The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 22, 1915, Image 8

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    Tbs Ksyston* State.
Tlier* or* several theorise as to bow
tVimsylvanla cam* to be called the
K i'j.ln # # State. The one moet general­
ly accepted and the oue moat dear to
all nhu onu Pennsylvania aa their na­
tive .lute, 1 » that Pennsylvania decided
the ttreat Inane of American ludepeud
*1« f .
Al the meeting o f the Continental
roii^rea» lii Philadelphia July 4, 1770.
tli. vote adopting the Declaration was
ta k e n liy state«. Of the thirteen orig­
inal «tale« six bad already voted In
the 'ttiruvatlre and alx In the negative,
when tbe delegation from Penuaylva-
nla «ante In. John Morton casting the
riia l.llng vote In the affirmative. Thus
Pennsylvania. by her vote, decided and
was mimed tbe Keyatoue State.
Another reason advanced la that In
mn.lrin-tlng a bridge between IVnu-
svlvanla avenue and Georgetown.
V ahliigton. a single arch was erected
«1 alone left from building the walla of
tin cnpitol. On the thirteen “ volts
Miir-.“ or arvh stones, the names of the
thirteen states were engraved. Penn­
sylvania. falling In the keystone o f the
arch. I>eeame still more widely kuowu
ss the Keystoue State.—Philadelphia
Prt ss.
Poor Lilly Sunday is having hi;- own
trouble*. It teem* that there are | c- -
pie. who even P >i..h they may lelieve
that “ the lnl cr is worthy of h.a
hire,” think that he ought to tell h;s
employers what he does with the mon­
ey they give him. It is estimated that
the evangelist makes about J200.000 a
year and yet this 'immense sum doe#
not bring pence ai d serenity to the
plainspcuking preacher
Somebody is
always asking, not “ where did you get
it? hut “ what are you doing with It?”
Sunday has hardly left Philadelphia bo
fore another former associate demands
an accounting. The dissatisfied party
this time is Francis Porter, a fotmer
press «gent for Sunday, who sends to
the newspapers a statement in which
he demands an accounting of the $60,-
000 contributed by Philadelphian# to
the support o f the evangelist s cam­
paign there. Porter declares th re is
a shortage o f more than $20,000, and
says: “ The real truth o f the situation
is that you (Sunday l are commercializ-
the name of Jesus t'hrist, boldy using
his sacred name to advertise a money­
Lubbock and ths Baas.
In "Ants. Sees and Wasps'* It Is re­ making business.”
lated that one summer some tlfty years
“ A decided disposition,” his state­
ago sir Jvibu Lubbock became Inter­ ment continues, “ has been shown (by
ested In a curious parasite of the bum the campaign committee to avoid sup­
blebce. He wished to complete his in­ plying the contributors to this fund with
vestigation*. nut as the winter came on
detailed information regarding its dis­
did not kuovv where to get the bees,
so I h - advertised.
In reply to his advertisement a man
wrote offerlug him a supply of bees at
o n e ami six apiece.
The price was
high, but iu the cause of science Lub-
1 » k did not demur, only when he bad
Ismglit all tbe bees he required he
n ode to the man and said. "Now that
I hare had the bee*, for which 1 am
greatly obliged, would you kindly tell
me. to satisfy my curiosity, how you
. . .
^ ...
are nble to procure them at this time
rear?" The
of f year?"
The man
man wrote
wrote back
back quite
ronrtewMly, but quite firmly, saying:
"No. Since I can sell the bees at eight-
ivu|*ntt each. 1 think It pays me bet­
ter lo go on doing so than to tell auy-
liody els* bow to procure them.''
i.- C - v '
Keystone Comedy- “The Telephone Inspector"
Stuyton Mail, ( ne year, 75 cents.
K. C. Titus. Mrs. Elite Miller, Miss
Cora Cooper and E. D. Alexander and
Sim F tie I down in from Sublimity wife motored to Albany Sunday.
Riley Thomas and Cecil Riggs wen t
Carl Cyrus motored over from Scio to Jordan Tuesday to pick moss op
Thomas Creek with Geo. Queener.
Grape Juice and K-Porter at the
“ Holler for Stayton,” and root
R E X A L L Fountain.
the home team. Particular* on the
side page o f the Mail. Read It all.
Hen Schaefer i* still acting as janitor
at the school house.
Clare Thomas was a Saturday visitor
at the home o f his grandmother, Mra.
Deliciously fragrant and lasting per­ Sarah Cox, who is slowly improving.
fumes at Sloper’s.
Don't fail to attend the Opening
M. SchutT and wife visited in Albany Days of the Hammund-Biahop Clothing
Oo. Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Tuesday and Wednesday.
