Coos County Leads All Counties of United States DISEASES OF POTATO o y s t e r - s h e l l bark lo u s e f o r COLORED SALADS _ n Sub-station at Umatilla Issues Report of Work ______________ ______ Insact Found on Over Forty Different Various Treatm ents Necessary for Food Plante In United State«— Preparation for DISHES THAT ADD ATTRACTION Their Effective An Effective Spray. Problems of Increasing Im­ the Table. TO TABLE. portance to Agriculture. Oregon Agricultural ('«liege, Cor­ county and to Oregon, but at the prea­ i By UEOIUJK M f.IBT. Colorado E xperi­ Fresh meats which are to be served vallis With ala cow teating aaaocla* ent time nothing elae look» ao big to ment Station.) should be put to cook in a pot of tlona carrying allghtly more than 8000 thoae who are following the move­ As the name will Indicate, this Is Possible to Maks Them In Almost cold boiling water and boiled hard for 16 dairy oowi on official teat, dairymen ment« aa the wonderful dairy organi­ No Troubla Haa Caused Greater Dif­ one of the scale Insects, taking its minutes, covered, then boiled gently of Cooa county lead all countlea of the sation. name from the scale covering that Is Any Color Dssirsd—Orange Salad until ference of Opinion as to Nature tender throughout. The season­ On« of the Particular United Statue In thia progressive plan Cow teating in Cooa county haa been secreted over the Insect's body, re­ and Cause Than “Leaf-Roll”— ings may be any combination of herbs of building up the dairy herda. What made to mean precisely what the term Favorites. sembling somewhat the convex side of or vegetables desired. 8alt and pep- 8ymptome Vary Greatly. inakea the fact atill more remarkable Implies. Kach row under teat haa her an oyster shell. should be added when meat Is la the comparatively abort time In milk weighed and lerted for ita butter- This Insect has been reported on Yellow.—To make a yellow salad at pei half done. (By N. ORTON.) which the work of teating haa been In fat content for each month in the year over forty different food plants In the time of year use the yellower Balt meats take different treatment. operation in thia now Weatern Oregon by a competent, enthuaiaatic and dia- No plant disease In this generation United Htates, including most of our this leaves of lettuce. On them put First soak over night In plenty of county that haa put Oregon on the intereated olliclal tester working under has been the subject of such general fruit trees, also many ornamental and heart orange pulp, dressed with cold water. Then scrape and clean map. Juat about one year ago the the supervision of the college dairy discussion aa that known In Germany •bade trees. It haa proved especially diced French dressing, and sprinkled with the next day, and put them on to as the ••Hlattroll-krankhelt,” herein County court of Cooa county, In co­ olllrera. The records are accepted by in some sections of this state on chopped walnut meats. Or elae scoop cook In a pot of cold water. operation with the Agricultural col­ dairymen everywhere aa being correct named ’Teaf-roll." None has aroused bad and ash. out the centers of small yellow­ Cook tongue very gently until the lege, completed arrangementa to ee- and authentic, and if any cow falls to greater difference of opinion as to Its lilac one of these scales be raised In skinned apples and fill them with a small bones In the root can be easily cure the aervicea of a county agricul­ measure up to standard dairy require­ nature and cause, and no other malady the If winter or early spring, there will mixture of orange and apple, dressed pulled out This Is a m atter of four tural agent. J. L. Smith, the preaent ments she is put out of the class of of plants Is today receiving so much In­ be found beneath a mass of very with mayonnaise made with lemon hours Leave in water until cold. Then Incumbent, waa »elected by the Col­ profitable dairy cows and her place in vestigation by skilled pathologists as • mall yellowish or It whitish that Juice for thinning and flavoring of lift out, trim, skin and serve. It may lege Dairy department and Extension the herd will be supplied by another this. Possibly no disease which has hatch about the middle of eggs May Into mustard. be put away cold in the tee box, and better cow. In this way good diviaion and aunt into the Held, known appeared since the forties present« a •mall lice that appear as mere specks Green.