The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, August 26, 1915, Image 2

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Rrief Resume of General News
from All Around the farth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
Property Loss In Texas Storm
Estimated at $30,000,000.
Waves Break Causeway and Destroy
Water Supply Mains— Fires Are
Started — Troops Called.
Rear Admiral Caperton is in com­
Spokane has 16 announced candi­
mand of the United States naval
dates for three city offices.
forces that have occupied Port au
Dead and m issing in th e recent Gulf Prince and Caoe Haitien. Haiti.
storm are now said to num ber 269.
Germany reports destroying a small
B ritish cruiser and a destroyer by to r­
pedoing in a naval engagem ent.
LIST EXCEEDS 100 Insurance Report Is Issued.
$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 FEDERAL CASH TO
O s a t h s by F l e e d a n S o u t h e a s t
T ex * » C a a a t.
With lure* aactlaoa of tha flood-
ewept arsa In Taxaa uat ya» hoard
from, the «attraete af dead la:
Virginia Point 14: Seabrook
T e x a s City _ S3 Houston ...
U a lv e e to n _14 Dlrklnaon ........... 1
M o r g a n s P o in t. 7 ' I 'o rt A r t h u r
Hitchcock --- 7 I ' a l t o n
Saloui — Investm ents of all classes
of insurance com panies In Oregon
bonds, th e ir m ortgage loans on real
e s ta te atul real e s ta te owned total
$23.236.063, according
Welle, s ta le Insurance Inspector. Fig­
ures are based on th e year 1914.
Life and accid en t Insurance com ­
panies lead all o th e rs In th e am ount
of th e ir Oregon Investm ents, with a
total of $15.924.264. Of th is sum. $10.
015,515 Is In m ortgages. $2.999.963 In
m unicipal, school, road and m iscellan­
eous bonds. $2.894,000 In tn teru rb an
and stre e t railw ay bonds, and $14,776
In real estate.
Eire and m arine Insurance compan-
lea have $2,630,118 Invested In bonds,
m ortgages and real e sta te ; foreign
m utual fire. $25,900; dom estic mutual
fire, $146,650; fra tern al benefit $3,-
987.640, and uilaccllaneoua com panies
In d istrib u tin g th e ir Investm ents In
Oregon, the Insurance com panies have
seem ed to favor m ortgage loans on
realty, for these figures total $11.328,-
718. It Is to tie noted, however, th at
life and accident cotnpaulea, especial
ly, have favored th is class of Invest­
F ra tern al benefit societies o p e ra t­
ing In Oregon have confined th eir In
veatm enta for th e m ost p art to m unici­
pal. school and road bonds, for the re­
port show s th a t of th e $3.987.640 In­
vested. all but $887.884 Is In bonds of
th is ch aracter.
Although property owned by local
lodges In the sta te aggregate several
millions, only the property owned and
controlled by th e general lodge is
m entioned In th e report. T his totals
$115.000 and Is credited to th e Women
of W o o d craft
Italy, according to reports from
lo t P o r te
7 Hay K tdg*
L y n c h b u rg
. 1 S o lin e
............. S
Rome, is m aking slow but steady prog­
W ashington, D. C. — T reasury offi­
S y lv a n (teach S-
ress against A ustrians on all fronts.
cials have made public an announce­
German subm arines sunk th e W hite m ent by S ecretary McAdoo, th a t in
D allas, Tex.—D irect word from the
S ta r liner Arabic, an English ship, view of th e action of th e alliea in put­
w ith a less of 20 lives, tw o of whom ting cotton on the contraband list, he «term sw ept com m unities of the so u th ­
would, if it became neceaaary, deposit east Texaa coast brought d etails of the
are Americans.
$30,000,000 or more in gold in the
Three B ritish and one N orwegian Federal Reserve banks at A tlanta, tropical h u rrican e w hich put G alves­
steam er w ere sunk by German sub­ Dallas and Richmond for th e purpose ton. H ouston. Texaa City and scores
m arines, in addition to the big liner of enabling th e reserve banks to re ­ of o th e r cities and tow ns In dire port).