John Amoit and wife of Macleay vis­
The Rrode Club met with Mra. B. A.
ited relatives here Saturday.
Schaefer last night and will meet with
Mrs. H. Lilly next Wednesday nlgnt.
John Huber of Linn County was In
town on business Monday.
vThe Petiel Estate lost their suit
against J. J. Barns for damage to logs
Dr. F. E. Beauchamp o f Albany was by Are, in the circuit court last week.
business visitor Wednesday.
PoroU Carbolic Salve
New line of middy blouses. Mail Or­
News reached Stayton this morning
25c good for ruts, burns, old tores,
o f the death last night of Mrs. Emma der prices. Mayo's Cash Store.
etc at Beauchamp'a.
Volz at her home at Silver Creek Falls.
R. P. Phillips and wife were trading
She was born in Peoria, Ili. Dec. 22,
J. H. Kloer, who was injured by the
fifty-six years ago, and was married to with Stayton merchants Saturday.
kick of a bad mule last week, Is getting
Gabriel Volz in June in 1879.
along nicely at the Peter Fiedler home.
The biggest fruit crop the valley
. The family moved to Oregon about
.. . . *
has known
ago from
Kan­ for years is in prospect.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ditter
sas, and have lived at Silver Creek
o f near Sublimity, n daughter,Tuesday,
Floyd Shelton and family o f Linn
Falls for some time.
April 20. Dr. Brewer is in attendanrs.
Six children, btrides the husband, county were Stayton visitors Tuesday.
survive her. all o f whom will be at the
Miss Stella Huntley went to Brooks
funeral, which will be held at the home
Henry Siegmund and family o f Fern yesterday for an extended visit with
the first o f next week.
Riitge were in town trading Saturday. her brother Wheaton Huntley and fam­
Th* Alaskans.
The Ringo Undertaking Parlors of
According to tbe government statis­ Stayton has charge o f the arrange­
J. A. Van Handel has been working
tics, tbe natives of Alaska are about
near Sublimity for the past few days.
Dan Tyson of Ashland ia making a
20.000 In number, and they are spread
over more than 850,000 of the 590,000
week’s visit at the home o f hia parents
Mrs. O. M. Baker and Mra. Els worth C. M. Tyaon and wife o f north o f Sub­
square miles o f the territory. Their
of Kingston were Stayton visitor* Tues limity.
small settlements extend along 10.0UU
John Thoma’s fine bungalow on Wa­
miles of const and on both sides of tbe
Yukon river and Its tributaries, for a ter Street is about finished and the
SJoper bas a Peroxide Cold Cream Those new hitching posts loom up
distance of more than 2.500 miles. One family expects to move into their new
considerably east o f W. H. Hobson’s
you i rill like.
of tbe su|>ervision districts contains a heme May 3.
lot. Wonder how long they will stay
The building is modern in every re­
full lOO.OOo square miles. Tbe others
a verace more than 05.000 square miles spect with bath, built in buffet, dutch
each. Of tbe natives of Alaska ap­ kitchen etc. It has eight rooms, and Jordan Tuesday returning Wednesday
FOR S ALE — A Pure bred Jersey
proximately 11.000 belong to six tribes the front part is finished in curly fir,
o f Indians in southeastern and south­ which makes a fine appearance.
C. A. Luthy will build a new house bull, 4 years old, from the Chaa. Miller
ern Alaska and In tbe valley of the
The exterior is finished with green just hs soon as he finds a place to put herd. Forrette Bros., West Stayton,
Yukon. About 11.000 are Eskimos on
roof stain, brown gable stain and the it.
tbe western and northwestern coasts,
along the Bering sea. the Bering strait body painted cream with light peagreen
Mra. Weiss and daughter Letha o f
Jas. and Lizzie Fultz o f Jordan were
and tbe Arctic ocean. Something more trimmings.
Salem ia visiting at the home of Mrs.
than 3.000 are Aleuts and mixed races
Weiss’ nephew, V. J. Philippi o f near
through tbe Alentian Islands.—Chris­ the possession of one o f the finest resi­ day.
dences in town.
tian Herald.
Mrs. Edna Daily, a trained nurse of
Mrs.Dora Harden ia here from Pleaa|
Salem is taking care o f Mrs. Sarah
The Admirable Towser.
ant Hill, on business ronnected with
“ I've got the most wonderful dog In
the Mrs. Brown estate o f which she ia
tbe w orld-the smartest. I mean.’’ said
The Loyal Sons and Daughters of
one of a party camping In Canada last the Christian church heldli picnic on
Mr. Brill and family of Salem are liv the executrix.
fall. “ When 1 bring out my rifle be the banks o f the Santiam about 4 miles mg in t h e Mrs. Cora Hendershott
knows I'm going after deer, and be below tewn on the Munkers place Sun- house.
