Hamilton’s G i peat Fire Safe, MEANS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN BARGAINS ! 1 The disastrous fire which a few days ago destroyed a large part of our immense stock is our loss and your gain! Thousands of dollars worth of fresh, new merchandise were lost completely. T h o u s a n d s o f d ollars w o r th w « r e sa v e d — S o m e hurt b y lire, so m e b y sm o k e a n d so m e b y w a te r — B u t lo ts o l it is p ra ctica lly u n d a m a g e d 1 A li w e e k , w e h a v e b een b u sy m o v in g it in to th e v a ca n t store n ex t to the S t. F ra n cis H o tel. E v e r y th in g is arran ged o n great ta b les for y o u r c o n v e n ie n c e ! ! D o n 't m iss th is great op p ortu n ity to su p p ly n eed s at the b ig g est s a v in g s y o u ’v e e v e r k n o w n T h o u s a n d s of d o lla rs w o r th of Undamaged Goods at Practically Your Own Price Nothing W ithheld-Everyl thing M ust be Sold a t Once E v e r y b o d y in A lb a n y an d for m ile s arou n d w ill be c o m in g to th is great festi val o f b a rg a in s. M a n y of the lots are, of c o u r se , lim ited — so an d get first pick! E v e r y th in g w ill be so ld e x a c tly a s served ! M u c h of the g o o d s had b een in ou r store o n ly a f e w d a y s before th e fire! It is im p o ssib le to state p rices here. . * * • • • • • • Table Linens and N apkins a t FIRE SALE PRICES. Thousands o f yards o f W ool Dress Goods, Fine Silks and V e lv e ts . Muslin U n d e rw e a r, O uting Gowns, R ibbons Etc. i j ea rly It is— F irst co m e , Thousands o f yards of D o m e s tic s , S h eeting , T o w e lin g , G ingham s, P e rc a le s , Etc. H o s ie ry -P ra c tic a lly Undamaged a t—FIRE SALE PRICES. co m e • first • Y a m s . Sw eaters, Curtains, Notions, Etc. C o rsets, L aces a n d E m b ro id eries, U m b rellas, S ilk a n d 1 ( id G loves—2 0 0 0 P a irs W o m en ’s a n d C h ild re n ’s S h o es— P ra c tic a lly U n d am a g ed - - a t FIR E SALE PRICES W o m en ’s a n d M isses’ N ew 1 9 1 5 Su its a n d C o ats a t F IR E SALE PRICES New S pring M illin e ry-R e ce ive d A fte r the F ire -to be Sold a t FIRE S A LE PRICES H A M S TON’S SA LE STA R TS A T Thurs. Feb. 25 A ltia n v COM E E A R L Y ! A l D S a le to be held in T e m p o r a r y Lyons and V a lle y Fox a i l y , D n . O rp r e trn gon , L o ca tio n , n cx t to the St. F r a n c is H o te l, A lb a n y , O r e g o n lingberg of Jordan were business one day last week. visitors at Stayton Saturday. Frank Moser of Scio spent Sun­ Henry Eckelson and Dwain ■ day at the W. R. Ray home. Crabtree are improving from the Roxana Shank spent Sunday smallpox. with Maude Smith. Mr. Woodard is slowly improv­ Marguerite and Willie Ryan ing after a long illness. attended the basket social and Mrs. Shelton visited relatives dance at the Weasel Flat school house Monday evening. in Albany last week. Clyde and Nellie Thomas stay­ Effie Ray wa3 a guest at the ed at the Shelton home last week Floyd Shelton home Sunday. during Mrs. Shelton’s absence. Misses Effie Ray and Grace Mrs. Harvey Shelton is visit­ Shank and Mrs. Leslie Townes ing her daughter, Mrs. Ruth and baby went to Lebanon Tues­ Sherman in Salem this week. day to visit relatives. D. Shelton, wife and son are Mamie a n d Charley Peters visiting at the Harvey Shelton spent Sunday evening at the Ed home this week. Smith home. Geo. Queener has been on the Mr. açd Mrs. Ona SheUo.i and sick list. two children spent Sunday at the Linn Lambert home. Bessie Shank spent Sunday H t . P le a s a n t with Marguerite Ryan. These cold frosty nights keep the pastures poor. It is taking lots of hay this winter to take the stock through. Mrs. Clarence Merrill died at her home last Saturday morning, February 20. Besides her hus­ band she leaves five boys and a baby girl who will miss her sad­ ly. She was formerly Miss Em­ ma Hart before her marriage. The Stayton Mail misprinted last week. T h e Lyons High School gave a drama and not a dance. The drama was entitled, "Hal Hazard o r t h e Federal Spy,” Many baskets were sold and a plate supper was served also. The ladies of Lyons know just hov to do such things. A large crowd was in attendance. Grandma Brown does not im­ T h e services conducted b y prove very fast. Her daughter Rev. Blair of Albany, Sunday Mrs. Smith of Portland is with was well attended. her now. Jos. Benner of Lebanon, the The dance at the hall Saturday county school supervisor, visited night was not very well attended at the school Tuesday. but all who were there report a Misses Zona and Cora Ray vis­ nice time. ited with their sister Mrs. Don Will Murray and family have McKnight of Mill City Saturday moved to Nelan’s mill, where and Sunday. Mr. Murray and son, Earl, are Gladys Downing was a guest at work. of Verna Shank Sunday. Mrs. Joe Peters has been very Arnold Senz was a Salem visit­ sick with Lagrip, but is improv­ or Sunday. ing. Mrs. Frank Haberman o f The Parent-Teacher’s meeting Munkers visited with home folks at Fox Valley was a success, and (Tuesday. a source of profit to both teach­ Frank Lambert is doing some ers and parents. The question carpenter work for W. R. Ray to be discussed next Wednesday this week. is: "The Boy,” a problem to most of us. Mabel Thayer of Scio spent the ! latter part of the week visiting with her sister, Mrs. Floyd Shel­ J o rd a n Jin g le s ton. Mrs. P. H. Lambert was a T . H . T h o m a s and O s c a r W a ll i guest at the D, Townes home SALE