The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, May 20, 1915, Image 7

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    jw n
Discordant Thou gh t».
In wandering tbrough your monta)
plnaaure grounds, wbonevar yon comi
upon an ugly Intrudnr of a though!
which might bloom Into soma pot
■onoua amotion such a» f«ar, envy,
lAttn. worry, roinor»«, anger, and th<
Ilka, tboro la only ona right way to
treat It. Tull It up Ilka a wood; drop
It upon the ruhblah heap ts prompt
ly a» If it wero a stinging netü»; and
let some harmonious thought grow 111
Its placs.—ttohort II. Bchsufflsr.
frow n tt<a-k. Ik * In M t
l.m e i.l «■»■! riim in W iiil.
IY CO., Molom, ii,
UiKI'-iATH* I.ANUM t"i »1 « or I,ail* for mdoo.
W . naha IU i > U > . i
l> M MENTON TKIIHT CO.. Twin Kalla. Idaho
lo o m a Trad.
He Im l.| T ra il, lauahi In elahl «rook*,
tool. fra.. I lornmta.l«ina iraltl while Ivarnlna,
wlUnna Mn-urwl
W rit, for froe rata l*«
" M l KM ITII I r.I.KM. I'nr liar ill. «1 N If ml Ml
Mpok.r... icid Main Ava.. MoaUlo. I Ok M an ML
At the beat
mjii I miim I,
t tu m i
up-to-<Jit« uml only
Automobll« Kchmil In the NordiwMi
E rActieAl
. A M Auto IU|.»kr Co . Mi *#.*•■. A . f e ll« ! Or
& K*n<*h*e. Mon Y rm I e , Berry
bim I Fruit Km me.
Ilkvra. Urnl rU nrrr« trvl w<xatrho|>j»«’r* on abort'
e«t notice, p|»one or write Manley Einplor went
A#an«r. Zl M U
r.iUW. Or hna lea 727 mi kim
Uaad auloondrlUa ami truck* la Irarla for horaM.
law. and hoa*. wa will taka ll,..tork In full pajr-
■rant or part on moat any uf our u«od
cara ur truck.. Writ, what you bar. ta trad*,
ftrlni prkw. and l«t aur Mat of um . 1 rar. and
truck*. Aildraa. Itaak K.. Oorllnsot Motor (far
Co.. AM Waalilniftnn ML. I'ortlaml. Or.
Hemarkauie ansmortss.
Thomas Fuller could writs rsrbatlm
another man's sermon after bearing It
■ only ones, says th:i Ixindon Chronicle,
and could do the same with as many
aa 600 words In an unknown tongus
nftsr bsarlng thorn twlcs. Which re­
minds one also of “ Memory" Thomp­
son, who, among other remarkable
fests, could repeat from memory tbs
name of every shop In the Birand la
proper order.
Dr. Pierce’a Pleasant Pelleta first
put up 40 years ago. They regulate
L«SSI< SURflY PRIVENTE! and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­
Cuitar'« Blank lay Pill«. I«r»w- els. Sugar coated tiny granules.
rlr«t, fruah. fallati#, preferred trf
•i*« km'ii i reran#* tkay pra-
laat «Kara a*har »aaclrtal tall
m ^ Writ* fur buoklat «uri »*•« linoni# I »
I _ r 1 m 10 daaa akta Blank lap Pill« |l 0«
J s J l^ V 3
10 fat. Ilia Blaaklaf Pill« 4 00
1’ ae any Injector, but ruttar*« twat.
The «upartorlty ot Culur pr-xlu-i« la tlua to orar N
paar# of apa>'laM«tnf In vaaalnaa aa4 «arww« aaly.
Inalit a« tettar a If unoMstnshU anlar «tirait
T M CUTTIR LABORATORY. Barkalay. CelHarai*
T in* only atrlrtly Hlryctc Snl«*»r»N»m »m l Ra-
| »lr Hhu|> in I'ort lam)
I'rU*» liât on applica-
tM.n. W rit« 10* ISth St.. Cornar Waahlntfton.
Than and Now.
