INSTITUTE BIG SUCCESS THE STAYTON MAIL CONTESTANTS STANDING KIMBALL SISTERS AT Published every Thursday by IN PREMIUM CONTEST STAR, SATURDAY HELD LAST SATURDAY K. M . O l m s t b u Entered as seeoml class matter at the Below is the standing o f the Con­ postoffice at Stayton, Marion, county, testants in the Premium contest at the Oregon, under the act o f Con areas o f last count Thur. Feb. 26. March 3, 187V. 882,600 Miss Theresa Kehlen 631.460 Miss June Kearns S L 'B S C R IP T IO V S , SI.SO per yea r 484,660 Mi.-s Clara Rauscher Address all communications to 421.600 Miss Julia Rohwein THE STAYTON MAIL 242.900 Mrs. K. I. Jones 204.600 Mrs. Iona Blakely H. A. BEAUCHAMP, M .D. Physician and Surgeon Frank Sicgniund ami wife o f Fern Ridge were in town on buaineaa Satur­ 46,000 Miss Naomi Silhavy day. 16,400 | Mrs. John Sandner Jr. John Huber o f Mt. Pleasant was n buaineaa visitor one day the Brat o f the week. SASSAFRAS BARK Clara and Aggie Rauacher w o r e at B eaucham p*'. visiting at the Andrew Rauacher home Monday. \V. K. Lyons and wife o f Lyons were ! Mr r.rtd Mrs. Andrew o f Victor Point in town Tuesday. were visiting at the Jos. Fiaher home C. H . B R E W E R , M . D . PHYSICIAN 66,650 63,360 Mrs. M. J. Crabtree Miss Marguerite Ryan OREGON STAYTON. 104.460 Mrs. Krank liamman Don't fail to hear the Kimball sisters in cornet and trombone duets at the Star Theatre Saturday night. These young ladies of Jordan have been paid artista with a circus for some time and deliver the goods. Mr. Lloyd Ktmhall will sing one o f his illimitable baritone solos. 12th Episode Perils o f Pauline same mght, Saturday, Feb. 27 at the Star Theatre. No raise in price, 6 and 10c. AND SURGEON S ta y to n . O regon — Tuesday. t , Ruth Cook o f Marion was a vis-1 Hugh Kuensii, wife and baby o f North Santiam were Stayton visitor. Tuesday. D EN TIS T Mrs. Pena Mack is a business visitor j Mrs. Lizzie Henline is visiting at the Office Over Stayton State Bank at Portland this week. home o f her brother B. A. Schaefer of Stavton, Ore Phone 2152 this place. W. K. Harris o f West Stayton was W. R. Jephcott’a father from Lot in town Tuesday. G. F . KORINEK, V. S , . V. Sc. Angeles is visiting at his home over in V e tc r in a r ia n Miss Emma Frank was a week-end Linn County. Wilbur N. Pintler, D A D . 8 Treats all domestic animals. al.-e vi-itor with friends here. Fire Good Jersey Cows applies the Tuberculin test. for sale, 3 fresh, 2 fresh soon. E. For- Telephone 3x7 Miss Emma Huddle o f Mill City was i rette, Stayton. 2-2&X Office at Stayton Stables a week-end visitor here. STAYTON - - - - OR EGO.’ Miss Gladys Simpson o f Aumsvllle Miss Rosa Rock is staying at the was a week-end visitor at t h e Joa. Hamnian home. Mutchler home for awhile. S. H. HELTZEL The teachers ami farmers Institute held in Stayton on Saturday, Februaiy 20, was a marked suceeas in every re­ spect. The meeting was held under the aus­ pices o f the Marion County Principal’s Association, directed by Supt. W. M. Smith. The morning session was given over to discussions by teacher* o f auhjoeta o f professional interest. The keynote o f all the discusaion. was "practicabil­ ity.” Each speaker emphasised the need o f connecting tho school work with the home. A very Important truth wss brought out in the discuss­ ions the great need o f vitalising all school subjects. The child is interest­ ed ill life, therefore, the beat way to reach him is to put him in close touch with the things around him. In tho afternoon session Supt. Smith 1 instituted the question box. Miinv in­ teresting questions were asked and an­ swered. Among tho must important ones were the new high school fund law and playground equipment. All present were very much interested In playground equipment so that organiz­ ed play might be possible. Prof. F. L. Griffin then discussed at length the work the Agricultural Col­ lege is doing in organizing boys* and girls' clubs. He told many interesting stories o f what hoys and girls are do­ ing in Oregon and other states to im­ prove farm and home life. Thla fea­ ture o f the program was listened to by a large number o f farmers, who live near Stayton, and many citizens o f the town. The meeting was voted a success by all, and everyone expressed a desire to hold another and larger one at an ear­ ly date. W . H. Humphreys and w ife o f Victor Fat Hogs Always bring a good price Point were trading with Stayton mer­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW chants Saturday. at the stayton Produce Co. NOTARY PUBLIC Misses Ida Becker and Minnie Has- A b and Probate Work a Specialty R } Mom. , w w „ week_ .nd visitor ler o f Sublimity spent Tuewlajr . « b ^ Miss Eila Williams. ............ , ... I with his familv at Tangent. Office Over Deidnch s Hardware Store. Theodore Highberger and wife of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Staiger o f Sub- Sublimity were trading with Stayton ! limity were in town Monday. merchants Tuesday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS OREGON V. A. GOODE WYER and NOTARY PUBLIC Co scientious Attention Given to al Legal Business. O ffice R o o m N o . 6. R o y B ld g . A T h r e e -I ’ a r t S o u th e r n D ra m a , laid in th o H ills o f West Virginia _ _ _ _ _ _ “ Hi* Doll Wife” Comedy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ SATURDAY NIGHT “ K i m b a l l S is te r s ” Cornet and Trombone Duott, and Baritone Solo by Mr. Lloyd Kimball. Song by High School Glee Club 12th Episode “ Perils of Pauline'’ Path« War Nr»ws Path«* Comedy Orchistrj Mi io T» & ID B B S Spring & Summer Will be in, in a few days, look for them LANCEFIELD’S W OODLARK ON WATER STREET our prescription*. Every one is com- 1 penter work. pounded in a «cientific, painstaking and ------ careful way, from drug* that are pure GETTING HEET W T H SUCCESS and of full strength. Let us fill your A g o o d healthy a ctive liver help* you prescriptions. Beauchamp'* Drug Store. CEMENT FENCE POSTS AND ALL KINDS OF Concrete Work WELL RAPIDLY TSADC M A R K P O IS ON Q U IC K . C E R T A IN . D E A D L Y -#• it K t m k » ii i n s t a n t MKVKR K i l l s . t'SK. l>e*trovt • lulnrl*. «ophar*. pralrl* dog*. *a rat* Apply early In Rprlns wh*n the hungry p**l* s in k s from Winter'* slcap. Money bark If It ever fall* "Wood i.ark " for II yaars ha* atood *v*ry t«*t. If* crop Inaurane# again** rodent peat* tf your a*al*r hasn't It. writ* u*. C larke. W oo d w ard D rug Cow I' om T u x u , For sals on icon iv. at Beauchamp's Drug Store YOUNG MAN KILLED AT GATES OREGON the! tow ard success. R E X A L L LIV E R PILLS Jacob Spaniel installed a gasoline o n -! Mrs. A. J. Chance writes from fo r regulating dorm ant li­ gine and pump for J. S. McLaughlin of Portland Sanitarium that she is getting | vers. "O n e at night m akes the next North Santiam this week. along nicely, where she went for an op- day brigh t.” 25c b ottle o f 5 0 pills at The little town o f Gates are elegan t C. S. LO W E Dr. Brewer reports a fine boy born eration recently. She says that she to Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Reome of this ^ has the best o f care and would like to see any o f her friends who happen to city Friday, February 19. Joe Breitenstein and w ife o f Subiim- be in Portland. Her address is; Port­ Mrs. Rilda Fish and Mrs. CaspeL ity were in town one day this week. land Santarium, E. 60th St. and Bel­ and son George o f Waldo Hills were « mont Portland, Oregon. Stayton visitors Saturday. Mrs. Steiniger o f Salem is visiting Mrs. G. Q. Smith and mother Mrs. her daughter Mrs. Felix VanErman. Murphy o f Sublimity were trading with COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL MEET Contractors & Builders O. W.Humphery o f near Silver Creek May ton merchants Tuesday. was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. Matt Spaniol and family O f Dwelling houses a specialty The Sublimity Commercial Club will Portland visited at the Geo. Spauiol The | meet next Tuesday, March 2. Let us figure on your build­ John Bailey is over from Sweet Home home the latter part o f last week. subject for discussion will be "R otary for a visit with friends and relatives. The Brow-Petzel Sawmill Co. is hav- j ings ing a new blower system installed by j Farming. ” We can save you money H. Siegmur.d and wife o f near Me- Jacob Spaniol the Stayton plumber. ■ A good job gauranteed hama were trading in town Saturday. Mrs. Hart returned to Albany Toes- N otice-T h ere will be preaching at P lone 77 P. O. Box 198 day. Her sister Miss Deane W a t t e r s the Christian church, morning and ev- Geo. Kearns o f