The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 11, 1915, Image 9

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l » * v * llountiiti. Prop.
Il II ThornriMi. M irr
Thuroughly m odern. lui
o f #•< » » . M-el .
e r a t « I'rh «•*. 'M immi m in ili«»*' walk frorn Union
l>n»ot. W i l l « fo r rate*. 72 N S*É V K9TUN 0 uR
T «a rli«M th a T r a « !« H W welt a. Kcalp,
Pa**» Ma«¿taira m Hpec laity. T o o l* Praa.
P a a lilo n « (Ju arantew l.
V A X w h lla L K A H N I N O .
IW Madison Hi.,
Portland, Oregon.
fu lfill*
»*wl liava jrour f i c u i h a«Mininw|.
I uaa lh a va ry U t. i l * m laitlAAa
painlaaa m a lln -l«
l>ll A W K E K N K .
XH'fr W aaM w alori HI . Fuctlaml
1 ,1
R U B B E R 8 T A M P 8 * t-Ud HUJIIC«.
H u b iw Miami» fur Fruii ■!<»«..
Ml nolle«. Write.
M u li on .hurt*
•ICONO a m a i m a , n a t u m ,
'O O R T O C A S
$ « >
f f or rrrinln
E a c h " P a p « '« O la p a p s ln " D lg e a U 3000
g r a in « food, « n d in g a ll « to m a c h
m l« « ry In flv a m inute«.
Tim » It
In flvo minute« all «torn-
ach dlatrt-«« will go. No Indignation,
heartburn, «ourne«« or belching of ga«,
aeld. or «nictations of undlgeated food,
no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or
I'upn'a I »Inpepsin |« noted for It«
■ peed In regulating up«et «tomach«.
It 1« the «ureNt. quick«»! «tomach rum
•dy In the whole worbl ami beildea It
1« hartnle«*. Put an end to «tomat h
trouble forever by getting a largo
fifty-rent ca«e of I’ape'« Dlapcpitn
from any drug «tore. You realize In
five minute« how needle«« It 1« to «o f­
fer from Indigent Ion. dyspepsia or any
«tomach disorder. It'« the gulckeat,
surest and moat harmleaa atomach
doctor in the world
i v r n t l u R l . 1 * >k ' ' f l o w l o O ír la I o
[ a Palimi" •• i ‘ M imi i-» i f • % • i » « ■ •
I«•■••i !’■ •
> ' 'I i .... >• akiTii-h fo r tnm
f !• i - " t U« t » |MiUuiUl*IUt|r. PaU u i« ad>
n-rtiM« <| fur an I n at our c i i w i i m lu klau«
U fart h ra r«' Journal«.
CHANDLEE A C H A N Q U E , F at 4M A l l , '.
’ «*■ »»• «
10341. H. Wsste.«tsg. 0. C.
To Remove Paint.
Equal parts of ammonia and turpen­
tine will take paint out of clothing, no
matter how hard or dry It 1«. Satur­
ate «pot« two or three time«, then
wa«h In warm «o«p«uda.
rree Simulates Color That Comes
and Goes on Cheek.
To the Uninitiated, One of the Won­
der, of the Florida Swamp« 1« th«
Plant That Constantly
Change« It« Hue«.
fur mi im lAftotAKnv. artfinrv. O k
M uiiwonm i a c u a i i a aiauga wHBia w. a. so* uctaan
Staei v a Iron.
For « 0 1 1 10 |iurpo«« Iron 1« to txi
pr«f«>rr»'l to «tM l ami vie» verar.. To
easily i II m II iiich I n I i on« from the other,
mukn n brlxiit «pot on the metal with
t Rio or anml paper and apply a «Intel»
drop of nitric acid
Allow It to re-
multi for on« or two mlnutea and waah
or wipe off
If the apol haa a pala
aahy appeuranee It la wrought Iron;
If It la a tirownlah black. It la aleel;
If a deep black. It la ruat Iron
t o lly P repared.
"How la (hla. Herr Zwetacke? You
"Why not rank it with organized la
have Kot your room full of oleandcra bor?"— I lull i more American.
and other tropical plant«, and a tele­
phone. I aoe" "You aee I have bocn
PlpefUh Haa •‘Pocket."
asked to rumpn«« a poem on aprlng.
