The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 21, 1915, Image 2

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    ' of the beat way to eentralixe the state Anti-Villa Plot Discovered;
; government and report in 191?.
Many Executions Occur
Would abolish continuing appropria*
tions, except for state educational in*
Washington D. C. — General Fran­
' atitutions, and would place all state re*
cisco Villa, commander-ln-rhief of the
oeipts in the general fund in charge
forces controlled by the convention in
I of the state treasurer.
at Mexico City, was due to
Recommends that efTorta to econo-
reach the capital Tuesday night to as­
but extend to the counties. Of every sist Colonel Roque Contales Carta,
1100 taxes. $12.60 goes to the state selected by the convention as tempo­
Simple But Impressive.
and $37.60 to the county, therefore
the county administration costa the rary executive to succeed General Ku-
taxpayers three times as much as the talio Gutierres.
H « f t i n t to Congratulate Agir state. The legislature should save at
Advices to this effect reached the
Executive Chamber* Thronged least $20,000 in ita own expense of State department, together with the
operation this session.
information that, while the capital
With Prominent Spectatora.
Recommends anti-liquor regulations was “ well protected and policed,”
that can be,enforced; wants the gov. there had been some executions for
ernor to have the power to remove offl-
and the populace was uneasy
Satate Capitol, Salem—People of ! cera who do not enforce the prohibition disorders
over the general situation.
You have now a new gover­ laws; favors a substantial appropria­
The reasons for the departure of
nor. Me is Dr. James Withy combe, tion for investigation by special Gutierres have not yet.been explained
of Corvallis. He took the oath of agents.
to the.State department, and the be­
Recommends a one-half mill state lief prevails that, with the 6000 troops
office at precisely 2:46 Tuesday after­
Copyrtshl by f U Century C a
tax for road purposes and the use of accompanying him from Mexico City
Surrounded by members of his fam­ the automobile license fund for the and Generals Blanco and Robles, he is
ily, state officials, including Justices same purpose.
endeavoring either to join General
W’ould evolve a rational state mort­ Obregon and the Carransa element, or C a p t a i n A b r a h a m H o a r a m t A n s a l l n a .
of the Supreme court ami legislators,
prominent residents of Salem and oth­ gage credit system and memorialise intends to set up an inde|>endent fac­ h t h ta r o u « g I h f » , A h » h ' a » v » u n l lo u c s t k y t p h u e r i c r h a li s e t t l o e f T h e o n m s e
er parts of the state. Dr. Withycombe congress to take action on the rural tion.
fly tl u li l m i n i n g gon -h
T h e ir househ old
au c tio n m on ey, all
was vested with the power of office credit banking laws.
Light was thrown on the conduct of g t h o e o y d s h a s v o e l d , l e f t t h , e w i 1100
l l p l a c e A b e In t h e O l d
Recommends that a non-ralaried Gutierres by the receipt here from M a n ' s h o m e , o r A n g y In t h e O l d la td le s *
and immediately presented to the peo­
t h a r e seTr-sarrlA cln g but A b e
ple his first state document, which was committee of seven business men see Vera Crux of the copies of letters said d h e o c m l d e r s : B " o M
an inaugural address and message to what can be done to establish new in­ to have been exchanged between Gen­ l ’ v » h a d a c h y a n d c e e a r to t h t i a s k e Is t h t e h e w u f s u t s t o f t i I m t .” e
dustries. Unreasonable restrictions on eral Gutierrez and Generals Obregon
the legislature combined.
should be and Candido Aguilar, dated January 7,
C H A P T E R II—Continued.
His first official act was to write a commercial
letter accepting the presidency of the frowned on.
approximately the time when Gutier­
Would encourage the normal schools. res announced to the convention that
U n d er th e pink rose a s o ft pink
Oregon State Board of the Red Cross.
Recommends that from the sale of he was working on plans for the pacifi­ flush bloomed on e it h e r of th e old
I .ess profuse, but even more impres­
sive, where the decorations inside the lands in the Tumalo project set the cation of Mexico.
