A B Aivk, Deposit is jh e C o iD 'l)itv « à io i\? i ô " Kingston Kink.« 1 land will give a lecture at t h e church or. Sunday evening, Aug- I imt 29. Miss Ella Williams of Stayton visited with Ina Harold Thursday j evening. J o r d a n Jin g le s Carl Schaefer and daughter, ! Bertha, returned homo Thursday ’ K. O. Bachman and children after visiting relatives several Elinor and Julian o f Portland weeks in Portland and Washing-! have been visiting at the T. H. tor. Mrs. Harvey IL nline o f Thomas ranch the past week. Salem accompanied her home. .. . . . ., I Last Friday a party composed Portland Lf i T H . Thomas and son Clare. 0 . M. Baker went to Portland hursday. j j . A. W. Heidieck supervisor Mrs. Richard Lyons and child-! and fire warden, Mr. Bachman ren. who have been visiting rela- and Elinor and Julian Bachman lives and friends in this commu- made a trip up the mountain nity, and at Lyons returned t o south of Thomas creek and locat-J their home in Albany Friday. ed the lake know as Indian Prai- Y \/'H E N sun and work are ▼▼ boiling the juice out of a fellow’s hide, a satisfying chew beats a smoke. Some reasons why you hear so much about the Real Tobacco Chas. Schaefer threshed 50 a. rie in 8ection T- 10* s - of oats that yielded 67 bu. per a. R. 2 E. but found that the out­ “ Z^PPOBTUHITT knock* once at every cun’* door.” Bnt many an oppor. Mr. Schaefer threshed over 4000 let was not Indian Prairie creek tnnity ii loit when the man who ees it i ain’t the wherewithal and as the lake is not on the map bu. oats this season. to take advantage of it. It ii the man with the READY CASH they called it Lake Elinor in hon-! IN BANK who derivei the benefit! If yon haven’t an account, open one Otto and Ralph Cole s t a y e d ^ of Miss Bachman she being today. When the opportunity arrive* wuh their brother. Curtis, Satur-1 the f i r s lady t U ) vWt the ^ day night and went on the ex- j YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! Mr. Bachman and son and cursion to Newport Sunday. daughter returned to P< rtland Raleigh Harold and family, Monday. Miss Alta Harold and Chas. Ba­ S T A Y T O N S T A T E B AN K Thos. Kay, State Treasurer tes went to Thomas Creek for a few day’s outing. was up fishing on Thomas creek Chew: the good tobacco taste is there, it lasts, less grinding, less spitting. One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco—seasoned and sweetened just enough—cuts out so much o f the grinding and spitting. ASK YO U R DEALER PO r W * 6 C U T Among those who sold horses i ^Uni^ ' to the buyer in Stayton Thursday | Dr. Ihompson, Hr. Pemberton were: J. T. Follis, Byron Bates and families a n d a party o f friends are camping at Thomas and Will Hirons. ranch this week. O. M. Baker and family and Clyde and Nellie Thomas re­ Mrs. Croisant of Lyons visited at turned home after visiting at the Schaefer home Sunday. the Mate Titus home. Mrs. Pete Larson, wife a n d R. C. Pepperling is expected three sons from Salem motored back Tuesday to finish threshing. up to the G. F. Harold h o m e Sunday. Will Brotherton a n d Clyde Miss Etta Lang of Sublimity is Thomas are hauling tile from visiting with Marie Henkel, and Lyons. Sunday they went to Newport. John Silbernagel and Miss Jul­ Roy Foliis met with an acci­ ia Rohwein went to Newport on dent Monday, which might have the Sunday excursion. proved serious, as he was driving down the steep grade on their place with a heavy load of wheat the team became frightened and S tayton R esidents M ust Learn upset the wagon off the grade, T h e im portance of K eeping T hem but Roy, being a good sprinter, W ell. escaped without injury. CHEW ING T O B A C C O .IT IS TH E NEW "REAL TOBACCO CHEW-CUT LONG SHRED. T ak a Icaa