estimate of one fruit- A S a fe Used Truck to Buy. Agent— Here's a cyclometer I can man. The greater part of the unsigned A R E B U IL T F E D E R A L 1* as good tonnago is in the hail-affected districts. recommend. It is positively accurate; 1 value fo r the m oney as a new truck liy ilt w e mean th at th e truck is entirely The tonnage in other sections has been not at all like some cyclometers, which rebu register two miles, perhaps, when you taken apart, each part exam ined and if n ecessary replaced by a new part made sold for cash or placed as a whole have only ridden one. at the Fed era l factory, the entire truck through a unit of the Growers' League. Young Lady— You haven't any of repain ted and refin ish ed, and everyth in g Prospects are that almost one-fourth of that kind, have you?— Philadelphia n ecessary done to m ake the truck p racti­ cally as good as new In e v e ry detail. the entire tonnage w ill be sold for Record. W h en you buy a rebu ilt Federal you are p ro tected by the same policy and In­ cash. Estimates say the tonnage will terest that w e g iv e to all Federal owgers. vary from 4000 to 6000 cars. Approx­ W e op era te a repair departm ent, in which E l l FISH; CHEAPER THAN M ELT the w orkm en are specialists on Federals, imately 860 cars are under contract. TYPHOID NO DOUBT THAT RESINOL DOES STOP ITCHING Rebuilt Federal Trucks Hop Prospects Favorable. Portland — A cable received by a leading firm of hop exporters indicated that the English crop would be 270,000 cwt., in place of 250,000 cwt., the es­ timate given a week ago. A t the same time the lice conditions in Oregon are improving, and cables indicate that weather conditions abroad are favor­ able to a big crop. Hop buyers report that 137,000 cwt. of last year’s Eng­ lish crop remain unsold, and this is a factor in the market. The Portland stockyards market con­ tinued firm, although arrivals were light. Sheep receipts were heavy. You now have the opportunity, our supply o f F ederal parts is complete, for the small sum of $1.50, of re­ and the stock room organisation high ceiving one fresh, choice, juicy class, which Insures the prompt fillin g of SALMON, weighing from 7 to 10 all p arts orders. W e also operate a s erv ­ pounds, delivered to your nearest ice departm ent, which Is open day and express agent free. In every in­ night, "a lw a y s at your c a ll." The Federal stance we guarantee the fish to ♦ bein g a good truck In the first place and arrive in prime condition, as the protected by a com pany which is equip­ temperature of a fish, when sur­ ped and has the disposition to give you rounded with ice, ia the same in s erv ic e — is consequently either cold or warm weather, as A S A F E U S E D T R U C K T O BU T. the express companies keep put­ I f you are In the m arket for a truck ting new ice on the fish as fast from 11000 to $1400, w e urge you to com ­ as the old ice melts. You need pare used Federals with new trucks at not be afraid of the fish spoiling: sim ilar prices. W e think we can convince it will not spoil, as we absolutely you o f th eir superior value. guarantee it to arrive in good, G E R L IN G E R M O TO R C A R CO * edible condition. There being no K in g and W ash ington Sts. w astc to a fish, one would serve three average sized families nice­ ly. with fipme to spar«. F. N . U. N o. 38, 1*18 Send check on your local bank, j express or money order. Commence shipping Aug. 15; I place your order immediately. W H E N w riting to advertisers, pleas# COLUMBIA KIVU OIIMXK SALMON CO tioa this paper.____________________ 124 1W4 St. Nrfcat 0r*n. | I