Tho plpeflsh, a« It Is called, from
that la why I have had a telephone the length of Its jaws, ha« a pocket on
luld on the public purk to enable me to the under aide of Its body neurly half
IIAlois to the alnicliiK of the bird»."— Its length
It Is found In the tnalo
Her Floh
species only, and Is the only part of
Ita body which Is unprotected by largo
Pinetit In Comradeship.
Rat plates, which take the place of
Half the difficulty of M k IUI uk any an- scales In Its protective armor. In this
Vera battle or accompIlahliiK any bard pocket the young fl»h are carried very
talk vanlahea when a man fe d « that similar to the way the kangaroo car­
he haa comrade« at hla aide fixating In ries Its young.
the aatne cauae. ao that the eyea of
thoae he love« are upon him, ami their
Damaged Goods.
hcarta praying for hla victory.—C. J.
Kate— So Alice broke her engag-
ment with Jock because tho doctor
»aid he had a tobacco heart.
Marie— Yes. and 1 don't blame her.
Dr. F’ierce’a Pleaaant Pelleta flrat
put up 40 year« ago.
They regulate What girl want« a husband that's dam­
ami invigorate atomach, liver ami bow­ aged by smoke?— lioaton Transcript.
el«. Sugar coated tiny granule«.
Above Them All.
Homan— "One of the waiter« at thla
place wna formerly a duko, one of tho
chefa waa a count and the bellhop
wna a prince." Ityontoo— "I auppoae
the manager waa formerly a king or
Iloman—"N o; he waa a
milk w agon d r iv e r ." — New York Hun.
A Slight Differnce.
Flrat Father -"W h at? Your «on la
An undertaker? Why, I thought you
paid ho waa a doctor." Second Pater­
nal Kelntlve— "N o; I anld that he fol­
lowed the medical profeaalon."— l i a r
vard Lampoon
Early Slave-Holding State.
Maryland waa an early aluve-hold-
Ing colony, for In 1642 Governor Cal­
vert bargained with a certain sblp-
muxter for the delivery of 13 African
Most Skin Trouble
Readily Overcome
The Active Principle of a
Famous Remedy Works
Many people have marveled th» way
ft. 8. it. overcome, akin trouble*. Th« et
planatlon I, the fact that 8. H. 8. work,
In the I i I in . i I and the blood I, really a moat
Intricate and extraordinary mass of arterlr,
and vrlna.
When yon come to reallzo that tha aktn
and tho lle»h beneath are compoaed of a
nc'work of tiny blood vessels you aolva the
There are wonderful medicinal proper»le.
In H. 8. S that follow the course of the
blood atreama Juat aa naturally aa the moat
notirlihlng food element,.
It la realty a remarkable remedy.
eontatn, one Ingredient, the active purpoec
at which la to atlmulate the ttaauc, to the
healthy aelecilnn of Ita own eaaenilal nutri­
ment. And the medicinal dementi of thla
m a tc h lc blood purlfler nee Juat aa e,een-
tlnl to well balanced health aa tho nutrt-
tlona element, of the meat,, grains, fata
and sugars of our dally food.
Not one drop of mineral, or drug, !.1 used
In II* preparation.
Ask for 8. 8. 8. and
|u,t Inils’t upon having It. And If you do-
•Ire skillful advice and counsel upon any
matter concerning the blood and skin, write
to the Medical Ix-partment, The 8wlft
Specific Co., ft”!* Hwlft ltldg., Atlnnla. (Ja.
I» o not allow Home aealoM clerk's elo-
auence over something “Juat aa gomt" as
A. 8. 8. to fool you with the same old
mineral drug*
In-waru of all aubatltutca
Insist upon 8. 8. 3.
!-------------- -- ------------------------------------
W H I N writing to advertiser*. «I m m
: t o p c o u g h in g
Mr. Andor Kiss, No. 314
Clinton Place, Kansas City,
Mo., writes:
"I c a n n o t
thank you enough for being cured.
