The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 11, 1915, Image 4

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*»»». »,»•*'** »•*, . :y v
SherifT s Sale of Real Property
y o u l l r iN o it i « f 1
¿1 H U L K FO U T H t L
J r c a l
You R un Y our B u sin e ss
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Notice in hereby given, That by vir­ •Oregon for the County ot Mation. De­
tue of on execution duly ¡»sued out of partment No. 2. G. W. Murphy, Plain­
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ tiff. va. Ella Wright, (widow of W. A.
gon, for the County of Marion and to Wright, deceased) Win. Wright, and
mo directed on the 4th day of February Anna Wright, hia wife; Harry Wright,
ISIS upon a judgment and decree duly ami Mattie Wright, hia wife; Robert
rendered, entered of record and docket­ Hall, (husband of Etta Wright Hall,
ed in and by «aid Court on the 4th day deceased) Robert Hall, Jr., a minor;
of February 1916 in a certain suit then Vera Hall, a minor; Wm. Evans, and
in »aid Court (lending, wherein The Merta Wright Evana, hia wifs; Ollie
lYerle.-s Pacific Company, a -orpora- Anderson, and Cora Wright Anderson,
tu n w h s plaintiff and W.H. Roger« wan his wife; Earle Wright, (unmarried)
defendant in favor o f plaintiff and May Wright, (unmarried) Mac Wood,
ap.iinst said defendant by which execu­ ami R. A. Wilkerson, Defendants.
tion I am commanded t<» sell the prop­ . To the defendants Ella Wright, Har­
erty in said execution and hereinafter ry Wright. Mattie Wright,Robert Hall,
described to pay the sum due the plain­ Robert Hall, Jr., Vera Hall, Wm. Ev­
tiff f One Thousand and 00-100 ($1000. ans, Merta Wright Evans, Ollie Ander­
O p ) Dollars, and the further sum of son, Cor« Wright Anderson, Earle
Seventy Five and 00-100 ($75.00) Dol­ Wright and May Wright.
IN the name of the State of Oregon:
lars, as attorney's fees together with
the costs and disbursements of said You are hereby required to appear and
suit taxed at Forty Eight and 50-100 answer the complaint filed against you
($4&60) Dollars and costs ami expenses in the above entitled Court and suit
LLS, bill», bill»—nothing but bills!" frequently is the complaint of of sai l execution. 1 will on Saturday within six weeks from the date of the
the :0th day of March 1915 at the hour first publication of this summons, to-
the head of the family. No man would think of running his busi­
of 11 o'clock A. M. of said day at the wit: On or before the 26th day of
n g , WITHOUT A CHECK BOOK. How about YOUR home? west door of the County Court House March, 1915, and if you fail so to an­
The running of the home today is r T ^SINESS PROPOSITION.
in Marion County, Oregon, sell at pub- swer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
1 - auction to the highest bidder tor will apply to said Court for the relief
o m i ! U i \ b i A 1 £
cash in hand on the day of sale, all the prayed for in said complaint, viz:
For a Decree of foreclosure upon the
right, title, interest and estate which
said defendant W. H. Rogers and all following described premises, to-wit;
persons claiming under him subsequent Beginning at a point on the line divid­
to the date mortgage lien was recorded ing Section 9, T. 9 S., R. 1 W. of the
in, of and to ■
‘aid premises hereinbefore Willamette Meridian into North and
mentioned are described in said execu­ South halves 15.60 chains Westerly
tion as follows, to-wit: Lot numbered from the quarter section corner be­
Twelve (12) i n Spring Bank Fruit tween Sections 9, and 10; thence South
Tracts, in the County of Marion and parallel to the East line of Section 9,
State of Oregon, according to the duly 11.00 chains to the North line of the
A share of the banking business
County road; thence South ($7 deg. W.)
recorded plat thereof
of Stayton and vicinity
Said sale being made subject to re­ 17 links to the angle in said road;
demption in the manner provided by thence South ( 55 deg. W. ) 3.10
is solicited.
chains to a point 20 feet North o f
Dated this 15th day of F'ebruaryl915. the center of said road; thence North
Wm. Esch, Sheriff of Marion County, 1.50 chains; thence West 2.39 chains;
Oregon. By W. 1. Needham Deputy. thence North 11.30 chains to the legal
You are assured cf a safe deposi­
subdivision line; thence Easterly on the
F'irst Pub. Feb. 17.
tory and courteous treatment at
road line 5.21 chains to the place of be­
Last Pub. Mar. 17.
ginning and containing 6 acres of land
this bank, by ample capital and
situated in Marion County, Oregon.
long experience in the banking
Also: Beginning at a point 20.81
chains West and 11.30 chains South of
b u sin ess.