—On green but tender leaves wrapped In a coarse clean cloth, or to be highly favorable to dairying. cows are aerured for the present pro­ greater menace to potato culture The to the naked eye. of lettuce, put a little mound of spin­ may be returned to some of the wa­ Ilia work haa reaulted in many things duction, and atill better cows will be literature on leaf-roll has become so They move about for a few days, which has been boiled and ter in which It was boiled. This will of great importance and value to Cooa bred for future producers. voluminous that few will undertake to then insert their beaks Into the bark ach pressed through a sieve and mixed help it retain its succulence. peruse all the contributions. begin to feed. By the end of the with French dressing. In the center Ham. If very dry. may be soaked Leaf roll Is a disease characterized and season they are fully developed and of each mound, concealed by the spin­ 48 hours, changing water once or by an upward rolling of the leaves, by have secreted a scaly covering over ach, put a spoonful of chopped hard- twice. Put to cook in plenty of cold the entire body. In the fall, the adult boiled egg. water. It should simmer five to eight deposits the mass of small eggs and Green and White.—Peel and boll hours. It Is done when the small bone tiny white turnips of equal size and In the bock can be pulled out easily. dies. Spraying with kerosene emulsion 5 hollow out the center of each. Fill ! w hen nearly cold draw off the skin; Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ higher land that lies back from the per cent kerosene In May or June with cold boiled peat and mayonnaise do not cut. Cover the top with a vallis "Soil and climatic conditions Columbia river ia mostly of finer Just after hatching time has proved and put on green lettuce leaves. mixture of egg, bread crumbs, pep­ prevailing on the Umatilla reclama­ texture. The soils are markedly defi­ White.—Celery, potato, chicken— per. salt, sugar and a little made mus­ very effective in controlling this peat. tion project were considered by the cient in organic m atter and nitrogen. white meat only—wblteflsh. blanched tard, and set In a slow oven to brown. reclamation service to be twtter adapt­ The physical character of this land asparagus—any or two of these may Haste frequently with two tablespoon­ ed to the production of fruit than to renders the duty of irrgation water CONVENIENT IN THE APIARY be used for white salad. Dress with fuls of vinegar and a little boiling wa­ other crop«. Aa a result of this early very low. From a soil standpoint, the French dressing or a white may­ ter In the pan. Bake from one to decision, the land waa divided Into correction of these two difficulties, Brush Made of Manila Rope Is Handy onnaise, to which with the beaten white two hours. Save ham fat from the small units with a view to the develop­ which are among the principal factors for Cleaning Combs of Bees— of an egg has been added and which pan. It is fine for frying potatoes, ment of small intensively farmed fruit influencing crop production, ia of the | Tool Box Is Useful. has been thinned with vinegar. and garden tracta." hominy or rice. Save the ham skin utmost importance. Red.—Scoop out the Insides of to­ and use it to cover the ham under a The foregoing Is a quotation from "Clim atic conditions of this district I have several little conveniences matoes. Save the slice removed from coarse cloth. the report of the Umatilla branch ex­ aro very congenial for crop growth. that I use In my apiary, one of which the top for a cover and replace it on periment station, made by Superin­ They are a rare combination of dry at­ Is a brush for clearing the combs the tomato after It with a mix­ tendent Ralph W. Allen and issued by mosphere and dry weather. The effect Comparison of Healthy and Diseased of bees, writes B. A. Manly of Milo, ture of celery and filling Hilla of Same Varieties. nut mixed KEEPS DRAIN PIPES CLEAN the Oregon Agricultural College Ex- is comparatively long growing seasons Iowa, in Bee Gleanings and Culture. with mayonnaise. Place meats, each tomato |>eriment Station under the direction and mild, open w inters." decreased yield of tubers, and by Take a round stick, IQ Inches long, on a white leaf of lettuce. Arrangement That May Be of Home of Director A. B. Cordley. The report Conditions on this tract are such as transmission of the diseased condi­ and with a rip-saw divide it for about Pink.