Henry Mutschler and s o n Harry,
never offers to follow me. but If be Jay, April 17.
Carl Weselowski, Win. Huntley, and
About 26 young people
sees roe reach for my shotgun be
V. A. Goode and family motored t o
enjoyed the outincr.
Misses Minnie Hassler and Angehne
knows that means partridges, and
Salem Sunday.
Kintz o f Sublimity were Stayton callers
wheu 1 get to the woods 1 find him
there waiting for me. Actually that
Come in and get acquainted with the
dog knows the difference between a
Rev. Laihck o f Sublimity has bought
new store. The Hammond-Bistop Co’s
rifle and a shotgun.”
Conkeyx Fly Spray in quarts, half gallons Clothing Emporium, in the Diednch
"That's nothing." said another of the a new Ford touring car o f P. Deidrich,
and gallons also fly sprayers at Beau Building, Stayton.
imrty from bis place at tbe other side the hustling Ford agent for this vicin­
of the Are. "You fellows have seen ity.
my little Towser. haven't you? Well,
Mr. Deidrich has several more pros­
Miss Hazel Lambert o f Mt. Pleasant
when I begin to get out my Ashing pects in sight, and they will make no
known as Peroxide Tooth Paste con­
kit Towser runs up behind the barn mistake in purchasing a Ford, the Uni­ was a week-end visitor at the I f. H
taining peroxide o f hydrogen 26c at
and begins digging worms.” —Saturday versal car.
Downs home.
Evening Post
Our Postal Service.
The beginning of the postal service
In wbat Is now the United States dates
from 1(539. when a house In Boston
waji employed for the receipt o f letters
for and from the old world. In 1(572
the government o f New York colony
established a post to go monthly from
New York to Boston. A general post
office was established In Virginia In
WW2 and In Philadelphia In 1693. In
1780. when the federal government
went Into operation, the number of
offices In the thirteen states was only
about seventy-five.—New York Amer­
Chinese Language.
Where tbe Chinese language, writ­
ten or spoken, came from notiody
knows sny more than they know
where the original Chinese themselves
tame from. But it la probable that tbe
primary Chinese characters existed
S.noO years ago pretty much as they do
A Gentle Reminder.
He—Have you decided what you will
wear at the next german?
depends somewhat on the flowers that
nre sent me. I have a |>*rfectIy dear
gown that, with a dozen Jack roses,
would he Just too sweet for anything.—
Richmond Tfmes-Dispatob.
Miss Lena Berg o f Shaw is visiting
Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mrs. Maude
Floyd Crabtree has left the razor and
the home o f her brother, Martin
Trask o f Lyons were in Stayton today
the strop for the lure o f the ranchers in
shopping with our merchants.
Eastern Oregon.
Clifford Carter ac­
Mrs. Mane Schott and little son Be
Mrs. H. E. Bcnnet entertained her
Sunday school class o f little folks at a nard o f Sublimity spent Tuesday with
Uncle Billy Fitten and Jake Spaniol
picnic on the lawn at the home o f her Miss Ella Williams.
went to Salem Monday in Mr. Fitten'a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gardner
We are buying mohair and wool at new Ford. Jake saya that Uncle Billy
on Third Street, between the hours of
is some “ Chauf.”
3 and 4, Tuesday afternoon. The little top prices. Mavo’s Cash Store.
tots were served a nice lunch consist­
Mrs. David laitz and daughter Elba
ing o f ice cream, cake and gingerbread
P. T. Etzel and family o f Fern Ridge
( motored to Stayton Sunday and spent ot Columbia Falls, Mont, is making an
extended visit with her sister-in-law,
the day with friends.
Mrs. J. P. Davie.
F. H. Downs and Frank Blakely
Mrs. G. A. Pratt and Mrs. Henry
worked overtime several days this Smith visited at the Kirkpatrick home
J. J. Lambrecht has the foundation
week putting in shelving etc. in the in Aumsville Sunday.
for his new residence in the north part
Deidrich building for the Hammond-
of Stayton all in and work will soonbe-
Bishop Clothing Co.
Big Reneflt Show and Dance next
gin on the superstructure.
Tuesday, April 27, tor the Base Ball
Read ad on inside page.