The old fashioned woman's Idea ol
resting was to change her work. Sh*
sat down to darn stockings and rest
or she got her illble lesson or nursed
her baby or knit winter socks wblll
she rested
Keating was getting oB
bar feet Today a woman baa to buj
herself 20 kimonos and caps and gc
off to an expensive sanatorium anf
hare a trained nurse give her th<
milk cure, to rest up.—El Faso (Tax.)
Rseented Her Handicap.
Mona was the only girl In a famll)
DAISY FLY KILLER-1!- * ,.“ i:\Vu of four brothers, and used to play
M il f!l. a
almost entirely with her brothers and
I R fiR fU l, »»«««a I
I I » » ',
h r ,p l a M l I I
their friend*. One morning her father
I ••• • • B . M a d t a j
saw a party of boys swinging undei
H.r .
. '. I
H *>' ' L*
I M B I t i l M l tod m
and over an Iron fence, and finally no
I n I •< f a i«| flk li| s
I I. U I I S O 'M 'I » P s - lie #
llced Mona doing the tarns thing. H<
I V l.| I f d » # l * » V • «
f A Mal I » *ipf«H yd«- j hastily ran out and explained that
»•14 lv< |l
such behavior was not ladylike. Mon*
■ a s o l o s o n t » * . i n c > i u . a « « . »>••«■>• b t .
wasn’t at all pleased and demanded
tearfully, "Why for waa I a lady
daddy ?"
H ilty heal o f tha Artr«l l»r«l Mare« «rxl
Colt«, including 3 to 6 y**r obi f**lrtl(«H* l»r«*d
for S«ddld>ra ami H arlot
Will «-tmaldor trod*
in c hroi> land.
Forty hr wl o f o it r s U f| « Jrnnala with Bn
• l«g «h t J «rk for herd bdrlar
A Bargain for a Short Tim e
Caua* for awlliog la tho herd law In Morrow
county, ami the tr ana forming of my 3000 acre
alack farm Into a wheat Held
I muat rktao
out thla Stork
Will (umkJrr trade
have you gut?
Non-Tarnishing Steal.
Bteel mads by a new process and
aald to be non-rusting, unetalnable and
untarnlsbable has been brought out
by an English firm. It Is especially
adapted to use In making table cut­
lery, tbs claim being made that It re­
tains Its polish Indefinitely with use,
even when brought In contact with
acid foods The cost of this steel U
about double that of ordinary steel.
a F. SW AGO ART, Prop.
T s Clean an Old Painting.
Lexington, Oregon.
I. J. Williams of the Welsh National
museum cleans old paintings by rub
blag the varnish with cotton batting
Extensive Repertoire.
dipped In four parts of methylated
In Bloomfield, N. J., there Is a mo
spirits and one o f turpentine, but It re­
tlon picture theater which recently
quires consldemble skill to stop at tbs
changed owners, and the new msna
light star*.
ger's enterprise was set ferth In this
advertisement. "Mclnttre's orchestra
will play the latest song hits from
Tbs Idea of the sphericity of the
‘ Klgoletto,' Lucia. Tannhäuser, ’Chin
earth did not originate with Colum­
Chin' and 'Kick In.' “
bus. Long before his time tbs Idea
F oilin g a Burglar.
A new means of preventing your
bouse from being robbed by burglar*
ha* been evolved by a contributor to
the Public Mind column. It Is quits
simple: Recognize the burglar on bis
first attempt, then notify him through
the newspapers that a double barreled
shotgun la awaiting him next time.—
Kansas City Star.
P. N. U.
No. 21. IBIS
Ohio Boy Makes Toys Armed With
Glass to Doadroy Enemies— Mate­
rial la Carefully Selected.
In a little attk: workshop In Cleve­
land a twelve-year-old boy spends hla
■pare hours turning out big, ferocloua-
Is now near by. Horses shedding will be susceptible to
looklng “ war” kites, which he sells
colds, coughs and distemper.
to his playmates, says an exchange.
'l l
The boy Is Stuart Jenney, a seventh
grade pupil. Stuart caught the war
W ill b a v a you b deal of troublB. Tes, y o u know It, but thla
spirit almost from the day he read
I b Just to remind you.
that the European powers had de­
clared hostilities.