—Strain tomato Juice and mix Construction Haa Been tells further how and for what purpoae render necessary scientific investiga­ tion through tubers Its symp­ nine Inches, leaving the other end for it with equai quantity of white stock Recommended. the branch station waa established, tion in eradication of alkali, securing toms vary so much planted. detail that they a handle. Take a piece of one-inch —veal or chicken. Thicken sufficiently how it ia maintained and managed, stands of crops, crop rotations, and the can be most clearly In outlined by aepa^ manila rope six Inches long, and with with gelatin and harden In molds A device for the kitchen sink that and reviews the leading features of its economical use of water and increas­ rate treatment. the strands fill the opening In the activities since ita establishment. The ing soil fertility. on white lettuce leaves, with has proved successful in keeping the The rolling of the leaves is the most stick, allowing them to project on Serve report says fu rth er: Reports of experiments with truck constant mayonnaise that has been colored drain pipes clean is made of a wooden and conspicuous symptom of both sides of the stick. At the end with a little cranberry frame and ordinary window screen. "The predominating soil type on the crops, strawberries, cane fruits and juice. Umatilla project, upon which the sta­ tree fruits as carried on in field plats, this disease. The leaflets curl or roll secure it with bee wire and securely Orange Salad.—Make mayonnaise Make a wooden frame, about two tion is located, is sand, ranging in are given in the new bulletin, free upward on their midrib, often assum­ with much egg yolk In proportion to inches high, just wide enough to fit into the sink, and not quite as texture from coarse to fine. Approxi­ copies of which may be had by ail in­ ing a nearly tubular shape, and giving other ingredients, and thin with nicely long as the Inside of the sink. On mately half of this area is of coarse terested (tersons upon request ad­ a plant a starving appearance. This cider vinegar. Dice tender carrots and end of this nail a board, covering sand ami the remainder ranges in char­ dressed to the Oregon Agricultural rolling Is sometimes restricted to the arrange on lettuce leaves, dressing one U[g>er leaves, while in o ther cases all about half the length of the frame; acter from medium to fine. The College. with orange mayonnaise. or nearly all of the leaves may exhibit on the other end, on the opposite side, nail a piece of wire window screen. of directors deemed it advisable to I t This type of roll is distinct from M utual Fire Insurance the curly-dwarf condition, but a very This device may be kept in the sink notify the insurance department of Bee Brush Made of Rope. Company Quits Business same, and on being informed of con­ similar roll may be Induced by other | always, the dishpan set on the wooden 1 part, and anything poured on the other nail the stick with one-inch brads. Salem Upon application of the d i-1 ditions I decided that immediate steps causes. ; part will be strained before reaching This makes the best brush I have The color of the foliage changes should be taken to protect the policy­ rectors of the eompany, which is un­ holders and warn those who held insur­ with the adrtent of leaf-roll, but these seen, and Is almost indestructible. the pipes. This may be easily cleaned, able to meet its financial obligations, ance in these companies to secure new color symptoms vary greatly, from Another convenience Is my covered i and the wire screening renewed at small expense, when worn through. cases where the leaves assume an un­ hive seat and tool box. My hive seat Circuit Juge Calloway appointed H ar­ insurance." It is better than the ordinary sink healthy, light-green color to those is 14 by 16, with a pocket on each end vey Wells, insurance commissioner, re­ Sent to Oregon. marked by pronounced yellowish, red­ 6 by 14. These pockets come within If your soup is too salty try adding strainer, as it covers the bottom of ceiver of the Horticultural Fire Relief Salem Tablet sink, and catches everything — R. A. Booth, Governor dish or purplish tint«. an Inch of the top, and a cover is slices of raw potatoes and cock the of Oregon, with offices in thia city. thrown into it.