The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 28, 1915, Image 1

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O yt $ ° "
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20th Y«ir, No 52.
Three world expoeitione la the lateat
method o f deelvnntlng the $60,000,000
Exposition a t San Francisco, “ The
Everything in Motion” Exposition at
San Diego, anti the greateat *o f all in
Expoaitlona the 2600 mile atreteh o f
wonderful acenery, glorioua climate and
amuaing productiyeneea, t h e Pacific
Coast it-aelf.
This la but the introduction t o a
sixty-four page, beautifully illustrated,
highly colored pamphvt called “ High
Points on Pour Great Highwaya” juat
Issued by the Southern Pacific tor dis­
tribution through ita own Agenta, and
the thousands o f Agenta o f ita connect­
ing lines throughout the middle west,
the Eastern States and Canadian P ro v­
The center pages o f the pamphlet
are given up to a wonderful panoramic
view o f the Exposition and the Golden
Gate-31 in. long by Sin. high, and eight
pages are devoted entirety to the ex ­
ploitation o f the Shasta Kout«, includ­
ing many beautiful illustrations o f
Western Oregon, Washington and Cali­
California, Oregon and Washington
are themselves a vast Exposition o f the
imposing, the marvelous and the de­
light! ul things o f the world hemmed in
by the many-peaked Sierra Nevadaa,
the Cascades afld the seas.”
It seems quite impossible for anyone
reading this pamphlet to suppress a de­
sire to visit the wonderful states o f
the Pacific Coast.
Mr. John M. Scott, General Passen­
ger Agent o f the Southern Pacific has
a limited supply o f “ High Points”
pamphlets which will be furnished to
thosedesiring to send them to eastern
Pare Castile Soap-
Large Bar 10c. 3 for 26c.
dow at Beauchamp’s.
Mortallty In Battle.
At Oettyabarg the death rate par
thointand was 66.6. the highest In
twenty-one battlea In the war.
A c­
cording to the figure# In the American
ex|M-rlrnce table o f mortality, fo r every
thniiMand men living at the age o f for­
ty-nine there will be 66.0 deaths before
reiu lilng the age o f fifty-three. For all
pur|H>ses this la exactly the asm# rate
o f mortality as that on ths flsld of
Gettysburg—that I* to say, each soldier
h.iii the same chance o f surviving the
le ille o f Gettysburg that a man forty-
nine .rears old has o f Bring te ha fifty
three. At the battle o f Chancellors
vllle the death rate among the soldiers
engaged was 20.3 per thousand. A c­
cording to the life insurance tables, the
dentil rate per thousand among men In
lienrefnl pursuits ranging In aga from
forty-two to forty-four la exactly the
Every soldier at Shiloh, where
tile death rate In battle was 42.2 per
thousand, had the same chance o f es­
caping alive as the average man o f
thirty baa o f reaching the age o f thirty-
five. These figures are surprising In
showing how far w e are likely to be
led astray In calculating the relative
mortality In battle.—New York World.
Sterling Coin.
An example o f the romance o f words
ta to be found In ‘’ sterling.’’ a word
early associated with British coinage,
also with Raster. Fred W. Burge as. tn
tils “ Chats on Old Coins,” remarks that
“ sterling'' was applied to the qnallty
o f the mintage, which was examined
IK-rlfMlIcnlly at Easter. Hence the term
’•Easterling.’’ or “ sterling,” denoted
coins o f true weight and value aa last
nitcxtcd. It la Interesting to learn that
(J'iceu Mary was the first English sov­
ereign to date her coinage, which she
dkl In 1068, using Roman numerals.
The type o f the Mary shilling la his­
torically o f particular lntarest tn that
It Is the only period o f English coinage
ou which Joint sovereigns were repre­
sented face to face. This peculiarity
gave rise to the lines:
- o -
- O
The all-abeorbing question to-day in i werk but that he expected that the
Stayton ia; “ Is there really anything j force would be increased to o v e r 100
in the Salem to Stayton Railroad?”
j inside a month. He also asserted that
The question became ■ o pertinent i the contractor for the entire line o f 23
that the “ Wise Guy” o f the M ail’ s miles was a Mr. Lynnott o f Salem and
force, together with A r t Elder and that J. F. Mounce waa general mana­
w ife and H. £. W irth and better hslf ger.
got Into H enry’s Ford on Tuesday o f
When asked who was behind the
this week and went to see.
movement, Mr. M errill’s eyes twinkk-d
The trip was made at about midday and he said that he did not know, gnd
and although information was asked at being to a 1 I appearances a truthful
Turner, but little could be learned, ex­ ! man, he qualified hia statement by say­
The lobby o f the Stayton poet office
cept the road to Battle Creek Canyon, ing that even if he did know he would
has been repainted and a fine new bul­
where the reported camp had been es­ be in no position to tell.
letin board put up. The difference is
tablished. To tell the truth Turner is
I f the "W is e Guy” might be trusted
very noticeable.
