THE STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by ♦ ♦ K . M .O l m s t b h Entered as second class matter at postoffiee at Stayton, Marion, county, Oregon, under the act o f Congress o f March S, 1879. PUBLIC I'hc following articles will be sold to the high­ est bidder for Cash in Hand, at SUBSCRIPTION'S, $1.00 p er ytmr Stayton, Address all communications to THE STAYTON M AIL ((► o H. A. BEAUCHAMP, • M.D. A i: OREGON p h y s ic ia n ; a n d Being* the First Stayton Saturday Sales Day, NVe will Ore. Come in and look over the New, Snappy Styles We are showing Hammond-Bishop The articles listed below by the merchants o f Stay- ton show the faith they have in the ‘ ‘Stayton Saturday Sales Day.” List your property and net the benefit of the advertising. surgeon CLOTHING, SHOES FURNISHINGS S a le m IS t a y t o n , O r e g o n 2000 shingles Brown-Petzel Lbr. Co. Two-seated carriage . Jos. Ham man Plate glass buffet and meat safe G. C. Eksman Pair new Napatite gloves Lancefield’ s Shoe Store New Ben Hur Go cart . . P. Deidrich New Auto robe. Wilbur Woolen Mills Wool bat for comforter 25 Oak Post, well seasoned . Chas. Gehlen 1 pail o f Stock Food New 8 day Mantel Clock C. A. Luthy, Jeweler New Parlor Hanging Lamp Gardner & Hobson i doz Hoppickers Hats Hammond-Bishop New Aluminum double boiler Korinek & Mtolke Razor & Strop . Mack Shepherd 1 sack cane sugar Mayo’s Cash Store New Pitcher Pump Jacob Spnniol 2J gal. keg sour pickles Klecker’s Mdse. Store 2 lb. 99 brand coffee Razor George Davie New camp Stove . Lilly Hdw. Co. Pair men’s shoes, guarantee fit Fis her & Richardson A dollar can of Stag smoking tobacco. J. Hendershott Driving horse. 7 years old. 2 grade Jersey cows, fresh in Sept-, -1 and 7 years old, tested for tuberculosis, wt. of milk and test o f butter- fat for 10 mos. made known at sale. A. A. McKenzie Bay mare, driver, single or double, wt. 950. Top bug­ gy, first class shape. Sing, driving harness, W. Allis Bicycle grindstone, good as new. Sestak & Thomas Patent stump burner, used but little. Glen Munkers Single-cylinder Reliance motorcycle Wilbur N. Pintler, D.M.D. DENTIST Office Over Stayton Slate Bank Phone 2152 Stavton. Ore - G. F. KORINEK, V. S , B. V. Sc. Veterinarian Treats all domestic animals, also applies the Tuberculin test. Telephone 3x7 Office at Slayton Stables STAYTON OREGOt S. H. HELTZEL ATTORNEY -AT T A W ¿NOTARY PUBLIC Abstract* and Probate W ork a Specialty Office Over Deidrich’s Hardware Store. 1' FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. M. R IN G O --T hos . HIRST OREGON STAYTON V. A. GOODE LAWYER and NOTARY PUBUC Name. Conscientious Attention Given to all Legal Business. Office Room No. 6, Roy Bldg. HIZZ A O O R E SS B l a ir s t o w n , IOWA Articles. O U R & TH OM AS, Proprietors. The farmer« of till* nation need to become better acquainted with the railroad men and their prob­ lems. It l* only those who know that can give us Information and the farmer* of America should listen attentively to what the men who munago rail­ road property have to say Mr. Kruttschnitt, exec­ utive head of tho Southern Pacific, has written an article dealing with the financing o f railroads. He said In part: ‘ The financing of a railroad Is a function which the people, through their servants, the Railroad Commis­ sioners and the Legislators, have never attempted, but It 1* a mo*t Im­ portant problem, especially to sec­ tions of a Stato where new railroads are needed The placing of securities has been left entirely with the pro­ moter and owner of railroads. Don’t Get W et Reflex Slicker $ 3.00 Subscribe F o r T h e M a il sheds every drop. Easy fitting and strong at every \ point, Re flex Edges - stop every drop from running in 1 TvJ> at the front Died Far Duty. An example o f dev ion to country is found In n soldier o f t!i.• l-'ri•;i<•!i army in the war of 1700. lie had wandered into the woods lor a stroll, when lie was ambushed by the enemy Instant ly a hundred bayonets ¡ t ! -Ued Ids breast, and a voice wiii |- e l. "Make the least noise nud you are a dead manf” Without n second's hesitation he cried. “ The euemj Is here!" He fell lifeless to the ground, but 2.7,000 o f the Freni h army were saved. De­ votion to duty had become so strong a habit that he never thought o f life. bu \4 :.; n P. O. Box 198 - bufclneea an d p ro fe e lio n . J*. P O D i St C O ., fiE A T T IrE l a a a r ^ a . ■***;- B o s t o n nSH L. A. MESSING Brooks-Scanlon Lbr. Co. tern » . . P O P O t /.k iV iE C H A N L IV 3A C A Z IN F -. to now roo ‘.A U /S MAGAZ t. A I'T.r; *. A r r - •• 44-per» I’L CV ' (MT«r to E*«ry CÎIUBCIÎ. A idre re Dept . N 1. UcCALu t* -:- Oregon T rade M a rk » D i s i m i C o p y r ig h t s A e. AND ALL THZ FAMILY Two and a half mi!!;.':- rc- f- litri absorbing interest E verjH Y/rit en S o Vati C»n Un U OVER 66 YEAR 3' e x p e r ie n c e ; F o r Father and Son LIST of. fU lf is « *- : i d ft A n tt!