Arabic, Thursday.
discount loans on cotton secured by W ith large sections of the d istric t yet
Assess Land Grant $5 Per Acre.
The chief signal officer at the island warehouse receipts, made by national unheard from, the death list was more
of Strom boli, off the Italian coast, re­ and sta te banks belonging to th e F ed­ th a a ltd . the h eav iest reported loss
Eugene.—T he O regon A C alifornia
ports th e eruption of a large quantity eral reserve system.
being from T exas City, opposite G al­ lands in l^tne county have been plat­
The gold would be deposited tem po­ veston.
of lava from Stromboli volcano.
ed upon the assessm en t rolls at valua
w ithout
in te rest
lava is form ing a lake of fire between rarily , at least,
T he p roperty dam age mgy exceed ttons of front $5 to $20. the total ap
the craters and the sea.
$30.«09.#09. w ith G alveston co n trib u t­ pralaem ent am ounting to 83.3&0.000,
by B. F. Keeney, county assessor, dla
I t was explained th a t if it appeared ing h alf th a t am ount.
Companies operating m ining proper­
P roperty loss e stim a tes were vague regarding the recen t ru lin g of the au
th a t th e object could be accomplished
tie s in th e Coeur d'A lenes, especially
w ith g re a te r efficiency thereby, the except In a few Instances. Houston. prem e co u rt of th e United S tates,
those producing sine, which is in de­
which held th a t th e S outhern I’actflc
deposits woud be made d irectly w ith T exas City and P o rt A rthur advices Railroad com pany's in te re st In this
mand for w ar munitions, are said to
N ational banks ag reein g to lend th e gave fairly definite figures for those land am ounted to $2.60 per acre:
be em ploying detectives to guard th eir
places, but m ost of th e o th e r tow ns
"W h eth er we have a rig h t to assess
workings, according to Spokane re­ money on cotton at a rate not to ex ­ reported In such p h rases as "consider­
ceed six per cent.
able," "very heavy” and "n o t yet esti­ these lands only for the am ount of the
railro ad 's equity of $2 60 per acre, or
S ecretary McAdoo authorized the m ated. “
An evangelist speaking in Portland announcem ent from his summ er home
Some of the e stim a tes w ere aa fol­ w h eth er we have a rig h t to assess It
at all, is a m a tte r for th e board of
declares th e prophesies in the 24th a t N orth Haven, Maine.
It came at lows:
chapter of M atthew have been accur­ th e close of a d ay ’s speculation in offi­ O a lv e e to n »15.444.099 H eab ro o k . »100,000 equalization to determ in e." he said
*,»o«.4oo S a b in e ..... "T his land Is assessed a t virtually the
ately fulfilled up to the present tim e, cial circles as to th e natu re of th e H o u a to a
440.»«0 S a b in e P a s s 100.000 sam e figure as last year."
and th a t th e present generation will step« which th e en ten te powers have T P o e x r t a s A C r t ity
h u r 204.40« K e ra a h .....
w itness its com plete fulfillm ent and indicated they will ta k e to uphold th e
T he com paratively sm all loss of life
Salmon Fishing Improves.
th e retu rn of the Lord to th e world.
cotton m ark et in the face of th e ir con­ la attrib u ted by resid e n ts to th e les­
sons of I960. T he G alveaton popula­
A storia.—T here was quite an 1m
Edw ard Brown, ex-convict, sen­ traband order.
tion sought refuge In the strongest provem ent In the catch of salm on the
tenced to four years in San Quentin for
buildings of the city, w hereas In the past few days. T his w as especially
burglary, explained on th e witness
d isastro u s storm of 15 years ago they tru e In th e section of th e riv er oppo­
stand th a t a certain kind of whisky is
rem ained in th e ir hom es, feeling se­ site the city and above T ongue Point,
made regularly w ithin th e walls of
cure ag a in st the gale w hich took the w here sev eral glll-netters secured In
lives of 8000.