For seven long years 1 doctored
Steadily for my catarrh and cough,
which cost me hundred» of dol­
lars. But my catarrh grew worse
all the time. Even though 1 was
under tho trvntment of some of
the most famous doctor«. I still
had a terrible cough and thought
sometimes that l would choke.
I could get no air.
I then
bought a bottle of Peruna. and
that evening and all night my
wife gave It to me according
to the direction», and I felt bet­
ter the following day already.
Three day« later I felt much Im­
proved, find today, after the use
of the fourth bottle, I feel en­
tirely cured. I can conscien­
tiously recommend thte grand
medicine to every citizen."
A Good Cough Teblet.
There are people who object
to taking fluid medicine». For
such people the Peruna Tablets
are especially valuable. They
are convenient to carry tn the
Taking No Chances.
At a Scotch watering place one sum­
mer, Macpherson was found stretched
In a contented mood on tho sands,
puffing his old pipe. "Come on, Mac,"
said hla companion, who had Just come
from town, "let's go for a sail." "Na,
na," replied Macpherson. slowly shak­
ing his head, "1 hae had a ^utd din­
ner at the cost 'o three and saxpence,
an' I'm Inkin' no risks.'
s,ns to y°u
<>n the Victrola
T h e nightingale has been famed far and wide
for hi« beautiful singing, but few people have ever
heard this lovliest of warblers-
N o w everybody can enjoy it, for after years of patient
effort the Victor has succeeded in making a number of actual
bird records.
T h ere are not only individual records of the song» of the
nightingale, thrush and sprosser, but even a duet by a canary
and thrush^
Send for our catalogues; they are free. You’ll find them In­
Victrola. 6LS te $250.
Victor. $10 w $100.
convenience <
j-K Ig r
powdrr u> b» »haken inte th» ah«*», für ten y»nr»,
and raeotnmerid it te Oil my puptU." It c u m and
prevente »or« fe»t. Hold by »II I»rug »nd Depart­
ment Stere*. ZV. Sample FKI.K. Addre»». Alten
8. OlDutcd. U Hoy. N. Y,
Many n nice, and otherwise nltruc,
live, girl 1« a «octal failure because of
her poor complexion. If you. too, are
omhurraKned by a pimply, blotchy, uu
sightly akin, re«lnol will probably
clear It. Just try re«lnol aosp and
rcMinol ointment regularly for a week
an<l »<•<• If they do not make a blessed
difference In your «kin
Hold by all
Prescribed by doctor« for
20 year« for moat «kin trouble». Adv.
Its Casa.
"How would you classify this sys
tcinstlxed church choir work?"
Look at the tongue, mother!
mated, your little one’s stomach, liver
and bowel» need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or Is fever­
ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold,
give a teaspoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all
the fou\ constipated waste, undigest­
ed foo<l and sour bile gently moves
out of Its little bowels without grip­
ing, and you have a well, playful child
again. Ask your druggist for a 60-
cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs,” which contains full directions
for babies, children of all ages and
for grown-ups.
ln*tru»-tnr tn New York City, wrrtte*: | 1
G rt v » and
«und A L L E N '8 KOOT KA.SK. Ih« anti^-ptic ¡
HI« Preference.
The woman— I’d rather live on bread
and water than on charity;
Tho tramp— Ye», mum; there'« no
accountin' for tattle. — Philadelphia
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little »tomach, liver
and bowels.
Tho blush of a pretty maiden ha« oft
been extolled In song and story. Hut
do you know that among the many
wonders of the vu«t Florida swamp«
there 1« a tree, known aa the blushing
tree, whose mysterious and beautiful
glow or color during a rainstorm 1«
far prettier than that of the prettiest The submarine a sportsman Is,
As the sporting instinct goes.
It stalks Its game most cunningly
When the cool rain drenches the
And loves to shoot torpe does.
blushing tree a change of color 1«
noted. Gradually, yet unmistakably,
the green hue give« way to pink. In a
K . Ftetcher Haltemore. th» l*a<lin« Dancing Ex- I
no mot a necessary
th a n S m a l l p o x , Army
•U w rU m « h a dcmouitittcd
th* almoAt mlisculoui rffl-
Cary. an t harnilrttruuw, of Airilt yihoUJ Vaccination.
he Vacclaatad NO W try jrt*ir physician, yuu and
four family. It U ttMrra vital than tuaiaa liauranca.