—Holland's Magazine. Withycombe’s personal representative The effect of leaf-roll on the plant made to telescope over the seat and l a a few little longer. The potatoes will ab­ Asacta are estimated by Mr. Wells at the opening of the Oregon building Is to check development. There Is a rest on the top of the pockets. Un­ sorb the surplus salt German Potato Salad. at 920,000, with liabilities of from at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, lessening or cessation of growth. The der the seat I have my smoker fuel; Before stuffing a chicken rub It in­ telegraphed the executive shoots remain snort and the leaves in one of the pockets my smoker, and side and out with bacon drippings. Boil in their jackets two dozen $50,000 to $00,000. The company ab- Thursday the commemorative bronze tablet stand mure upright There is, how­ in the other my tools. The framework potatoes until tender. Peel, and sorbed the Dragon M erchants’ Mutual that Instead of stuffing in a chick­ small presented to Oregon by the Exposition ever, no such shortening of stems and of the cover is made of 3k by 13k-lnch Sausage while hot, cut in thin slices and mix Fire Assurance Association of Dayton, officials en is an agreeable thing. had been sent to this state. leaf ribs as occurs in curly-dwarf, with white pine. The roof Is rubberold. A generous piece of newspaper carefully with two white onions, a cu­ and the I’acitic Home Mutual Fire In­ Mr. Booth's telegram is as follows: Its resultant deformation of the plant. Everything under It keeps dry, though crumpled into ridges acts as an effi­ cumber, a green pepper and half a surance company of Forest Grove in "F ur the official opening of the Ore­ The duration of life of the plant Is I leave it standing in the apiary all cient dozen radishes, all sliced thin. Sea­ 1912. Recent large losses and the gon building the weather drain to all croquettes, fritters, son was all that shortened >y leaf-roll. This is a rela­ summer, and at the same time 1 take with salt and pepper and while absorption of the two companies are could be desired. We were doughnuts and bacon. attended hot, mix with the following dressing: no chance of setting anything on fire tive matter, since the leaf-roll cases ascribed as the cause of the failure. by a splendid crowd, who manifested a may die earilet, as would be expocted in the honey house. Rubber bands are inexpensive and One-quarter pound bacon cut into The three companies had insurance ag­ spirit are of great use in preparing lunches of genuine friendliness. Presi­ of sick plants. small pieces, one-quarter cupful each gregating about $13,000,000. Ar­ dent Wilson to fasten the* waxed paper around of water, vinegar, wsa represented by M. B. The true leaf-roll is inheritable. The sugar and one-half rangements will be made with the Pa­ Lamar, the governor FEEDING MASH IN DRY FORM sandwiches, cakes, fruits, etc. by Arthur. Arlatt. teaspoonful of mustard, tubers from diseased plants produce cific States Fire Insurance company to Mayor Rolph spoke for the city and When running dates or figs through teaspoonful of salt, and one-quarter a dash of rew rite as much of this business as Vice President Hale for the exposi­ diseased progeny, as a general rule. More Equal Distribution of Food Is the meat chopper add a few' drops of cayenne pepper. Fry the bacon possible on a 10 per cent basis. Obtained by Use of Hoppers— lemon Juice to prevent the fruit from ly until brown; then pour over slow­ At the close of his address he both Insurance Commissioner Wells said: tion. Feed Some Cut Bone. clogging the chopper. presented to our state a beautiful the bacon and the fat that has been "The net premiums received by this commemorative Kitchen scissors for cutting raisins tablet, which I fried out, the vinegar to which has company during 1914 were $80,072 and am forwarding to bronze Some of the most experienced poul­ and figs, lettuce, parsley, and so on, been by express. The added the water. Mix the sugar, losses incurred were $89,976, plus an Californians have you try breeders claim that the best re­ are exceedingly handy. fairly won the ad­ mustard, salt and pepper and add this expense of about 30 per cent of the miration of all the people sults can be obtained by feeding mash and the Ex­ mixture to the other. Cook until the premiums received. Practically the in dry form In hoppers where fowls commission has made the Individual Cocoanut Pies. Is dissolved and while hot pour name condition prevailed with the position have access to It at all times. This Beat together the yolks of two eggs, sugar whole world their debtors. For you I it over the potatoes. Heap on a plat­ business in 1913. allows a more equal distribution of have expressed a genuine interest and one cupful sugar, three tablespoonfuls ter and around the sides of the dish; "A short time after I took posses­ | the fodfl. the loyal help of all Oregon­ flour and pinch of sa lt Add one pint garnish the top and sides of the sion of this office it t>ecame apparent pledged A slight feed of moist mash about boiling milk and stir briskly