Folsom and San Quentin prisons. The
th e neighborhood of a ton each, and
L ittle Rock, A rk. — F ive thousand
R ailroads ru n n in g in to th e city an ­ catches of 600 to 600 pounds were
juice of potatoes and fru its is used in
preparing th e concoction, he said.
common. T he upriver seines and trap s
are marooned by th e flood w aters of available men and m achinery Into the also made good hauls.
Com pilations ju st completed by the W hite River.
storm zone, from n o rth T exas to re ­
In th e low er harbor, how ever, the
auditing departm ent of th e O.-W. R.
According to a telephone m essage pair trac k s and w ater m ains, but this catch w as not so good. Indicating th a t
& N. company show th a t during the received here, the populace ia in des­ progress la alow.
the school of fish which began to en ­
In bearing th e b ru n t of the storm , te r th e riv er on S aturday hasten ed up­
calendar year 1914 th e company spent p erate stra its. E ig h t persons are re­
G alveaton Island and Bolivar P en in su ­ stream .
for wages, taxes, construction and ported to have lost th e ir lives.
la served aa b arriers to break the
other purposes incident to th e conduct
The tow n is inundated to a depth force of th e h u rrican e ag ain st th e lit­
of its business in Oregon, W ashington ran g in g from 5 to 12 fe e t and m ost of
tle bay shore tow ns w hich s k irt the
Day of Rock Roads End*.
and Idaho, an aggreg ate of $15,573,- th e population has sought refu g e in large body of w ate r lying to the north
Oregon City.—T he u ltim ate solution
355.92, the equivalent of $50,892.30 the uppier floors of the hotels and the of the Island. T he bay tow ns have
for each w orking day of the year.
suffered heavily, but probably have of the ru ral road-building problem Is
not In the co nstruction of m acadam
Because of recent heavy rains, th e been saved from u tte r devastation.
Because of the delay in shipping,
Dependable accounts of the loaaes or rock roads, County Ju d g e A nderson
caused by the w ar. B aker county, Ore­ riv er rose to such an e x te n t th a t all
In th ese lesser tow ns have n ot been
gon, ranchers barely escaped a disas­ the levees p rotecting th e town gave thus far obtainable, b u t the loss of said here.
In the fu tu re It will be the policy of
trous grain sack shortage ju st as the
lives Is proportionately g rea ter In each
threshing season was on. N early 30,- astrous floods in the history of the of th e bay tow ns th an In Galveston.
the C lackam as county court, a t least
000 sacks had been ordered early from com munity.
In V irginia Point, th e north end of as far as Judge A nderson Is concern­
Two steam boats continued m aking the causew ay, 14 are dead; a t Texas ed, to replace worn-out rock roads
C alcutta. F arm ers were prep arin g to
construct tem porary bins and w heat trip« up and down th e riv er in th e v i­ City 32, 10 of whom were soldiers, are w ith bitum inous m acadam , and the
was filling every available receptacle cinity of N ew port and succeeded in reported drowned, seven a t L a P o rte carry in g out of th is program m e has
already begun. N ext year a bitum in­
when 5000 sacks arrived. N early 25,- rescuing a num ber of fam ilies from and th ree a t Lgncbburg.
At H ouston th ree w ere killed during ous road to P ortland from O regon City
th e roofs of houses, w h ith er they had
000 are expected w ithin a few days.
th e storm , one. W. E. Evans, a c a r­ may be com pleted.
The Lausanne G azette, of Geneva, gone to escape th e flood. F inally the p enter, killed by a falling barn, and
says th a t the E nglish governm ent has flood becam e too g reat, and th e boats an o th er, an unidentified negro, killed
Polk P rune Yield Normal.
had to w ithdraw .
by a live wire. T he p roperty loss has
recently placed large orders for am ­
P rune tree s In th e hills
m unition, especially shells, w ith Swiss
T he h u rrican e stru ck H ouston, ac­ about Falls City, Monmouth, Dallas
factories, supplying th e raw m aterial th e town, save th e telephone w ires,
has been destroyed, and it was feared cording to rep o rts reach in g here, and Alrlle are expected to yield nor­
to the Swiss through France, and th a t
sh o rtly a fte r every w ire to Galveaton
Swiss w atchm akers by thousands are th a t even th e telephone w ire would lie had been put out of com m ission by the m ally this year. T he grow ers rep o rt
a favorable season for fru it develop­
engaged in m aking the more delicate
Several passenger tra in s are stalled storm . T he h urricane w as declared m en t and claim only In a few In­
parts of projectiles.
