The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, April 22, 1915, Image 7

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    Favorlts Star.
From ancient days Regulus has
been ona of the favorite start of
marinars and so-called astrologer«
The snclsnt names designated It as
the king or stars. In Its apparent
Seems to Have Had Normal passage through the path of the zodiac
the sun la almost between us and
Share of Mischievousness.
Regulus, and once a month the moon
Is near It and at tines comes direct­
ly between It and our earthly vision,
In His “ Lstlsrs and Rscollsctiona” or “occults” It. For this alone Regulus
Hs Has Told of His Amusing
ought to be one of the fascinating
Encounters With a Prus­
■tars at this time of tbe year.
sian Qovernor.
Act not covsrea oy l iw .
In a negro district a member woe on
An anecdote of Alexander Agassis'
trial, charged with stealing chickens.
boyhood In Neuchâtel, In tbe days
The evidence went to show that ths
when that Swiss canton was adminis­
defendant bad been found with bis
tered by the Prussian officials, shows
foot In a steel trap at the door of tbe
that the man who was to become so
hennery, while an empty sack lay near
famous as a scholar and a man of
by. Tha decision of the Judge wae to
sclenca had hla full share of a healthy this effect. “De co't finds dat de 'fend­
boy's mischievousness. The story la
ant hadn't no criminal 'tentions. Dah
told In bis “I»etters and Kecolleo
halnt no law to p'vsnt a gemmen frurn
puttin’ bis foot In a steel trap ef he
The small boys ot Neuchâtel were wants ter do It.”
much Interested In politics. They were
arrayed In two parties, the royallsta
and the reds. The former were de­ WONDER*UL HOW RESINOL
voted to Prussia, and loyal subject«
of Friedrich Wilhelm; the reds were
To those who have endured for
ardent 8wlss patriots, who wished years the Itching torments of eczema
Neuchâtel to have the same repub­ >r other such skin-eruptions, the relief
lican form of government that the oth­ that the first use of reslnoi ointment
er Swiss cantons enjoyed, and who tnd reslnoi soap gives is perfectly tn-
resented the authority of the governor, :redlble. After all tbe suffering they
an appointee of the king of Prussia. Save endured and all the useless treat­
The governor, who liked to show bis ments they spent good money for, tin y
:annot believe anything so simple,
authority In the smallest details, was mild and Inexpensive can stop the itch-
so lacking In a sense of tact and of ng and burning INSTANTLY! And
proportion as to complain to Ix>uts they find It still more wonderful that
Agassli that his little son was not sa­ the Improvement is permanent and
luting him with enough politeness. Al­ that reslnoi really drives away the
exander was punished, and when he eruption completely in a very short
met the governor on the street the time. Perhaps there Is a pleasant sur­
next day, he saluted him with exag­ prise like this in store for you. Res­
lnoi ointment and reslnoi soap are sold
gerated abjectness.
The governor by all druggists.—Adv.
complained of that, too, whereupon
the elder Agassiz, much Incensed,
Eyes of Fishes.
gave his son a sound thrashing; for
The eyee of fishes are in constant
the father was a great admirer of the use except when they are asleep. Most
king, who. at the suggestion of Hum­ fishes have no eyelids, their eyes be­
boldt, bad assisted hint In many ways. ing protected from Injury by a shiny
Not content with this victory, the gov­ material or by a thick transparent
ernor singled out his diminutive ad­ skin. The puffer, or swellflsh, which
versary at a school celebration, and habitually burrows In sand at the
held him up for reproof before a large bottom of the water, has eyelids which
cover the eyeballs when closed, the
When It was Alexander's turn to re­ lower eyelid being larger than the
ceive his prizes from the governor, he upper.
was so angry that he refused them
with scorn, turned his back on the
All of Tomato Utilized.
representative of the king, and, to the
Italy harvests about 22,000 acres ot
delight of the reds, walked out of the tomatoes yearly, and the wastage
room That led to further punishment amounts to practically nothing. The
at home.
sklna and seeds, formerly discarded,
Infuriated at the governor’s treat­ are now utilized, tbe former as stock
ment, the youthful patriot collected a feed and the latter as a source of oiL
band of confederates of his own age, The crude oil Is suitable for soap­
stormed the castle on the night of a making and for lamps, and the refined
large dinner party at which his father product Is said to be edible.
was present, and smashed all the win­
dows of the state dining hall. Louis
True Greatness.