For several years he has been the
moat skillful kite maker of hla district
and had sold many kites to hla play­
mates, but he haa abandoned the con­
ventional types for the fighting kind.
Stuart's “ flyers’’ soar skyward In
flocks after school hours, pirates of
the air, their long tails armed with
Jagged bits of glass designed to cut
the cords of rival kites that are not
maneuvered cleverly enough to dodg«
thetr foes.
For overparticular strategists Stuart
designs and makes special warriors,
collecting, of course, special prices for
these models. He carefully selects
the wood, linen and paper that go into
their construction, and will not let a
kite leave hla “ factory” until ho haa
personally tested 1L
Kite battles mean more orders, for
once a cord Is severed while the kite
Is sailing high, that particular pirate
In 8. 8. S. Yon Get a Twist on Rheumatism that Settles IL
reaches the earth a mass of broken
Many a rheumatic sufferer has bean to them neutral and scatters those peculiar sticks and torn paper beyond repair.
Training Season
“S P O H N ’S'
Gets Right Tw ist
On Rheumatism
Makes Short Work off Clooning lot Yoor Eotiri
System— Achot and Pains Go Fast.
tbs drug store for a buttle of H. H. S. and
been handed something claimed to be
"Just as good." Truly, to ask for bread
and be given a stuns U still In prmctlcs.
I f you are troublad with rhaumatlsm In
any form bs sure to uss B. R. 8. and note
Its wonderful Influence.
8. H. B. baa the peculiar action e f soak­
in g through the Intestines directly Into
the blood. In five minutes Its Influence Is
a t work In ovary artery, vein and tiny
capillary. E very membrane, every organ
o f tbs body, every emunctory becomes In
affect a filter to strain ths blood o f Im-
purltles. Ths stimulating properties o f 8.
ft. 8. compel ths skin, liver, bowels, kid­
neys, bladder to all work to the one end
of casting out every Irritating, ovary psln
Inflicting atom o f poison; It dislodges by
Irrigation all accumulations In the Joints,
reuses sc Id ascretlong to dlsolvs, readers
formations In tbe nerve centers that
causa such m ystifying and often baffling
rheumatlo pains.
And bast of all this ramarkabl# remedy
la wslcomo to the weakest stomach. If
you have drugged yourself until your
stomach la nearly paralysed, you will be
astonished to And that 8. 8. 8. gives no
sensation but goes right to work. This Is
because It Is s pure vegetable Infusion, la
taken naturally Into your blood Just as
purs air Is Inhaled naturally Into your
Get a bottle of 8. 8. S. today, and ask
for S. S. 8.
Tou may depend upon It that ths store
that sells you what you ask for Is a good
place to trad a. W rite to ths Swift
Rpeclfle Co., 104 Rwlft Bldg, Atlanta. Ga*
tor their Book on Rhsumatlaas.
.2 5 U '
§ S u re "to r i s e ' ^ S ^ tlie $un|
You can’t always make everything “ just so.” Sometimes you will
get In more shortening than usual; or make the hatter a little thin; or
It may not be convenient to put a cake in the oven the moment It Is
mixed; or your oven may not bake evenly and It Is necessary to turn
the pan around-none of these little uncertainties make the slightest
difference in results U you use
K € B aking P owder
This modern, double-raise baking powder has unusual strength and
Is absolutely certain to raise your biscuits, cakes and pastry light and
leathery. It generates an abundance oi leavening gas both In tne mix­
ing bowl and In the oven. The. raising Is sustained until the dough is
cooked through.
Housewives who use K C never have "bad luck” with their baking.
Try K C at our ritk. Your grocer will refund your money U you are
not pleased in every way.
I ^//////////illuni m 11 inin\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v^
Hint to the Hostess.
My little nephew waa eating supper
at a children's party. The cake was
to be cut when the candle# were near­
ly burned down. He Interrupted con­
versation with the rather premature
remark to the hoateea: "Your candles
seem to be burning low."—Chicago
Flret Railway Post Office.