Briefly, his plan lady's ch ecks. H e r eyes flushed with
house chamber where the inauguration money aside for future irrigation aid was to unite with Generals Obregon unco n q u erab le pride, and h e r sq uare.
took place. The only dispaly of color under state supervision.
and Aguilar in deposing General Villa Ann chin sh e held very high; for now.
With one exceptoin, the state insti­ from control of the convention forces. Indeed, sh e was tilled with te r r o r of
was that produced by the flags hang­
tutions are in good shape. The excep­ Elíseo Arredondo, head of the Carran­ what “folks would sa y " to th is hom e
ing in the doorway.
But the portraits of nine ex-gov­ tion is the penitentiary. There is not sa agency, here, made public the text leaving, and It was a brigh t J u n e a f t e r ­
ernors of the state looked down on the enough work to keep the men in phys­ of the correspondence. The letter pur­ noon. too c le a r for an um b rella w ith
scene that transferred the authority ical trim. They should work on roads porting to have been signed by General which to hide o n e 's face from prying
over the state's affairs from the hands or manufacture something not made by Gutierres follows:
neighbors, too late In th e day for a
of Oswald West into those of James free labor. Because youths and hard­
"Generals Alvaro Obregon and Can­ sunshade.
W ithycombe. Two ex-governors occu­ ened criminals are not segregated, the dido Aguilar, wherever they may be:
Angy tu ck ed th e g reen black affair
state is conducting a school of crime, By virtue of a decision reached be­ which serv ed them as both u n d e r h e r
pied the rostrum with them.
Afer the retiring governor and the as the novice imbibes the spirit of the tween Generals Robles, minister of arm and sw u n g Abe's figured old car
incoming governor had been escorted veteran crooks.
war; Lucio Blanco, minister of the in­ petbug in h e r hand with th e m a n n e r of
The exaggerated leniency to prison­ terior; Eugenio Aguirre Benavides, one s e ttin g out on a plcaeaut Journey.
into the room W. Lair Thompson, pres-
ers in the past will not be repeated. A sub-secretary of war, and myself we Abe, though re s tin g heavily on his
more sparing use of the pardoning believe it patriotic and honest to ad­ stout, crooked cane, drag g ed behind
power will have a salutary effects. dress you in order to point out the con­ him Angy'a little h o rs e h a ir tr u n k upon
Only in exceptional circumstances will venience of you suspending your ad­ a creaking, old, unusually larg e toy
the sentences be set aside or modified. vance towards this capital while we e x p re s s wagon which he had bought
are formulating a plan of campaign at som e forgotten auction long ago
that we intend to pursue against Gen­
Petition Peddlera to Ixtse.
T he h u sb a n d and wife passed Into
State Capitol, Salem — Representa­ eral Francisco Villa, whom we have the g a rd e n b etw een b o rd e rs of box
tive Olson of Portland, has introduced always had the intention of separating wood, beyond which nodded the heads
a bill in the house that will drive peti- entirely from the conventionist army of Angy'a carefu lly tended, outdoor
I tion peddlers completely out of busi- and from all'the public matters of our “c h ild re n ”—h e r roses, h e r snow balls,
h e r s w e e t sm elling syrln gas. h e r wax-
I ness.
like bleeding h e a r t s and h e r sh r u b of
Whenever a man or a woman wants
bridal-w reath
< to become a candidate for office,
under Steamer Cranley, Scarred
j operation of the proposed Olson law,
“J e s t a m in u te ," sh e m u rm u re d , as
by Emden, Now at Astoria Abe
ail that will be necessary will be to
would h a v e h a s te n e d on to th e
« file declaration of such intention with
Astoria, Ore. —Bearing several vis­ gate. S h e b e n t h e r proud head an d
the county clerk—if it be a county ible marks of her encounter with the kissed w ith furtive, half-asham ed p a s­
office—or with the secretary of state German cruiser Emden the British sion a fluffy w hite sp ray of th e bridal
j if it be a district, state or a federal steamer Cranley arrived Tuesday w reath. Now o v e rtopping the bus
1 office.