Agassiz, suspecting the Instigator of
True greatness first of all is a thing
this outrage, rushed home, but found of the heart. It is all alive with ro­
his son safely In bed and apparently bust and generous sympathies. It is
neither behind Its age, and ahead of
Commenting on this episode In after it only Just so far as to be able to
years, Alexander Agassiz remarked lead Its march. It cannot slumber, for
that It was perhaps fortunate he came activity is a necessity of its existence.
to the United States at an early age, It Is no reservoir, but a fountain.—
for with his views he would surely Roswell D. Hitchcock.
have been hung or shot before he had
grown to middle age!—Youth's Com­
br C.ttw’i Bla.kkf Pill«. LOW-
» ju r o r
Through city streets—along country lanes
“The Car of Comfort"
Kco Car* ir t in greater demand than ever this year. To Insure get*
ting your ear place your order early..
Iteo financial ability and ■ ng neerlng skill have produced a super*
car at a moderate price. Kveijr Farm or Orchard should own a Iteo.
Let the nearest Keo Dealer show you the merits of this wonderful
Car; write us for Free Booklets.
The Reo Four $1050.
The Reo Six $1385
F. O. B . F a c to ry .
Iteo Her vice extends from the Canadian border to the Gulf of California.
Distributors for Pacific Northwest.
F. W. VOGLEK, President
Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon.
at the boat w|ui|»|»«wi, rtHMat up-to-dst# kiul only
wrtlral A utom obile Hchtstl In the N orthw cet.
A M Auto tUpeir t o . 3W
k n . tm fkti Or
Now «n*! (W tind-haw l A frrita for Thor »m l Excel*
mktr Writ«* for < *1 «leg urn ervi
hsnd price
L ie f. Art A ARYlLi 10. 124 170 12* Tl.
— 8AVE YOUR T mouth
E E T examine«!,
and have your mouth
I M xbo vsry Ultwt
it net er
a< icnUl.c
painleee n »«»tinaia.
A. w W.
K K KN 1
MM1-, W ashington Ht., Portland.
T W h ™ . Ih . Trod. I W . «k«. Scalp. P i
Far* MaaMS. a Specialty. Tool. Krw.
Poaln..!.. (JQaraniani. I’ A Y v M . I.K AK H IN G .
M M ad laas SU,
I’u rtla a d . O n f a a
Iflv r . alwM.lulx* < ifti
fort and many curee: payments $1 w#*k. with
Bioncv l*i k Kuarantw
Writ* fur FRICK 1»«k.
Joy W. Wilaon. 902 t «muncrt' ml (*!ub liuildlnf,
I'urtlaml, Oregon. j
14th Bad W sahingion Sts.. Portland. Or«.
Rouma with batik SI.80 |>er «lay. Kuurne without
bath. 11.00 i***r day.
■Fireproof Conslruchon
AD Cobalt Ro
R obb
Special Hatea for p«?rmanent guest*
Finnegan. Mgr.
V ictor llrandt. Prut».
T h « «»-
Iticycle Halesronrn and Re­
pair Shop in Portland. I' m «-# Hat on applica­
tion. Write 10 N I3th St.. (Corner Washington.
S C O V I L L ’S C Y C L E R V
Hava an Arctic Bunk?
A "bunk" buuae la an Arctic hotel
made of logs, with moss chinks, a
dirt roof and a dirt floor.
A great
shest iron stove keeps it warm. Two
rows of bunks, covered with grass or
brush, extend along tbe walls. The
old fashioned string and latch hold tbe
whip-sawed door closed and there is
a place to cook tbe meals. To stay
over night costs a dollar.
h C a r c . White You Walk. ' “ ' 1'
Allen1. Knot ha»* la a certain cure for hot.
1 » '■■ling.caltu., anil »wnllpii, ai Mug (cat. Hold
by all l>ruggl»i>. Pile« /&r. Iron'I accent any
Trial narkace PUCK. AildreM
AllenH O l a w a t l a Kujr,
, ..
Do Your Best.
Play Yhe ifime! "* We are not here
to whine and complain, to atay down
becausa we are knocked down, to
blame the Inequalities of the ground
or the unfairness of the umpire
Where there are no difficulties there
can be no victories. Mfe are here
to win If we can in every condition
that confronts ua, to do our best in
any case, and to do It to tbe end.
To the Bitter End.
R e d d —What do you think of the
new baseball league?
Greece—It means war in the base­
ball W Id.
"Sure; It will be diamond cut dlo*
H a p p in e s s .
Happlneja lies In the consciousness
we have of It, and by no means in the
way the future keepa its promise —
George Sand.
