“ V < PACKER WANTS ENGLISH REPORT CENSUS OF THE SKY NO UNION HELP LOSS OF 12,810 Country’s Winged Citizens Have Armour Says Working Classes Cost to Foe at Battle of Noeve Have Other Remedies. Chapelle Claimed Heavier. GERMAN UHLANS IN POLAND Been Enumerated. Interesting Discoveries Made Through Investigation by the Department of Agriculture— Robins Out­ Industrial Halations Invostigation Thousands o f Germans Go Down— number Sparrows. In ( hirago Is Concluded— 18,000 Wounded Declared There Is a country whose cities art, Loss Cnrest Predicted. Removed From Field. never overcrowded, the present census registering on the average two citi­ Chicago.— Tho Chicago hearing of London — Field Marshal Sir John zens to every acre. This country Is the United States conmilealon on In­ the land of the sky; Its citizens, the French, commander of the British ex­ birds. dustrial relations, bogun two weeks The United States department of ago, was concluded Saturday with a peditionary foreee on the continent, flitting glance at working conditions reports the British losses In the three agriculture has discovered the facts days' fighting at Nueve Chapelle as and put them safely away In a bul­ and wages In local packing houses. letin which the public may have for The chief witnesses were J. Ogden follows: the asking, though by what methods Armour, president of Armour A Co., Killed— 190 officers, 2337 men. the government biologists obtained and director on the boards of several Wounded — 369 officers, 8174 other and substantiated the numbers this railroads r.nd banks, and J. K. O'llern, ranks. same public has not yet been advised. his superintendent of plants. Did they resort to aeroplanes? And Missing—23 officers, 1728 men. Most of tho questions directed at Field Marshal French's report con­ once In the aeroplane did they consult Mr. Armour had been submitted to Mr. and Mrs. Bird as to the number of him In advance and he repeated the tinues: questions and read the answers rapid­ "Th e enemy left several thousand their children? We are not yet In­ ly from a typewritten document. dead on the field and we have positive formed, but It can easily be seen that The essential part of his testimony information that upwards of 12,000 there might be some confusion. bearing on repeated testimony of oth­ As a rule statistics only stupefy, but ers that organisation Is the remedy wounded were removed by train. through which workingmen may attain Thirty officers and 1867 o f other ranks there's something to be said for the robin which may Interest some people. their rights, was to the effect that he were captured." The British commander's dispatch There Is more of him than of any was opposed to the unionisation of his Party of German uhlans In Poland shooting from the saddle, their long lances stuck in the ground beside employes. He cited the strike of 1904, concerning the battle of Neuve Cha­ other bird In the United States—six when the offer of tho packers to arbi­ pelle, which began early In March, pairs of robins to each farm of 68 their horses. trate was declined, he said. The union, says among other things: acres. The English sparrow Is a close he declared, was crushed, and since '"Considerable delay occurred after second, five pairs to each 68 acres. then organisers had been discouraged. the capture of Nueve Chapelle and the No other bird Is nearly so abundant as Mr. Armour espressed the opinion I either the robin or sparrow. that Industrial ynrest In the United infantry was greatly disorganised. One conclusion which will Interest Htatee Is slowly decreasing. His own am of the opinion that this delay employes, he said, were adequately would not have occurred had the mankind—chiefly because it concerns protected through the privilege of ap­ clearly-expressed order of the general mankind—Is the preference of breed­ plying to the respective foremen. officer commanding the first army been ing birds for thickly populated cen­ Tho witness said he kept In touch more carefully observed." ters. They prefer the Great White with employes In their homes through Field Marshal French’s report, which foremen and the company's welfare covers the battles of Neuve Chapelle Way to the quiet forest. This seems to Indicate the beginnings of human workers. Kmployos were privileged to appeal to the president of tho com­ and St. Elol, under date o f April 6, Intelligence— oh, well, perhaps not In­ pany when they thought subordinate was published in the Official Gaxette. telligence. but It's human, whatever The commander-in-chief writes: officials dealt unjustly with them. else It may be. And, say the biolo­ “ The event o f chief interest and gists, It seems probable that as our "Do you believe a proper standard of living can be maintained by a week­ importance which has taken place is human population Increases so will ly wage of 112.60?" Mr. Armour was the victory achieved over the enemy in our bird population Increase. Thus we asked. the battle of Nueve Chapelle, which get around to race suicide and—It Is "It Is a broad and difficult question," was fought March 10, 11 and 12. Inevitable— to Roosevelt he replied. “ The main attack was delivered by Throughout the United States, tak­ He denied that his company took the troops of the first army under com­ advantage of an oversupply of Immi­ ing 100 robins as a unit, other birds mand of General Sir Douglas Haig, grant labor to pay less than living were noted In the following ratio: Cat­ supported by a large force of heavy wage. birds. 