THE STAYTON MAIL «Ü? »t. a % '• ^ Published every Thuraoay by IC . M . O l . M N T K I I Entered u. second rlass m atter«1 thu ixtstollire at Stayton, Marion, county, Orc)(on, under the act o f Conifrcaa of March .1, 18TJ. SUBSCRIPTIO.VS, $1.00 per year PUBUC SALE H. A . BEAUCHAMP, M .D. Physician and Surgeon STAYTON. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN; AND SURGEON ¡S t a y t o n , O rego n Wilbur N. Pintler, D.M.D. OENTIST Office Over St nylon Statu Hank Phone 2152 Slavton, Ora G. F. KORINEK, V. S„ B. V. Sc. Veterinarian Treat* all domestic animal«, also applies the Tuberculin teat. Telephone 3x7 Oftlce at Stayton Stable a STAYTON . . . . OREGOt S. H. HELTZEL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ¡NOTARY PUBLIC A b,tract, ami Probata WSrk a S p .c Office Over Dcidrirh'a Hardware Store. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 J. M. R IN G O -T hob . HIRST OREGON 1 STAYTON V. A. GOODE We mean that we give, in addition to excellent High Grade I he following articles will be sold to the high­ est bidder for Cash in Hand, at Addreaa all communicationa to T H E STA YTO N MAIL Values When Merchandise, those snappy, up to date styles. Being a branch of the Stayton, Ore. HAMMOND-BISHOP Sat. Aug. 28 167 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. Enables us to offer you the very newest styles that are not usually found in towns of this size. ‘STAYTON SATURDAY SALES DAY’ Hammond-Bishop The articles listed below by the merchants of Stay- ton show the faith they have in the “ Stayton Saturday Sales Day.” List your property and get the benefit of the advertising. 2000 shingles . . . Brown-Petzel Lbr. Co. Two-seated carriage . . . Jos. Ilamman Plate glass buffet and meat safe . G. C. Eksman Pair new Napatite gloves Lanccfield’s Shoe Store New Ben Hur Go cart . . P. Dcidrich New Auto robe, Wilbur Woolen Mills Wool bat for comforter 25 Oak Post, well seasoned Chas. Gehlen 1 pail of Stock Food New 8 day Mantel Clock C. A. Luthy, Jeweler New Parlor Hanging Lamp Gardner & Hobson A doz Hoppickers Hats Hammond-Bishop New Aluminum double boiler Korinek & Mieike Razor & Strop . Mack Shepherd 1 sack cane sugar Mayo’s Cash Store New Pitcher Pump . Jacob Spaniol 2$ gal. keg sour pickles Klecker’s Mdse. Store 2 lb. 99 brand coffee Razor George Davie New camp Stove . Lilly Hdw. Cp. Pair men’s shoes, guarantee fit Fisher & Richardson A dollar can of Stag smoking tobacco. J. Hendershott Driving horse, 7 years old. 2 grade Jersey cows, fresh in Sept., 4 and 7 years old, tested for tuberculosis, wt. of milk and test o f butter- fat for 10 mos. made known at sale. A. A. McKenzie Bay mare, driver, single or double, wt. 950. Top bug­ gy, first class shape. Sing, driving harness, W. Allis Bicycle grindstone, good as new, Sestak & Thomas Patent stump burner, used but little. Glen Munkers Single-cylinder Reliance motorcycle , 1 CLOTHING, SHOES FURNISHINGS CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING Fountain of Energy When President Wilson Opened the Panama- Pacific Exposition to all Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schel- burg and son Kenneth and Er­ nest DenneV and sister, Hener- ; etta of Union Hill motored over to the G. F. Harold home Sun­ day and spent the day. John Heppner, buyer for Steu- sloff Bros, of Salem was buying cattle this week. Among those who sold were; John Pietrok, V. Pietrok, Titus Archer, J. T. Fol- lis and Cole and Harold. M i s s Alta Archambeau o f i Portland, who has been visiting relatives here has gone to Salem to visit. Name. H1ZZ ■ LAinaTOWN, IOW* HE Fountain of Energy when the water was released by President Wilson pressing a button nt Washington on the opening day o f the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco. This fountain is the work of A. Stirling Calder and is between the Tower o f Jewels and the main entrance at Scott street T Articles. HIZZ TINWORK and PLUMBING O. M. Baker is buying who .i this season. tne Opening Day at Panama-Pacific Expo­ sition Broke All Exposition 0. M. Baker and wife mote tv ! •down to t h e C. E. Schaefer, Attendance Records | home Sunday afternoon. Stayton Mail, Stayton, Ore. Rath Tuba, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings— Farm- ers-W e carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. Matt Mueller returned i ■ 1 the Hot Springs Tuesday aft two weeks stay there for his 1 health. LT, attendance records for expo­ sitions were