Public Sale I will sell at public auction on m y place, 3 miles southeast of Aumsville known as the old “Lew Miller place” the following described property to the highest bidder on. TUESDAY, APRIL 20 Sale commences at 10 a. m. Refreshments served at Noon Horses- Uirrh Prafla lorcmi Pnu/p One sorrel mare, weight about 1300 pounds. weight about 1300. Hip U ld U G One sorrel gelding, One driving mare, weight about 1000. JGlSey LO W S - All giving a good flow of milk, some fresh now, some will be Union Hill THE STAYTON MAIL Miss. Stewart and her pupils ! rendered a short program at the school house Friday. Songs, recitation and planting of trees composed the entertainment. Mrs. W. E. Tate and children | were visitors at the W. D. Hurt home Thursday. H. A. Thomas went to Salem ¡Sunday, to accompany his son j home, who has been in the hos­ pital there for some time. Quite a number of people from here attended the entertainment and basket social at Triumph Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs Rabens were visitors at the W. H. Carter home Sunday. Dave Potorff has been on the sick list the last few days. W. A. Heater made a business trip to Stayton Monday. The Union Hill boys have their baShball team organized and will soon be into the game. Published every Thursday by Office Over Stayton State Bank Phone 2162 Stavton. Ore Kingston Kinks G. F. K0RINEK, V. S , B. V. Sc. Titus Archer and family visit­ ed at the Frank Blakely home in fresh in the Fall. 5 GOOD HIGH GRADE JERSEY HEIFERS- 1 fresh now, 2 coming fresh Stayton Sunday. Roy Cole, wife and little daugh­ soon, 2 fresh in the Fall. TWO small heifers. ONE 2-yr-old Registered Jersey B ull One ter came down from Mill C i t y ! Saturday, and were over Sunday visitors at the Curtis Cole home. brood sow. 9 pigs, 9 weeks old. The Christian Church literary society met Saturday evening and a great deal of interest was shown by the interesting pro- I gram that was rendered. mower, 9ft McCormick rake, good as new, Empire No. 2 Cream separator, one-horse culti­ Carl Follis left this week for where he and Arthur vator, garden cultivator. HOUSEHOLD GOODS- Home Comfort range, heater, 2 quarter oak Marion, Leffler will cut wood for awhile. bedsteads, folding bed, quarter oak dresser and stand, 8 ft oak dining table, rockers, chairs, Chas. Cole and Mrs. Ellen Griffin visited at the Harold home lounge, kitchen cabinet, washing machine and wridger, 60 oak posts, milking and kitchen one day last week. utensils, and all small garden and field tools, spike harrow. Miss Bertha Schaefer and Ivan Leffler visited Sunday with Mr. In addition, several horses will be offered for sale by other parties. and Mrs. Amey Flood. The entertainment given by Earl Fleischman Tuesday even­ ing was well altended and all re­ port a very pleasant evening. MACHINERY and VEHICLES: One 3 1-4 in Old Hickory wagon, good as new, one light wagon, two-seated hack,single buggy, 2 Oliver plows, California orchard disc TERMS of SALE: All sums of $10.00 and under Cash. Over $10.00 a 5% discount will be given for cash or the purchaser is to give a bankable note at 8 °/c to Oct. 1. 1915. No property to be removed untill settled for. W . F. Wright, Auct. Mill City Locals K M Ol.MSTKI) Entere*) as »ccond m atterat the poatnffice at Stayton, Mnrion, county, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. SU3SCKIPTIOXS. SI. so p e r yea r Address all communications to THE STAYTON MAIL H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgoon STAYTON. OREGON C. H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON S t a y t o n , O r eg o n Wilbur N. Pintier, D.1W.D. DENTIST Veterinarian Treats all domestic animals, also applies the Tuberculin teat. Telephone 3x7 Office a t Stayton Stable a STAYTON . . . . OREGOf S. H. HELTZEL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Abstract* and Probate Work a Specialty Office Over Deidrich’s Hardware Store. FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. M. RINGO -T hos . HIRST STAYTON OREGON V. A. GOODE LAWYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Conscientious Attention Given to all Legal Business. Office Room No. 6. Roy Bldg. E . P . H e g e r, (Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hill