Aak yuuf phyali Ian, druggist, or send fur * Hava
F»ru had Typhokl/" »rilin g o f T y p h o i d Vacrioa,
ttSUlti from uaa, and tianger fmw» Typhoid Cuulru.
P. N . U.
The Source of the Golden Egge.
"le it true that the appendix Is ab­
solutely useless?" asked the medical
“Useless?" thundered the professor,
"why, sir, it's a veritable gold mine for
surgeons!”— Philadelphia Ledger.
Y O U ! O W N D Z L G O I S r W IL L T E L L Y O U
Try If uNuc Eyr Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Eye# and firanulated Eyelid*; No Huiarlme—
UMt,Kye Comfort. Write for Book of -he Eye
iy in oi-free. Murine Kye Remedy Co.,Chicago.
few minute« the green fades from
sight. Only In a few half-hidden spots
beneath the lower branches and on It«
trunk 1« there a tinge of green to be
After an hour or more, when the
shower passes over, the wonderful
tree assumes Its familiar green once
Aa It ! b changing back to
emerald the spectator suddenly real­
izes the secret of the phenomenon.
Can you guess what It Is. No? Well,
we'll tell you. Certainly, tiny Insects,
and not the tree Itself, change. These
peculiar parasites are possessed of the
power of chameleons.
A New Profession.
In time one may become familiar
with this sort of business card:
"Society Knitting Sought— All the
latest fancy stitches Imparted In six
easy lessons. The New Needle Nip,
the Double Drop and the Pavlowa
I*»ck Htltch, Illustrated by diagrams.
Half-knitted hose constantly in stock.
Work started for beginners. Full sup­
plies of gold and silver needles, tambs-
wool yarn and rainbow worsteds—
scented and unscented. Write for our
handbook, 'Knitting as a Society Art.'
Every applicant Is given a. copy of the
'Knltknlt Gavotte.’ Start a class now.
Address Mme. Click-Click, the Hum­
mer apartments."— Cleveland Plain
Auto Races on Tracks of Salt
How would those of you who own
an automobile and are fond of speed­
ing like to travel over a roadway
made of natural salt beds, 65 miles
In length and eight miles In width,
furnishing a smooth, unbroken sur­
face, level as a table, and from two to
twenty feet In depth?
Great! you
Well, there Is such a road at
Saldure, Utah, and K is considered
the most novel automobile racing
track in the world. The salt Is crys­
tallized, 9S per cent pure, and white
as snow.
New Chinese Government Journal.
The Chinese ministry of agriculture
and commerce has decided to Issue a
magazine, which will be written In
conversational style, and the editorial
staff will be composed of technical ex­
perts and specialists of the ministry.
The principal object of the paper Is
to arouso the people from their slum­
ber and encourage them to proceed
with their commercial business and
other enterprises.
Wonder if There Wae a Chauffeur?
Six centuries ago the Chinese used
a vehicle that carried passengers and
dropped a pebble in a receptacle to
measure every mile that was trav-
Neutrality Note.
When mother-in-law gets mad at
wife and demands her passports so she
?an leave, husband is a fool If he
neutral. — Florida
Times Union.
V IT A L . F O R C E '
Poor Father.
“Mother, where are Helicon and Par­
“Ask your father, Johnnie. He keeps
up with the war news.”— Life.
“If I were a farmer boy, or a boy with-
out capital, and wanted an early compe
tency, I’d »tart right out growing Pota­
to«»." Mid Henry Schroeder, the Potato
king of the Red River Valley, «h ow story
in tne John A. Salzer Seed Co.’» Catalogue
reed» stranger than a romance.
That advice of Mr. Schrocder’», the «elf-
made Potato king, come» from a warm
heart, a level bead, an active hand, and
xbovt- all, a successful Potato grower!
Proper View of Duties.
Great thoughts go best with coo*
mon duties. Whatever, therefore, mag
be your office regard it as a fragment
in an immeasurable ministry of lov%
— Westcott.