broken at the open­ ing of the Panama-Pacific Inter uatlonnl Exposition In Sau Francisco on Feb. 20. Vnst crowds thronged the grounds when I‘resident Wilson press­ ed the button In Washington, and each day since the attendance has been enor­ mous The huge buildings nnd beau­ tiful thoroughfares hummed with ac­ tivity and have continued to do so. The Exposition has already demon strated at this early date that It will he a great success In every way. A Subscribe F o r T h e M a il JACOB SPANIOL STAYTON MEAT MARKET SESTAK Ed Flemings of Scio was visit­ ing with his son Tom and family last week. Miss Alice Smith spent week-end with her sister, j Allison Vernon. Name to appear, Yes or N o .................... Address J. C. Leffler has purchased a new Ford and made his first trip to Salem Sunday. J. W. Hickman sold his big mule this week to Mr. Osborne of Shelbum. Legal Rusineaa. Office Room No. 6, Roy Bldg. Kingston K in k s Misses Ethel and Eva Walker spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Tom Flemings. LAWYER and NOTARY PUBUC Conscientious Attention Given c. a ts Miss Esther Willing who t been working at the Titus A v - er home returned to her horn i Stayton. R. L. Putnam will preacl ; t the Kingston church both rr. | ing and evening- & TH OM AS, Proprietors. Bilyeu Den Sht> s Fresh, salt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Slock MeCAI-l.’ S h t*" r»*hlan Guide end !!o««e* k«cplng Hclp.’ r •. i »■ 'rc women than any other itiajflAino i » t orld. Ail ih- latcai m !.*t every mun ;, » • ghtf .l atones t' .tri te, tain, and apecizl it?««rtmen♦♦♦< >>♦ ♦♦»•♦♦»«••»♦i Ray Dobson a n d Miss Nan Agie motored t o Lebanon and Waterloo one day last week. OVER es 6 8 VCARO- C EXPER f L. A. MESSING * Swiss Jeweler STAY TON, OREGON. Bank of England Watchers. 29 YEARS EXPERIENCE When you enter the Bank o f E uk 4 All work on watches and OOOOOOO O M O O M M M M * * * * * land by any door four pairs of eye* clocks guaranteed for watch yon. though you nre unnware T h e E sk im o s. o f this fact. Situated close in the One Year Eskimos hnto summer nnd lore win­ doors are hiding places In which are “ T fy My Work, it Speak* For lt»«lf OREGON and WASKINOTOH » ter, for In summer tlioy must work, four guardlaus o f the bank. You eau wherens In winter they keep holiday Located in the Shoe Shop not seo thorn, tint they can watch you ¡1 for months nt n stretch, visiting one an­ J \ West o f the Stayton State Bank J with the aid o f rollectlng mirrors In other In their warm and comfortable A Directory o f each City, Totvn on '• Stayton -:- Oregon & snow houses and swapping yarns. Ow­ which they can see your entrance at I Village, giving doocriptiv». «ketch o f each place, location, population, t i ; ing to the darkness, which makes deer exit and every movement from the M -t«66C -6e60«*>*>6*»4 * 6 te > » p graph, «hipping and hanking point; time you enter the portals of wealth hunting practically Impossible, the en­ Also ClaaalOed Directory, com piled by ‘ tire population Is out o f a job. It rev­ to tho moment you lenvo them,—Lon buaineu and profesalon. don Standard. els In merry Idleness. clean with o r. K eep yo P O L K 'S«—™ 0 Business ( R. Directory m u , 1 L a x a t iv , 'Cablata. I„ r o i.K Jr C O „ flEATTLK A k h |||||3V 'r T m Tnaos M arks D e s ig n s COPYRIGHTS Ac. A n r o n # ren d in g a « k e tc h And d escrip tion m nr Culekly M c e rU in o u r o p in io n free w h eth er an invention I* probnM p petenteble. Co«nm nuirn. ll>-nnntrlctlf ooiiihJonfl«l. HANDBOOK Ofc Patent« sent free. tMdest a g en cy fo r secu rin g pate» m . Pateutfl taken through Munn Jk Co. recelv Patenti tprriiil *j>. - i4*i notice Mtiftre, without charge. In the Sentitine * hnnrtRomelf Illustrate Wf»okTv. • lut ion o f nnjr orlen» Ilio tourna), t < ti* ; fo u r m on th s, $1. Hold by al) clr- TVriim. |3 \ W!J¡jN&Co.3e,Bf^*«’ NewYc HtHDcn O ffice. 635 F Pt.. W a th lD s tcn , D C* R h eu m a tic p a in s nro relieved Dr. M il«*’ A n tl-F a ln Pilla. ty John Calavan was in Scio Sat­ urday. A. D. Craft, of near Crabl \ e, visited Friday at the H. E. L r- mester home. Last Monday asternoon Mr. Craft’s hoi-a, barn and granary were entirely destroyed by fire. The lass hy­ ing between four and five th - and dollars. “ Lizzie” FARMERS -List vour article r the Stayton Saturday Sales Day /. tr­ ust 28, with the Stayton Mail. S< ,e list collected in Stayton in one ; a -r- noon's elTort. Make the first day a success.