Business Opportunities with me. 2«
active* «nlfsmrn hunting for -
ers all th« time. Hr« I K.*tste and Building M araiinc
Contain* 208 deerrption* o f city pruporirtiew. farm*.
i b u ilM M opportunities
for *aU? and exchange. Perhaps it contains juat
what yon sre locking for. Send for It. Ten e m u ,
I ornt stamps
Resourceful Sailors.
A tale from the Paclflc relates that
s steamer whose rudder unexpectedly
broke was steered for several days by
packing boxes hune over the sides.
G, W. MrCOY, U r g n t Realty Advertiser.
Dally Thought.
No man at bottom means fnjustlci
t is always for some obscure distort­
'd Image of a right that he contends.
—Carl via.
932 Chamber o f Commerce, Portland. Or.
« 0 .0 0 0 offe re d fop pertnln
_ t vent Iona. lbmk **II«»w lo O I t t a in
. P a t e n t ” and **\V lint t o I i i v r n t "
put freo, Bend roach ikttrb f<*r freo
fn i« ft an to i taten tu I » lit jr. Patenta at*
Thrtlfcd ft*r »«lo at our expense la Man­
ufacturers’ Jotimnls.
CHANDt l£ A CHANCI I f . P.trflit «tty's
r« * » V » n
1034 F. St. WssUsgtsa, 0 . C.
Ingenious Novelty That Gives Canary
the Appearance of Living
Under Water.
Have you goldfish and a canary In
your home? If so, read about the fol­
A Definition.
lowing Ingenious novelty: It consists
William—"Pop. what's a paradox?"
of a goldfish bowl made with double
Father—"A paradox, my son. Is a worn-
walls. In the center there is a dry
in who wears silk stockings and tries
large enough to form a bird
to keep It a secret.” - Puck.
cage. While the fish swim about in
the water between the two walls of
Worse Than Work.
Chase the Mice Away.
“ After a man has loafed awhile,”
Mice will not reopen a hole which glass, birdie seems also to be sub­
■aid Uncle Eben. "he generally de­ has been filled with any mixture con­ merged. The first time your friends
cides dat he’d rather go to work dan taining 1/e Flour and lye make a good see this supposedly amphibious ca-
be so lonesome."
paste for the purpose.
F. N. U.
N o . 17, IS IS
W l i r a w ritin g t s i l m t l M n , p l a n
tin s th in p n p r r . _________
P h o to g r a p h y
an d
T a c t.
A photographer has to be a man of
rare tact In order to get his subject
to look pleasant Instead of laughing
In S. S. S. You Get a Twist on Rheumatism that Settles It.
M an y a rheum atic su fferer h a s been to them neutral nnd scatte rs those peculiar
the dru g store for a bottle o f 8 . 8. 8 . and form ations In the nervo centers that
been handed som ethin g claim ed to bo cause such m y s tify in g and often baffling
“ Just a s g o o d ." T ru ly , to ask for bread rheum atic pains.
and be given a stone Is still In prm n .e .
A nd best o f all this rem ark able rem ed y
I f you are troubled w ith rheu m atism In
Is w elcom o to the w eak est stom ach. I f
a n y form be sure lo u ss 8 . 8 . 8 . and note
you have drugged yo u rself until your
Its w onderful Influence.
stom ach Is nearly paralyzed, you w ill bo
B. H. 8 . has the peculiar action o f so a k ­
astonlzhed to And th at 8 . 8 . 8 . gives no
in g through the Intestines directly Into
se n sa ti>n b u t goes right to w ork. Thla Is
th s blood. In live m in u tes its Influencs la because It Is a pure vegetable Infusion, Is
a t w ork In every artery, vein and tiny taken naturally Into your blood Just as
E v e r y m em bran e, every organ pure a ir la Inhaled n atu rally Into your
o f the body, e very em u nctory becom es In lu n g «
effect a filte r to strain the blood o f Im ­
Get a b ottle o f 8 . 8 . 8. today, and ask
purities. T h e stim u latin g properties o f 8 .
8 . 8 . eem pel the skin, liver, bowels, kid ­ for 8 . 8 . 8 .
n eys. bladder to all w ork to the one end
T ou m ay depend upon It th at the storw
o f castin g out every Irritating, every pain. that sella you w hat you oak for la a good
Inflicting a to m o f poison; It dislodges by placa to
W rite
to the S w ift
Irrigation all accum ulations In tha Joints, Specific C o., 104 S w ift B ldg., A tla n ta, G o *
B B S a c i d a c c r e t i o n s l o d ls o lv a , r s a d o r s for thalr Book on Rheumatism.
. I
Animal Weather Prophets.
Regarded as weather prophets by
the natives, the “black howlers,”
largest of the Panamanian monkeys,
set up a roaring howl almost sugges­
tive of the lion for volume of sound.
