MILLIONS OF VISITORS TO COME TO THE W EST IN 1915 VAST PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION LODESTONE TO MULTITUDES TO “SEE AMERICA FIRST”-—MAGNIFICENT EXHIBIT PALACES ON SHORES OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY. HE almve innomma of lb* «rutilici» of the Pit munit Parlilo InteriiitiloiiAl KiixmtUon. taken •U montila before the o|>eolng day», la an anawer to the question, “ Will the war ratiKo n i»mtpourineiit of the l’an- ama I’tii lllr Inti rnatlotml Exposition?” It will not The photograph ahowa only a part of T the entire Eipoettlon area of rtlft aerea, hut It ahowa that the Exposition wna 00 tier rent completed the day the Eu- ro|iean ronlllct started The war will not even harm the Kipoaltlon. Any loaa In eibibtta la made up In the requesta for additional apace from Japan, the orient, Houtb America and nonwnrrlng nations of Europe. There baa been not a single withdrawal hy any nntlon because of the wnr. and as auranree hnre lieen received from two of the belligerent countries that Expo- alUon participation will proceed. I » » * In attendance from Europe will lx* off­ set by Increased attendance from the United «tales, Houth America, Central America, the orient, Australia. New III CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON RNY PUBLICATION PRINTED SEE US AND BE CONVINCED OUR CLUBBING RATES ARE ESPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE us up not till the soil, la eligible for mem­ bership In the organisation. The officials of the Union were unanimously re-elected for the coming year as follows: C. S. Barrett. Geor­ gia, president; A. V. Swift, vice pres­ ident, Oregon; A. C. Davis, secretary, Arkansas. crete and absolutely fireproof, will be ready before this story la published. No better criterion of ihe progress of the Exposition may be had than the record of the paid admissions. The average Is now more than 00,000 per­ sons a month at 25 cents. The total admission receipt from Kept. 8, 1813, to Aug. !*>. 1911. was *101.000. The largest single day when there has been no special event on the grounds was a recent Sunday, when 8,250 persona paid at the gates. The largest attendance for a special event on the grounds was 18.000 paid ad­ missions at the Ball of All Nations on May 2. The Exposition will open on Feb. 20 and close Dec. 4. 1915. social privileges Is sheer folly. There la a social nature to both old and T H E C U R R E N T O F L IF E . young, but the social requirements of the young are Imperative. The church It is not the unusual— tbe whirl» must provide directly or Indirectly some modern equivalent for the husk­ Government Aid Sought In Marketing and e d d ies of a river that tells its ing bee, the quilting bee and the sing­ Cotton— Work of Peter Radford course, but the uniform flow of ks ing schools of the old days. In one Commendetf. current. So a it with our lives. way or another the social instincts Fort Worth, Texas.— The eleventh of our young people must have oppor­ T h e re are periods of exaltation, annual meeting of the Farmers’ Edu­ tunity for expression, which may there are countercurrents of temp, cational and Cooperative Union of take the form of clubs, parties, pic­ America came to a close In this city Fort Worth, Texas.---President Chaa. tation. of defeat and on, but k is nics or other forma of amusement today. More than two thousand dele­ 8. Barrett of the Farmers' Educational the steady flow of the common One thing is certain, and that is that gates were present, representing the and Co-operative Union of America the church cannot take away the days that reveals out course to various state organisations and cov­ has announced the reappointment cf dance, the card party and the theater others, that shows what w e are and ering an area from coast to coast and Peter Radford as lecturer of the Na­ unless It can offer in its place a sat­ from the great lakes to the gulf. tional Union during the coming year. isfying substitute In the form of more whittles our lives are tending. President Chas. 8. Barrett, presid­ Extensive plans have been outlined pleasing recreation. ed over the sessions and introduced for publicity work throughout the na­ Hs Was Not Guilty. the various speakers. The keynote tion to be carried on through Mr. Rad­ Universal Instinct for Play. of the convention was the action of ford's department. This publicity In Muncie not long ago a colored In providing for enjoyment the the convention in asking government­ work will be modeled on the lines of man was arrested on the charge of al aid In financing the cotton crop of the educational work done In Texas church uses one of the greatest meth­ having stolen a set o f carpenter's tools ods by which human society has de­ the South. on the subject of farm problems. veloped. Association is never secure He was asked to enter bis plea to tbe "The greatest crisis in years, until it is pleasurable; In play the In­ chnrge and also was questioned as to brought on by the European war, stinctive aversion of one person for whether he was guilty. faces the United States," said Presi­ Kaki be. " I got a attorney, and I got another is overcome and the social dent HBrrett In hts opening address. mood is fostered. Play is the chief tbe tools; but. judge. I ain’t guilty."