The first railway post office la tbtt
country waa established by O. A
Armstrong under Postmaster General
Blair's instructions, on August 2R
1864, on the Chicago A Northwester#
railway. It ran between Chicago and
Clinton. Is., and was a very crude eoa»
part mem car.
is the canal o f life but it becomes a
sewer i f clogged up. A ll life consists o f building up and tearing
down and just in tne same manner that the blood carries to the
various parts o f the body the food that the cells need for building
up, so it is compelled to carrv away the waste material that’s torn
down. These waste materials are poisonous and destroy us unless
tbe liver and kidneys are stimulated into refreshed and vigorous life.
DR. PIERCE’S Golden Medical Discovery
is the balancing power—a vitalizing power. It acts on the stomach
and organs o f digestion and nutrition—on the purifying filters which
clean the blood. Thus freah vitalized blood feeds the nerves, heart
— and brain. This well known alterative relieves catarrh o f ths stomach and
hcadar hea accompanying same, and has been aoccemeful for more than a gen­
eration aa a tonic and body-builder. It builds up ths rundown system. Yon
need it—ifyo u are always “ catching cold” —or have catarrh o f ths noas and
throat. The active medicinal principles o f A-nencan-Native-roota are
extracted without alcohol and you can obtain this
tonic in liquid or tablet form at any drug store or
send 50 cents in 1-cent stamps for trial box o f tablets.
Sled Which Folds Flat.
was entertained by the leading minds.
The globular form of the earth waa Ing aled which la Just being Intro­
taught by Eratosthenes, Aristarchus. duced. It la atrong, simple In con­
Hipparchus and others as early as Ii struction and light In weight. The
C. 276 — 125
runners, made of 6k-Inch bessemer
spring steel, are 35 Inches In length
Dally Thought.
and are securely attached with cor­
What does your anxiety do? It does rugated clips bolted to the wood top
not empty tomorrow of lta grief, bnt with nickel-plated bolts. The top Is
It empties today of Us strength. It of dry hardwood, 24 leches long, HVk
doss not make you escape tbs evil; Inches wide and 7-16 Inches thick.
It makes you unfit to cope wltk U If
It comes.—Ian Marls ran
Scnflowers are extensively
rated In southern Russia.
«,-DJNCC !,C4
U M IK N w riti us ta sdrartiaan.
tlou this papar._____________
Regular Rules Govern Game and
•«ore la Alao Kept—Old and
Young Enjoy Pastime.
Ona of the funniest and most amus­
ing games Imaginable Is that of play
Ing football with an eggshell. Imagine Toad 8oup aa a Cura for Insanity Is
It! Hut frail as the new kind of foot­
Ona ef Them— Casts Qusstlon Al­
ball la, It Is rarely broken If the rules
ways ef Profound Impor­
of the game are adhered to. This
Is most surprising, too, because the
rales of tbe game are pretty much tbs
Hidden among the pages of statis­
same as those used on the real grid
Iron. There Is a difference In num­ tics and maps In tbs 1111 general re­
bers, however, for tbe players era port on tbe census of India are some
limited to aa many as can get about quaint stories of Indian beliefs and
the table, no more and no less, and not superstitions. Mr. O’Malley, who su­
even taking Into consideration the site perintended the census taking In Ben­
of tbe table. A rule which will delight gal, Bihar and Orissa, tails us that ths
the feminine side of the house la that lower classes think that Insanity is
which admits girls as well aa boys to dus to excess of bite In tbe system or
to worms In the hend.
the game.
