ot Embargo Not NEWS NOTES OF Right Admitted by United State» State Highway Fund Is CURRENT WEEK Divided by Oregon Board Washington, D. C.—The United States government haa made public its note to Great Britain announcing that it could not "admit” either the right of the allies or their aasertion for justification in placing an embargo on all commercial Intercourse between Germany and neutral countries. “To admit it," says the communica­ tion, "would be to assume an attitude of unneutrality toward the present enemies of Ggsat Britain, which would be obviously inconsistent with the solemn obligations of this government in the present circumstances, and for Great Britain to make such a claim would be for her to abandon and set at naught the principles for which she has consistently and earnestly con- tended in other times and circum- stances. ’ ’ The note reviews at length the legal phases of a blockade of belligerent ter­ ritory and virtual blockade of neutral coasts. In conclusion the United States as­ serts its expectation that Great Brit­ ain “after having considered" the pos­ sibilities of "serious interruption of American trade under the Order-in- Council, "will take steps to avoid them and in the event that they should unhappily occur, which under the rules of international law constitutes a vio­ lation of neutral rights. The American communication inter­ prets the circumstances under which Great Britain pretends to be justified in adopting retaliatory measures to­ ward her enemies as "merely a reason for certain extraordinary activities" by her naval force "and not an excuse for or a prelude to any unlawful ac­ tion." NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS. GERMAN WARSHIP REACHES AMERICA Portland — Wheat — Blueatem, bid $1.28; forty-fold, $1.26; club, $1.27 red Russian, $1.22; red fife, $1.22. Resume of World's Important Millfeed Spot prices: Bran,^$26.60 Kronprinz Wilhelm Slips by Foe Events Told in Brief. ton; shorts, $28.60; rolled barley, $81 Into Newport News. «032. Com—Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $36 Both French and Belgians report Hay —- Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 Sinks 14 Merchantmen in Fight gains against the Germans. 66 16; valley timothy, $12 66 12.60 Months’ Cruise in Southern Italy has prevented the Germans grain hay, $10(<£12; alfalfa, $I2.60«6 Atlantic Ocean. from penetrating into Abyssinia. 13.60. Russia continues to report successes Vegetables — Cucumbers, hothouse, in the Carpathian mountain passes. $1.60 dozen; peppers, 806686c pound Newport News, Va.—The German cruiser Kronprlns Wilhelm, Special reports of bank examiners artichokes, 766685c dozen; tomatoes, converts«) the elusive raider of commerce In the show a nation-wide business revival. $5 crate; rabhage, 1 (008c pound; cel South Atlantic, slippe