declaring that "the issue involved Is ing as a transport, that sh« did not VILLA SEEKS TRUCE TO CONSIDER of such moment that to remain a mem­ carry a cargo prohibited by the ber of the Cabinet would be as unfair statutes of tho United States, and WARNING OE PRESIDENT WILSON to you as it would be to the cause that if, in fact, she was a naval ves­ which is uearust my heart, namely, the sel of Great Britain she should not El Paso, Tex.—General Francisco prevention of war.” receive clearance as a merchantman, Villa has decided to ask General Ven- The President accepted tho resigna­ and it performed that duty and en­ tion in a letter of regret, tinged with ustianu Carranza to agree to a neutral forced its statutes with scrupulous deep personal feeling of affection. vigilance through its regularly con­ territory for a conference to consider Dramatically tho official relation of stituted officials. It is able, there­ Brief Resume of General News the suggestions contained in (’resident Mr. Bryan with the administration of President Wilson and Secretary fore, to assure the imperial German Wilson's note, according to a telegram the man whoao nomination he assisted government that it has been misin­ so materially in bringing about at tho received here from Colonel Enrique from All Around the Earth. formed. Disagree Over Germany. Baltimore convention of 1912 came to I’erez Kill, private secretary to Villa. “If the imperial German govern­ Legality of Sinking of Steamer ment should deem itself to be in pos­ an end. It caused a sensation in l lie The telegram was date«! Aguas Cal- National capital scarcely paralleled in of convincing evidence that the recent years. Lusitania flatly Denied session officials of the Government of the UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL lentea. COMMONER'S PEACE VIEW DISCORDANT "General Villa ordered his secre­ Ambassadors, ministers and diplo­ United States did not perform these mat!! from foreign lands, officials of taries to come from Chihuahua to by United States. duties with thoroughness, the Gov­ every rank anil nation heard the news Aguas Calientes to draft the note to ernment of the United States sin­ Live News Items of All Nations and as it was Mashed by newspajier Carranza,” says Colonel Rul, "and Other Members Are Claimed to Have They interpreted variously its extras. cerely hopes that it will submit that effect also the reply he will send to I‘resident Threatened Retirement Unless on the delicate situation that hail risen evidence for consideration. Pacific Northwest Condensed ORIGINAL DEMANDS RENEWED Contentions Held Irrelevant. Wilson. Villa's ministers have between Germany and the United reached Aguas Calientes,” for Our Busy Readers. States. The resigantion of the “Whatever may be the contentions Foreign Policy Was Firm. The Rul statement relates that Villa staunchest advocate of |>eare in the of the imperial German government decided to invite Carranza to agree to President’s official family spread "to prevent further sacrifice in Precautions Insisted Upon and Right regarding the carriage of contraband broadcast the belief that the policy of of war on board the Lusitania, or re­ A German submarine Friday sank a the truce republic which might produce in­ Washington, |1). C. William Jen­ the United States as definitely deter­ of Americans to Travel Seas garding the explosion of that material two British torpedo boats, one steamer tervention,” that when Villa, in keep­ nings on would assert and defend the Bryan, three times Democratic mined by torpedo, it need only be said that, and six trawlers. ing with this suggestion, ordered his candidate rights of the United States in any Lawfully, Declared, Notwith­ for the presidency of the eventuality in the view of this Government, the The schooner New Jersey is reported troops to retire General Obregon start­ United States that might arise. ami author of nearly 30 standing Warnings. contentions are irrelevant to the ques­ lost in the Arctic regions and four of ed in pursuit, "bringing on a battle in Originally, it was the intention of tion of the legality of the methods her crew have perished. peace treaties with the principal na­ tho President ami Mr. Bryan to have the station of Leon. used by the German naval authori- obliged our forces which came tions of the world, resigned Tuesday the announcement of the resignation The plant of the Butte Socialist, a "This Silao. commanded by General as secretary of state as a dramatic se­ made simultaneously with the dispatch WAsiflKfiTON June 10_The text *»es that of vessel. WASHINGTON, June 10. l ne text -g ut sinking ¿,e sinking passenger ships weekly paper of Butte, Montana, was from Villa, to attack the enemy vigorously, the note to Germany, but when Mr. to his disagreement with Pruel- of Bryan of the American rejoinder to the Ger- involvM principles of humanity which blown up by dynamite. dispersing them after indicting heavy quel did nut attend the Cabinet meet­ dent Wilson over the government’s ing unitl man government’s reply to the