Germany, the
to be th e w orst In th e h isto ry of the
G azette says, likew ise has placed or­ a t Newpiort.
city. D am age was w rought chiefly to stan ces th e early fro sts have Injured
W’ith food and w ater supplies alm ost buildings by the wind and to m erchan­ th e fruit. W hile not as larg e as last
ders fo r m unitions w ith Swiss m anu­
year, the size of the prunes will rank
exhausted and w ith m any refugees in dise by w ater.
well up w ith th e p ast few years, ac­
th e town from other points along th e
cording to th e grow ers. Many new
C arranza is said to be prep arin g a riv er, th e situ atio n was one which au ­
orchards will bear th is fall.
35 in 9 Autos Held Up.
reply refusing peace proposals.
th o rities here considered grave.
B utte, Mont. — Five highw aym en
Yuan Shi Kai ia considering th e ad­
S um pter and Auburn F ires Checked.
held up and robbed nine successive
W heat C ro p E stim ated.
v isability of proclaim ing him self em ­
Baker.—T h a t fire In th e S um pter
peror of China.
W ashington, D. C. — The Canadian autom obile p arties w ithin the space of Valley and A uburn d istric ts Is now
an hour h ere S atu rd ay night. T he well u n d er control w as rep o rted by
Application has been made for the W est is expected to produce some­
County F ire W arden P alm er, who re­
appointm ent of a receiver for th e Mis­ w here betw een 200,000,000 and 260,- hold-ups occurred on H arrison avenue, turned from A uburn, w here he d irec t­
souri Pacific railroad.
000,000 bushels of w heat th is season—
ed trenching operations. Mr. P alm er
T hirty-five persons w ere robbed of
A G eorgia mob took Leo M. F rank, probably around about 240,000,000 cash and Jewelry which the police be­ believes th a t new fires will hold the
only d an g er to tim b er In th e section
serving a life sentence for the m urder bushels, so it is reported to th e d e p a rt­ lieve will total m ore than $5000.
through w hich he w as w orking, as
m ent of commerce.
of Mary Phagan, from ja il and hanged
As th e m otoring p arties approached those now burning a re well safe­
th e scene of the robberies they were
ag g reg ate 325,000,000 bushels. Of th is stopped, robbed and forced to tak e guarded.
The executive com m ittee of th e Ger­ total it is expected th a t 250,000,000 Reats a t th e side of th e road, until 35
Pum pkin 8how P lanned.
man N ational L iberal p arty declares bushels will be available for lake ship- persons w ere seated In a row.
Junction City.—The seventh annual
perm anent peace can only be had by a m ent, and th a t from 130,000,000 to
Junction City Pum pkin Show will tie
wide extension of German fro n tier in 150,000,000 bushels will be available
held on S eptem ber 16, 17 and 18. The
T rs s Yields $3000 Crop.
all directions.
fo r export.
W ashington, D. C.—W hat appears! Rhow will have ten d e p a rtm e n ts:
to be th e m ost valuable fru it tree In' Pum pkin, forage, orchard and vine­
A cablegram from P aris announces
S tefan sso n Not S ig h ted .
the world stan d s a t W hittier. In Los yard, vegetables, grain and seed, cul­
th e death of Jacques N eyvatte, a mem­
inary, Rowers and a rt. In d u strial
Nome, A laska— The U nited S tates Angeles county. Cal. It Is an avacado ' school
ber of the French aviation corps. Ney-
exhibits, fancy work and poul­
v a tte was form erly a new spaper man
try. The s la te exhibitors of poultry
ofP hoenix, A riz. He was licensed by th e m ails to P oint Barrow , th e moat
are Invited to com pete. B. F. K eeney
th e am ount of $30,000.