"Neglect of the worship of the gods,
Make tbe football by making a tiny
bole In each end of tbe shell and blow or the curse of Yogi Badhu or other
tog out tbe contents, and then mark holy man may produce It Madness
boundaries on tbe table field with tape being due to possession by an evil
or chalk, having two ends of tbe table spirit, every attempt Is made to ap­
for goals. Each side electa a captain pease or exorcise I t The exorcists
and then the fun begins. At a given hold amoklng cbllles to the nostrils
signal both sides or teams begin to of ths patient and chant mantraa, ad­
blow upon the eggshell that haa been dressing the spirit In obscene lan­
placed In the center of tbe field. Each guage. all with tbe Idea of driving It
aide tries, of course, to blow the egg away. When these means prove futile
toward bis goal. No player must leave they prescribe a diet calculated to
hla place and It la a most rigid rule force the spirit to leave h<s victim In
never to move the ball by any other fear of losing his caste. The unfortu­
way than blowing. For so doing a nate patient has therefore to consume
player Is sent from the field aa In the soup made of toads, etc. When these
actual game. Regular football rules abominable nostrums fall the use of
are used, and (he score Is kept as In medicated oils and of Indigenous
the real game. Each of the two teams herbs and drugs Is resorted to.”
The medical treatment of the Insane
should have a name, either ridiculous
or after some of the colleges or sometimes takes the following forms:
“ The mud taken from putrid tanks
schools. This always adds Interest to
the contest. Old and young equally Is plastered on the patient's head, or
enjoy the game, especially If they un aloe pulp is mixed with water and ap­
plied In the form of an emulsion. A
derstand football tactics and rules.
favorite remedy Is soup made from a
particular kind o f frog."
Again, the caste question ts one
which Is of particular Importance In
Folding Sled. Just Introduced, la many of the Eastern provinces, and It
Strong, Simple In Construction
Is told how one chief excommunicated
and Light In Weight.
tbe recalcitrants In one highly organ­
ised caste which had been split Into
Doting parents looking for Christ­ two hostile camps, and so effectual
mas novelties and one which will In­ and binding waa thla order that not
terest those having boys to take care only did the barbers, washeBnen and
of will be pleased with the new fold priesta of tbe state, who had hitherto
served them, refuse to work for them,
but the services could not be ob-
talned even of barbers, washermen
and priests residing outside the state.
Thla order was strictly enforced for
soma time. Tbe men of this caste
are clean-shaven and very well
groomed and dressed, but when the
dispute waa eventually settled the per­
sona affected by the order had long,
dirt-matted be&rda, the hair of their
head* was In long strands and filthy
In tbe extreme, and their clothee were
beyond description for uncleanltneaa
8unflowsrs In Russia.
Sand S t one ca st S e n s * h
p a y c o a t o f m a ilin g m n j
m r a p p in g f o r from c o p y o f T h e Com m on Sanaa k i o d ic o t
A d o i r o r . h r D r . Y' M . f i e r c e , c lo t h b o u n d . lO O O
Add room ISVAUDS’ tlOTUL, Buffalo. Ii. Y.
Dally Thought.
Persons and events may stand for a
time between you and reckoning, but
it la only a postponement. You must
pay at last your own debt.— Emer­
8eeklng a Husband.
Nat E. Harris, recently elected go v-:
ernor of Georgia, merrily smiled the
other evening when the conversa - 1
tlon In the lobby of a hotel turned to 1
the subject of benedicta. He said he
waa reminded of a little Incident
Some time ago ■ pretty young wom­
an entered a moving picture theater
and took a seat well toward the front
Finally the lights were turned on. re­
vealing a young married couple with
whom aha waa acquainted sitting be­
side her.
"Why, Clara!” exclaimed the young
married woman, noticing that the
other waa unattended. “ What In the
world are you doing here?”
*T am looking for a husband, dear,”
was the quiet response of Clara.
"Looking for a husband!” returned
the married woman, wonderingly.
"Why, yon have a husband!”
"Y e a I know,” was the sighful re­
joinder of the late comer. “ That's the
one I'm looking for.“— Philadelphia
Ready to Qualify.
Merchant (to applicant for Job)—*
“ Sorry, but I only employ married
men.” Applicant—“ Do you happen tm
have a daughter, sir?’ — Boston Trare
S icA ytoTnevi
9 ?tacU G
Reliable evidence is abundant that women
are constantly being restored to health by
Lydia E. PinkhartTs Vegetable Compound
T he many testimonial letters that we are continually pub^
lishing in the newspapers— hundreds of them— are all genu­
ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude
for the freedom from suffering that has come to these
women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham ’«
Vegetable Compound.
China Needs Weather Bureau.