49; house wrens. 28; brown Mr. Armour said that he did not be­ artillery, a division o f cavalry and thrashers, 37; kingbirds, 27; bluebirds, lieve that unions were necessary to some infantry of the general reserve." 26. the welfare of employes. Chevy Chase, Md.. holds the record "The success of an employer de­ for density of population. One hun­ pends on the employe," said he, "and Good Roads Bonds Carry Austrian soldiers taking communion before going into battle. The regimental bands supply sacred as well as to get the best work of the employe by Two to One Majority dred and slxty-one pairs were found martial music. the best wages the market affords nesting on 23 acres, 34 species of birds Portland, Or. — Multnomah county being represented. must be paid." voted Wednesday in favor of good The department announces that this roads. Ex-Senator Aldrich Diet census Is to be repeated and on a By a majority of approximately 13,- Suddenly at Ripe A ge 600 the people authorised an issue of much larger scale. If bird lovers are willing to aid. There are no funds to New York.— Nelson W. Aldrich. 30 f 1,260,000 in bonds to pay for improv­ pay for this work, and It therefore de­ years United States senator from ing 70 miles o f the county's principal pends on volunteers who will con­ Rhode Island, and Intimately associ­ trunk highways with modern hard- tribute the facts in the case. ated with tariff and currency legiala surface pavement. tton In that time, died Friday at his The bonds will bear 6 per cent in­ home In Fifth avenue, following a terest and will be offered for sale at SAFETY DEVICE FOR AVIATOR stroke of apoplexy. He was 73 years the earliest possible date allowed by old. law. Wings and Balloon-Shaped Canopy Until Thursday, when he was taken The issue before the voters was Unfold Automatically In the 111 with Indigestion, Mr. Aldrich had Event of a Fall. been In good health. His physician clearly one o f reconstructing the roads left him an hour before he died, think­ or continuing with the present system ------ / ing then that he was on tho way to re­ o f macadamized roads and dirt roads. The parachute is attached to the covery. When ho became unconscious The voters met the issue squarely body by straps passing around the members of Ills Immediate family were and returned a most decisive verdict in waist and over the shoulders. The hurriedly summoned and were at the favor of good roads. Intense county­ bedside when he died. They Included wide interest was displayed in the his wife, Miss Aldrich and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., his daughters, and election. Approximately 38 per cent of the registered vote was cast, which, Wlnthrop Aldrich, his son. Nelson Wllmarth Aldrich held a seat in view of the fact that only this one In tho United States senate continu­ question was before the people, is con­ ously from 1881 to 1911. Tho Influence sidered a remarkably heavy proportion. exerted ,by him on governmental af­ fairs wits best Illustrated by the fact that wtfen he was satirically Intro­ German Airship Bombards duced td an audience as “ the general M a ny English Villages managey of the United States,” that The German submarine U-5 is one of the vessels that has been active in the destruction of British merchant Newcastle, England — A Zeppelin appellation lived through the adminis­ vessels. tration s'of McKinley, Roosevelt and raid was made in the Tyne district of Taft Do gave special attention to Nortumberland county Thursday night. tartrf anH financial legislation in com­ It appears that the Zeppelin reached CATAPULT USED BY FRENCH mittee. Blyth from the North Sea at about Probably the greatest parliamentar­ 8:10 o'clock, passed over Blyth and ian that ever served In the senate, A l­ and proceeded to the drich had no difficulty In maintaining Cramlington leadership of his party. Although neighborhood of Seatonhum. Bombs were dropped on several of known among the veterans as a “ com­ mittee” senator, ho was quite as much the villages — five at Choppington, at home on the floor and naturally was three at Wallaend, two at Seatonburn more In evidence In the larger arena. and one at Redlington. No loss of life or serious personal injury resulted, and the material loss wings as well as the balloon-shaped Sinking of Ship Angers. canopy are ordinarily folded against The Hague, via London.