the quarter section corner between sec­
Notice is hereby given that the un­ tions 9, and 10, in Township 9 South,
dersigned. by an order of the County Range 1 West of the Willamette Me­
Court of the State of Oregon for the ridian in Marion County, Oregon; run­
County of Marion, duly made and en­ ning tjience East 2.39 chains; thence
tered on the 21st day of January, 1915, South 1.80 chains to the center of the
was appointed Administrator o f the County road; thence Southwesterly
Estate of Mary E. Schell, deceased, alcng the center of said road to a point
and that he lias duly qualified as such i directly South of the place of begin­
Administrator. A 1 1 persons having ning; thence North 3.00 chains more or
claims against said Estate are hereby 1 less, to the place of beginning, and
notified to present the same duly veri­ containing one-half acre of land, more
fied as required by law, to him at the | or less.
office of S. H. Heltzel, attorney at law,
Also for judgement against the de­
Stayton, Marion County, Oregon, with­ fendant Ella Wright for the sum of
in six months from the date of this i $1000.00 together with interest thereon
notice. Dated this 4th day of Febru­ at the rate of eight per cent, per an­
ary 1915. C. C. Mulkey, Administrator. num from the 12th day of December, 1911
S. H. Heltzel, attorney for Estate.
until paid, and for the sum of $21.93
taxes paid by plaintiff, and for the fur-
' ther sum of $160.00 as plaintiff's at­
& & & & &
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION torney’s fees and for the costs and
\ disbursements of this suit; that the
usual decree be made for the sale uf
Department of the Interior
said premises by the Sheriff of said
U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore- Marion County, Oregon, according to
' law and the practice of said Court;
! gon, February 19, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that Benja­ that the proceeds of said sale be ap­
min F. Rode, of Hullt, Oregon, who, on plied toward the payment of the amount
July 27, 1909, made Homestead Entry, due plaintiff including attorney’s fees
Sale Fosters
No. 02107, for Northeast quarter. Sec­ and the costs of this suit; and that the
tion 8, Township 8 South, Range2 East, defendants, Ella Wright, Wm. Wright,
Butter Paper
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Anna Wright, Harry Wright, Mattie
intention to make final five year Proof, Wright, Robert Hall, Robert Hall, Jr.,
to establish claim to the land above Vera Hall, Wm. Evans, Merta Wright
described, before the Register and Re- Evans, Ollie Anderson, Cora Wright
! ceiver, U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Anderson, Earle Wright, May Wright,
Letter Heads
Orpgon, on the Sixth day ef April, 1915. Mac Wood, and R. A. Wilkerson, and
Claimant names as witnesses: Ernest all persons claiming under or through
Sale Bills
L. Patterson, Joseph Labunski, Gustaf them or any or either of them, subse­
: Zetterberg, C. F. Brown all of Hullt, quent to the execution of the mortgage
Oregon. H. F. Higby, Register. 3-25 set forth in said complaint, whether as
purchasers, incumbrancers, o r other­
wise, may be barred and foreclosed of
all their right, claims, liens, estates,
title, interest and equity of redemption
in, on, or to said premises, and every
part thereof; that the plaintiff may be­
In The Circuit Court of The State of come a purchaser at said sale, and that
Anything you want
| Oregon, For the County of Linn. De­ the Sheriff execute a deed to the pur­
partment No. 2.
chaser; that said purchaser be let into
A. P. Crawford, Plaintiff, vs C. A. the possession of said premises and the
Crawford, Defendant.
whole thereot upon the purchase of the
To C. A. Crawford, the above named same, and that plaintiff have such oth­
er and further relief in the premises as
In The Name of The State of Oregon, to the Court may seem just and equita­
You are hereby required to appear and ble.
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
This summons is served upon vou by
filed against vou in the above entitled publication thereof in the Stayton Mail,
court and cause on or before the 8th a newspaper published weekly in Stay-
day of April, 1915, same being the date I ton, Marion County, Oregon, by order
of 'he last publication of this summons, of Hon. W. M. Bushev, Judge of the
and if you fail to appear and answer, County Court of the State of Oregon
o ver es y e a r :
the plaintiff will take a judgment a- for the County of Marion, dated on the
gainst you in accordance with the pray­ 10th day of February, 1915, the first
er of the complaint in Ihiacause,to-wit: | publication to be on the 11th day of
For a decree dissolving the bonds of February, 1915, and you are required
matrimony now existing between plain­ I to appear and answer on or before the
tiff and defendant.and for the costs and 25th day of March 1915.
Hens heavy II, light
1< )
T rade M ar k s
| disbursements of this suit to bo taxed.
S. H. Heltzel, Attorney for i’lai:itiff.
D e s ig n s
Broilers 2 to 2j ll>n.