It will be necessary, also, morning 19 days from Moji, Japan. band's silk h a t, th e s h r u b had not
to pay a small fee when the declara- She will load the supplies donated by com e so high a s his k n ee when they
| tion is filed, the fee varying with the the people of Oregon for the relief of two had p la n te d It nearly a half-cen­
James Withycombe, O re g o n 's iNew importance and the compensation at­ the starving Belgians.
tu ry ago.
tached to the office.
Captain Alex Henderson, her mas­
"Y ou’re m i n e ! ” A ngy's h e a r t cried
“ It won’t cost a prospective candi­ ter, brings a thrilling story of his one­ out to th e e h r u b an d to ev ery grow ing
ident of the senate, presented Gov- date any more under operations of the sided battle with the Emden and that thing In th e garden. "Y o u 're mine. 1
The retiring governor flaw that 1 propose than it does now the Cranley escaped destruction is planted you, ten d ed you. loved you
emor West.
under the old petition system,” says little less than a miracle.
was sharply applauded as he arose.
into growing. Y ou're all th e child ren
The event occurred at the port of I e v er had. and I'm leaving you.” Hut
“ The time has come,” said Governor Mr. Olson. “ A candidate always has
West, "when politics should be forgot­ to pay the petition peddlers and it Penang, Straits of Malay, where the th e old wife did n o t pluck a single
ten, and I, for one, want to give the won’t cost any more to pay a flat fee steamer was lying at anchor, with flower, for sh e could n ev er b e a r to see
incoming governor all the help possi­ than to pay them, and the state or the some French and Russian cruisers and a blossom w ith e r In h e r hand, while
One morning, just at all sh e said aloud w as: “ I'm glad 'tw aa
ble. In retiring from office I think counties will get some good from the torpedo boats.
dawn, the Emden, which had been dis­ Mis' H olm es th a t bought In the bouse.
that, in my limited ability, I have money.
done best I could, but as I expect to j “ I can’t see how anyone can object guised by the addition of a “ fake” T hey say s h e ’s a g re a t h an d t e r dig
stay here I want to help all I can to to this bill—that is, anyone excepting funnel so as to resemble a British In th e gard en ."
vessel, steamed into port and circling
make Oregon the greatest state in the the petition peddlers.”
Angy's voice faltered. Abe did not
within a hundred yards of the Cranley, answ er. S o m eth in g bad caused a
President Thompson then formally
sw im m ing before his eyoa which he
State Capitol, Salem—To abolish the No. 5, fired two broadsides at her.
announced that the canvass of the vote
did not wish his wife to see; so he
One shot went through the steamer's let fall the h a n d le of th e e x p re s s
showed Dr. Withycombe elected, and state fish and game commission and to
formally presented him for the inaug­ make the master fish warden and the galley, while another pierced her hull wagon and, ben din g his slow back,
state game warden directly appointive about four feet above the waterline. plucked a sp rig of "old-m an.” T hough
ural ceremony.
Chief Justice Moore administered by the governor are the principal pro­ It passed through 15 feet of coal, rico- he could n o t h ave ex p res sed his s e n t i­
visions of a bill now in the course of chetted through the deck and pilot
the oath.
m ents In words, the g ard en brought
Governor Withycombe began at once construction by Representative Schue- house and then, turning downward poignant recollections of th e hopes
again, pierced the deck and went out
his formal message that he had pre­
“ The game and fish commission has the other side of the vessel. Later it and prom isee which had th ro w n th e i r
pared in advance, and spoke briefly of
been the football of politics for was necessary to put seven new plates ro se color ab o u t the young day s of his
his ideals and purposes.