Miss Mabel Rupert, one o f the Stay-
Mrs. J. T. Hunt and daughter, Helen,
ton teachers, was called to Salem Tues­
Misa Genevive Patton o f Union Hill
day by the death o f her sister, Anna­
and Mra. Amanda King o f Salem were
bel Rupert, who had taught in the Sa­ ton spent Sunday at the home o f his
Stayton visitors Saturday.
mother, Mrs. M. A. Decker.
lem schools as assistant in the Com­
mercial department ot the high school
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davenport and
FOR SA LE —One good frame build­
for some time.
ing good construction 16x20 suitable for Miss Mary Peters o f Silverton passed
through here Friday on their way to
garage. See John Thoma.
How's This?
visit Mr. K. Peters o f Mt. Pleasant.
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re­
gard for an y case of Catarrh tLat
Kreso Dip No. 1
cannot bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh
When you finish reading these lines,
mites, lice, and insects on all live
turn to the inside pnge o f the Mail and
stock, 25c per pint at Sloper’s.
F . J. C H E N E Y & CO., Toledo. O.
What We Remember.
The will governs the memory.
forget what does not concern us; we
remember what Is o f lasting Impor­
tance to the will.—Friedrich Paulsen In
“ Introduction to Philosophy.“
6th Ep. “ Million Dollar Mystery”
This Photo play ¡ h u 8 exciting as tho real thing. It is wlmt
will keen yon g a t i n g from ono opi»o id t> an >ther.
“ His Last Chance" Drama, 4 reels. Orchestra- 5 ami 10c
Killed in Last Episode -
“ Perils o f Pauline” No. 20. Don’ t miss it. the final one, see
what happens to Pauline.
This is the Famous Detective serial that hits been running in
In the Sunday Oregonian, and has Iteen running in 76 theatres
in Oregon and Washington. Also Comedy, 5 big entertaining
W e are In the market at all times for all kinds of Wool,
and will pay Highest Market Price For Same.
Wool sacks furnished, and Fleece twine for sale. Bring us
your Wool and receive the top price—We use it in our bus­
iness. We pay one cent a pound higher than market price
if taken in trade for woolen goods,
Custom W ork-Yaw
wool carded into baits for comforters and maîtresses
A H o s t A s to u n d in g
The best family daily paper in the state and your
own home weekly paper for
$ 3.25
The Daily Portland Telegram
The Stayton Mail
Both Ono Year for
$ 3.25
This offer will be in force from now until July i^,
and may he taken advantage of by old or new sub­
scribers. Good only until July 15, 1915.
Ford economy is not alone in low- price, but in the
low cost to operate and maintain. For an average
cost of two cents a mile, they serve and save; add
luxury to pleasure and bring profit to busmens.
Over 700,000 owners have found the Ford depend­
able, economical and easy to operate. And in any
contingency, there’s a Ford agent close at hand -
with a complete stock o f parts. That’s “ Ford A f­
ter-Service for Ford Owners.”
Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail
300,000 new Ford cars between August 1914 and
August 1915.
Touring Car $490; Runabout $440, f.o.b. Detroit with all
equipment. On display and sale at
Peter Deidrich’s,
look over the Double Base Ball Benefit
advertised there. The ball team needs
I am wanting about fifty good goats.
Alois Titze and w ife and Julius Titze your support.
Write or phone to Chas. L. Martin,
and family of Fern Ri Ige were trading
Aumsville, Ore. Farmers Phone 4x5111
with merchants here Tuesday.
Toledo, O.
Ennui perhaps has made more gam­
stead on the Little North Fork o n
blers than avnrice, more drunkards 1 H a’ l'a Catarrh Cure It t r ' -a internally,
I mu'
Special $13.50 price on $15-18-20 suits Tuesday o f thia week. Charlie look#
Pure bred Durham bulls for sale. One
than thirst and perhaps aa many scJ- rows pt- ,ar a r f c . 0 r y — r--. 'n.— - on| 1
lent fre». J-rlen V. ec-.ita p
1» (1 . E ¡d at the Hammond-Bishop Co’s store just as natural as e ve r-d o n ’ t seem to and two years old. B. F. Fresh, Shaw,
cldes as despair.
>y r ll r r u y -'-tr .
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
fatten up much.
Take H all's ii'a o lly P ills for constipation.
Wo, tho undersigned, l.ove known r . J.
Cheney fo r the last 13 yaura, and believe
him perfectly hon .r.blo l i all buslnesj
transactions and fl-i.-in'" TJy ahl > t , c ir r Y
out a r y cbH-atlor. ; u,~.r 1 y hia firm.
N A T IO N A L B A N K C - < "N M E r.C E ,
Stayton, Oregon
Special Prices
on slabwood, spring and summer de­
livery, for orders placed before April
1 st. Call at our office for prices. Brown-
Petzel Lumber Co.
For Sale-Full-blooded Duroc Hogs,
all sizes. C. J. Ruettgers, Scio, Ore­
gon. Phone 1015.
5 ^ x