This summons is publisher! in pur­
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
Roosters _______
Anrnnp ««»nrilng a Pkefrh and d**crint1on mny
suance of an order of the Honorable
i f »«»certain ou r opinion free w hether an
Mixed Chickens__
ion m p roh a b if patentable. Comm tin ten*
Wm. Galloway, Judge of the above en­
• f rictlyconfidential. HANDBOOK of* Patenta
G eae______ _ ___________ .
’ •>«. O ldest a g e n c y for ae cu rtn g im tei tR.
Court, duly made on the 18th day
ita taken th r o u g h Munti A Co. re c e h _
L u c k s , Indian Runners,
U notice, w ith o u t c harge. In th e
of February, 1915, and the date of the
first publication of this summons is the
Are you thinking of moving to town?
25th day of February, 1915.
If so you had better investigate this at
\ h n n d to m e lf IllT u tra ted w eekly. I.a rg e e t e lr
il o f a n y e< lent lUc Jon rim i. T e rm a , t
Veal Fancy 10,
Dated this 18th day of February,1915. once. A good 7- room house, well fin­
r : f o u r m o n th s , $1* Hold by all n ew ad ca l* r
L. M. Curl, Attorney for Plaintiff.
ished except upstairs which only needs
_ ¿ Q 3 0 iB r ..d w .,.N e w y c r ;
Live Hogs, Choice .
Dfflctt. 626 F P U W a*biD#ton. D C.
cloth and paper, one of the best wells
Live Hogs, Heavy Rough
in the city, pump in kitchen, fireplace
EliK s.........................
Keep Warm—An unlimited quantity in living-room, on cornpr, one-quarter
Corrected Thursdays hut subject
of old fir wood for sale, on the ground block 100x100, a fine location, and good .
to change without notice.
neighborhood. $1200, terms. ('all at
00. and delivered $1.30 per tier.
Ith D P .
R. E. Calavan and Chas. Lee. 3-3x Mail office for pwner’s name.
tobacco ch ew
W ith a Check B ook -
A bout Your H om e 7
Farmers & Merchants
.ank of Stayton, Oregon
i. *
I f i x g U M P IR E E X P LA IN S TO T H E OOOQ J U O a c j?
O right to your dealer and
get a pouch of “Right-Cut”
—the Real Tobacco Chew .
It will give you better satisfaction
than the old kind and last you longer
and taste better.
It’s a new blend of mellow, sappy leaf
—seasoned and sweetened just enough.
Take a very small chaw —
rhan one-quarter the
old size. It will he more setiifyin» than a moulhlul
of ordinary lobacoo. Ju.t nihbls on it until you find
,the strength chew that auiti you. Tuck it away.
Then let it rest. See how estily end evenly the reel
toheoco teate cornea, how it aatiafica without firindinfi, how
much leaa you have to apit, how few chews you take to
he tobacco satisfied. That’* why it is ’/'fie i i s l 7iis«s
C k t w . That’s why it casts less in the end.
It is I rtsdy shew, se t te a suit show shred e* the! roe woa’t here
to «riad o a u e ilb yoer leelh. (JrlaUiaS oa ordloar, toadied mbssoa
mobs* you spit loo m uch.
T he latte ol pure, rich tnhtccn doct not need to be eovered op with m oltteet te d
keoewe. Nutiee h o e the te ll b iia tt out the n th lubteca tit le ie " K ish tC e* .”
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
W E Y M A N -B R U T O N C O M P A N Y
BO U n io n S q u ir e , N e w Y o r k
( b u y f r o m o e a l e r OR SEND 1 0 *STAMPS TO u s 3
Two World Expositions
Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting
stop-overs at all points in either direction, to
the Panama-Pacific International Exposition,
San Francisco, and to the Panama-California
Exposition, San Diego,on sulc every d a y to
November 30
Capital $25,000.00
Good P rinting!
i f At The Mail Office g
id e n tifie American.
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
Three Fine Trains Daily
Shasta Limited : San Francisco Express : California Express
Stop-overs on One Way Tickets
Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed at San
Francisco and Los AnfMcs on one way tick­
ets sold to Eastern Cities when routed via
the Southern Pacific.
“ California and It’s Two World Expositions"
A new booklet describing the trip from Portland to San Diego
including the twoExposiiions, tho scenic beauties of Oregon, the
Siakiyous and Shasta Mountains, San Francisco, the beach and
outing resorts o f California, the San Joaquin Valley and Yosem-
ite National Park. Free on application to nearest agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
we NE vl H W ArrU llir
BOY • '
Is now located in the I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., and
You are assured of a Quiet place (n spend an
hour, and courteous treatment at all times