Disease germs are on every hand. They are in the very air
we breathe. A system “ run down” is a prey for them. One
must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends
on digestion—on whether or not food nourishes— on tho
quality of blood coursing through
note — Mr.
Groundhog will return from his winter
residence tomorrow. Perhaps he will
be shadowed.
Goìden Medical Discovery.
Strengthens the weak stomach. Gives good digestion. Enlivens the
Again full health and strength
sluggish liver. Feeds the starved nerves. Again
_ enables the heart to > pump
like an engine
return. A general upbuilding
established to full power.
running in oil. The vital force is once more
Year in and year out for over forty years this great health-restoring
remedy has been spreading throughout the entire w o rld -
ability to make the sick well ana the weak strong.
this vegetame
vegetable remedy i
“ being your old self again." Give tins
—N ow . Vou will soon feel "like new again.” Sol-Jin l-quidor
W riteD r.V. M.Pierce
Druggists or trial box for 50c by i
D r . P t e r w 'i x n a t 10081
d o t h - b s s s L sent fo r
The Honor * th» Boy Scout.
Tho most Important scout virtue Is
that of honor ’ndeed, that la the basis
of all scout virtues and Is closely al­
lied to that of self-respect When r.
scout promisee to do a thing on his
honor, he is bound to do it The honor
of a scout will not permit of anything
but the highest and the best and the
manliest. The honor of a scout Is a
sacred thing, and cannot be lightly set
aside or trampled on.— From the Boy
Scout Handbook.
Do You Know, Mr. Farmer,
Th Silent Hour.
there is more money in five acres of Pota­
One of the most valuable and ef­
toes year in and year out than in anything
you can grow on t our farm, and the grow- 1 fective methods of relaxation, recently
tng of Potatoes now, with present machin tried for both children and mother,
erv, etc., is easy. It’s regular Fourth of has been “the silent hour” Immedi­
July fun!
ately after luncheon. Each member
Salzer's Creation* in Peed Com put
Wisconsin on the Cora Map with its as­ of the family’s privilege of reading,
writing or sleeping is respected dur­
tonishing yields!
Headquarter* for Oats, Barley, Clovers. | ing this hour, In which children— after
a few days' trial— readily co-operate.
For 10c In Postage
We gladly mail our Catalog
end sample package of Ten Fa­
mous Farm Seeds, including
Ppeltz, “The Cereal Wonder;”
Rejuvenated White Bonanza
Oats, "The Prize Winner;” Bil­
lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte,
the Silo Filler, etc., etc.
Or 8end 12c
And we will mail you our
big Catalog and six generous
packages of Early Cabbage.
Carrot, Cucumber, I-ettuce,
Radish. Onion—furnishing lots
and lots of juicy delicious
Vegetables during the early
Spring and Summer.
Left Over.
"Robert." said hla mother, "what mis­
chief have you been up to now? I
can tell by the look In your eyes that
you have been naughty." “Oh,” re­
plied Robert, that's part of the look
left over from the last time I was
N orth w estern A gen ts fo r K O W - K U U L
Portla n d , O regon.
Important Accessory, Anyhow.
The automobile people to the e o »
trary notwithstanding, the best spark>
ing device continues to be a sofa, wttX
the lights turned low.— Judge.
Common Practice.
As soon as some young fellows get
what they think Is going to be a !
steady job they begin to estimate the
possible number of vacations they will
It Is odd that the man who speaha
get In a year.— Toledo Blade.
without thinking is the one most ap#
A Scientific Age.
"The phonograph has made It possi­
Or send to J oh n A . S a lz e r
Hindu Wisdom.
ble for a public man to be In one place Seed Co., B o x 720 L a
If your mirror be broken, says a
C r o s s e , W I s . , twenty cents
and deliver a speech at another place.”
and receive both alx>Te collec­
Hindu proverb, look into still water;
“I ain't thought of that. His speech tions and their big catalog.
but have a care that you do not fall in.
is reproduced on a record.”