- - «s»nr 1 frijr n R k c fr h n n d d o F C rln tlo n m n ? I* iP '^ r t n lf i o u r o|>lnlO fi tree wh*»f h e r m i it fa i l 11# l # » i in Iff p p r r o o b h a n b h l ir y p n n n t ie em u b iilo U i . Co*t»mnnl ». ■ I ' ’nfriiL« n fe n •cnit. ft»*- Olden* aanncf tor M* nrwgpmloi fa. -.-itfiocl I 1 • * { 1 . 'i . u 1 i O : . . •. A r y 1 new fioaier wit! F,how y '* a r e p y : o r the 1 r u b li.! er /o r t.ùn %*r.. A — a 'j .1 ; :i! río. l ,nfF*».tn fakon tliroutfh Mutin À Co. roc«11 gf >. rial it t ' lUe , wit bout charge, In the j A Futnrijf’ toljr II Inat rated week If, ji itw.ii i f itny * • i«nti0c journal. ..•I r: f t. ’ hi, f 1. H e l d t> y fall ÌP fnwiiinrnff’iffmiiMHwrfffn- 'ttl!.tiii.ái.i4i*iHkM in it is A ,’n A .l a ... A r - ” '-rr R le c h ts n ic b 1 ,'i.n axlr.o ) a N ->.'"'V —.a Av»., chicaco a MISTAKES. Life, like war. i* a t m e t of mis­ take», and lie is not the best Chns- t an not the beat general who makes the fewest false steps. H e is the best who wins the most splendid victories by the retrieval of mistakes. Organize victory out of mistakes.— F . W . Robertson. Sdentine American. Corvallis grants franchise for extension of West side electric interurban. No one is getting anything out o f the O- & C. land grant except the lawyers. Politicians have <•- lected themselves to Congres on this famous suit, and taxpaw-.s have been held up for a million. risburg, U n io n H i l l IDEALS. Every man has at times in his mind the ideal of what he should be. but h not. 1 his ideal may be high ar.d complete, or it may he low and inoiffinent, yet in all men that really seek to improve it is bet­ ter than the actual character. A Gloomy A fric a n Pool. There Is a large, deep and mysteri­ ous pool In the valley o f the tipper Kafue river, northwestern Rhodesia. Tills wonderful pool lies In tlqt coun­ try, and one comes to It quite sudden­ ly. Its banks being concealed by dense forest. There Is a small native village near the | kjo I. and the inhabitants have a superstitious dread o f It. They re­ fuse to drink the water or use It for any purpose whatever. To stt beside thH Him, iieitucki |HK 1 | O f unknown depth, s t i r r o u n d n l by p m - i p l t o i | s walls in tlu> heart o f the t r o p ic a l fo r e s t. would induce a feeling ^>f awe In the breast o f even (lie most civilized man. —London Mall. I.nrirefftclr- T«rntn, |3 n n e w iid e H le rff. & Co.30,c'oa^ New York nrsi.rb one*, oh r eu w**i>iu«too. ii.c. Albany—S. P. Co. paid o u t $17,500 wages here in July. Matksd Muiician*. The Shakuluiebl playera o f Japan are a privileged eiasa o f Itinerant mu­ sicians. Their Instrument, a kind o f reed oboe, enjoys what la |>erbaps a Powers Schoolhouse contract unique distinction, It having been adopted as a unit o f measurement, a let to J. M. Wright for $9,721. sixth o f a sen. or about tw o fi-et. A peculiar headdress, something like an Ontario wants a state highu ¡y imini-iiMi- p<-ai b basket lint, serves an j via Canyon City to T h e Dalles. a cool variety o f musk, permitting the , wearer to see without tielng seen—a de- Toledo Will replank 4th Street, elded advantage to such |ieople an have i A 30-tOll stamp mill has been come down In the world and unde j o r d e r e d for th e Greenhorn mill« Iron* o f publlelty. It also nerves us a fuit her distinctive feature o f this einna near Baker. of musician to those who do not read ____ t-i. .. -n i •• i the d.-M-riptlve matter whirl, Is hung , 0ri,,iO n E le ctn C W ll> b ’ >" * in front o f each player, wide World. 