\ Kingston Kinks INDUSTRIAL NEWS visitors at the D. Townes home. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Elmer Ray is working for his brother Don this week. THE STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by In Th* County Court of The St*te of i£ . M . O l .M S T K D The farmers find various ways Oregon, For the County o f Marion. Grace Shank, Mamie Peters to take advantage of the nice In t h e matter o f the Estate of Eastern Oregon expects big «rain ami fruit crops. Entered as ri eond clas* matter at the and Steve Maynard were guests George W. Powell, and Margaret M. poetoffice at btayton. Marion, county, weather. Ashland hm mihstantial improvements under way. at the P. H. Lambert home Sun. Howell his wife, deceaaed: Oregon, under the m l f Congress o f Mrs, Baker Sr. o f Kingston March 3, 1879. Mrs. M. F. Ryan and three Notice is hereby given that the un­ Nibl«y-Mirinuugh sawmill, Wallowa, is running with full went to Albany Monday to visit (laughters, and Lewis Ray were d e rlin e d Executor of the estate of crew. George W. Powell, and Margaret M. h e r daughter Mrs. Richard SVBSCKIPTIOSS, fl . 30 per year Sunday visitors at the H. Shank Powell hia wife, deceased: by virtue of Coquillu river channel is to be dredged to uniform depth of Lyons. Address all communications to home. an order duly issued out o f the County 10 feet. THE STAYTON MAIL Rob Pepperling. wife a n d Court o f the State o f Oregon, for the P. H. Lambert, David Aeger- AHtoria orders three districts of streets hard-surfaced. County o f Marion, on the 23 day of daughter visited at the Curtis ter and J. H. Kloer were Mi l l ; February, 1915, will sed at private sale Cole home Snnday. Eugene is conducting u survey of home industries. City visitors Monday. at the office o f S. H. Heltzel, in the The Kingston Endeavors feel Town o f Stayton, Marion County, Ore­ A bridge is to be built over north fork of Siuslaw between Physician and Surgean Charley Peters sheared goats gon, on Saturday the 10th day o f April, very grateful to Miss Nora Crab­ Acme and Florence. for W. R. Ray Monday. 1915, at the hour o f 10 o ’clock in the tree for the report she kindly - OREGON Salem Three Justices of Supreme Court will build new forenoon or as soon thereafter as satis­ STAYTON. Miss Laux of Stay ton was a gave them of the C. E. conven­ factory sealed bids are obtained, for homes. tion, recently held at Eugene. guest at the H. Senz home Sun. cash, all the right, title, interest and St. Helens fruit and produce cannery is ready for operation. T h e practical a n d inspiring Joe Senz finished building his estate, whiG. the said George W. Pow­ Potato growers problems not solved by starting a starch thoughts she imparted are worthy telephone line last week and i s ell, and Margaret M. Powell his wife, had in and to the following dear ribed PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of acceptance. . now able to make use o f it. factory on paper. premises, to-wit: Mrs. Sarah Harold is on the G. H. Ray was a Stay ton vis­ The East one-haif of Block No. 9, in Good sign for Oregon dairy products increased in January. S t a y t o n , O regon Whitney’s addition to the town of sick list this week. itor Saturday. Ship building plants on the coast are rushed with orders for Stayton, County o f Marion, State of Several in the neighborhood new vessels. Oregon, Also a small parcel o f land have been the victims of La- beginning at the South East corner of Fox sawmill at Noti has resumed operations. Block No- 9, in Whitney’s addition to Grippe and colds. DENTIST the town o f Stayton, running thence Central Point has organized $100,000 meat packing company. Miss Ella Williams and Mrs. West 200 feet; thence South to the Office Over Stayton State Bank Thirty-six lawyers want new office of public defender creat­ Iona Dodson were Linn county Notire is hereby given that the Clerk North boundary line o f Salem Woolen Phone 2152 Stavtcn. Ore ed at Portland and other cities are to follow suit. visitors. o f Schix "r ;iil bkU- " Rlchantoo0- feet; thence North 30 feet; thence East NOTARY PUBLIC Clerk Dist. No. 3.18 Gottschalk & Frey erecting 30,000 capacity sawmill at Forest 20 feet to the place o f beginning. Abstracts and Probate Work a Specialty Preaching services at Kings­ Grove. Also a tract o f land beginning at a ton Sunday morning and evening point 80 rods 54 feet South o f North Office Over Deidrich’s Hardware Store. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION Slayton John Thomu is building a $1800 bungalow. by Frank L. Purnell of Eugene. West corner o f the South West J o f NOTICE Section 11, in T p9, South. Range One Albina public market, Portland, to be enlarged. Kingston folks and community West o f the Willamette Meridian; State architects office and salary of $4500 abolished and should rejoice, they have a shel­ thence East 53 rods; thence South ter shed for their horses, al­ State of Oregon, County o f Marion, 2 rods; thence East 21 rods; thence official put on fees. school District No. 77 ss. though it is minus a covering: South 27 rods more o r less t o a Contracts for expending $600,000 on Teal irrigation tracts in Notice is hereby given that at the point !8 feet North o f t h e J. M. RINGO— F. M. SHOOK north We think we know school district bond election hereby bank o f the Salem FTour Mills Compa­ Umatilla County have been let to Porter Bros. There will be yet, called to be held at The City Hall, in ny’s water ditch; thence meandering in STAYTON OREGON Grinding Silica at Terrabonne is a new industry. A covering across the Town o f Stayton in and for School a westerly direction 18 feet from the District No. 77, of Marion County,Ore- north bank o f said water ditch 80 rods The top o f it. Legislature evidently thought Oregon needs more roads and . , . , ,7“ . . . gon, Thursday the 1st day o f April, A.- ‘¿ i feet more or less to the place of be­ less scenic highways. A birthday dinner given Arme “ 19l5 b -t; e