says Schuebel, “ and it will be in the steamer's hull to repair the m arria g e. H is hop es had n ev er blos­
“ It is my hope and intention,” he ’
Into fulfilment. His prom ises
said, “ that my administration shall be to the best interests of the state and damage done by that one shot. The somed
th e little wife had been choked by
both economical and constructive. Ore­ to the fish and game of the state as craft was also hit in several places by to
w eeds of his own Inefficiency.
gon needs capital to develop its re­ well to the sportsmen to get rid of it. pieces of shrapnel, but none of them the
Worse th a n this, th e b u rs tin g Into
sources. Capital must be encouraged,
not hampered. We do not want cap­ a game warden as we have now, but ley’s second engineer was struck on bloom of se e d s of selfish re c k le ssn e s s
ital that will override us, but we m ust; let them be appointed by the governor the arm, shoulder and in the side by In him self w as w h a t had tu rn e d the
make investments attractive and not and make them directly responsible to pieces of shrapnel and was seriously gard en of th e i r life Into an a rid waste.
And now. In th e i r d ry and w ithered
by undue restrictions drive it away. him. We certainly don’t need any hurt, but has recovered.
old age, he an d Angy w ere being torn
The future of Oregon rests primarily commission.”____________
up by th e roots, flung as so much
in agricultural development. It must
Kaiser Foregoes Fete.
rubb ish by th e roadside.
be given aid and encouragement,
Berlin—The Reichanzeiger has pub­
other, I be dretfu l so r ry t e r ta k e
shall surround myself so far as it is
May Be Sustained lished a decree signed by Emperor yew "M aw
ay from y o u r posies," m u tte r e d
possible with men who are in sym­
State Capitol, Salem—That the esti­ William, according to which His Maj­ A brah am as he a ro s e with his green
pathy with my purposes. The changes
that may be made in the appointive mates made by the State Board of esty, in view of the seriousness of the Sprig In his hand.
offices will not be on political grounds, Control for appropriations for the vari­ present situation, asks that all festiv­ W ith s h a k i n g Angers, Angy so u g h t
but in the interest of efficiency and in ous state institutions for 1916 and ities formally held on the occasion of 1 pin hidden b e n e a th h e r basque. " F a ­
that of carrying out the policies I have 1916 will not be materially changed, his birthday be omitted this year. An th er, shall 1 pin y e r 'old-man' In yer
if changed at all, is the belief after exception is made, however, of the b u tto n h o le ? ” sh e quavered. T h en as
the first week’s session of the legis­ celehrations usually held in churches be stooped for h e r to a r r a n g e the
Following is a synopsis of Governor lature. Estimates were made first by and schools. The emperor asks even |>osy, sh e w h isp ered : "I w o u ld n ’t care,
Withycombe’s first message to the the superintendents and considerable that the many letters and telegrams cept fer w h a t folks m u s t eay. Le's
Oregon legislature, delivered before reductions made in several instances. generally sent to him on his birthday su r ry before any one se e s us. 1 told
that body immediately following his
The committee on ways and means by societies and private individuals, iverybody t h a t we w a 'n 't a-gwlne te r
inauguration Tuesday afternoon:
of the senate is probing thoroughly the be dispensed with.
Sreak up till t e r m o r r e r m o rn in ’.”
Recommends that the legislature management of the institutions and
F o rtu n a te ly , th e r e was a way acro s s
set a record for brevity, especially in has visited the blind school, the mute
Parisian Tots Get Toys.
■ots to th e Old l a d l e s ' home, an u n ­
the number of laws passed. Urges a school and the state insane asylum.
Paris — Gifts of toys, which were frequented by-path o v e r a Held and
short, sane session, with a few good After spending a day at the latter in­ sent from the United States on the through a bit of woodland, which
stitution and the cottage farm, an ad­ collier Jason, were distributed to more would bring th e couple a lm o st unob-
Would have several elective offices junct, committee members announced than 6000 children, whoie fathers are lerv ed to a side gate.
made appointive; recommends the that they were well pleased with the fighting for France.