3-pen standard stockyard at Har­ 29 YKAKS EXPERIENCE ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * * ♦* * » i.i coo'-.iaj, horre ic., that lijhtcn Price, only 5Cc cCail Dreca Fz:- will —the legislators and the Commis- erect a sawmill on Dos Chutes sloners. "Managing a railroad la quite differ | river to employ 300 men at Bend, ent from managing a government Gaston $10,000 contract I o t where the money Is raised by taxa­ tion. When the expenditures, for for new senool to J. W. Lyons of good reasons or otherwise. Increase, Forest Grove. taxes can be equally Increased Tho railroads, while servants of tho pub­ Oregon City i s considering lic, cannot raise money with such paving six more streets. ease and facility. The railroads must keep their expenditures within their Portland port commission may Incomes because while they have purchase Swan Island for coal­ some control over their expenditures t h e y have utmost no control over their ing station and dump ground. Incomes, their rates being fixed by Oregon papers are asking why public authorities. "There Is noi a railway tuunagor In policy holders and not official- of the country today who la not fearful that under the press of Increasing de­ busted insurance companies are mands the transportation systems of not prosecuted. the country will. In a few years, break down, unless the railroads are allowed Clackamas County abandons to cam larger funds wherewith to macadam roads and will build build it up. There aro vast sections of the country, especially In the West, hard-surface hereafter. where more railroads are needed and they cannot be built unless the rail­ Pleasant Home New Baptist ways raise new capital. church dedicated here. "People Invest money in order to make money, and they are skeptical . . . . . . Portland T. B. Wilcox w i l l as to whether they can make money I , by Investing In concerns that are dealt ^pcnn $160,000 on a C o u n t r y with stringently and unfairly. Rail- I home. road securities must be made more attractive to Invite investments, and Tillamook New city ball will In order that they may be made more attractive, tho roads must be allowed be built o f Oregon pressed f • - earnings that will enable them to brick. meet the Increased capital charge«." Lexington lets bids on a t w o - Swiss Jeweler Stayton Business D; xtorv graph, shipping and i,f r ; alto Claestfled Dire* to r y , compiled ly « ’' Located in the Shoe Shop West o f the Stayton State Bank E N .. I L O ltE G O K a n d W A S H i b ’ CrTOI A D ire c to r y o f eacl* C i t y , T ow n V illa g e , g iv in g d escrfp tlv * I. ■ ■ * e a ch p lace, lo ca tio n , r-o; g ” Try My W ork, It Speak* For lUelf n : nei'.:: . 1 , 22 i I« 2-ió W. 37lk Si. Hew T«k II. Y. f?O L K ’ S< Send lo r ca ta log A. J. LO W E R C O .? ^ All work on watches and clocks guaranteed for One Year I Lulay Bros. & Co. STAYTON. OREGON. Protector Hat, 75 cent* Satisfaction Guaranteed ^<3W ER’s - y. k *9 ***yV «9 **V »**« Phone 77 f : .'CALL) Mr.UZihit. Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock Dwelling houses a specialty Let us figure on your build­ ings We can save you money A good job gauranteed - . . . and carry around a load of water and a cold. , T o w e r ’s Fish Brand Fresh, i>alt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. Contractors & Builders monstrates. On Financing Railroad* JACOB SPANIOL SESTAK ■ to be paved unless some one re­ story $14,000 school house. Stayton Mail, Stayton, Ore. She Paid Cash. She was notorious for wanting credit and the druggist was on his guard. "You keep soda water?” “ Oh, yea.” "And can I have it charged?” “To 120 pounds pressure." he an­ swered urbanely. And then she fished up the necessary coin.— Philadelphia Ledger. In d u s t r ia l N e w s Salem- Old Fair Ground» road III—J u l i u s K r u t t s c h n i t t .\ Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm- ers--We carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. STAYTON MEAT MARKET P U B L IC F O R U M Name to appear, Yes or N o.................... Address Stayton CLEANING, PRESSING REPAIRING "The immediate determination of what earnings the railroad shall he permitted to receive and what bur­ dens it shall have put on it is in the hands of other servants of the public HIZZ ! TINWORK and PLUMBING otter a few Specials us we want to get Better Acquainted ‘STAYTON SATURDAY SALES DAY’ i> O C. H. BREWER, M. D. * Sat. A ug. 2 8 Physician and Surgeon STAYTON. Next Saturday: Rheums US polns arm br. Mile*' Anti I'Hln Pills. rellnvM « 7 Mrs. J. Tefft and childn>n were guests at the Chas. Peters home Sunday Geo. Thomas and wife attend­ ed the funeral of Mrs. Thomas’ grandmother, Mrs. Whitney, Wednesday, Mrs. Wm. Rabens and daugh- i ter, Dora, were visiting at the Wm. Porter home Sunday. Mrs. M. E, Darnell and Miss Belle Hurt were visiting at tlie G- D. Scott home one day this week. V. J. Svancara has sold h i a farm at this place to Mr. Katlor of McMinnville. Wm. Cornish and wife of L. y. ton were visiting one day this week at the Wm. Rabens home. Mrs. Myers made a busiiu ss trip to Sublimity Monday.