The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 11, 1915, Image 6

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    In clearing away the debris o f the great fire which destroyed Hamilton’s stock a few weeks ago, the fire
men uncovered about six great dray loads o f merchandise. This consisted chiefly o f Sweaters, Knit Un­
derwear, Hosiery, yards o f Wooolens, Silks, etc. It was practically undamaged- water soaked only ! Ev
erything has been perfectly dried and will give as good service as ever ! Everything goes on sale at tre
mendous savings !
This is the greatest sale you’ve ever shared in ! Thousands o f people have come from miles around to
take advantage o f it. W e ’re prepared to handle bigger crowds than ever for Friday and Saturday— Be
here when the doors open !
f s Suits
reweiing and Domestics
Woolens and Silks
Curtain Goods
You will save big money by going to Hamilton’s
Sale held next St Francis Hotel
Store closed Thur. Mar. 11
Come Friday and Saturday
Lyons and Fox
Fox of Portland c^me
KrHv 'i mailea nurrieqtr;n
; and last week.
T.vons high school has .
croquet set. clock
everal pictures.
Krandpa Johnston is not ex­
pected to live.
The remains of Mrs. Murry
were laid to re3t Friday in the
Fox Valley cemetery.
The Kimball Sisters left Mon­
day for an eight month tour with
Karnes’ Circus.
•»SiiBq.izft s*ipu« o| p qiti.i .«
opno.v oifpnl p.oui .1
„ » a * p HIM | » I! ll |
nuajuns q.inu; j.najan .tj.iqj mo
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I„ ‘i|.» 0 |8 ssau)|.M aqj pin« .'||.>.<\.
..¿joq Bs)fl Ol no.i j.»xins aq*
pip iqpooH J .iq a p t t q l i o . f IM | «
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aqj jo SrquoA« »q i 110 .. i'pijai« |as
nnoo aqj pitta ,,'asBa|d 'am paj .«o \ „
uotiBnioinw vsoja
japan sb . vv ttiKpnajap .qjsnj aq, pus
asBO »sptiojd jo qanajq n } b kii . u j|
-6uij«jjn9 on
Albany, Oregoi
National Flags.
L iv e ly D w a r f«.
The American flag In its present
During the aeventeeutb century the
form was adopted tn the year 1777 and Empress o f Austria gathered together
the only changes made In ft since that
11 Vienna all the giunts and dw arfs
time have been the addition <»t new
■ he found in the kingdom
stars for the new states as they '-sine
• e housed In one building and there
Into the Colon
Our Itrlnsii cousins some apprehension that the dw arfs
often refer in affectionate terms to
their ensign as the flag that nas ci; lit lie terrified at the sight o f the
"braved a thousand years, the bottle giants. Instead o f this, however, the
and the breeze " Hut they forget that dwarfs teased the giants— just aa Jack
the Colon Jack In its present form and Hop 'o My Thumb tease In the
children's story hooka today—UDtll the
dates only rrom 1 HOI
nii-ucrs begged for protection from
The l-'r.-n'-h tricolor was ulopicd tn
I7!H. the Spanish Hag as now display­ their lively little companions.
ed in 1 7 s.". while the Herman and Ital­
Many Sultan*.
ian f l a g s are no older than the empire
We shall, no doubt, go on speaking
and the Kingdom respeeflvely
of the head or the Ottoman empire as
ington Star.
•the sultan." Just as though there were
The Origin of John Bull.
only one
We have always said *‘tho
In March. 1712. there was published
sultan." ignoring Morocco, Zanzibar
in London a satirical brochure dealing
and various minor potentates In Arabia
with the events o f the previous year
and the Persian gulf who call them-
and bringing prominently Into light
M'hes sultaus. The title Is understood
the doings o f Spam. Igmls X IV .. Hoi
land and Knglnnd. the last named 10 carry u wider territorial significance
It Is much like “ em-
country being represented by "John than '•emir."
But It
Bull." The original o f the character peror" In relation to “ king.”
was .I 0 I 111 Bollnghroke. minister of may he noted that the Turkish em-
ijueen Anne, who lu the tirst edition IM'ior's own subjects do not call him
Hie sultan, hut the padlshah (fath er o f
was s ilk e n of as “ Lord KulUligbrnok
Our forefathers used to
Sid "John Bulllngtirook alternately, moiiarchsi
the title of the brochure subsequently speak of him as the grand seignior.—
becoming abbreviated to plain "Jolin Ixmdou Opinion.
It was the production of a
Scotch writer. Dr John ArbutbnoL
and not Sw IfL as some have stated.—
I.ondon Standard.
W hy Sh« Wept.
Among the Mninotes. ileseendants of
the Spartans, thieving 1s considered a
very honorable employment An Kng
llsh traveler, being entertained at the
house o f one o f the mountaineers, took
some silver articles from a packing
case be had with him to eat his dinner
with. At the sight o f such costliness
an old woman began to cry. The Kng
llshman having asked what affected
her so much, she replied:
"Alas, my good sir, 1 weep because
my son Is not here to rob you o f those
beautiful things!”
l*uss In Boots" came to us
from Italy
"Jsck and th- Beanstalk"
Is Herman
"Ja. k the Giant K ille r"
orlKlnnt«*(j from the* old Xorwi^lnn
... ..
while “ Aladdin nnd “ SlndUid
s ^
enme from the
Araldan M «h t*.
T h e Babes In the Wood." however. Is
a purely Kiigltsh story, being. In fnrt.
a |>opulnr perversion of the murder o f
the young princes In the Tower. "L it-
tie Red Biding Hood." too. I* English,
though Its exset origin 1» uncertain.—
Loudon A n s « era.
