THE STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by K. M . O lm ste d Entered as second class matter at the postidfic* at Stay ton, Marion, county, Oregon, under the act o f Congress of March 3, 1879. SUtSCKIPTIO.SS, SI.SO p er y e a r Alidreea all communications to T H R STA YTO N MAIL H. A BEAUCHAMP, M.D. Physician and Surgeon OREGON STAYTON. C. H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AN D SUKUEON S t a y t o n . O regon Wilbur N. Pintler, D.M.D. S IR ES AND S O N S . W. F. Murray, postmaster o f Boston, la outy thirty-three years old. General Horatio Gates GII moii . the ; oldest living graduate o f West Point left the academy In IS «7 at the age o f twenty for service In the Mexican war Professor II. Julius Kggellug. profes wor o f Sauskrit and coiu|>aratlve phi­ lology ut Edinburgh university since 1875. has resigned his professorship on account o f the war. Dr. 1-ggellng was horn In Germany In ISI'J aud has w orld» ide reputation. Dr XV. A. P. Martin, who recently celebrated bis eighty-seventh birthday is the oldest Protestant missionary In Cbluu. having been engaged In hts la tiors In that country for sixty-four years. In |s's. Stone Saturday, E l Muertz and wife Ilf Linn county evening, also another at M r. and were in town yesterday. Mis. Ed Trasks, loth o f Fox Val- ------------- Hack For S a l* -S e e C. E Kramer, ley Your Good l/ioka ia hy TAKING (’ARK OF YOUR KYES NOTHING CAUSES W RINKLES QUICKC»! T h a n E y e S tr.iin. the Baker, Stayton, Ore. Mr. Wiley is slowly improving. Frank Johnston and wife ate I, H. E. Roaaell and family expect to dinner w i t h Mrs. Woodworth Sunday. leave for Du fur tomorro w. Mr». Frank Basil and »on Frank of Mehama were in town Monday. Don’ t wait to have your eye* attended to. Our Toric Lenses will atop that eye strain that causes your headache etc All our work Guaranteed by E. ROY, Optometrist Stayton, Ore. EYES TESTED FR EE Short Orders at all hours at Mack's Restaurant. "T h e Place to E a t ” P R A C T IC A L H E A L T H H IN T. Bl««ding Gums. Bleeding gums nr* one o f til* *lgns o f scurvy, a dreadful dis­ ease. of which, happily, we hear less now thnn I d the days when meu had to take long voyagas on sailing ships and ronld not get fresh food. Mild cases o f It are found among children who have tiecn fed on condensed milk ouly. As soon as the*»» children nro given a |>roper diet with fresh milk the gums cease to bleed and grow hard again Many other constitutional dis­ order* besides scurvy cause bleeding gums, but most cases are owing to local conditions and need to be treated by the dentist rather than by the doctor. If your gums bleed because you have discarded a soft tooth brush for a stiff one yop can re­ lieve the trouble by a mouth wash o f salt and water or by putting u little myrrh In the wa­ ter. If. nevertheless, the gums contlnnt^to bleed visit the dentist at once, for spongy gum* soon cause loose teeth In many cases he will find suppuration round the socket* o f the teeth or tie tween them. It is possible for that to he the case, although the teeth them selves show no sign of disease. It can even hap|ieti to the most cleanly people, for the brush, even when conscientiously used, will not reach the affected spot. If neglected the condition is sure to lead to trouble, because the patient constantly swallows the poisons that are formed, to the detriment o f his dlviwtlon nnd hi* general health. John Sandiwr Jr. and wife o f Kings­ ton were Stayton viaitura Monday. Hcrsehel Mack and family returned to their home in Corvallia Saturday. T O -N IG H T 5 Mr. Lafoon and aiater o f near Lyona are viaiting at the W. J. Hewitt home. REELS James *J. 5 Corbett in The Eldeen Club met at the home o f Mrs. G. F. Korinek Friday afternoon. “ The Man From The Golden W est” Albert Croisant o f Lyons visited at the B. A. Schaefer home the first of week. This is a Very Sensational \ Keel Feature o f In­ tense Interest Also a Good Comedy. Something Funny. See it if You Wish to I»augh. 5 and 10c Orchestra Music George Thomas and Miss Naomi Sil- havy visited at the Jaa. Thomas home Sunday. B. Minton and wife o f Linn county were trading with Stayton merchants Tuesday. What you want and when you want it. Just "The Place to Eat” at Mack's restaurant. R. A. Titua o f Falla City visited the first o f the week with his mother Mrs. C. A Titus. Josiah Koister o f Linn county left yesterday tor a visit with relatives in Polk county. Andy Cornish and family o f Sweet Home are visiting relatives and friend* here this week. SATURDAY 7th Episode of “ Perils of Pauline” Pathe War News. Comedy. Son« 'T h e r e ’s a Tavern in The T o w e r" High School Gloo Chib 5 and 10c ★ THEATRE SPECIAL CLEARANCE THIS WEEK Women’s Mary Jane Button Shoes In Patent Leather and Gun Metal Reg­ ular price S3.50. Reduced to Mrs. W. Doerfler o f the Waldo Hills is visiting h e r daughter Mrs. Geo. Smith this week. $ 2 .9 5 The Brode Club will be entertained by the Misses Fehlen at their home on Water St., tonight. LANCEFIELD Cash Shoe Store SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Agency at Davies BarberShop. on Tuesday morning. »ent tf. Mrs. J. R. Gardner went to Salem Tuesday to visit her daughter Mal>el who is on the sick list. But It does seem rather qncer not to Have congress in session. Wild oats will take out o f your soli what no system o f crop rotation can ever put back. 5*I0*l5*25c STORE Mueller, Stayton. We have been having consider­ Geo Thomas ha* sold hia reatuiant able fog up this way. It would to Wallace Mack. be much more agreeable if it lamie Geister was over from Kings­ would clear up. There are few things more uncertain than life’s certainties. There may be sermons In stones, but you don't get them out by stumping your toe. See M. U. C. Strom and w ife were Dave Drennen o f Portland la a busi­ ness visitor here. visiting in Lyons Sunday. S H A R P AND S H O R T . All things considered, there Is no in- eentive to give history an encore. PIGS FOR SALK tf Miss Marietta Thompson ami Alva Grimes, both o f this place were married in Albany on Mon­ day this week. They were ac­ companied to the latter place by the bride’s mother. The newly­ weds made a short wedding tirp after which they will In* at home to their friends in Lyons. Veterinarian S. H HELTZEL Wendell Freies was In town Tuesday. That Saturday Night Line o f Men at the Express Office HERE’S a strong story in that, Williams — a story o f what prohibi­ tion i* doing for your town. Those meu are spending a lot o f money because you’ ve tried lo deprive them o f their honest right to drink beer. 'I but money’s going to dealers just twenty miles from your town not a cent o f it ever comes back. It’ s a sure thing, too, that the express c o m p a n ie s don’t spend those heavy shipping receipts in your city. T It's the old story of prohibi­ tion, At illiaim. Close the re- sp''ruble, well-conducted beer saloon and seek by legislation lo rob men o f their liberty,and you have a problem that never work* out in favor o f a town. You don’t keep men from drinking. Refine to sell them beer, which h e r e to fo r e they have drunk moderately because the** know it’» the drink o f True Temper­ ance and beneficial and stimulat­ ing, and the stronger drink line bobs up. You send thousand* o f dollar* out o f the town that ought to be spent right there, and you encourage drunkenness and law-breaking. Your town will Wake up some day, Williams, like many another town that ha* been disillusioned. —Advmrtitrmamt By E. 0. Ulrich, Ch. of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. FRESH MILCH COW a n d high grade Jeraey heifers f o r sale. F. Frank, Sublimity, Ore. l- 28 x New top buggy to exchange f a r good, young, fresh milch cow. H. L. . Wright, Aumaville, Ore. 1-21 B. A. Farrar and family o f Linn county have moved into the R. L. Mor- ton house on Water street. Chas. Peters and daughter Mary and Will Neal o f Silver Creek were trading with Stayton merchants Tuesday. AGENCY MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY Kdwin Hansen the four-months-old O f Albany at Mack & Shepherd'* son o f Mr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Hansen o f The Barber Shop. Laundry leave» Tues­ Lyons died Tuesday, January 12. day 2 p. m. tf. interment waa in the Pioneer cemetery. Team For Sale— ^ Young, sound and well broke, one mare, one gelding well matched for $9.00 per thousand delivered. Write size. Wt. 2100. Enquire at Mail office. R. Burtis, Mehama, Ore., or phone, Chan. Baas, Stayton, Ore. l-28x Notice On account o f there being no piano at the Opcru house, the lec­ ture will be held in the Star Theatre Keep Warm —An unlimited quantity tomorrow night. It is free, come and of old fir wffiod for sale, on the ground listen to it. $1.00, and delivered $1.30 per tier. R. E. Calavnn and Chas. Lee. 3-3g Shakes For Sale— $100 Reward, $100 The readers of thl* paper wilt he pluuscd to learn thnt thorn Is at Iraat on* lr'-ail il illzu.'uo that aclence lias been .-bio t I cu m In all Its atagea. nnd that 1» Catnrrln 1 ill’s Catarrh Curo 1» tho only positive curo n cv known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being « constitutional dlsciao, require» n constitutional treat- m nt. H all’ s Catarrh Curo Is tnkon In- lly, netlng dlrocily upon tlio i \ Full blood, Plymouth cockerel, from The evening mail leaves for W est and mucous surface» o f tho system. thor%- prize winning stock for trade for hens. Stayton at 4 p.m. and returns at 6 p.m. by destroying tho foundation o f tho dis­ ease, and givin g tho patient strenirth by ! C. E. Kramer, the Baker, Stayton. also the evening train goes through to building up ths constitution and assisting aturo In doing Its work. T h s proprietors Albany returning the next morning. avo mo m uch faith In It* curative pow ­ Joa. Silhernagel made a visit to the ers that they offer Ona Hundred Dollars fo r any eano that It falls to curo. Bond Mail office to-day. Joe is one o f those The new $3,000 planer has arrived at fo r list o f toitlmonlnls. ; solid farmer* up the Mehama road. Address I\ J. CHENEY in<‘