The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 29, 1915, Image 8

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The excelsior plant is closed down
for a few days while a new flume is
being put in.
P. Deidrich did a land office business-
In Ford automobile» aince the last issue
o f the Mail.
He sold cars to Byron
Denny, E. C. Denny and Chss. Kossit*
or o f near Sublimity, Rudolph Schmidt
o f Shaw and W. K. Ray o f Linn Co.
Mr. Deidrich's ad in another column
should help sell several more in the
■war future. Read it carefully and see
how it is possible to save $50 by buying
your Ford now.
Chas. Leffier, wife and son Raymond
o f Linn county were callers at the Mail
office to.iay.
Miss Rose Kinta a n d Ves Haney
were guests at the P . M. Doll home
Friday night.
Mrs. Frank Potter o f Mill City visit-
e I at the home o f her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. A. Hill.
Yellowstone Nation'll Park Pictures, these are
the real stutT, intorcaling, entertaining ami educational.
Purola Poison Oak Salvo, 25c
Mrs. A. Caspell and daughter Lucilo
were week-end guesta at the Caspell
a t home in the Waldo Hills.
Pure bred Durham bu\ls for aale. Ono
W. E. Thomas ami wife o f Salem at­
and two years old. B. F. Fresh, Shaw,
Ira Trexler and wife were Stayton
tended the LO. O. F. anniversary here
callers Friday.
Monday night
The Anal episode o f the •’ Perils of
Pauline" and the first episode o f the
Yellowstone National Park a t Star
Several people from Stayton attend­
"E xploits o f Elaine" at the Star Thea­ ed the funeral o f Miss Annabel Rupert Theatre tonight.
tre l a s t Saturday meht d r e w a at Salem Sunday.
record breaking house.
Carl Salii and family were over from
Miss Pearl White, the talented movie
Agnes and Ed Highberger o f Sub­ Jordan Tuesday.
actress is the star in both films.
limity were trading with Stayton mer­
chants Tuesday.
Chas. Bass o f Mchuma was a Stay-
ton caller Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. W .N. Pint er are sruig-
ly settled in their home over the Stay-
Ed Blakely was a business visitor at
ton State Bank.
Salem Sunday night.
Mrs. Mary Jane Towle, aged S3 years
The M. Streflf home entertained the
John Braun and the F. Pietrok families
o f Linn county last Sunday.
FOR SALE One good frame build­
ing good construction 16x20 suitable for
garage. See John Thoma.
John and Hal Shelton o f Jordan were
John Kintz and wife and Mr9. Sus-
Miss Alma Phillips is stayingin Stay- bauer o f sublimity and Mrs. Baney o f in Stayton Saturday on business.
ton at tl.e J. P. Williams home while Beaverton. Oregon visited relatives
recovering from an operation perform­ here Monday.
Clare Thomas was over from Jordan
ed on her throat recently by Drs. F.
Friday, returning home Saturday.
E. and H. A. Beauchamp.
Mrs. Edna Dailey, trained nurse, re­
turned to her home in Salem Tuesday,
Peter Rund and John Foltz were over
after staying with Mrs. Sarah Cox from Bilyeu Den Monday afternoon.
three weeks.
Miss Jacobs o f Silverton is visiting at
The road work in this district
Clifford Harold has been rusticating the G. C. Eisenhart home this week.
] around Scio lately, and incidently sell­
is progressing rapidly.
ing a few Russell threshing outfits.
Mrs. A. Frank and daughter, Emma,
W. W. Neal made a business Go to it Cliff.
o f Rock Point were in town Saturday.
Sliver Creek Falls
trip to Hullt Tuesday.
Mrs. Arthur Brown is visiting C. Silbemage), Frank Lockner and
Densmore and Thomas shipped a car­
Jos. and John Foltz, all o f Jordan sold load o f hogs from West Stayton today.
with her father, Mr. Frazer.
j »
. «7 .
W. F. Klecker o f Stayton 5000 pounds
Fred and Louis Volz returned of drieU app,e9.
PUROLA Witch Hazel Salve, soothing
home Saturday night to attend
and healing at SLOPER’S.
their mother’ s funeral, which
Special Prices
was held Monday.
on slabwood, spring and surrftner de-
Mrs. E. H. Hobson o f Scio spent the
Among the young people who livery> for orders Placed b€fore a p h1 week-end at the W. H. Hobson home.
1 st. Call at our office for prices.Brown-
attended the dance at Victor Petzel Lumber Co.
PoidtSaturday night were: The!
Alois Hassler and mother o f Sublim-
Misses Marie Smith and Etta The law granting free fishing licenses »ty visited at the Mutschler home Tues-
Lang, and Messrs. Fred and Joe to women goes into effect May 2 2. day.
Lang. All report a good time.
Your wife can do the fishin* n°w and
Ed Siegmund, wife and son Law­
you can carry the bait.