They howl oftenest before or during
« storm, hence the native belief.
To Amateur Gardeners.
For amateur gardeners the surest
way to tell the weeds from the flowers
Is to pull them all out. The ones that
come up again are the weeds.—Life.
One Reason for Lying.
Some people tell untruths because
they lack moral courage to refure to
answer questions which should not
be asked.—Albany Journal.
Would Surely Help.
According to a decision by a htgu
court hogs can be muzzled. If this de­
cision could be applied to hogs seen in
iwell restaurants it would help some.
Gets Right Twist
On Rheumatism
Makes Short Work of Cleaning Oof Your En fin
System— Achaa and Pains Go Fast.
priced, fresh, reliable: preferred bj
Weetern stodenen because they prt-
V "V
*•***- »here
ether vaeeise* fa!!,
■ - m ^
W rits for booklet and testimonials.
B T * 1 m 10-doM pk«e. Blackle# Pill« $1.00
SC-data pk»e. Blackle« Pills 4.00
Ui»e any tnjertor but Cutter's beet
Tha superiority of Cutter products Is due to over N
yearn nf apeclallrtnf in vaselne« and serums oaly.
Intlst on Cutter’s. If unobtainable, order direct.
T '.E CUTTER LABORATORY. Berkeley. CaJiferala.
nary, caroling away seemingly under
water, they will be very much sur­
prised and puzzled.—New York World.
Bears In the War Region.
An enormous black bear was seen
slouching along midway between the
Russian aud Austrian trenches In the
Carpathians the other morning. The
business of war was forgotten and the
Austrians and Russians sent a volley
at tho unfortunate bear, killing It
There are large numbers of bears and
wolves In the southeastern ranges of
the mountains, and very often advance
guards have to fight for their lives
with these ferocious beasts, which,
driven by hunger and made furious by
the sound of cannonndlng, are ready
to attack any number of men.
Egypt'« Onion Crop Good.
Consul Arthur Garrets reports from
Alexandria, under date of January 21,
that an average crop of onions is
looked for In Egypt this year, as both
weather conditions and water supply
have been favorable and there bare
been no war disturbances In the re­
gion devoted to the cultivation of thla
S ic k .
' *'* *■ «
GU£& n£to7i
T<» it possible there is a woman in this country who con­
tinues to suffer without giving Ly^ia E. Pinkham’s Vege­
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con­
tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic­
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer­
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ?
W e have published in the newspapers of the United States
more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub­
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women—
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen­
uine and true. Here are three never before published:
From Mrs. S . T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
P rovidence , IL I,— w For the benefit of women who suffer as I have
done I wish to state what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
has done for me. I did some heavy lifting and the doctor said it
caused a displacement.
I have always been weak and I overworked
after my baby was Ixim and inflammation set in, then nervous pros­
tration, from which I did not recover until I had taken Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound. 'The Compound is my best friend and
when I hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her
to take your medicine.”— Mrs. S. T . lticnaosD , 84 Progress Avenue,
Providence, R J
From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y.
P ert * N .Y .— “ Before I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
pound I was very irregular and had much train. I hail lost three
children, and felt worn out all the time. This splendid medicine
helped me as nothing else had done, and I am thankful every day
that ! took it.”— Mrs. M a k ia I b w in , K.F.D. 1, Peru, N .Y .
From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W . Quincy, Mass.
S outh Q uinct , M a s s . — *• The doctor said that I had organic trouble
and he doctored me for a long time and I did not get any relief. I
saw Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ad­
vertised and I tried it and found relief before I had
finished the first bottle. I continued taking it all
tLrough middle life and am now a strong, healthy
woman and earn my own living.”— Mrs. J a n e D.
D uncan , Forest Avenue, W e st Quincy, Mass.
Y o u r lette r will be opened, read and answ ered
toy a w om an and held in strict confidence.
Pink E y s , E p izootic .-
Shipping F ever,
and Catarrhal F ever
Sure cure and positive p reventive, no m atter how h orse«
at an y age are inflicted or "e x p o s e d ."
Ltqdid, given on th *
ton gu e: acta on the blood and gland a; expels the poieonous
germ s from the body. Cures D istem p er in Doga an d S heep
apd Cholera in Poultry.
L arg est selling live stock rem edy.
Cures L a Grippe am on g hum an betr^-s and ts a fine K id n e y
rem edy. SOc and SI a b o ttle ; 15 and lt d a dozen. C u t thla
K e e p It.
Show to your d ru ggist, w ho w ill ge t tt fo r
you. Free B ooklet, "D is te m p e r. C a u ses and Curea.