th e Aero Club of France in 1908, and northerly point of A laska, returned to
T he value of this tree arises from j will Judge th e poultry ex h ib its.
appeared in aerial exhibiitona in th is Nome Tuesday and rep o rts th a t no th e g rea t value of Its p ro d u ct This [
A rtesian Well Borings Succeed.
country. He served in th e Boer war word of V iljalm ur Stefansson, th e ex ­ tree la st year yielded 3000 pears
K lam ath F alls.—S uccess obtained
plorer, and hia tw o com panions had which averaged to the ow ner 60 cents
as a balloonist.
been received. The Bear reported th a t each. It also produced $1500 worth of by B. 8 Grigsby, of th is city, a few
A terrific Gulf storm wrecked many nothing fu rth e r has been heard of th e bud wood, m aking a total production w eeks ago In obtaining a rte sia n w ater
on his ranch n ea r F o rt K lam ath, north
vessels and did much other dam age gasoline schooner New Jersey , hereto­ for th e year of $3000.
of here, was such th a t five o th e r wells
along th e ^Gulf coast, and particularly fore reported m issing. The New J e r ­
have since been p ut down, and more
a t G alveston.
sey le ft Nome last fall.
likely will follow. T he record fo r g et­
Schedule Change Curbed.
A G erm an subm arine torpedoed the
Olympia, W ash.—The time-worn de­ tin g w ater Is on th e O rover Neal placs.
Ninety T ake Military C o u rse.
B ritish tran sp o rt Royal Edward in the
Tacoma, W ash. — N inety business vice on railroad tlm etablea announc­
P ercheron Prizes Up.
A egean sea, off th e T urkish coast, and
Salem .—W. Al Jones, s e c re ta ry of
professional men, including one ing th a t th e railroad “reserves the
about 1000 lives w ere lost.
m in ister and a half dozen cap italists, rig h t to change this schedule a t pleas­ the sta te fair, announced th a t th e P e r­
N ancy H anks, 2 :04, champion tr o t­ reported for th e cam p of instruction u re ” o r w ithout notice, Is doomed In cheron Society of Am erica had offered
te r from 1892 to 1894, died at H am ­ for business men in command of Colo­ th e sta te of W ashington, unless the 13 special prem ium s for sta llio n s and
burg Place, the e s ta te of J . E. Mad­ nel R. H. W ilson, F ourteenth In fan ­ railroads can offer a convincing ex ­ m ares exhibited a t th e m eeting, w hich
cuse. T he public service com m ission opens S eptem ber 27 and co n tin u es six
den, who purchased the horse several try , U nited S tates Arm y, a t Cosgrove, has Issued an order forbidding chan g ­ days. T he fair board has offered prizes
years ago to pension h e r u n til her A m erican Lake. They will spend three ing of tim etab les w ithout 10 nays’ no­ to talin g $622 and a b anner ea c h for
death. N ancy H anks was foaled in weeks receiving m ilita ry instruction tice, posted beforehand In th e s ta ­ cham pion stallion and cham pion m are
from reg u lar arm y officers.
In th e P ercheron exhibit.
Thousands Are Cul Off by floods;
Rescue Steamers Forced to Quit
«9 4
' ik
IL L U 5 T I^ T 1 0 N 5 ^ P A r W A L T ER5
to * vm ro tra r r * oooas-tirnxiU CorffwrY
hands m et und clasped
Is th e only one In the world who Is
— 19
L*ter, when th e o th ers had left not de trnp," suld Ju lia gently.
them to them selves In th e music
Saloon, lifting h er hand again to
room, Sabron sat In a big chair by the his lips, kissed It long, looktug Into
open window and Ju lia Redmond h er eyes. Between that great m ys­
played to him, T ho day was warm. tery of the aw akening to be fulfilled,
T here was a smell of spring flowers they drew near to each other—nearer.