Mrs. Lou Peterson, Mrs. John
rence o f Fern Ridge were in town Mon­
Peterson and Mrs. W i l l i a m s
L. J. Schott o f Sublimity has moved day.
Spent Wednesday at the D. 0. to Monroe where he will run a billiard
Mr. and Mrs. Blevens o f Aumsville
Freeman home.
hall. His t,ouseh°kl goods were taken
.. .
North Santiam
spent Sunday at the Dora B. Shreve
over by the Stayton Truck Co.
Mrs. Salzl o f Jordan was badly
Clyde Hill o f Salem stuck his feet
scalded with hot lard on Monday and
had to be brought to Stayton where under dad’s table a couple o f days this
Dr. Brewer treated the injury.
P. H. Lambert o f Linn county is
putting in the foundation for a new
house on his farm.
F. H. Downs o f
Stayton will be chief carpenter.
Extra Fancy Canned Apricots and
Peaches. 14c can at Mayo’s.
D.Juneman.of Jordan passed through
Stayton ¿Tuesday enroute to Parkview,
A letter from Willis Caldwell a t Oregon.
Ashland, says that recent rains have
put the crops in fine shape and e v e r y -:
Roy Crabtree and wife o f Jordan
thing Is on the upgrade o f prosperity, j
were trading with Stayton merchants
Representatives from Silverton,
Pure Milk and Cream at Crabtree
Aumsville, Scio and Turner to the num­
ber o f at least fifty attended the I.O .- & Riggs Dairy. Morning and night de­
O. F. anniversary meeting here Mon- j livery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ladoncr o f Jordan
were trading with Stayton merchants
Mayo’s carload o f t.alt that arrived Monday.
at West Stavton last Friday for the
! I,,cal Gran^ , was satisfactory in every
J. W. Jackson and wife o f Mill City
respect, and the farmers unloaded it in spent the week-end at the Frank Blake­
short order.
ly home.
The people o f North Santiam
are very nicely painting the
church at this place and the la­
dies furnished a dinner f o r the
workmen which was much ap­
T. H. Thomas and wife, Mrs. A.
Stevens and daughter Miss Edna, and
L. F. Davis has about finished John Meal and wife o f Mehama made
clearing land preparatory to put­ a trip to Mrs. Steven’s old home on
Little North Fork above Mehama on
ting in a crop of Oregon spuds.
They enjoyed t h e
Frank Munkers is very busy thoroughly.
planting his crop.
Mrs. Chas. Gilmore entertain­
While the Ball team hardly played
ed a number o f the North Santi­ even at the benefit show and dance
Tuesday night, the boys are not dis­
am ladies yesterday afternoon.
J. W. James, who has been on couraged and expect to keep right on.
| Stayton will finally wake up and dis-
the sick list, is somewhat im­ j cover that a good ball team is an aa-
proved in health.
j set to the town.
Variety of poison wheats at Sloper’s.
W. H. English is having his property
west o f the Woolen Mill repaired and
R. J. Moses has moved his entire j
stock to Corvallis and Stayton is shy
one store.
Geo. Keech is having the old house
next to Dr. Beauchamp’s office on Ida
Street torn down.
It is a question
whether he expects to build on his lot*
this summer, but it looks suspicious.
Keystone Comedy, “ Fatty's Fatal Sweet Tooth”
No H ho in prices for this big show. 5 and 10c
S a t u r d a y ;
Pathe Current News. Good Pathe Comedy
r) ami 10c
W e are in the market at all times for all kinds of W ool,
and will pay Highest Market Price For Same.
W ool sacks furnished, and Fleece twine for sale. Bring us
your W ool and receive the top price— W e use it in our bus­
iness. W e pay one cent a pound higher than market price
if taken in trade for woolen goods,
Custom W o r k - Y oor wool carded into balls for comforters and mattresses
h . J. Mutschler brought his wife
home from Salem Sunday evening and
reports her health much improved.
A Host Astounding
A. S. Davie and F. I. Jones have op­
ened a moss camp above Mehama. Fish­
ing ought to be good as a side issue.
The best fam ily daily paper in the state and your
own home weekly paper for
T. H. Thomas, accompanied by his
niece. Mis* Edna Stevens returned to |
his home on Thomas Creek Monday.
$ 3.25
Thomas a n d Benjamin Irons, old '
friends o f the Mail editor are back in
Stayton from a winter in California.
The Daily Portland Telegram
Mrs. Emma Baney and son o f Bea­
verton. Oregon visited relatives here
and at Sublimity the first o f the week.
The Stayton Mail
FOR S A L E —A Pure bred Jersey J
bull, 4 years old, from the Chas. Miller 1
herd. Forrette Bros., West Stayton, 1
Mary, the eldest daughter o f Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Van Handel o f near
Sublimity was thrown from a buggy
Saturday and sustained a fractured el­
bow. The accident was caused by the
horse becoming frightened by an auto
driven by John Steinberger. Miss Van
Handel was brought to Stayton where
Dr. Brewer attended to the injury.
See who Clutching hand Is. Get acquainted with detective Craig.