note throw into the background any special Italian troops are reported as having losses. ” President Wilson sent for following the sinking of the Lusitania circumstances of detail that may be occupied Monfalcone, and being within The Villa forces have retired to policy toward Germany. him, rumors that the President hail follows: i thought to affect the cases—principles Lagos, state of Guanajuato, 38 miles The resignation was accepted by the been unable to bring the Secretary of of Trieste, Austria. north of Leon, according to Rul’s President. The Cabinet then approved State to his point of view tilled the air. “The Secretary of State ad interim which lift it, as the imperial govern- sight American friends of Germany be­ statement, the loss of many the resjionse which had been prepart'd Finally, the news became known and to the American Ambassador to Ber- ment wil> no do“b‘ be quick/« recog- lieve the critical stage in the Lusi­ men or any "without war materials. ” It also to the German reply to the Lusitania was confirmend. lin: Department of State, Washing- /» « *nd acknowledge, out of the class tania controversy is passed. says that Villa retains quantities of note. Acting Secretary Robert lou­ Just when tho subject was first ton, June 9. 1915.—American Ambas-1 of ordinary subjects of diplomatic dis or international controversy. military equipment captured in the A German admiral says the Mediter­ signet! the document and it was broached between the President ami sad or, Berlin: You are instructed to cussion be the facts regarding the ranean sea will be the next field for battle of Silao last week and has or­ sing Mr. Bryan is not definitely known but cabled to Berlin. deliver textually the following note Whatever Lusitania, the principal fact is that a German submarine^operations. dered some brigades south to recapture Secretary Bryan will return to pri­ the fact that Mr. Bryan would resign to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: great steamer, primarily and chiefly Official statements declare that there Leon and continue the campaign. life. It was learned that he in­ was known to a small circle of officials “In compliance with Your Excel­ conveyance for passengers and car­ are yet 9000 Germans and 4000 Aus­ Rul declares that in the fighting at vate tends continue his political sup|>ort as early as last Sunday. When the lency’s request, I did not fail to trans­ a rying than 1000 souls who had trians of military age at large in Lon­ Silao the Villa forces captured a train of the to President. principles un which the note to Ger­ mit to my Government, immediately no part more lot in the conduct of the don. containing powder and apparatus for Rather than sign the document j many should be based were discussed upon their receipt, your note of May war, was or torpedoed and sunk without manufacturing ammunition; that this whirh he believed might |>oeaibly draw ' Mr. Bryan found that he could not rec­ 28 in reply to my note of May 15, and so much as a challenge Germany in the Frye case declares train was burned to prevent its recap­ the United States into war, Mr. Bryan oncile his own position with that of the your supplementary note of June 1, and that men, women or and a warning, the right to sink any ship carrying ture by Obregon. submitted his resignation in a letter , administration. setting forth the conclusions, so far were sent to their death in children contraband, but is willing to pay dam­ as reached by the imperial German stances unparalleled in modern circum­ war­ ages. government, concerning the attacks German residents in America believe Canadian Aviator Blows Up Huge on the American steamers Cushing fare. Duty Owed to Humanity. the retirement of Bryan from the cab­ Zeppelin, Killing Entire Crew of 28 and Gulflight. “The fact that more than 100 Amer­ inet will make negotiations with their Principle of Freedom Recognized. ican citizens were among those who country easier. Ixindon— For the first time on record “I am now instructed by my Gov­ perished made it the duty of the Gov­ Multnomah Typographical union, of a Zeppelin in the air has been destroy­ ernment to communicate the follow­ ernment of the United States to speak Portland, has started to ed by an aviator in an aeroplane. ing in reply: of these things, and once more, with have all text books a for movement the public Reginald J. Warneford, a young Cana­ “The Government of the United solemn emphasis, to call the atten­ schools dian sub-lieutenant in the royal navy, printed within the state. States notes with gratification the tion of the imperial German govern­ who mastered aeroplaning only this full recognition by the imperial Ger­ ment to the grave responsibility which According to figures announced in summer, has jierformed the feat, and man government, in discussing the the Government of the United States the house of commons, 79,946 English is somewhere within the British lines, cases of the Cushing and the Gul­ conceives that it has incurred in this women have registered for war work, while