— "There is only one thing to do and educational agency in rural commun­ Indianapolis News. that is for the United States govern­ ities and in the play-dAy of human ment to buy three or four million Brutality at the Bar. childhood social sympathy and social bales of cotton at not less than ten Cross examination by lawyers la habits are evolved. As individuals cents a pound from the farmers of come together in social gatherings, mneb less severe today than It used to the South to be held until a higher their viewpoint is broadened, their be. Sergeant Balluntine once cross ex­ price may be obtained and, when sold, Ideals are lifted and finally they con­ amined the defendant In a civil action the profit, minus the expe- of hand­ A Broader Sphere for Religion— New stitute a cultured and refined society. in England so fiercely that after a ling to be remitted to .¿u fanners." Field for the Rural Church. The convention ».out on record as It is plain, therefore, that the quarter uf an hour o f the ordeal she favoring the Henry bill introduced church which aims at a perfect so­ fell dowD fiat In tbe witness box and before Congress recently, which ciety must use in a refined and ex­ could not be further questioned. Chief By Peter Radford. favors the buying of cotton by the alted way the essential factors in Justice Erie, summing up, described government as a relief of the pres­ social evolution and must avail itself Ballantine’s cross examination aa "an Lecturer National Karmen’ Union. ent situation. This bill was drafted of the universal instinct for play. exhibition of brute force which 1 have The social duty of the rural church If the church surrounds itself with with the co-operation of President never seen before In a court of Justice Barrett, who believes that it fully is as much a part of Its obligations social functions which appeal to tha and hope uever to see again." as its spiritual side. In expressing Its young among its membership, it will covers the situation. Provision was made for the raising social interest, the modern rural fill a large part of the lamentable She Knew, All Right. of a fund of *200,000 for the purpose church does not hesitate to claim that gap In rural pleasures and will reap “ Madam." half a dozen men hastened of maintaining a committee to devise it is expressing a true religious in­ the richest reward by promoting a to assure her, “ this la the smoking plans for relieving the depressing stinct and the old-time Idea that the higher and better type of manhood car." results of the European war. This social i net i nets should be starved and womanhood. “ I know it," »he »aid, calming seat­ committee will include a member while the spiritual nature was over­ Economy and Saving. ing herself, "bat I am sure tbe men from every organised state, together fed with solid theological food, Is fast A sort of paradox is the fact that with the national officials and the na­ giving way to a broader interpreta­ thousand» of people wbo make no ef­ In here are more polite than they are tion of the functions of true religion. In tbe car ahead. I couldn't get a seat tional executive committee. The com­ fort to save a dollar wbeu times are mittee will be In charge of Peter R ‘ We take our place in the succession highly pro»i>erous will develop and at all In there. 1 don’t mind tbe ci­ ford of Texas, who was appointed of those who have sought to make the j,i economy when work and op- gars. either. They're better than my chairman, and before the adjournment world a fit habitation for the children portuuity are less plentiful. The best husband smokes.” of the session more than $10,000 of of man when we seek to study and way. of course. Is to try and save at No further objection was offered, anil the fund bfd already been pledged. understand the social duty of the least a little all the time, putting by a the lady kept her seat—Chicago TriU rural church. The true Christian re­ A resolution was passed condemn­ larger amount when earnings are at ing the present war and recommend­ ligion is essentially social— its tenets their height. As a nation we are not one. Ksmtencs. of faith being love and ubotherhood ing the establishment of an interna­ taught that economy, which makes “ I suppose you’re sorry now?*' asked tional parliament and an International and fellowship. While following after France the banker of tbe world and the prison visitor, nccording to the court, looking to universal peace and righteousness, the church must chal­ whose accumulations come not from good will between the nations of the lenge aud seek to reform that social vast exixnts of natural resources, but Philadelphia Ledger. order in which moral life is ex­ world. The young man who had stolen *17.