until it mound to me from inquiries from all parts of ians. ’' three times a week in addition to this thickens smoothly. Remove from roses. of salad with radishes cut like the state that the Horticultural Fire Girls Best Spellers. dry mash is good. It is essential In stove, flavor with vanilla and add Relief of Oregon, Oregon Merchants' Oregon City—The third spelling bee preparing this mash that the mixing three-quarters cupful shredded cocoa- Mutual Fire Assurance Association and in the all-county schedule arranged by Mince Pie. process not be slighted, as a little n u t Pour into individual shells that Half a Meatless the Pacific Home Mutual Fire Insur­ County cup of molasses, School Superintendent Calavan longer mixing will result in a much been previously baked. Make a cupful of water, two-thirds of two-thirds ance company were having trouble in and Supervisors Vedder and McCor­ Upper Illustration Shows Yields of better mash and prevent the using of have a cupful of whites of two eggs and of vinegar, one cupful of sugar, meeting their obligations and also in mack, was held at the Brown school- Healthy and Diseased Hills Caused an excess of water, which tends to a meringue tablespoonful of sugar and drop on cupful of breadcrumbs, one cupful one collecting assessments levied during house, near New Era, this week, and by Curly-Dwarf. of make the mixture pasty. pies. Brown in quite hot oven. These chopped raisins, one cupful of minced the month of December. During the spelling teams representing Browns, Lower Illustration Shows Yields of By mixing green cut bone with the first part of last month I requested the Iceland, Union Hall, Twilight and New Diseased and Healthy Hilla Caused mash in the quantity hereinafter giv­ are truly delicious. apples, one tablespoonful of clove«, president and secretary of these com­ Era districts were present. The by Leaf-Roll. one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one en a food will be obtained that is un­ Macedoine Vegetables. panies to call at this office for a con­ schools are divided into two divisions, grated, and add a piece of but­ for laying hens. Here is a way to use cold pota­ nutmeg ference. They readily accepted this one composed of the fourth and fifth This affords a means of distinguishing equaled ter the size of a hen’s egg. Mix all Probably the best way to feed this toes which may be new: Melt three the ingredients invitation, and in discussing their fu­ grades and the other of the sixth, sev­ from the genuine leaf-roll those tern ration and heat the mixture give the flock a quantity tablespoonfuls of butter, odd three thoroughly without ture plans, it was decided a thorough enth and eighth. Miss Ruth Floyd, of porary conditions which give rise to a which is they to will really allowing it consume entirely in tablespoonfuls of flour and add grad­ to cook, stirring It often. While hot, investigation be made by an expert the Iceland school, won in the lower slmllai appearance of the plants. eight to ten minutes. ually 13k cups of milk When thick­ insurance accountant. This met with division, and Miss Easter Noble, of All those who are best acquainted from into the pie pans, baking it with This should be given them three ened add one cupful each cooked fill their approval and they employed W. Union Hall, was second. two crusts. with the trouble agree as to the re­ times a week and the amount usually string beans, peas and cold boiled po­ W. Chambreau. sults of planting diseased seed stock runs so that each fowl will receive on tatoes. cut in cubes. Season with salt "The results of this investigation Liver Hash. Thia point is one of capital Importance More Berries Planted. showed these three companies to be in Hood River—Indications point to an In the control of the disease and ol an averago of one ounce at each feed­ and paprika and let stand 15 minutes One pint of liver, chopped coarse ing or every two days. In other such financial condition that the board hot water before serving. As and measured after chopping. In fry­ interest in its bearing on the words, about one-half ounce of green over increased strawl>erry crop in the Hood great this calls for other vegetables it may ing pan melt one tablespoonful of but­ nature of the disease. That leaf-roll ie River valley. Strawberries have been not communicable from diseased to cut bone per fowl per day is consid­ help to use up the leftovers. Annapolis Post Is Won. ter, add one teaspoonful of flour and blend well. Now add one cupful of Klamath Falls— Leon Boiler, of this profitable in the past few years, and healthy plants Is the conclusion to be ered the right am ount fruit has been planted on many addi­ drawn from all available evidence. Coffee Frappe. water gradually, while stirring, and city, has just been advised by Repre­ tional Alfalfa V ersus Timothy. tracts. Last year the Apple- Put two ounces of finely pounded season with salt and pepper. Stir in sentative Sinnott that he has won the growers’ association shipped 100 car­ In one ton of alfalfa hay there are roasted coffee into a pint of milk the liver and simmer for 20 minutes. highest place In the competitive exam­ loads of strawberries. “ I think that Sheep Parasites. 