— Further was not heavy. It was an ideal night There were the body, but unfold automatically and ministerial conferences were held Sat­ f / fci ‘t act against the air In case of a fall.— ^ ¿ d S É Sh rev ^ j 1 -i *C" iß urday to consider thfl finking of the no clouds and no wind, but the night Popular Mechanics. V P '" \ was dark. The airship sailed at an ¿ I Dutch steamer Katwyk. with grain altitude estimated at 2000 feet. When consigned to The Netherlands govern­ it was ascertained that it was a Ger­ Synthetic Resins. ment, In the North 8ea Wednesday man dirigible the news was tele­ New synthetic resins have been dis­ night. The sinking of the steamer graphed to all the neighboring towns, covered recently and are appearing on without warning has arounsed the where electric lights were extin­ the market under many trade names, most wide-spread public Irritation and guished and other precautionary were says a writer In the Scientific Ameri­ can. The resins are used in the pro­ has called forth stinging protests from taken. all the newspapers, even those In­ duction of materials such as artlflcial clined toward the Ocrman side. The Irish Welcome Wimborne. amber, pipestems, toothbrush handles, papers say there appears no doubt but Dublin— Baron Wimborne, who has beads, transparent jewelry, buttons of that a German submarine was guilty. succeeded Lord Aberdeen as lord lieu­ all sizes. Inlaid work, knife handles, tenant of Ireland, made his state entry fountain pens, etc., and take the place Plea Made for Apples. of bone, horn. Ivory, celluloid, amber, London.—An appeal was made to into Dublin Thursday, and a great casein (gallollth), ebony and hard welcome was given him by all classes the Procurator-General by Robert P. rubber. These artlflcial resins in their Skinner, American consul-general In o f the population. The scene was a brilliant one. The Anal conditions do not melt or even I^ondon, for special treatment for ships detained In British ports which carry new lord lieutenant was escorted by a soften, appreciably at all tempera­ American apples, because of tho per­ detachment of cavalry and at the head tures. and do not burn like rubber or ishable nature of these cargoes. Mr. o f the troops he rode through the prin­ celluloid. When heated In the air to Skinner said that thousands of Oregon cipal streets of the city. temperatures well above 600 degrees and Washington apple-growers would This catapult, in the form of a big Lady Wimborne and their children, Fahrenheit the resins char and burn suffer heavily unless these detained slingshot. Is used In a French trench slowly without a flame. They are one son and two daughters, rode in the cargoes were released promptly. Four to hurl bombs at the German posi­ quite Insoluble In all ordinary solv­ steamers with cargoes of apples are procession. tions. ents, suah as gasoline, alcohol, ammo­ among the detained ships. nia, washing soda and acids. Shock of Catch Fatal. Caring for Insane. Tacoma, Wash.— With a live trout, Stolen Silver Is Coined. Winds Favorable to Forest Fires. How enormous In the task of caring Portland.— A gang of counterfeiters 12 inches long, wriggling at the end The weather bureau has recently Is stealing silverware from Portland o f the line on his Ashing rod, James for the Insane Is shown by the fact homes and melting It down for coin­ Bailey, a veteran angler o f the Puyal­ made some study of the meteorolog­ that there are In all our public Insti­ age, according to city detectives. Spur­ lup valley, was found dead by the side ical conditions favoring the occur­ tutions approximately 200,000 Insane ious sliver dollars have become com­ of a small stream at Lake Ray Thurs­ rence of forest fires and has tenta­ persons, a number exceeding the num­ mon along the Pacific Coast. It Is said day. An uncle, Amsie King, and a tively established a special service for ber of students enrolled In all the that many hundred dollars' worth of Issuing warnings of the hot, dry winds colleges and Institutions In the »»»un- sterling silver articles have been stol­ neighbor, who found Bailey sitting up- fry. In New York the expenditure en. The detectives maintain that their ringh, but with life gone, gave it as which seem to be a frequent antece­ For the convenience of the Inhabitants of Poland the German army pub­ for the insane Is one-fourth of„dg failure to recover the allver Is due to their opinion that he died of the ex­ dent and accompaniment of such Ores its being melted down and coined Into citement o f his catch. He had been In th^ valuable timbered regions of lishes newspapers and displays them on the trees. These papers contain total annual appropriations ' state. subject to heart attacks. dollars. i the West.— Scientific American. news o f all the world, sent on from Berlin. AUSTRIANS TAKE COMMUNION BEFORE BATTLE GERMAN SUBMARINE STORM U-5 IN GERMANS PUBLISH PAPERS IN POLAND $ jSgyri >