The ceremony U n d e r o rd in a ry c ir c u m s ta n c e s Ange-
consolidation of various commissions management of all institutions visited was of a semi-official character and (ine would n e v e r h a v e t a k e n th is path;
and bureaus and suggests that a com­ and especially well pleased with the was conducted at the Hotel de Ville. tor It exposed h e r carefully patched
mittee be appointed to make a survey managementt of the insane asylum. The toys were distributed by William ind newly polished shoes to scratch es,
G. Sharp, United States ambassador yer fragile, w orn silk s k i r t and stiff.
Clatsop Backs Bounty Bill.
Counties Are Held Liable.
to France, assisted by Madame Poin­ White p e ttico at to bram bles. More­
State Capitol, Salem—Members of
Salem—That counties are legally lia­ care, wife of the French president, over, the drag g in g of th e loaded little
the Clatsop county delegation are be­ ble for the expense incurred in audit­ and Paris city officials, including the wagon w as m ore difficult h e re for
A braham .
But they both preferred
hind a bill introduced in the house pro­ ing their books under the supervision mayor and prefect of police.
th e n a rr o w e r, ro u g h e r way to facing
viding a bounty of $1 each on seals of the state auditing department is the
th e curio us eyes of all S horevllle now,
General and Millions Go.
caught in the Columbia river. The substance of an opinion handed down
Mexico City—At its session Tuesday th e pitying w indows of th e village
measure provides that one-half the by Attorney General Brown, replying
bounty be paid by the county opposite to a communication from Gale S. Hill, the sovereign convention of the revo­ street.
As th e couple ca m e to th e edge of
which, in the river, the seals are of Albany. The attorney general did lution decided to demand from General
caught, and the other half by the not pass on the reasonableness of the Gutierrez, the new provisional presi­ the woodland, th ey tu rn e d with one
state. It will be necessary for persons bills in question, stating that it was dent, who fled from the city on Jan­ accord and looked back for the last
claiming these proposed bounties to the duty of the County court to audit uary 16, that he give an accounting re­ glim pse of th e home. B lazing gold-
mske affidavits that the seals are such bills. The opinion stated, how­ garding 105,000,000 pesos ($5,260,- red a g a in s t th e kitch en window flamed
caught on the Oregon side of the river ever, there was a question whether the 000.) They assert this amount had •*— afternoon sunlight.
been in the treasury.
legislature could enact such laws.
and not on the Washington side.
"Look a' th a t I" Angy cried eagerly,
as on* who beholds a prom lsa In tho
"Jest see. fath er, we oouldu't
'a' m ade out th a t w inder th is fu r a t
all ef th e sun h a d n 't s t r u c k U Jest so.
I decla r' It s e e m s elm u et a s ef we
could see th e rocker, tew. It’e tew bad.
Abe. th a t we had te r let yer old ro ck er
go. IV yew re m e m b e r— ?" ehe laid
h e r band on hie arm , an d lifted h e r
g ate, growing clouded and wistful, to
his fare. " W h e n we bought th e chair,
we though t tnebbe som e day l ‘d be
rocking a leetle baby In IL ‘T w aa
th en, yew rtcotlec'. we e o rte r got In
th e habit of callin' ea c h o th e r 'fa th e r'
a n ' 'm o th e r.' 1 wonder ef th e young
'uns had come— "
"L e's h u rry," I n te rru p te d Abe, al-
flioet gruffly. "I^e’e h u rr y "
They s tu m b led fo rw a rd with bowed
h eads In silence, until of a sudden
th ey w ere e t s r tl e d by a surp rlaed hall
of recognition, a n d looked up to flud
th em selv es c o n fro n ted by a ben t atpj
gray old man.. a : vinqKe TtinrayW* A
harm less, slightly d e m s n le d public
c h a rg e known aa " I s h in a e l” o r "C a p ­
tain Hover." .
" W h a r yew goln', C ap'u Rose?"