"Yes. The other night a toastmaster
rose and said, ‘Gentlemen, we have
with us this evening the voice of our
eminent fellow citizen. Senator Jones-
by, who is himself unable to be pres-
Lesson From the Lily.
How easily we lose po I bc . swept by enL' ”
MEN S * 2 . 5 0 * 3 * 3 . 5 0 * 4 . 0 0 * 4 . 5 0 * 5 * 5 . 5 0 SHOES
the current of life!
Our root U not
S * 2 . 0 0 * 2 . 5 0 * 3 . 0 0 * 3 . 5 0 & * 4 . 0 0 SHOES
deep enough. Consider tho Illy rest­
ing on the face of the waters. Its roots
Hongkong Is a small Island con­
BOYS * 1. 7 5 * 2 * 2 . 5 0 * 3 . 0 0 MISSES * 2 . 0 0 & * 2 . 5 0
far belowr. How serene It rides the taining 27 square miles, lying to the
ripples, and how confidently it has northeast of the estuary of the Pearl
sought the light, that Its life may ex­ river and 90 miles from Canton. The
pand therein above the turbulence of new territory, the Kowloon extension,
W . I». D ontrlax s h o e * a r e m a d e o f t h « beat < loin e*tic an<l Im p o r t e d
the waves!— Trinities and Banctlties. contains 376 square miles. The popu­
le a t h e r * , o n t n e Intent m o d e l* « c a r e f u lly co n stru c te d b y t h e m oat
e x p e r t lnnt nnd p a t te r n m n ken t In t h l* c o u n tr y . N o o t h e r m a k e
lation of Hongkong and the new ter­
o f e q u a l p r ic e * , ca n c o m p e te w it h W . L l> o u g la * * lio e * f o r * t y le
w o r k m a n s h ip a n ti q u a lity . A s c o m fo r t a b le , easy w a lk in g
ritory approximates 500,000, and the
• h o e * t h e y » r o u n su rpa ssed.
IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE European population does not exceed
T h e 8.1.00,813.50 nn d * 4 .0 0 s h o e * w i l l g i v e a * g o o d s e r v ic e
a * o t h e r m a k e s c o s tin g 84 .0 0 to 95.00. T n e 94.5 0,9 5.00 an d
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, 14,000, of whom 3,000 are soldiers.
W o L
to say what h» think«
Sometimes It's an opportunity that
knocks. Oftener It's only a man.
W E A R IN G W . L. D O U G L A S S H O E S
Sluggish Liver and Bowels— They
work while you sleep.
Furred Tongue, Bail Taste, Indiges­
tion. Hallow Skin nnd Miserable Head­
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to become filled with undi­
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage In a swill barrel. That's
the first step to untold misery— Indi­
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin, mental fears, everything that Is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret
tonight will give your constipated
bowels a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—-a 10-cent box
from your druggist will keep you feel­
ing good for months.
“Cost of Living” In China.
One dollar to get married, ten cents
to go to college, and fifty cents to
graduate are some of the Items In
the new regulation “governing the
affixing of stamps on certificates con­
cerning human afTnirs" which were re­
cently promulgated In China.
What It Takes to Kill a Man.
One mathematician has calculated
that during the first five months of
fighting In Europe it required the fir­
ing of 168 pounds of metal for every
soldier kilted. This Is less than was
required during the Civil war.
95.50 «lin e s c o m p a r e fa v o r a b ly w ith o t h e r m a k es c o s tin g
96.00 to 98.00. W h e r e v e r y o u li v e th e r e a re m a n y m en
anti w o m e n w e a r in g W J L »l> o u g la * sh oe*. C on su lt th e m
and th e y w i l l t e ll y o n t h a t W . 1». D o u g la s sh oes c a n n o t
!>© e x c e lle d f o r t h e p r ic e .
to -
C A U T IO N !
When buying W .L
shoes look lor his N A .
A N D P R IC E stamped
the bottom. Shoe* t
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iu ts pr Ices for In ferior_____
by having hi* N A M E A N D
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tom before they lcwve the
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shoes are sold
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d e a le r s
eve ry­
w h e re
I f y o n c o u ld v is it t h e W . T „ D o u g la s fa c t o r y a t
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