Sp ecial
ag en ts w anted.
G oshen, Ind., U. S. A .
Worry and Nervous System.
Inasmuch as worry is primarily a
disease of the mind, and since every
portion of the body is Intimately con­
nected with every other part of a net­
work of nervous tissue of great com­
plexity, we naturally seek for the
causes of these manifestations, first
of all, in the nervous svstem.
Warsaw Swine Market.
Warsaw's swine market is one ot
the most original In the world, amt
the first view obtained of it by th »
traveler is startling. On the stone-
paved market-place the bodies ar»
laid in irregular rows, and here come
the buyers to examine and purchase at
fl ACHES ■
Are “ Danger Signals” —the human system’s method o f giving warn­
ing that the blood has become impoverished and circulation poor.
In this condition the human body is almost powerless to res;st the
more serious illness. Don’ t delay. You need
G o ld e n M e d ic a l D isc o v e r y
It gets to work immediately at the seat o f your trouble— t h e S t o m a c h .
Tt leads a helping hand. Helps to digest the food. Tones up the stomach.
Soon brings back normal conditions. Food is properly assimilated and
turned into rich, red blood. E very organ is strengthened and every tisane
Mode from roots taken from our great nmcrican forests. T ry this
remedy now. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form — or send 60c
to D r. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buff alo, N . Y ., for trial box.
Ton ran have the complete “ Medical Adviser” of 1908 p ag es—eloth
bound - f r e e - b y sending Dr. Pierce 31c ( k wrapping and mailing.
MEN S * 2 . 5 0 * 3 * 3 . 5 0 * 4 . 0 0 * 4 . 5 0 * 5 * 5 . 5 0 SHOES
WOMEN S * 2 . 0 0 * 2 . 5 0 * 3 . 0 0 * 3 . 5 0 & * 4 . 0 0 SHOES
BOYS' * 1 . 7 5 * 2 * 2 . 5 0 * 3 . 0 0 MISSES’ * 2 . 0 0 & * 2 . 5 0
W E A R I N G W. L. D O U G L A S S H O E S
W . L. Dougin« «h o ai are m a d « o f tha bent dom estic and im ported
le a th e r«, on the latent m o d e l«, c are fu lly constructed by the m ost
expert last and pattern m ak ers in this country, N o oth er m ake
o f equal ,1 prices, can coin|i
com p ete w ith W . L . D o u g la s shoes fo r style
w orkm ansl!
and q u a lity . A s c o m fo rta b le , easy w a lk in g
shoes they
ley are unsurpassed.
T he S 3 .0 0 . S 3 .5 0 and S4.0O sh o es w ill give as good servica
as oth er m ak es costing S 4 .0 0 to 5 5 .0 0 . T h e S 4 .5 0 .5 5 .0 0 an d
5 5 .5 0 shoes com p are favo rab ly w ith
oth er m ak es costing 5 0 .0 0 to 5 8 .0 0 .
there are m an y m eu an tl w om en w ear
shoes. Conault'thein and they w ill tell
D ou glas shoes cannot be excelled *
I f you could xi»it the
W . L. Dougina factory
at B r o c k t o n , Maea.,
and see how c are fn lly
th e «hoes are m a d e
and th e h ig h g r a d e
l e a t h e r s used, yon
w ou ld t h e n u n der­
stand w h y th e y lo o k
an d fit b etter, h o ld
their shape an d w e ar
l o n g e r th a n o th e r
m ak e s fo r th e p rice.
W . L. Douglas
shoes are sold
through 8 0
stores In the
large cities
and shoe
C A U TIO N ! K f f i
stamped on the bottom. Shoes thus ati_______________ _
worth the prl.e paid for them. For 32 years W L. Douglas h*«
guaranteed their value and protected the wearer against high
price« for Inferior shoes by bavin* his NAM K AND PRICK
stamped on thw'uvltom before they leave the factory. Do not
be persuaded to take some other make claimed to be Just as
food. You are paying your money and are eni it led to the beet.
If your dealer cannot supply you, writ« for Illu s­
trated C a talo g showing how lo order by mail.
>V. L D ou g las. 910 Spark St., B rock ton. M ass.
i fond, farter
«i color, than
f u t u and bel«M
M cfctef
«u n m
« r y f o
d r*. . Every package
p i c k i r . re
r i ra
ir n
o d to color SUk. W ool. CMtoa
Canon m
8 mx dTr
n t trod
d Mixed ( Good, at on. botlton. 10 carta
. W r it, h x I m b tok k t "H iw to D y . and M ix r « ton .- caim dar. Momra. eto.
. Qutocv. I