a Zeppelin lies in ruins, sprawled flight, of the principle of the freedom tragic occurrence and to the indis­ of which 1916 have been utilized. the roof and ground of an orphan­ of all parts of the open sea to neutral putable principle upon which that re­ Rowing crews from the steamer on near Ghent. ships and the frank willingness of the sponsibility rests. The Government Rose City twice beat the crews of the age Falling a blazing mass after being imperial government to acknowledge of the United States is contending for naval reserve cruiser Boston in the struck by the aviator’s bombs, and meet its liability where the fact something much greater than mere Rose Festival races in Portland harbor. its crew of young 28 men were killed, as of attack upon neutral ships ’which rights of property or privileges of several occupants of the or­ have not been guilty of any hostile commerce. It is contending for noth­ News reaching Geneva confirms the were also buildings. act’ by German aircraft or vessels of ing less high and sacred than the report that cholera has broken out in phanage The theory is advanced that this war is satisfactorily established; and rights of humanity, which every gov­ Vienna. It is believed to have been Zeppelin the craft which raided the Government of the United States ernment honors itself in respecting taken there by wounded sdldiers from the east was coast of England Tuesday will in due course lay before the im­ and which no government is justified Galicia. night, for the fact that it was in the perial German government, as it re­ in resigning on behalf of those under attendance at the Panama-ft» air over Belgium, between Ghent and quests, full information concerning its care and authority. * Only her cific The Exposition San Francisco has Brussels, at 3 o’clock in the morning, the attack on the steamer Cushing. actual resistance to capture or refusal passed the six at million mark, an aver­ leads to the belief that it was return to stop when ordered to do so for “With regard to the sinking of the age of 55,000 per day since the open­ ing from an expedition,not starting. steamer Falaba, by which #h Ameri­ the purpose of visit could have af­ ing on February 20. breaks early these days and can citizen lost his life, the Govern­ forded the commander of the sub­ The British are again warned by one the Dawn Zeppelin could be Bighted far ment of the United States is surprised marine any justification for so much of their best-known newspapers that off, huge and it that the craft to find the imperial German govern­ as putting the lives of those on board disaster is imminent unless they pro­ was headed is for presumed home hangar when ment contending that an effort on the ship in jeopardy. This principle vide their army and navy with more Warneford came her winging swiftly un the part of a merchantman to escape the Government of the United States der the gray skies. capture and secure assistance alters understands the explicit instructions liberal supplies of ammunition. The Zeppelin, which was flying com­ the obligation of the officer seeking issued on August 3, 1914, by the im­ The Standard Oil company announces paratively began to mount at to make the capture in respect to the perial German Admiralty to its com­ a cut of one cent per gallon in the once, but the low, British was speed­ safety to the lives of those on board manders at sea to have recognized and price of gasoline, effective throughout ier and climbed into wasp the air in long the merchantman, although the ves­ embodied, as do the naval codes of all the United States. The new price is spirals, reaching a position sel has ceased her attempt to escape other nations, and upon it every 8.8 cents. A year ago the price was over the German’s vast bulk at length From when torpedoed. These are not new traveler and seaman had a right to this point of vantage Warneford burst circumstances. They have been in the depend. It is upon this principle of 12 At cents. Zeppelin’s shell repcadedly with a luncheon to the visiting Chinese the minds of statesmen and of interna­ humanity, as well as upon the law commercial his incendiary bombs. delegates, President Emer­ tional jurists throughout the develop­ founded upon this principle, that the itus Charles W. Eliot, of Harvard, de­ ment of naval warfare, and the Gov­ United States must stand. clared that China should have an ade­ Portland, Or., Youth Escapes From ernment of the United States does not “The Government of the United quate and navy, adding that "no understand that they have ever been States is happy to observe that Your nation army can maintain a national exist­ Mexicans After Awful Experience held to alter the principles of human­ Excellency’s note closes with the in­ ence without a national force.” ity upon which it has insisted. Noth­ timation that the imperial German Counsellor of Slate Department and Now Acting Secretary of ing but actual forcible resistance or government is willing, now as before, Alden J. Blethen, owner El Paso, Texas — Forced to act