and j family arrived home, some time CEMENT FENCE POSTS AND ALL KINDS OF last week. Aumsville State Bank, Concrete Work Mrs. Merritt and her mother, have moved into the house recent­ Clerk. ly vacated by Jake Blayer and OREGON family. Mr. Blayer is employed STAYTON In the public sale of E. P Heger it in the store at Dee Oregon. will be noted that the pure bred Jersey Bull was sired by Little King Aleba Chas. Haseman and wife were whose Dam Miss Alabelle Miller Ann called to Portland on Thursday sold for $510 at the Chas. Millia sale and whose grand-dam gave 10,000 lbs, of last week by the sudden death Lulay Bros. & Co. milk in one year, backed up by a long of his mother. They returned Contractors & Builders 1 string of high producers. home on Wednesday. Mrs Allen and children went Dwelling houses a specialty to California to stay a while with Let us figure on your build­ her mother. She left the middle ings of last week. We can save you money A good job gauranteed Mr. and Mrs. Don McKnight (Too late for last week.) left, for Kingston on Saturday Phone 77 P. O. Box 198 Fox Valley knows how the Sale Commences at 1 p. m. Lyons boys can play ball. Lyons last to spend a few w e e k s STAY TON, OREGON. shut them out 12 to 19 in Lyonfe with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ray. Mrs. Coffey, sister of Mr. Mc­ favor. Knight is staying with t h e i Several people left on the train children during their absence. Friday morning for the sale at Miss. Dora Gray of G a t e s Albany. spent the week end in Mill City, The Sunday school gave their visiting friends. F.aster program last Sunday SESTA K & Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gentry evening with success. left this week for Astoria where TH O M A S, Mrs. Allen Fox returned home he will work. Proprietors. from a visit trip to Salem. The play given by the Gram­ A carload of telegraph poles mar and High School pupils was was unloaded here last Friday. a decided success. All in attend­ Mr Orth and family expects to ance enjoyed it immensely. It was given Friday April. 2nd. leave for Canada to-morrow. The Easter program given by Perry Stout who has been the Sunday School took place Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock i working in a sawmill came home, Sunday night in the church. A | and is helping his father cut large crowd was in attendance it il u wood. and all expressed themselves il ii The Santiam Lumbering Co. well pleased with the program. Mr. Ed McCoy a n d M r . has got as small teaifl of horses and seem to be very proud of Thompson were in Salem a few cays this week on legal business. 1-3 Seated Hack 2-Pole Buggies Rushford W agon I-Surry them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter re­ 1- 2 Seated Hack I-Single Buggy 1-3 % Mandt W agon Don’t forget t h a t Frank turned home Friday. They have 2- sets driving harness J-set heavy hack harness Robes, whips, etc. Rogers sells the “ Grit” five Bath Tubs, Lavatories and been visiting in Stayton a n d cents a piece. all Sanitary fittings—Farm­ other points. Gladys Hill re­ T r n if p A P P A T P All sums of $10.00 and under cash; Over $10.00, 3 f ! dis- ers-W e carry a line of Mrs. Cadlers Sunday school maining with the children during | K K I f n V I u A U i “"“ count for cash o r a bankable note at 8 'i to October I, 1915. class had their pictures taken pumps, leader water sys­ their absence. tems, etc. Gasoline engines. last Sunday. Bud Baldwin has moved into W. F. Wright, Auct. William Stout is cutting rail the house recently vacated by wood for the C. & E. rail road Art Kelly’s and located on Scen­ JACOB SPANI0L Aumsville State Bank, Clerk. ic Ave. Company. Owner. c. s T lowe PUBLIC We the undersigned owners of the following property will sell the same at Public Auction at the Aumsville Liv­ Lyons and Fox ery Stable, Aumsville, Ore., to the highest bidder on Saturday April 24. Valley STAYTON MEAT MARKET Nine Head o f Horses as Follows: 2 Bay Mares, wt. about 1000 1 Black Horse, wt. about 1000 1 Black Mare, “ “ 1 Brown Horse, “ 1 Sorrel Horse, “ “ “ 1 Bay Horse, “ 1 Span Black Horses, wt. 1125 each MYERS & SIMPSON, Owners. Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. TINWORK and PLUMBING