T h e old couple had d ra w n back a t
th e sig h t of th e g en tle vagabond, and
Angy clu tch ed a t h e r h u sb a n d 's arm .
her h e a r t co n tr a c tin g a t tho th o u g h t
th a t he, too, had becom e a pauper.
"I'm a ta k ln ' my wife ter. Jtne tl;e,
old ladlea over t h a r te r th e hum ." Abe
an sw ered , and would h ave passed on,
s h rin k in g from th e sig h t of him self
as reflected In poor Ishinael.
Hut the "In nocen t" placed him self in
th e i r path.
"Yew a in 't a goln' t e r Jlne ’em tew ?"
he bautered.
Abe forced a laugb to bis llpe la r e ­
"No. no; I'm goln* over t e r Y aphank
t e r board on th e county."
Again the couple would hav e passed
on. thelc faces flushed, th e i r eyes low­
ered. had not lahiuael flung o u t one
band to d eta in thgiu while he plunged
th e o th e r hurriedly Into his pocket.
"H e re " lie drew out a m e a g e r h a n d ­
ful of nickels am i pennies, his vacant
sm ile grow n wlatful. " H e re , ta k e It.
t ’ap'n Rose. U'a all 1 got. ,1 c a n 't
qount It nvyinU. but yew
D o n 't
yew think it's en ough t e r s e t yew up
In business, s o yew w on't have te r
go te r th e poorhouse? 'I he poorhouae
is a bad place
I was t h e r e last win
te r
I don't like th e p o o rh o u a e "
He ram b led on of th e poorhouae.
Angy, pan tin g for b r s a th , one hand
a g a in s t the s m o th e rin g pain a t her
heart, was trying, with the oth er, to
drug " f a th e r along
" F a t h e r " was
sh ak in g his h ead at Ishmael. at the
proffered nickels an d pen nies s h a k ­
ing hie head and chokliig. At length
he found his voice, an d was able to
sm ile at his would be b e n e fa c to r with
even the g h o st of a tw in k le In his eye.
"M uch obliged. Cap'll K ovsr; but
yew keep y e r money for lerb accy. I
a in 't so high toned as yew
I'll ta k e
real com fort *t th e poorhouse. S'long;
t h a n k yer. a long "
Ishinael w ent on hla way m u tte r in g
to himself, unhappily Jingling bta re ­
jected alm a; while Angy and Abe re ­
sum ed th eir journey.
As they c a m e to th e g a te of th e Old
I-adles' home Angy seized hold of her
h u sb an d 's arm , and looking up Into hie
face pleaded e a rn e s tly :
“ F uther, l e t’s ta k e the h u n d e rd dol­
lars fer a rambly to m b atu n a n ’ go ter
the poorhouse l e r g e t h e r ! "
H e shook h e r o tt a lm o st roughly and
lifted the latch of the gate.
"F o lk s ‘d say we was crazy, m other."
T h e r e was no one In sig h t ns he
d ragged In the ex p ress c a r t an d laid
down the handle. Before him w as a
long, clean-sw ept path end ing a p p a r ­
ently In a m ass of s h r u b b e ry ; to the
left was a field of sw eet corn reaching
to th e hedge; to th e rig h t a s tr o n g and
stu rd y grow th of pole lim a b e a n s; and
Just within th e e n tr a n c e , b e n e a th the
sw eeping plum es of n w eeping willow
tree, was a shabby but Inviting g reen
Abe’s glance w an d ered from the
bench to his w ife’s face. Angy could
not lift her eyes to him ; with bowed
head sh e was latchin g and unlatch in g
th e g a te th roug h which he m u s t pass.
He looked a t th e eun an d th oughtfully
m a d e reckon of th e time. T h e r e were
still tw o h o u rs before he could ta k e
th e tr a in w hich—
"l-et's go set deown a spell afore— "
he fa lte r e d —" afo re we say good-by."