than one-quarter th e old alza chew . It w ill be m ore satisfying thaa a mouthful o t arili—ry tobacco. Ju at take a nibble o f it until yon find Ike strength chew th at euita yon, then aea how easily end evenly the real tobacco taste cornea, bow it aadaftaa, bow much leaa you have to apit, how few chewe you tak e to he tobacco eatubed. T h at'» w hy it u The k c a lTaiecct Chew, T h a t’» why it euetl leaa in the end. T h e taate o f pure, rich tobacco doee not need to be covered up. A a sxeoss o f licorice end sw eetening makca you apit lo o m ush. One small chew takes the place of two big Chew* pf the old kind. KIMI m haw OM saN I H s p e a t t h e r ic h l a h n e e a t — f a .W WEYMAN-BRUT0N COMPANY. SO U * > Sqaara, llcw Task Qty YOUR KIDNEYS The W orld's Greatest Exposition I* now at it* Height in Farmers & Merchants Mrs. Alice Thompson of Port­ Bank of Stayton Oregon land is visiting with her sister, Capital $25,000.00 i^ \ A Ice Cream, Candy and Soft Drinks Arc a few of the Summer necessities. All of our pro­ ducts conform to the Pure Food Laws of the State. Our Home Made Candies will stand up longest. All the Standard Cigars and Tobaccos. See us before having that Party or Smoker and save $ $ $ Tobacco Coupons Redeemed in your own city at no cost for postage or registra­ tion. Bring your coupons to nu*. 1 have over $200.00 worth of premiums on hand now. Magazines and Newspapers. J. A. HENDERSHOTT, Proprietor, GEM C O N FEC TIO N ER Y THE "G R E A T E R OREGON' W ill» n e w h u l h l l n c * . M t e r e q u l i i m n i t , •»»»- liim «'«l ir r u tin t 4 aitil>«*r 1 4 . 1 II I A. S|u*rl»il I r n in in K In ( 'o m m e r r r , J o u r n n lim it , A r c h I t a r t a r e , l . n u , Mrrtlrlne, T«*n< liltia r, L i b r a ­ ry W o r k . M uh I c , riiy n l« *n l T r a i n i m i n m l FI»»«* A r t« . L i t r g r n o ti M trontf « ir t t f ir t n ir n t f t o f Lib«*r- a l F .« lo r a tio n . L i b r a r y o f m o r e t h a n AA.OOO volim i« **, t l t l r - t«*«*n I x i lt lin e n f u l l y <*«|olt>|ir«l, t w o H tile n d lil icy 11100*1 it m *. T u itio n f r e e . D o rm Ito ri« * « f o r m e n n m l f o r w o m e n . F.*^«*n*«** L o w e s t . W r i t e f o r fre«* «'afal«iic*,m lr only ONE DOLLAR. for $1.50. If you wish this offer, send or give us the money at once as fhe offer in good for only a few weeks. Address Stayton Mail, Stayton Ore. Never before in the history of the world has there been conducted such a magnificent and wonderful Exposition. Here is artistically presented the pro­ ductions o f the mind a n d labors of mankind throughout the ages. Tit. Pleasant WiHie Croisant and wife start- 0(1 back to their home in Okla. i after spending several days with his sister, Mrs. J. Huber a n d Other relatives. ney' Low Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily to San Francisco. Four commodious trains leave every day for San Francisco. have proven t0 ^ a fine med. icine in our home and I have recom- mended them many times. They have given me good relief from backache and kidney trouble on several occa­ sions. They have also helped others of Jess Gilcrest of Montana spent my family.” Friday night with G. H. Ray. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim­ ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Mrs, Nick Enders of Jordan Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that spent Friday afternoon at t h e Mrs. Sieferth had. Foster-Milburn Co., Ed Smith home. Props,. Buffalo, N. Y. Scenery enroute is fascinating, varied and unsur­ passed. Electric automatic Block Signals guard the wav. Our folders “ Wayside Notes Shasta Route” and "California and Its Two Expositions” will interest you. Our nearest agent will give your inquines courteous attention. W. R. Ray and wife and J. M. Ray silent Sunday with t h e i r FARMERS—List your articles for aunt, Mrs. Humphreys of t h e the Stayton Saturday Sales Day Aug­ Waido Hills. ust 28, with the Staytcn Mail. See the Master Melvin Shank was a list collected in Stayton in one after­ noon's effort. Make the first day guest of Wayne and Willis Huber success. Sunday. J. M Ray of Lebanoa is work­ ing for his brother. W. R. Ray. SO U T H E R N PACIFIC J o h n M S cott, G en eral P assen g er A gent, P o rtlan d , O ra. N O T I C E F O R P U B L IC A T I O N i,YW W .YW i(VW W \ (Publisher.) Hazel Lambert was a guest of D ep artm en t of th e Interior. Lula and Gladys Downing Sun- U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland. j day. Oregon, July 30th, 1915. Mrs. Ona Shelton, Mrs. Linn NOTICE is hereby given that Joseph Lambert. Effie and Cora R a y M. Emtzulis, of Hullt, Oregon, who. on April 12, 1910, made Homestead Entry, spent a few days with t h e i r No. 02544, for the North West I of brother, at the sheep camp pick­ Section lO, Township 8 south. Range ing huckleberries. 2 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention- to make five year Crystal ShaTik spent a f e w Proof, to establish claim to the land days last week at the Ed Smith above described, before the Register home. and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Uregon, on G. H. Kay was a Stayton visit­ the 14th day of September, 1915. or Monday. Claimant names as witnesses: E. L. Patterson, Joseph Labunski, B. F. Mabel Townes spent Thursday Rode, John VanGorder, all of Ilullt, | night with Hazel Lambert. Oregon. Bessie Shank spent Friday at Proof made according to law under which entry was made. i the home of M. F. Ryan. 9-2 The services Sunday, b o t h morning and evening, conducted If you wish to add the Stayton Mail by Rev Blair were well attended. ITer you ■ proposition that for the for one full year and all of the above San Francisco N. Campbell, Register. T rue V* . VWVW VI E c o no m y . . . meass the vriie spending of one’s money—making every dollar do full duty and getting in return an article that will satisfy you in every w ay. . W H IT E - . is a real bargain because it is sold at a popuh < price: because it gives you the kind of sewtm. you delight ini because it will turn out the wor^ quickly and thoroughly and give you a life tin;; of satisfactory service) because its improve men :* will enable you to do things which c a n t be doc s on any other machine) because it will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture. In shot you will find the White rellah!- and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to tic YTiitc dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the W t ; is. If there is no Vhite dealer handy, write us direct for cat­ alogs. We dc u ,. sell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE S E WING MACHINE CO. Plenty of Grain Sacks CLEVELAND, C. Mill City- Stayton- Salem on hand at C. M. Baker’s Kingston, Auto-Stage tf. TRESSPASS NOTICES—Printed on Ore. strong wnite muslin, for sale at the Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m. for Lyons D. C. Ray, wife and family Stayton Mail office. Mehama, Stayton, 8.-06, Sublimity, spent Sunday at the H. H a s s l e r _______________ Aumsville, Turner, arrives in Salem at Salem photo’s at Stayton prices at 9:30. Leave Salem 4:40, arrive Mill home. . Goats For Sale—300 Angoras, well the Trover & Weigel Studio, Bakery City 7:45. Stops in Stayton at Stayton .Jr. rajlo r, ll 10prcS6ntatlV6 Of bred, good sto.k. C. D. Stayton, building, Stayton every Saturday and Hotel and Hendershott’s. the Anti-Saloon League o i Port- Stayton. s-27x Sunday. D. B. Hill, Owner. tf.