Frank Thomas did
just a little sore, no doubt from the to hazard an opinion it would be this—
the work.
fact that the new line misses it by a But from two possible sources could
couple o f miles to the south.
the money come to finance the new
Morocco Leather.
Skirting the south side o f the Tur­ line, from the Hill people or from an
Sumac, the powdered leaf o f the
ner Hill for about tw o miles the party independent or Salem coterie o f cap­ suinsc plant, the finest varieties o f
came to a beautiful spot where t h e italists, and the "W is e Guy” believes which grow in Sicily, la used In tan­
famed Battle Creek Canyon debouches the people o f Salem Hre a great d c a i '■ ning goatskins, and sumac gives a
into the level plain below, and there like those o f Stayton too cautious to clear, white tannage, unaffected by the
action of light and therefore suitable
nestled against the side o f the hill with try anything new or out o f their line.
for dyeing into colors where perma­
the aroma o f colYee and bacon on the
Right-of-way Being Cleared
nence o f shade Is desired. A genuine
sir ( I t was just noon, and perhaps the
However, be that as it may, W O R K “ morocco” Is goatskin tanned with
party already felt the pangs o f hunger)
ia being done at Battle Creek Canyon, pure sumac, but there are many up­
was found the first camp o f the Salem-
as the trio o f Stayton men can testify, holsterers who could not give this defi­
Stavton Railroad.
for they followed the cleared right o f nition offhand. Goatskins dyed with
way along the west side o f the canyon tia bool pods or similar barks are only
Camp Looks Businesslike
fo r over one-half a mile, and every evi­ imltution moroccos, although it takes
And a mighty smart looking and
dence was that this was no false s t a r t : an expert to discover the difference.
business-like camp it is, too, with new
but that there was B U S IN E S S behind L o m wear, o f course, reveals the de­
bunk houses, new cook house and all,
Roan leathers are sumac
and a neat pile o f wood already chop­
tunned sheepskins.—Manchester Guard­
It might be further stated that Mr. ian.
ped for Mr. Cookee.
Merrill said that the time limit fo r the
Alm ost immediately upon the arrival
grading o f the entire 23 miles from Sa­
Well Posted.
o f the Ford with ita load o f passengers,
lem to Stayton was set at December 1, * A young man and young woman on
a tall, browned, grey-tem pled compe­
1915, and that the grade would be fin­ the links were combining the games
tent looking man advanced from the
of golf and wooing. “ Here’s a quar­
ished months before that time.
main building, who, a fte r the mutual
The readers o f the Mail may believe ter. caddie.” said the young man, as
self introductions w ere over was found
this story or not —I f you tin not—go he started off with his arm around hts
to be F, R, Merrill, chief engineer o f
fair companion’s waist: “ you want to
and see.
the Salem-Stayton Railroad.
forget this."
The management ot the Mail expects 1
“ Don’t worry, sir,” replied the cad­
Chief Engineer Talks
die “ I ’ ve forgot more about that kind
In an interview, which the “ Wise the proposition and if you are interest- j o f business than you ever knew.” —
Guy” had planned upon from the start, ed it will pay you to take your home i Exchange.
Mr. Merrill stated that a t present paper and keep posted on the Salem
there were, to be exact, 23 men at Stayton Railroad.
(Special to The Mail)
A t a mass meeting o f the citizens o f
William James Howard one o f North Albany on Monday o f this week it was
Santiam’s oldest and most respected voted to erect a $25,000 cannery at that
cititens died at his home at that place 1 placethis year.The plans call for an ear-
Sunday, January 24.
| ly start and green stuff will be utilized
Mr. Howard was born in Tennessee | this year. I t is also planned to build an
on Novem ber 14, 1832, and was over 82 j evaporator in conjunction.
years o f age at the tim e o f his death.