The need of a weather burean tn
China Is emphasised by C. D. Jameson
In his report to the American Red
Cross on the measures which Lis per­
sonal observations In China indicate
ahould be adopted to ameliorate the
flood and famine conditions o f that
country. There are at present practi­
cally no rainfall statistics for the river
basins most subject to floods, much
less any organization for flood predic­
tion. Torrential rains sometimes 00 -
cur In this region. In June, 1910, a
local downpour tn the vicinity of
Szechow, lasting some 42 hours. Is es­
timated to have amounted to 24 Inches. 1
The unofficial meteorological service
of Zlkawel observatory, extending ;
along the coast and up the Yangtae
valley la the nearest approach to a
national weather bureau yet existing
In China.— Scientific American.
Temperature and ConductabJtltp.
It has been known that some mate­
rials are better conductors of elec­
tricity than others, and now Professor
Kamerllngh-Onnes of Leyden has dis­
covered that at certain very low tem­
peratures many metals which are con­
ductors of electricity lose every trace
of resistance to the current and be­
come what he calls "superconductors.”
Tho finest wires of tin and lead do not
become heated under the highest cur­
rents. It Is strange that when the
crittcal temperature Is lowered even
slightly the superconductivity ceases
and the metal behaves as at other low
Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain
such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any
testimonial we publish is honest and true— if you have any
doubt of this write to the women whose true names and
addresses are always given, and leam for yourself.
Read this one from Mrs. W aters:
C amdkn , N.J.— “ I was sick for two years with nervous spells, and
my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a
galvanic battery, but nothing did me any good. I was not able to go
to bed, but spent my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon
became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for hia
health, and mv husband heard o f Lydia E. Pinkham's VYgetablo
Compound and got me some. In tw o months I got relief and now T
am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend
your medicine to every one and so does my husband.”— Mrs. T ir.i.t»
W atkks , 530 Mechanic Street, Camden, N.J.
From Hanover, Penn.
I I anovkr , P a .— “ I was a very weak woman and suffered from
bearing down pains and backache. I had been married over four
years and had no children. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
proved an excellent remedy for it made me a w ell woman. A fte r
taking a few bottles my pains disappeared, and we now have one o f
the finest boy babies you ever saw/’— Mrs. C. A. R ickkodk , R F n
No. 5, Hanover, Fa.
N o w answer this question if you can. W h y should a
woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E .
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial? Y ou know that
it has saved many others— why should it fail in your case?
P o r SO vears L yd ia E. P in kh am ’s Vegetable
Real end Ideal.
Compound has been the standard remedy for fe­
An Ideal serves us In proportion as
male ills. No one sick with w om an’s ailments
does Justice to herself if she does not try this fa -
there Is reality In It. Many a young
mons medicine made from roots and herbs, it
girl selects her Ideal out of tome ro­
has restored so many suffering women to health.
mance, some heroine who haa nothing
B ^ ^ W r t t e t o L T D I A E.PIXEHAM MEIHCIXECO.
In common with normal, healthy
womanhood, and the reault of such a
And Hia Name is Legion.
Y o u r letter w ill be opened, read and answ ered
choice ts manifestly unfortunate. The
The doggondest fool above ground
by a wom an and held in strict confidence.
best Ideal for a girl to cherish Is not Is ths man who tries to fool himself.
some maiden who Is principally raoon-
ihlne, with nothing warmer than vio­
let Ink In her veins, but a girl of
fiesh and blood, strong to rsslst temp­
tation, and brave to meet troublfe—1
I (and* l u M a«J brl»l>»«f calara tkan any other d r«. E rarr pachas« suaranieed la color Silk. Wool. Corion and Mixed Goode tt one boding. 10 <
U r l'l Companion.
. W r it, lot f m booklet “ Haw la D r * i k I M i* Colora.” colgad or. blotter*, no.
M O N K O B D B U C C O M P A N Y . Dcpuaaat Z . Qidncv. 0 »
■ jflb liti ti( « ^ J l,k f e i g i A M I ^ ^ ,'44Ì#%>»ak‘ » . *a*t¿4|BNn«Wl