In the a ir and the vases w ere tilled
P ltchoune sat before them, waiting.
with glrufles and sw eet peas. But He wagged his full and waited. No
Babron sm elled only the violets In one noticed him. He gave a short
Julia's girdle. H er hands gently w an­ hark th ut apparently disturbed no
dered over th e keys, fludlng tho tuuo one.
thut Subron longed to hear. She
P ltchoune Itad heroine de trop.
played th e a ir through, and It seem ed
He was discreet. W ith sym pathetic
as though she w ere about to sing the eyes he gaxed on Ills beloved m uster
first verse. She could not do so, nor and new m istress, then turned and
could she speak.
quietly tro tted a c r o s s the room to th a
Subron rose and cam e over to hearth rug, alttlng th e re m editative­
w here sh e sat.
ly for a few m inutes blinking ut the
T here was a low ch a ir n ea r th e em pty grate, w here on the warm
pliuio and he took It, leaning forw ard, spring day th e re was no Are.
his hands clasped about his knees.
Pltchoune lay down In-fore th e fire-
It had been the life-long dreum of th is less h earth, Ills head forward on his
sim ple h earted officer th a t one day he paws, his beautiful eves still d iscreet­
would speak out his soul to tho wom­ ly turned uwuy from the lovers. He
an ho loved. Tho tim e had come. drew a long contented breath ns dogs
She sa t before him In h er u n p rete n ­ do before gettllug Into repose. Ills
tious dress.
He w as not worldly
enough to know It coat a g rea t price,
nor to ap p reciate th a t she w ore no
lew els—nothing except the flowers ho
hail sent. H er dark h air was clua-
tered about h er ear* and her b eau ti­
ful eyea lost th eir Are In tenderness.
"W hen a man has been very close
to death, M ademoiselle, he looka about
for the reason of hts resurm ctlon.
When ho retu rn s to th e world, he
looks to see what th e re Is In th is life
to m ake It worth living I am young j
—at the beginning of my career. I |
may have before me a long life In
which, with health and friends, I may
find much happtnoaa. T h ese things
certain ly have th e ir w orth to a nor- i
mal m an—but 1 cannot m ake them i
real before my eyea Just yet. As I i
look upon th e world to which 1 have j
returned, I aee nothing but a woman
and h er love. If I cannot win her for
my wife, If I cannot have h e r love—”
He made an expressive g rstu rn which
more Im pressively than w ords Implied
how com pletely he laid down ev ery ­
thing else to h er love and his.
He said, not w ithout a c e rta in dig­
nity: "I am quite poor; I hayo only
my soldier's pay. In N orm andp 1 own
a little property. It la upon a hill
U f t / '*
and looka over the sea. w ith apple
o rch ard s and w heat fields. Therm la a
house. T hese are my landed estates.
My manhood and my love are rny fo r­
tune. If you cannot retu rn my love I
.h a ll not thank T rem ont for b ringing
Manhood and My Love A r, My
mo back from A frica.”
T he A m erican girl listened to him thrilling adveniures had come to an
with profound em otion. She discov­ end. Before fires on th e friendly
ered every second how well sh e u n ­ h earth of tho l/ouls XIII chateau.
derstood him, and he had much to Where hunting dogs wore carved In
nay, because it wan the first tim e he th e atone above the chim ney, P lt­
had ever spoken to h er of his love. choune m ight continue to dream In
She had put out both h er hands anil, th e days to come. He would hunt
looking at. him fully, said sim ply;
rabblta In th e still forests nbove th e
"W hy It seem s to me you must) w heat fields, and live again In the
know how I feel—how can you helpt firelight his great adventures on th e
desert, th e long run» ncross the sands
knowing how I feel?”
on his Journey hark to Franco.