The farm ers are very enthusiastic
He came to Oregon the first time in over the prospect and are subscribing
1863, and a fter a three years stay fo r shares in large numbers.
went back to his native state; but the shares are put at $50 each. Anyone
“ call o f the w e s t" drew him out to the can buy as many shares as they want
Beaver state again in 1888. He setti&l but they are limited to one vote in the
near North Santiam later and had re­ 1 corporation to eliminate the possibility
sided there u p t o the time o f his I o f any group gaining control.
death. His w ife and tw o sons, George ! The association is to be cooperative
and Robert survive him.
The inter­ to the fullest extent. A committee o f
ment was i n the Stayton cemetery ten men was appointed to solicit the
January 26 . The funeral was held at capital atock and w ill report to the
the home at 10 a. m. o f that day. Rev. secretary o f the commercial club on
Chandler o f the Methodist church o f or before Feburary 26.
Following are
this city officiating.
those named: Dr. A. W . Cormack, U,
G. Smith, D. Bussard. L. R. Reynolds,
H. C. Powell, J. G. Gibson, Charles
Subscribe for The Stayton Mail Ashton, Hiram Parker, J. W . Bishop.
I f present plana do not miscarry,
Oregon will in a ahort time be listed
among the important augar-producing
states o f the Union, while eastern Ore­
gon has been more or less active in the
raising o f sugar beets for a number o f
years, it is only recently that t h e
movement baa extended to the Willa­
mette Valley and the counties in the
south end o f the state. Approximately
5f»0 acres have been signed up within
the past few daya in the vicinity o f
Medford and Grants Pass, an acreage
sufficient to warrant the erection o f a
beet sugar factory.
A corporation
backed by Oregon, California and Utah
capital h a i been formed t o carry
through the project.
(Special to The Mail)
The Wa Hi Club Celebrated thetr
4th anniversary at the beautiful new
home o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. hmith
at Oak Grove, 5 miles north-eaat o f
Sublimity, Saturday evening January
23, 1916.
The rooms w ere decorated with red
and white streamers fastened in the
center with a bunch o f mistletoe.
The evening was spent playing whist
and crokinole.
Prizes w ere given to
the winners. Richard Tate taking the
prize in whist and A . C. Barrows in
Late in the evening a dainty lunch
was served t n which all did ample
A fte r lunch all departed fo r thier
homes and on their departure one and
ail expressed themselves pleased with
A number o f Mrs. Peter Fiedler’s
the nice tune they had enjoyed.
friends gathered at the Fiedler home
last Sunday evening in honor o f her
The time waa pleasantly
spent in music, singing, playing games
and a delicious luncheon. A number o f
nice presents were received by the
The many friends o f Capt. M. W.
Hunt, in the Waldo Hills district, and
in Salem, where he lived so long, will
be pained to learn that he is very ill at
hia present home in Berkeley, Cal ,
where he is engaged in the automobile
transfer business. Mrs. B. L. Steeves,
An even thirty o f Vilas Philippi’s who is his sister, has information that
friends gathered at h i a home near Captain Hunt’ s case is about hopeless.
Kingston last Friday night in honor o f —Salem Statesman.
Mr. Philippi’s 30th birthday.
event was a complete surprise to the
host, especially the taffy pull which
was pulled off before lunch at mid­
The A ltar Society o f the Catholic
church o f this place met last Sunday
and elected tLe following officers :Pres.,
Mrs. F. VanErmen; Sec., Chas.Gehlen;
Treas., Mrs. J. Spaniol.
The pews
were rented to the members the same
A very pleasant little party was held day.
at the Simon Boedigheimer home last
Sunday night.
Those present were
Frank Rauscher and family, Jos. Koen­
ig and fam ily. Mr. Hendricks and- fam­
ily, Jacob Frank a n d family, A lva
The bachelor home o f G.Toelle north-
Smith and family and Andrew Rauscher
eaat o f Stayton was the scene o f a jol­
and family.
ly crowd Tuesday night o f this week.
About fifty people were present and
W. C. Parry le ft fo r Junction C it y 1
enjoyed the occasion.