She m ade no an sw er. S he told h e r ­
self over and over t h a t sh e m u s t—
simply m u s t—sto p th a t "all-of-a-trem-
ble" feeling which waa going on Inside
of her. S he stepp ed from the g a te to
th e bench blindly, with Abe's hand on
h e r arm , though, still blindly, with
e x a g g e ra te d c a re sh e placed his c a r ­
petbag on th e g ra s s beside her.
He laid down his cane, to ok off his
high hat and wiped his brow.
looked a t h e r anxiously.
Still she
could not lift h e r blu rred eyes, nor
could sh e ch eck h e r trem bling.
Seeing how sh e shook, he passed his
a r m around h e r shoulder. He m u r­
m u red s o m e th in g —w hat, n e it h e r he
nor sh e k n ew —b u t th e love of his
you th sp oke in th e m u rm u r, an d again
fell the silence.
Angy's eyes cleared. She stru ggled
to apeak, a g h a s t a t th e th o u g h t th a t
life Itself m igh t be done before ever
they could have one h o u r to g e th e r
a g a in ; but no words came. So m uch —
so much to say! She reach ed o u t her
han d to w here his re s te d upon his
knee. T h e ir fingers gripped, and each
felt a sen s e of d re a r y c h e e r to know
th a t th e touch was s p eak in g w h at th e
to n g u e could not u tter.
T im e paased swiftly.
T h e silent
h o u r sped on. T h e young blades of
corn gossiped gen tly along th e field.
Above, the b ra n c h e s of th e willow
sw ished and sw ayed to the rhythm
of th e aoft south wind.
"How atm, how atlll It la lM vM »
porod the broaae.
"Meet, real, read " waa tho lullaby
ewlah of th e willow.
T h e old wife neatled cloeer to Abra­
ham until h e r head touched hie shoul­
Ho laid hla c h eek a g a ln e t h er
h a ir an d th e carefully p reserv ed old
bonnet. Involuntarily eh e raised h er
hand, tra in e d by the y ears of pinch­
in g economy, to lift th e fragile rose
Into a s a f e r position. He sm iled a t her
a c tio n ; th e n hie a n ti closed abo ut h er
spasm odically an d he sw allow ed a
lum p In bis throat.
T h e afte rn o o n was waning. G ra d u ­
ally over th e tu rm oil of th e i r h e a rta
stole th e g a r d e n ’s Juu e-tlm e sp irit Of
drow sy repoau.
T h e y leaned even cloeer to each
other. T h e g ra y of the old m a n 's h eir
mingled with th e gray benuuth Ange­
lina's little bonnet. Slowly bla eyea
closed. T h en even a s Angy w ondered
who would w atch o v e r th e slu m b e rs of
his w orn old ag e In th e pOorhouee, she,
too, fell asleep.
— ■«
T he C andidate.
T h e b u tc h e r 's boy bro u gh t the tid ­
ings of tho auction s ale In a t the
kitchen door of th e Old iMtdles' home
even while Angy an d Abe w ere lin­
gering o v e r th e i r poalea, an d th e In­
m a t e s of th e h o m e w ere w attin g to
receiv e th e old wife with th e g r e a t e r
sy m p a th y an d th e d e e p e r sp irit of
w elcome from th e feet th a t tw o of
th e tw enty-nine m e m b e rs had known
h e r from girlhood, aw ay back In the
bourdlug-school days.
"Y op," said th e boy, with o ne eye
upon th e sto u t m atron , who w as c riti­
cally e xam ining the m e a t th a t he had
brought. "Yop, th e a u c tio n 's over, an'
t'a p 'u Rose, he
D on't t h a t cut suit
you. Miss Abigail?
You w on't find
a better, n icer, t e n d e r e r and m ore
Juicier piece of s h o u ld e r this side of
New York. T a k e It back, did you say?
All right, m a'am , all r i g h t ! " Ills fa r e
a ss u m e d s l o o k of resig nation th es e
old ladles m a d e hie life a m arty rdo m .