STARTS AT Thurs. C0ME Feb. 25 Cole Schoo! We are desirous to have our patrons visit us and examine our work from time to time. We feel that their presence would be an inspiration to us all, and that they would be, by keeping in closer touch with the school and its workings, more in sym­ pathy with our efforts and would appreciate, more, that which we are trying to accomplish. But the people, generally, not from a lack of interest in the ed­ ucation of their boys and girls, leave this work almost entirely to the teacher. As it is very difficult to get the people out; we wish here to tell something of what we are doing. Our Supervisor, Mr. Benner visited our school Monday after­ noon. According to his reports the larger number of x?Lu>l- in the county are progressing very nicely. We have just finished a test for the fifth month and the re­ sults are very good. Following is a reports for the month ending February 19. Enrollment; hoys 21. girls 18, days taught 20, whole number days’ attendance G-144, whole number days’absence 46J, whole number times late 14, pupils neither absent or late 11, average number belonging 84.5, average daily attendance 32.2, per cent of attendance 93.3. Those who have not missed a day during the term are: Nina, Maudic, Winnie and Harley Dar­ by, Carl Limbeck, Crystal Bates, Zona Cole, Carl Kraschnewski a n d Hazel Watson. Sickness was the cause of absence in most cases. Bessie Cary is on the sick list a t t h e present time. Peter Mertz is also unable to attend school. We expect to make our school one of the standard schools of the county this year. We have already arranged for three play apparatus and as we have the modem lighting a n d heating vstem, all that remains to be ,’one in order to standardize, is > secure a U. S. flag. Now parents and friends come id see some good work we can iterest you by reciting lessons, inging songs or telling stories. W. H. Fuson, Teacher. Dates have been set and plans are well under way for a tre­ mendous celebration, extending over an entire week, on the com­ pletion of the Celilo canal and the opening of that splendid pro­ ject for the extension of river traffic. President Wilson h a s been invited to attend, also Ad­ miral Dewey. Congress h a s passed an act authorizing the attendance of three senators and nine representatives at the be­ ginning of the festivities, May 5 th . WHEN HER BACK ACHES A Woman Find* All Her Energy A m b itio n S lip p in g A w a y , and Stayton women know how the erhes and pains that often come when the kidneys fail make lifu a burden. Pack- arhp, hip pains, headachca, dizzy »¡n il*;, distressing uriniry troubles, sru fre­ quent i>dications of weak kidneys and should be checked in time. Doan’s Kidney Fills are for the kidneys only. They attack kidney diseases by striking at the cause. Can Stayton sufferers desire strong­ er proof than this Dallas woman's word? Mrs. Maria Cerny, 2U3 Ash St.. Dal­ las, Oregon, says: “ l used Doans Kid­ ney Pills and got great relief from backache and kidney trourlc that had been bothering me. I can recommend Doan's Kidney Fills as a Cine kidney remedy. They act on the system quick­ ly and bring very good results. ” Price 60o, at all dealers. Don't oim- j ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Fills- the snmc that Mrs. Cerny had. Foster-Milburn C-o., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. REALESTATE OFFICE FOR AUMSYILLE Chas. Ransom and F. W. Hayungs will conduct a renlestate business : nd have 0 |>ened up un office at the bank. The new firm will havo connections i with renlestate offices in Portland and t Salem and buyers wit] be sent here dur­ ing the coming season. Anyone wish­ ing to sell or exchange their prn|ierty should call at the Bnnk prepared to give full description for listing.—Rec­ ord. MECHANICS M AGAZINE For Father and Son AND ALL THE FAMILY Two and a half million readers find it of absorbing interest Everything In it is Written So You Con Understand ft W* ictl 401.000 copies every m onth without Sivinu premium* suit have no solicitors. Any newsdealer will show you a copy; o r w rite the publisher to r tree sam ple — a postal will do. i t . S O A YEAR l S e A COPY Popular M e c h a n ic s M agazine 0 H e . aato M aeo > » * ., O tnC A Q O eOLK’S' OREGON a n d W A SH IN G T O N Business Directory A D irectory o f each C ity, T ow n and V illus«, « Iv in s d escrip tiv e s k e tc h of each plat-s, location, popu latio n , tele- s r n p h , S h l p p l n s an d b a n k in g p o in t; also <.'tasalrt*d D irectory, co m p iled by business and profession. K. I - P O LK S CO.. RF.ATTLE . EVERY KNOCK A BOOST LOSES TWO FINGERS It scams Incredible, yet it is a fact, Alfred Weddle, age 36, proprietor of that there are busineasf?) men in Jeff­ the sawmill at Sweet Home, suffered erson who don’t even take their tome the loss of two fingers on his left hand paper. They always grab it, however, and narrowly escaped the loss of one j aa soon a a issued, a n d then howl eye, when a double-barrel shot gun, i against, the paper and editor. If tb y which he was handling, accidently dis­ knew, a* we do, that their howling is charged Sunday afternooon. The acci­ of great benefit to the paper, they’d dent happened n e a r Sweet Home. probably quit.—Review. According to word from there Monday afternoon, Weddle will recover from the injury to his eye. Tho charge blew Lime and Snlpher Spray— h I s fingers off completely.—Albany Herald. For Sale at Korinek & Mielka'a.2-Z.' <