Monday where he will make his future I
home. Mr. Parry has bought the Junc­
tion City Times and will take charge
I. B. Carter and w ife o f Waldo Hills
o f the newspaper the first o f Febru­ and J. W . Thomas and w ife o f east o f
ary. Mrs. Parry will join her husband Stayton visited at the Frank Carter
home Monday.
at a near date.
e t « e^e etj/e
*>te s^e_e®e *>te a^e
! 1
• W
Oranges are Cheap!
The System Requires Fresh Vegetables in Winter Months
Oranges, 10c-13c-15c-20c-30c a doz.
Lemons, 25c a doz.
Fresh Celery, 7c a bunch.
Large Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c.
B a n a n a s ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . dozen, 25c
We are taking this form of announcing a change in our cretit arrangements.
Owing to the fact that we are trying to operate our business as economically
as possible we rind it necessary to eliminate extended or long time credits.
A fter February 1st all of our outstanding bills will be due and payable the
first o f March.
So in justice to all concerned, if you should be owing us anything and
you receive a statement requesting payment, we ask you not to become offended or feel
Still amorous, fond and billing,
Like Philip and M ary on a shilling
Wisdom From Thomas.
The thoughtful look on young Thorn-
os' face betrayed that he had a few
questions to ask.
Aa soon as Mre.
Itonrdnian hi.d gone he asked them.
“ Mother,” said he. “ do you Ilka to
kiss Mrs BoardmanT”
“ No. dear ”
“ Do yon think Mm. Roardtnan likes
to kiss you?”
“ I don’t think she does.”
“Then why do yon and she always
klaa when you meetT”
“ 1 don’t know, dear.”
“ Don’t you think Mrs. Bonrdman
would rather yon didn’t klaa her?”
“ I have no doubt o f I t ”
“ Wouldn’t yon rather Mrs. Board-
man didn’t kiss yon7”
“ Oh. very much rather.”
"Then." said young Thomas conclu­
sively. “ that must be why.” —New
York Timce.
Word came to Stayton about eleven
o ’clock rixlay that Raieigh Harold, who
is Road Supervisor in the district just
across in Linn County had been badly
injured about the face by a premature
explosion o f powder at the rock crush­
er which ia now at the Wm. M iller
place 4 miles east o f Seio.
Dr. Beaut-ramp immediately waa
called and at his arrival, a complete e x ­
amination showed that Mr. Harold was
not as seriously injured as it was fea r­
ed at first. Most o f the wounds are
about the head and face and are not o f
a vital nature, however, time may de­
velop more serious complications.
The injured man has a host o f friends,
relatives and neighbors who fully sym­
pathize with him in his unfortunate
A t present he is at the
home o f Mr. Rahn, who lives near the
scene o f the accident.
Serial No. 984
that we are picking you out in particular.
On February 1st we will mail to every one
owing us, a statement, respectfully requesting payment as soon as possible, thereby
A very pleasant crowd assembled at
the S. H. Buraon home Sunday even­
ing when Mrs. Grant Murphy returned
from Portland accompanied by her sis­
ter Mrs. Stella Hofeldt.
Those pres­
ent besides Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bur-
son w ere: Mr. and Mre. Grant Murphy,
Mrs. H ofeldt, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Burson, Mr. and Mrs. 0 . L. Burson,
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Burson and Grand­
pa Buraon.
A ft e r supper the crowd adjourned to
M ert Burton’s home where they had
music until a late hour.
O f Albany at Mack & Shepherd's
Barber Shop. Laundry leaves Tues­
2 p. m.
The Southern Pacific has nnnounced
the rates which will apply to tourist
travel between Portland and San Fran­
cisco during the period o f the groat e x ­
position, tickets to be on sale daily be­
tween February 15 and November 30.
On 90-day limit rickets the rate will he
$36; on 30 day tickets, $30; on special
occasions, such as important convent^
ions, etc. a round trip rate will be
made o f $26.75 with a 15-day limit and
stop-over privilege on the return trip.
T o the exposition at San Diego, the
road will make a round-trip rate o f |
$52.25 with a limit o f 40 days and stop­
over privileges both ways.
Agency at Davies Barber Shop,
on Tuesday morning.
conforming wita our new policy o f going on a cash basis, which will begin on March 1st.
We are publishing this notice at this early date in order to make it convenient
for all concerned.
In starting out on this basis we are going to make prices that will compete
with the lowest.
This way of doing business may be a little more trouble on your part,
but the saving will more than repay you.
Watch for our price list later.
Produce accepted as cash.
Thomas-Mayo Co.