as Robert I.ansing, State, Whose Signature Is Affixed to Note to Germany. continued efforts to escape by flight to accept the good offices of the of the Colonel Seattle Times, is dangerously ill. gravedigger for Vaill’s execution when ordered to stop for the purpose United States in an attempt to come Degrees in Juarez for a month, James are bestowed on 254 stu­ squad of visit on the part of the merchant­ to an understanding with the govern­ dents at Oregon sion warehouse. Ellswortji, whose home is in Portland, Portland Has Disastrous Fire; Five Agricultural college. Or., man has ever been held to forfeit the ment of Great Britain, by which the Five freight cars in the Southern where he left two years ago, es­ lives of her passengers or crew. character and conditions of the war The Seventh Annual Rose Festival caped Sunday night and came to the Blocks Swept, With Immense loss Pacific and O.-W. It. & N. yards were badly burned and the freight house “The Government of the United upon the sea may be changed. The was formally opened at Portland Wed­ American side, hatless, his clothes j used jointly by the two railroads was States, however, does not understand Government of the United States nesday. covered with blood stains and slashed Portland, Or.—Fire that swept clean consider it a privilege thus to German submarines have sunk six where the Mexican officers had beaten five blocks on the waterfront just j damaged also. that the imperial German government would is seeking in this case to relieve itself serve its friends and the world. It more over the back with their swords to south of the east approach of the Burn­ The estimated loss of $400,000 in­ ships, among them be­ him of liability, but only intends to set stands ready at any time to convey ing a merchant the roughly estimated loss of make him work. Norwegian steamer. side bridge caused an aggregate loss cludes forth the circumstances which led the to either government any intimation the box factory and planing mill, a Ellsworth, who is 22 years old and or suggestion the other may be will­ commander of the submarine to allow estimated at more than $300,000, jaw- A delegation of Chinese merchants, vast quantity of lumber, and smaller of good appearance, says he went to himself to be hurried into the course ing to have it convey, and cordially touring this country, will visit import­ Juraez on a sightseeing trip when he sibly $400,000, and threatened other plants consumed, as well as the dam­ invites the imperial German govern­ ant cities in the Northwest. which he took. valuable neighboring property at 1 :30 age to telephone and wire service, tho was arrested. He was forced to dig ment to make use of its services in the graves and witness the execution Wednesday morning. Southern Pacific and O.-W. R. & N. “Your Excellency’s note, in discuss­ this Canadian miners at Fernie, B. C., way at its convenience. The nine men during his imprisonment, The heaviest losses were suffered by freight office and railroad equipment, ing the loss of American lives result­ world is concerned in anything refuse to work with alien labor, which of hauling each of them to the grave the Standard Box & Lumber Co., esti­ whirh caught from the sparks ami the ing from the sinking of the steamship whole that may bring about even a partial includes Germans and Austrians. from the adobe wall after they were mated by the superintendent at $250,- belching flames as they were driven Lusitania, adverts at some length to accommodation interests or in any executed. “l “ “ 000; the Acme Planing Mill company, eastward by the lively northwest wind. certain information which the imperial way mitigate the of terrors loss fixed by officers at $19,000, with A launch tied up near the mill ex­ German government has received with ent distressing conflict. of the pres­ keep away may be made to operate He left for his home in Portland im­ $9500 insurance; Page & Son, commis- ploded and was destroyed. mediately. regard to the character and outfit of as in any degree an abbreviation of that vessel, and your Excellency ex­ “In the meantime, whatever ar­ the rights of either cf American ship­ Notcd Banker* Dies. presses the fear that this information rangement may happily be made be­ masters or of American citizens bound Rate Petition Is Granted. Berlin Hebrew Protests. may not have been brought to the at­ tween the parties to the war, and on lawful errands as passengers on London — The Exchange Telegraph Berkeley, Cal.