Mrs. Thoa. Hirst's son from Albany,
N. Y. is here to make his future home
His name is Oren Van Luven.
died at her home near Aumsville, Sun­
Mrs. Elisabeth Glouster left this
Yellowstone National Park a t Star The Fish Market man has moved, te morning for Aumsville for a few days
day, April 25.
Services were held at
Macleay it is reported.
the home and interment was in the Theatre tonight.
, visit with friends at that place.
Turner cemetery April 27. The Ringo-
J. P. Etzel o f Fern Ridge was in
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhodes o f Port­
Hirst Undertaking Parlors o f Sta.vton j
Milk Chocolate Coated Creams new
on business Monday.
had full charge.
; home this week.
Sain Wrightman o f Eugene ia visit­
Dan Dodson and wife are here from ing at the Blakely home.
Mrs. C. C. Starr o f Portland visited
Washington for a few days visit with
the first o f the week at the home o f
Malcolm Miller o f Shelburn was a her brother-in-law, S. A. Starr.
Mrs. Dodson’s mother Mrs. John Kip-
business visitor here Friday.
Give your skin a chance to do its hart,
work as nature intended. Nyal’s Face
------ —
Ben Crow o f Salem, ami at one time
Dr. Brewer and wife motored over a resident o f Stayton visited at the A.
Cream frees the skin o f blemishes and
Forrest Mack, wife and baby and
makes it clear and velvety. Greaseless, Mrs. E. Roy and*two daughters, Eliza from Salem Sunday afternoon.
Hill home a few days this week.
antiseptic and quickly absorbed.
25 and Ruth, motored to Salem Monday
We are buying mohair and wool at
and 50 cents at Beauchamp's.
For S a le- Full-blooded Duroc Hogs,
top prices. Mayo’s Cash Store.
all sizes. C. J. Ruettgera, Scio, Ore-
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent at
I gon. Phone 1015.
Geo. Keech and W. Richardson made ‘
W. E. Thomas and wife visited at
50c for one half day. Op­
a business trip to the Capital City the
erated from light socket. Mrs. Dora the A . C Thomas home Tuesday.
Alois Hassler lost a very valuable
first o f the week.
B. Shrove.
| mare Saturday. The animal was es-
“ Exploits of Elaine” Saturday night at j timated to have been woith $250.
Peter W olfe, son o f Ed W olfe o f
Fred Jones and wife motored over Star Theatre.
near Gates was instantly killed Satur­
from Scio Thursday for a day’s visit
“ Exploits of Elaine” at the Star Theatre
day by a falling limb, while working in with his brether. F. I. and family o f
C. A. Luthy, wife and baby were
one o f the Hammond Lumber Co’s
Salem visitors one day last week.
this place.
camps near Mill City.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe called at
the Neal home Sunday.
Misses Marie Smith and Emma
Peters attended the opening day
exercises at the Union Hill school
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold called at
the VanNuys home Sunday.
Neil Milligan quit school yes­
terday to help his father.
Tom Lusk of Silverton spent
Wednesday here on business.
Linn Neal spent the week-end
in Stayton.
Fred Lang learned to play a
new game Friday evening. Ask
Fred what it is.
This is the last of the uuto bandits
Rola-Vola Kisses see Shper's window.
Both One Year for
$ 3.25
This offer w ill be in force from now until July i { ,
and may be taken advantage of by old or new sub­
Good only until July 15, 1915.
This is the most Important Advertisement I Ever Caused to he Pub­
lished — Read Every Word — and then Marvel
On a personal visit to Mr. Henry Ford I broached the subject o f a possible August 1st
(The Ford Company announced last year—as you well remember -th a t if their total sales reached 300,000
cars between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915, each purchaser during that period would receive back a
refund o f $40.00 to $60.00.)
“ Mr. Ford,” I suggested, “ Is there anything I can say to our people with regard to
the Ford Motor Company’s 300,000 car rebate plan?”
‘.We shall sell the 300,000,“ was the quiet reply
“ and in 11 months, a full month
ahead of August 1st.“
“ Then a refund is practically assured?”
“ Yes barring the totally unexpected. We are 50,000 to 75,000 cars behind orders to­
day. Factory and branches are sending out 1800 daily.”
I then said to Mr. Ford: “ If I could make a definite refund statement we would in­
crease our local sales 500 cars.”
"Y ou may say," was Mr. Ford’s deliberate atul significant reply to this "Y ou w av
say that we shall pay back to each purchaser o f a Ford car between Aug. 1, 1914 and
Aug. 1, 1915, barring the unforseen, the sum o f $50. You may sav that 1 authorize
you to make this statem ent! "
What can I add to the above? $15,000,000 Cash coming hack to Ford owncrat And to prospective Ford
owners up to August 1, 1915, it actually means- Ford Touring ears for $490 less the $50 rcbatel Ford
Runabouts for $440 dess the $50 rebate! What ia there left for me to say? A prominent Ford dealer.
For sale only by P. DEIDRICH, in Stayton and vicinity