- from tlie combined small savings, con­ pressed. While cherishing Ideals of Child Labor Condemned. sistently continued year after year, by 000 and spent It in sixteen weeks sigh­ A resolution was passed endorsing service, the rural church which at­ the French people as a wuole. ed through the bare. "Ob. yes!" he the bill providing for the elimination tains the fullest measure of success The French save partly because It answered. “ I tried to cut too much of of products from interstate commerce is that w hich enriches .as many lives has become heredltnry and chiefly be­ a splurge. The money ought to have which are manufactured in factories as it can touch, and In no way can cause ihe children are brought up that lasted me a week longer." employing children less than fourteen the church come In close contact with way ami are taught the dignity o f ac- years of age or those employing chil­ Its members as through the avenue cumulntiou. We, on the contrary. In Suspicion. dren under sixteen years of age more of social functions. a spirit of false pride, are Inclined to ’Th ey've elected me a responsible of The couutry town and the rural scorn ihe necessity of saving, as than eight hours. fleer of our association.” sakl the busy A marketing plan introduced by community need a social center. The though it v.ere something of which to man. church need offer no apology for its Harry Tracy of Texas In which a be ashamed. If our present expe­ “That shows you are popular." com practical system of marketing farm ambition to fill this need in the com­ riences shall tench us thrift it will mented his wife. products was outlined was heartily munity, If an understanding of its tie a strengthening of a great national “ Maybe not They are planning to mission brings this purpose into clear weakness. - H. H Windsor In Popular endorsed by resolution. raise the dues. Maybe they were look­ consciousness. The structure of a Mechanics Magazine. Union Officials Endorsed. ing for some one wbo was already so Referring to the work of the offi­ rural community is exceedingly com­ unpopular that be won’t mind tbe crit­ plex; It contains many social groups, cers of the Farmers' Union, Mr. Bar­ Old Tims Motor Omnibus. icism.” —Washington Star. rett paid a high tribute to the manner each of which has its own center, but The ty|Mi of motor omnibus first need In which they have co-operated with there are many localities which have lu Paris was a steam driven vehicle, Oulda and ths Duchesses. him. "They have stood steadfastly but one church aud although such a Lord Rath more told a friend how he made in ISOL before rhe days of the by me in every call to duty," said church cannot command the interest gnsollue autobus. A boiler and a small once took Oulda In to dluner and how Mr. Barrett, "and In every endeavor of all the people, it Is relieved from engine of the four cylinder type, disappointed he was to fiud that tbe for the general good. They are true, the embarrassment of religiously di­ novelist devoted herself to the dishes mounted ou the front of tbe platform, faithrul and conscientious men. 1 vided communities. 'rather than to Intellectual refreshment were used to drive the rear wheels by want to pay especial tribute to one H e said at last In despair at having rbains, and tbe wheels were bound Social Needs Imperative. Individual, Peter Radford. If 1 should only been able to get “ Yes” and ” No" with ordinary metal tires. The bus. be asked to name one man in the The average country boy and girl which carried ouly six passengers In­ In answer to the different subjects be Union who has done more to lighten Introduced: “ I’m afraid I'm singularly have very little opportunity for real side and three on the top sent, made my own load, who stood ready day enjoyment, and have, as a rule, a unfortunate In my choice of topics. Is quite n scnsatlou when operated tn there anything we could talk about to or night for service, who doesn't vague conception of the meaning of the suburbs of the city.—Detroit Free even wait for the distress signal, then Interest you?” pleasure and recreation. It Is to fill Press. To which the chronicler o f society’s I'd have to say Peter Radford. Men this void in the livea of country youth shortcomings replied: "There Is one like Peter Radford keep one’s faith that the rural church has risen to Qualifications. thing which woold Interest me very sound, his courage high and renew the necessity of providing entertain­ Caller—Pardon me. air. but la there much. Tell me about the duchesses, t belief In humanity.” ment as welt as Instruction to Its another artist In this building? Artist have written about them all my life Union Growing Rapidly. membership among the young. The President Rarrett stated that the : children and young people of the -T h ere I* not. There Is, however, a and never met one y e t " Union was fast growing In numbers church should meet when religion Is man ou the fourth floor who paints.— and in strength. Twenty-seven stales not even mentioned. It has been Philadelphia Ledger. All Around Him. In the Union are included in its mem­ found safest for them to meet fre­ " I’m looking for spats." Domestic Harmony. bership and the total number of mem­ "You ought to have my Job for quently under the direction and care Louise—Does noward get along hap­ bers aggregate more than eight mil­ of the church. To send them Into the pily with ids wife? Julla-Yes Some awhile.” commented tbe weary floor­ lion. It Is the boast of the Union that world with no social training exposes of his opinions coincide with here and walker — Louisvllle Courier-Journal. •11 Its members are men who are ac­ them to grave perils and to try to the others he keeps silent about—Life. tual farmers and that fto one who doea | keep them out of the world, with no HOLOJHON The Stayton Mail Zealand and the noncomtaitanta In Eu- iope who want to escape war's horror. In the accompanying photograph, taken from a hilltop US) yards away, an Impression of the site of the ex­ hibit palaces of the “ Walled City" la given. Of the eleven exhibit palaces ten ate completes], and the Pnlace of Elnc Art», which Is of steel and con­ RADFORD REAPPOINTED THE CHURCH IS A SOCIAL CENTER