—Charles R. Bishop, Washintgon, D. C. — The Interstate tention of the Government of the whatever may in the opinion of the merchant ships of belligerent nation­ company has received a dispatch from vice president of the Bank of Califor­ Commerce commission authorizes tho United States. It does not understand the im­ Berlin by way of Amsterdm saying nia, San Francisco, died here, aged 93. North Bank road and Great Northern imperial German government have ality. “It is stated in the note that the been perial German government to ques­ that the Berliner Tageblatt declares Bishop’s career was an adventurous Pacific Steamsnip company to establish the provocation or the circum­ Lusitania was undoubtedly equipped stantial justification for the past acts tion those rights. It understands it that the German anti-Semitic organs ami romantic one and included his mar­ class and commodity rates from Port­ with masked guns, supplied with of its commanders at sea, the Govern­ also to accept as established beyond are starting a new campaign to pre­ riage to Bernice Pauahi Paki, a Ha­ land, Linnton, Willbridge, East St. trained gunners and special ammuni­ ment of the United States confidently question the principle that the lives vent Hebrews from becoming officrea waiian princess of royal blood, who, Johns, North Portland and Astoria to tion, transporting troops from Can­ looks to see the justice and humanity of non-combatants cannot lawfully or in the army after the war. The Tage­ upon her death, left him custodian of San Francisco via Flavel, in accord­ ada, carrying a cargo not permitted of the government of Germany vin­ rightfully be put in jeopardy by the blatt, which is owned by a Hebrew, is a great fortune. For many years prior ance with an application filed with the under the laws of the United States dicated in all cases where Americans capture or destruction of an unresist­ the government to put an end to annexation. Bishop was a command­ commission, and to maintain higher to a vessel also carrying passengers, have been wronged or their rights as ing merchantman and to recognize to urging these attacks on Hebrews, inasmuch ing figure in the financial affairs of the rates from intermediate points on the and serving, in virtual effect, as an neutrals invaded. the obligation to take sufficient pre­ as German Hebrews are dying glori­ Hawaiian nation. After the death of line of the North Bank railroad, pro­ auxiliary to the naval forces of Great “The Government of the United caution to ascertain whether a sus­ ously by the thousand on the field of his royal wife, he came to California, vided rates from intermediate pointa Britain. Fortunately these are mat­ States therefore very earnestly and pected merchantman is in fact of battle.” more than 20 years ago. po not exceed the lowest combination. ters concerning which the Government very solemnly renews the representa­ belligerent nationality or is in fact of the United States is in a position tions of its note transmitted to the carrying contraband of war under a Roumania Thought Bound. San Diego Shows Profit. Zeppelin Wires Words to Aviators. to give the imperial German govern­ imperial German government on the neutral flag. London—The following wireless dis­ San Diego—The auditing department Berlin — Count Ferdinand Zeppelin ment official information. Of the 15th of May and relies in these repre­ “The Government of the United was received here Tuesday from of the Panama-California Exposition has sent the following telegram to the facts alleged in Your Excellency’s sentations upon the principles of hu­ States therefere deems it reasonable patch issued an official statement showing German Aviation league, whirh is note, if true, the Government of the manity, the universally recognized to expect that the imperial German Berlin: that the exposition made $28,361.24 on holding its seventh convention here: "Political discussions in Bucharest, United States would have been bound understandings of international law government will adopt the measures operation during May. This figure is "Sincerest thanks for the greetings of to take official cognizance in per­ and the ancient friendship of the Ger­ necessary to put these principles into Roumania, brought to light the fact the greatest for any month since the Aviation league, which has caused practice in respect to the safeguard­ forming its recognized duty as a neu­ man nation. there exists a formal treaty be­ opening. From January 1 to May 31, the a deep impression on the day on whirh tral power and in enforcing its Na­ Rights of Americans Reasserted. ing of American lives and American that tween Austria-Germany and Roumania. inclusive, the operating profit at the the new brought into existence tional laws. “The Government of the United ships and asks for assurances that This treaty, which runs until 1920, exposition totals more than $74,000, by me in creation the field aerial science has “It was its duty to see to it that States cannot admit that the procla­ this will be done. regulates the relations among these according to the statement. Each brilliantly proved of its worth.” the Lusitania was not armed for of­ mation of a war zone from which countries and binds Roumania in case “ROBERT LANSINO, month has given a larger profit than Emperor William has also tele­ fensive action, that she was not serv- neutral ships have been warned to “Secretary of State ad Interim." of war, not to attack her allies. ” the previous one. graphed his thanks. WILSON NOTE 10 BERLIN ASSERTS HUMAN RIGHTS WORLD’S DOINGS OE CURRENT WEEK W. J. BRYAN QUITS POST IN CABINET fi