Now he closed M r eyes. As a faith ­
A fter a little he told h er of N o n
mandy, and how he had apent hla ful friend he rested In tho atm os­
childhood and boyhood In th o ch ateau phere of happiness about hint. He
overlooking the wide sea. told h er had been the sole com panion of a lone­
how he had w atched the ships and ly man, now he had bucomo part of
used to dream of the cou n tries be­ a family.
yond the horizon, and how th e ap p l*
blossoms filled th e o rch ard s In the)
Explaining Hla One Little Lapse.
spring. He told her how he longed!
to go back, and th a t M r wandering*
“ P ruddren and slRtahs,’’ In trium ­
life had made It Im possible for years. ph an t tones announced B rother llogua,
Ju lia w hispered: “We shall go th e re during the recent revival In Ebeiiczer
chapel, "»luce 1 »ax converted und
In th e spring, my friend.”
H e was charm ing as ho sa t there* w ashed w hiter dun snow, two mont'a
holding her hands closely, his fine ago, I has been wldout sin, bless do
eyes bent upon her. 8abron told h er Lawd! I's sanctified, and couldn't
things th a t had been deep In his com m it sin if I w anted to! I—”
“ Hold on a minute, muh brudder!"
h eart and mind, w aiting for h e r hero
so many months. Finally, everything Interrupted good old Parson Bagster.
merged Into his p resen t life, and th e "Y<>’ mought uh-been washed tollublo
beauty of w hat he said dazed h e r like white, but I’s ’Merged to say dat dar
an enchanted sea. He was a so ld lir, ‘pears to be a spot or two dat w asn’t
a man of action, yet a dream er. T he touched wld do soup o' salvation. How
fact th a t hla hopes were ab o u t to bo 'bout d at tlino Cuhtiel W hite filled yo'
realized made him trem ble, and as he pussnnallty full o' shot In hla hen-
talked, everything took light from th is houae?”
"W ’y—w'y, Rah, Inmrao tell yo'! Dla
victory. Even his house In N orm andy
began to seem a fitting se ttin g for th e la how 'tw uz: Yo’ knows how absent
minded do Cuhnel alius was. Well,
beautiful American.
“ It Is only a Louis XIII ch a te au ; It salt, d at was ono o' detn tim es—ho was
stan d s very high, surrounded by or­ Btudyin' 'bout suppin or nudder, an *
chards. which In th e spring a re w hite dess 'm aglned I was d a r!" —K ansas
City Star.
as snow.”
"W e shall go th e re In th e spring,”'
Woman D estroys Bomb.
she w hispered.
W hat m ight have been a disastrous
Sabron stopped speaking, hts rev­
erie was done, and he was silen t as explosion was prevented when Mrs.
the Intensity of bis love for h e r P auline Siegel picked a bomb, with a
surged over him. H e lifted h e r deli­ lighted fuse attached, from th e door­
cate handa to hla lips. “It Is April step of the house of h er neighbor,
Mrs. S alvatore Corso, 1621 South
now,” ho said, and his voice shook,
F ranklin street, Philadelphia. Mrs
"It Is spring now, my love."
Siegel hurled It Into the street. T his
broke the eyudely constructed bomb,
At Ju lia's alike was a slig h t touch. and only a section exploded.
She cried: “P ltc h o u n e '” H e p ut his
Mrs. Slegol saw two men place a
paws on her kneea and looked up Into queer-looking packngc on tho step, ap­
h er face.
ply a m atch, and run away. She
“Brunet has brought him here," said grasped the package and hurled It In­
Sabron, “and th a t m eans th e good to th a street.
chap la atten d in g to hia own love-
It contained six sticks of dynam ite
m aking.”
and a large quantity of gunpow der
Ju lia laid h er hand on P ltchoune'? T he copper w ires, which had been
head. “He will love th e N orm andy wrapped around the package, broke.
beach, Charles."
Tho con tents of the pow erful bom b
"H e will love th e fo re sts,” said w ere scattered In all directions.
Mrs. Corso said h er fam ily haa no
S abron; “th e re a re rab b its th e re .”
On th a little dog's head th e two enem ies.
C H A P T E R X X V I I I — Contlnubd.
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