Sale held next to St. Francis Hotel
Store closed Thurs. Mar. 11
Come Friday and Saturday
Th« Fir«t Postage Stamp.
The black penny postage stamp 01
1840. the first stump ever Issued, was
distinctly unpopular and gave place to
a red one after a year’« ixls'ctn e.
Great Itrltnin was the 11 rat country in
the world to use postage stam|is, and
the English schoolboy of the lierlod
seems to have regarded them ns a mil
sance rather than a national Iteneflt.
“ H ave yon tried the stainim vet?'
wrote one o f them to Ills sister lu the
year 1810 " I think they are very ah
surd and troublesome. I don't fancy
making my mouth a glue |>nt. although
to lie sure, you have the antlsfactlon
i f kissing the Itark of her gracious
majesty the ipieen." I.ondon Tit Hits
T h e Art of F l y T y i n g .
A scrap of rpil thuiuel ' ill frmu iii»*
ever useful shirt of the real ivi«»l-
nia ii . fil'd with tltrend lo ilii' k I iii nk
of h bore hook mol i witched ihmuuli
the swirl o f n north country rivet llie
artificial t1> In Its «liiifilexl, lllo*t eom
prehcnslhl" form
Crude though Hie
device In. the liinii who prcpnlis ll Is
gaining tilt* llrsi experience in Ht<* nrt
of tly l.vlnu If lie ihth N ih mi l learns
to innke I be regular winged. Inn k c.l
11 till lulled u n llliilll. wltll \V Ii It'll II im
I m ink was Mtoi ki'il when Id* trip to
fnruway r i m begun ii new n ii-.uimi
will I h ' dlM'iaei'ed |o Will' ll lie Will of
ten turn with plc.iatsiv lu II- |.nn llee
A Huge Booh.
The Kab g y n i.o r rihetun Itili c. con
stsls of In.- volume- of I issi luigi—
each, containing I OKI «epurine lunik«
Knell of t h e v o lu m e s « c ig li» leu i h h i i h I s
and forms 11 package | « eld » «is In lit—
long, eiglii Unlit— nroml sud cigni
Inches deep
I’lils Bible reipilre* n
dozen yHks for Its «epporl. anil the
carved wooden liiis'k« I rum «lilc h .1
Is printed need row« of like
a city, for ilielr «im age
A nils» ol
Mongols paid I i s s i oxen Im a copy
o f Ibis Bible, lu iidiltilun lo lite Bible
there arc 'J2."> volume» of cnmiueilfil
rles, which are necessary for Its on
dcrstandlng. There Is also a large col­
lection of revelations, which supple
ment the Bible London Mali
Tne 0 / Aer Snoll.
Every one wil l lias h milled mi in ­
ter M ill'll mu-t lim e llnll'-ell ll"- <"ei r1-
nlve layer* overlapping em li other
Them- are lechlil ally iiaiinil »lints. and
eueli one mark* a y e a r- «row in «<>
that liy eonnllujt I hem the age " i the
oyster enn lie detennliii'd
Pp to »he
time of Itx louturlty Mini In. when four
years o f age the stmts are regular and
successive. hill after Unit Mine lliev
heroine Irregular and lire pllwl one
upon iniother mo Holt tile shell In- nine'
bulky ami thickened.
l ossll oy-tern
have been seen o f w liiili etn ll. shell
was nine Inehes thick whence they
may bo guessed to he more than 1KIO
.venro old.
For Father and Son
Tw o and a half million readers find it of
absorbing interest Everything In it I*
Written So You Can Understand It
------ l - 400.WO
« — »— - copies
— a- 7 every 111*
/1111| w
u iit /U l
premium« and have no «olicitor«. Any
newsdealer will show you « copy; or write the
publisher for free «ampie — a poetai will do.
P o p q la r
M e c h a n ic s M a g a z in e
_____ a Ho. Mlohlsan Aw. CHICACO
------------ «
How They Laugh.
Travelers hnve not lent how the
one; ^
maD w|,„
to mvn „ laughter of the dlfTrrent unHoim va
<(f t l | o r o U ) f l ) I l l e ,oau rtex. The Italian laugh I n languid, hill
muMlcal; the Germans mtlKh I" a de­
wllQ doo81)'t mltl(J
„ rMl I OMt. ..„ul
ll berate fashion, the French are Nprot
hiic I v nil ezpetiMp to run one;
llie mnn modic end uncurl a In the iipiier elm
C R t G O N a n d W A S H I 'I C
who woiildn t have time to enjoy on«; English Kunrded and not always genu
Ine, the lower etnas luigll«h explosive
t,,e man w " ° wo',l<,
« " • M" r,« h'-
'only I want to get my place paid for the Scottish of all classeH hearty and M a Ulreotory of «ach City, Town a.- 1
V illa * « , ( I v i n s d i'.c r lp 't v « » k . t - '. ' n f
first"—they are all buying cars so fast the Irish rollicking The Chinese inilith I t!»i,h 1)1*1«, location, population, M c -
| that the factories can t k«*ep up with
Cj graph, «h lp p ln * anil banktn* p » ln q
Before long there will not tie It Is usually n titter rntlrer than a P n lw t'l««*tfl.A n iro rto ry , comptl« j by
b u .ln * *■ 1. n il p rn r«« * lo n .
enough pedestrians left to furnish sport genuine outburst o f merrim ent Warn-
H. I.. i'DI.Iv A CO.. mtA’i •
for the drivers.-Tuck.
jf- Business Direct. :y