1,044 pounds of digestible nutrients, of fresh six ounces of loaf sugar; let it Just before serving add one teaspoon­ ination here February 15 for appoint­ the Underwood strawberry crop will be 8heep infested with ticks will not which 220 pounds are digestible pro­ with boll, then leave It to get cold; strain It ful of lemon juice. ment to the United States Naval Acad­ of about the same quantity of last fatten no m atter how much feed and tein. In one ton of timothy hay there on the yolks eggs in a double emy at Annapolis, and that he has y ear's," says S. C. Clark, who has one care are given. The man who gives are 926 pounds of digestible nutrients, boiler and stir of six the fire till the Making Dustless Dusters. been appointed principal by Mr. Sln- of the largest tracts in the Underwood his sheep over to ticks through th« of which 56 pounds are digestible pro­ custard thickens; on when cold Wring out pieces of cheesecloth in nott. Claude Hill, also of this city, district of Skamania county, Washing­ winter may expect little return for the tein. The nutrients in the timothy work into it a gill and quite a half of hot water and saturate with crude oil. won second place, and accordingly has feed. hay are furnished a little cheaper than cream; freeze the mixture; Another way of making a dustless been named first alternate. This is ton, just across the Columbia. If, during the winter, your sheep in the alfalfa, but the protein in the whipped fill the mold and keep on ice duster is to saturate the cheesecloth the second tim e that Klamath Falls show any indication of scab, give then alfalfa is far cheaper than in the tim­ then Lawrence Is Reappointed. until the tim e of serving. with kerosene oil and hang It in the youths have carried ofT the honors in Salem — A rthur Lawrence, of Port­ a thorough dipping. If you wait until othy. As a dairy feed we would con­ sunlight to dry. Annapolis tests in this district. spring they may be alive, but the sider alfalfa hay cheaper at $26 per land, was reappointed state printer by More Comfortable Shoes. ton than timothy at $20. board of control Thursday. His chances are against them. Paste a round piece of black velvet To Improve Chocolate's Flavor. Junction d tp Farmers Organize. the salary is $1800 a year, which ia fixed Keep sheep dry, quiet and warm dur inside your low-cut shoes when they A drop of cinnamon extract and ing the winter. Cracks Bad Ventilators. Junction City — The farm ers here by statute. begin to stretch, and you will not be three or four drops of vanilla added have organised a branch of the Farm ­ R. A. Harris, under the old law, re­ Having cracks in the barn is not a with them slipping up and to a pot of chocolate will greatly Im­ ers, Educational Co-operative Union of ceived $4000 a year. William Plimp­ good system of ventilation. A draft bothered Green Feed for Ewes. prove Its flavor. America. The purposes of the organ­ ton, secretary of the department, re­ A little green feed in the form ol of cold air causes the cow much dis­ down. ization is to assist the farm ers in se­ ceived $2000 a year under the old law, roots such as turnips or beets, Is good comfort Windows hinged at the bot­ Prevent Tam-o’-Shanter Shrinking. Good Thing to Know. curing better markets and to purchase and Mr. Lawrence haa suggested to for the ewes, but too much of it is in tom when partly open will allow the To When washing a child's tam-o'- An excellent way to remove the at better rates. Hector Mcl’herson, the board that he should continue to jurlous, as it makes the lambs so# fresh air to enter and not strike the shanter hat. If you dry it over a dia­ odor of onions from the hands Is to of the Oregon Agricultural college, receive that salary, or more, if the and useless when dropped. cow directly. per plate it will not shrink. rub them with a raw potato or parsley. board sees fit to allow it. lectured briefly. S a u around fll ■ggngBSE ♦ ■ 1*