Grants Pass was an will make her future home with her. ening next Sunday, February 28, by oTAYTON, OREGON. over Sunday visitor with relatives here. M. J. Crabtree and wife spent the Rev.Putnam o f Eugene.All are invited, week-end near Salem with Mrs. Crab- Geo. Roeser o f Mt. Angel was in Mrs. Lengele and son o f Jordan were tree’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Matten. town at the Commercial Hotel this trading with merchants here Tuesday. week. Mr. Roeser is looking over our Quality Tooth Brushers at the Beau­ j country with a prospect o f settling ! I What you want and when you want champ Drug Store. The u*e of a good here. it. Just "T he Place to E at’ ’atM ack’s. ! tooth bru*b with good *trong sound brittle» well secured and an equally Special Prices good handle assure* you of tooth clean­ SESTAK & liness and health. We have them rang­ on slabwood, spring and summer de AGENCY MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY livery, for ordera placed before April ing from 10 to 50c. Money back if the TH OM AS, O f Albany at Mack & Shepherd's1 lat. Call at our office for prices.Brown- brittle* come out, at Beaachamp's. Barber Shop. Laundry leaves Tues­ Petzel Lumber Co. tf. Proprietors. day 2 p. m. tf. ------- Clover Seed F’or Sale Red and Al- Bike. Farmers prices at farm. Squirrel Paisoo should be pot out ear- ... _ . . . ... . 3-10x Franklin Herrling. ly. W e carry all popular brands.Wood­ Mr. and Mrs. Fid P«sl and daughter Mrs. E. Roy fell, one day last week, larks, Red Dragon and C.dkW. at 35 A of North Santiam were in town Satur­ at her home injuring several of her 25c. Money back guarantee at Beau­ day. ribs. Dr. Beauchamp is in attendance. champ’s Drug Store. Liston Darby’s new house between H jh est Market Price Paid For Fal Slock Keep Warm —An unlimited quantity Stayton and Kingston i s just about A marriage license was issued at Sa­ o f old fir wood for sale, on the ground completed. Peter Fiedler is doing the j lem Tuesday to Sylvanus Neal a farm­ mason work. $1 00. and delivered $1.30 per tier. er o f Weat Stayton and Maude Mae R. FL Calavan and Chas. Lee. 3-3x | Hammett o f Marion. They were mar­ . A Y IO N “ Tricking the Government i t ” Mrs. W. R. Ray and daughter Zona John Thoma the enterprising mana­ Mate Titus and O. M. Baker were o f Mt. Pleasant were in town one day ger and bookkeeper o f the Brown-Pet- over from Kingston Monday. the first o f the week. zel Lumber Co. o f this city will erect a Mr. and Mrs. D. Townes o f Mt. fine 8-room bungalow on his lot across Short Orders at all hours at Mack’s Pleasant were trading with Stayton from the mill on Water Street. merchants Saturday. Restaurant. "T h e Place to E a t ” The building will be a story and a half in height and will be modern to SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY i Jos. Haimnan went to Plainview yes­ Agency at Davies Barber Shop. i>ent the last finishing board, and built of terday tor a few days on business. on Tuesday morning. tf. j wholly "M ade In Oregon and Stayton m aterial." Mrs. Hubbard who has been visiting! A basement 28x40 will be under the Frank Lesley and s o . Oliver were her daughter here returned t o her entire house, and a porch will extend business visitors at Salem Monday. home in Dallas Saturday. around the west and south sides. The 1 Perfect Prescription Parity at Bean- estimated cost is about 11800. Grant Arthur McKenzie and his mother o f champ’.. You can always depend upon Murphy will be in charge o f the car Linn county were in town Tuesday. J. M. R IN G O -F . M. SHOOK STAYTO N TO-NIGHT Beauchamp’s. OREGON Lulay Bros. & Co. STAVTON MEAT MARKE' Fre^ii, i>ali & Cured Meats La d & Creamery Butter. Don’t Hang Your Hide TINWORK and PLUMBING State of Ohio, r '.'.y r,t Tolerlo, l „ I.u ra s C o u n t /. I ' thal he ls scr. r |. > f t! fii i o f i- . 1 . ciia n sg A Co '■ . ¡ t o t h im I In thè City o f T o ­ ledo. C .unir I { '■ to aforrsalfi, .-imi thnt 1 finn ól j.ay thè suoi o f ON’ fi th Tubs, Lavatories and Sanitary fittings—Farm­ e r s - vVe carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. HL*NlJ"EÌ> DOLLAUS for cacti and ev- cry ' i m o f < rrh r-innot h rureit by thè use o f HAT.I.’ S r.Y T U U U f C i n t i : . f r a n i : j . c iie n e y . Eworn to bufere me m i stibierlbed in my io ;e, thls Cth d ly of De ember, a . d . m e. (Scali A. tv . G LEA 80N, Not.nry Public. Hall’* C n ta rr h C u re l i tn < n In fe m a lly a n i a rt* i l r - r t l y ur. n 111" I 1 i n n i m u ­ co»* surf a os . f n. • ay*t‘ tì n i for testimoniali, f ■ ■ e. JACOB SPANIOL ' F. J. CFIKNi ! Y ft CO., Toledo. O. Boli by all linieri»t*. no. Tak* Ball’* Familr 1*111* for roostloatlon. on the fence, bring it in to the Stay- ton Produce Co. and get the highest market price. above Mill City is in morning over the untimely death o f Kenneth MeCInry 28 years of age, son o f Mr. and Mr*. T.J. McClary o f thst place. The young man was an employe o f the Hammond Lumber Co. and the tragedy happened at one o f their camps, the direct cause heing s fallen limb of a tree that was struck by a log which was being hauled in on the line. The accident was Saturday, February 20, at 3 o’ clock and the young man ex­ pired at the Company’s hospital in Mill City the same evening. The funeral was held on Monday, February 22, and Interment was in the Fairview cemetery near Gutes. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan passed through Stayton Tuesday on their way home at Salem after attending the funeral of Mrs. F'rcd Merril at Mill City. For solid comfort you will enjoy this Early Colonial Rocker It is a beautiful specimen o f this sterling design; made o f beautifully grained quarter-sawed oak. It has heavy colonial arms, snd is finished in dull or polished golden. The sent is comfortable and roomy and the hack slats are bent to fit the body. Price, $3.75 Stayton Housefurnishing Co. FOR SALE Mrs. Herbert Perry snd daughter Lu­ cile o f Seattle are visiting at the Frank , Mack home. Mrs. Perry is a sister o f i One saw mil), including top ard bot­ Frank Mack. tom saw, belting and rollers and all appliances necessary to run aaid mill Mrs. II. J. Mutschler returned from by applying power. This will be a bar­ Salem Monday evening o f this week. gain to any one desiring a mill. Terms E. A. She had been in that city since Janu- will be given to purchaser. Downing, Stayton, Ore. tf arv re P °rted to, b< in better health at present than she had been for years. FARM FOR SALE Paul Fehlen has hia house, which he oought from John Thoma, securely moved across the street on his lots on First Street, and ia getting it ready for occupancy. Chas. Lampman did th« moving set, 34 acres, bottom land, 20 acrea clear- <*d, 7-ioom house, ham. etc. All new buildings, fenced and cross fenced. I mi. to town, macadam road. Trice $4000. Terms. M. Mueller, Stayton, tf Oregon ried at Marion yeaterday. Workmen are at work chopping down 1 Choice Red Clover Seed for sale, 16c the big maple trees south o f the Brew- per lb. by F’ rank Hottlngcr, Scio, Ore. er property on W ster Street prepara­ Mrs. Thomas Worley and son o f Cor- Rt 2 p hone i 02g> su y ton . tory to moving the drug store building vallis visited her sister Mrs. F. Silhavy Will exchange for grain for part, for to the lot recently bought by Daro Slo- and her parents Mr. and Mrs. U. Whit­ fall delivery. Phone 1028 Stayton. For a short time only, I will sell my per, Mr. Sloper expects to remodel ney last F’ riday. the building into an up-to-date pharma­ 36a. all cleared and good land at (he i above price. No improvementa except Raleigh Harold bought a bill o f lum­ C. M. Tyson o f Phoenix, Oregon has cy* fences. 2* mi. south o f Kingston, on ber o f the Brown-Petzel Lumber Co arrived with his family snd household _____ good road and R. F. D. 10 acrea in good for the erection o f a new house on the goods to occupy the M. C. Bressler farm, formerly owned by Willis Cald- j F; b H Queencr ami wife o f Milton, clover. See Liston A. Darby, Scio, south side o f the river. for a short Oregon Rt,. 1. 3-)8x Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartlett started well. Mr. Caldwell will move to Ash- Oregon came last F’ riday land soon. Mr. Tyson is a form er N e-j visit with relatives here. Mr. Queener f »r Nebraska one day last week. They exp. ct to be gone until fall but will be braska farmer and will make good in returned yesterday but his wife w ill, C. J, Siebel o f the Waldo Hills wss. I make an extended visit at this place. in town Tuesday. I his new environment. b a ck here for the winter. $ 65.00 PER AÍRE