He used to tell the "fellers" th a t he
s p e n t one half his tim e c a rry in g o rd ers
back and fo r th from th e Old I n d i e s '
home. But now, In sp ite of hla m eek ­
ness of m a n n e r , he did not Intend to
ta k e th is cut b ark. So with Machia­
vellian skill he h a sten ed on with hla
"Yop, an ' th ey only rlz one h un dred
dollars s n ’ tw o r e n t e - - o n e h un dred
dollars an ' a postage stam p. I gueas
It's all up with th e cap'n a n ' th e Old
Men's. I d o n't see 'em b a n g in ' out no
’W elcom e' sign on the s t r e n g th of
th a t "
"Y ou're a horrid, h e a rt le s s little
b o y !” b u rs t fo rth Miss Abigail, and,
flinging th e disp u ted m e a t on the
table, sh e sa n k down Into th e chair,
co m pletely o v ercom e by so rro w and
"Y ou ’ll bn old y erself
so m e day," sh e sobbed, not noticing
th a t he was stealthily edging to w ard
th e door, one eye on her, o ne on to­
m o r ro w ’s pot ro ast.
"I tell yew.
T om m y," reg ain in g h er accustom ed
confiding am iability, as sh e lifted the
c o r n e r of h e r a p ro n to wipe h e r eyes,
"M iss Kllle will feel som e kind o' bad,
taw. Yer know m e an ' h e r an ' Angy
all w ent t e r school le r g e th e r , although
Mtsa Kllle Is so much y o u n g e r’n the
r e s t o' us th a t we call h e r the baby.
H ere! W h e re — "
B ut he was gone. Sighing heavily,
t h e m atro n put th e m e a t In the icebox,
and th e n m a d e h e r slow, lu m b erin g
way Into th e front hall, o r co m m unity
room, w here the s i s te r s w ere g a th e r e d
tn a body to a w a it the new arrival.
" W aal, s a y ! ” sh e sup p lem en ted ,
a f t e r sh e had finished telling h e r piti­
brief story, " t h a r 's
tro ub le
ern o u g h to go aro u n d , h a ln 't t h a r ? "
A u n t N ancy S m ith, w ho n e v e r be­
lieved In w earin g h e r h e u rt on h e r
sleeve, sniffed and th u m p ed h e r cane
on th e floor.
"You young folks," sh e affirmed, h e r
self h av in g seen ninety-nine w inters,
while Abigail had know n b ut a paltry
stxty-flve, "yew a lle rs go a n ' c u t y er
pity on th e skew gee.
1 d o n't see
n o th in ' to bawl a n ' boiler erbout. I
say t h a t any m an w h at c a n 't ta k e
k ere o' him self, not t e r m en tio n hla
wife, should o r t e r go te r th e poor-
h o u se.”
B ut th e m a t r i a r c h 's voice q uav ered
even m ore th a n usual, and na sh e fin­
is hed sh e h astily ben t down nnd felt
In h e r deep s k i r t pocket for h e r snuff­
Legal View.
A Cleveland a tto rn e y took th e Medi­
te r ra n e a n trip a m onth ngo. It waa
bfs flnTt ‘tfm o ‘ncrrfss t h e w ater, and
he s ta te d on his re tu rn th a t h e would
h a v e had a perfectly glorious tim e but
for t h e silly q u estio n s ask ed him by
c u sto m s officials. It was on th e pier
at. New York th a t his woes ca m e to a
T h e officer looked up tn
am azem ent
"O pen
tr u n k,
please." c o m m an d ed th e custom -house
officer. " H a v e you a n y th in g In th e r a
but personal p ro p e r ty ? ” h e co ntin u ed .
" W h a t do you m ean by p erso nal p ro p ­
e rt y ? " co u n te re d tho lawyer.
h e a v e n 's sake, d o n 't you know w h a t
perso nal p ro p e rty Is?" ” 1 th o u g h t I
did,” a n sw e re d th e a tto rn ey . "A nd I
can a s s u r e you t h a t t h e r e Is no real
e s t a t s In my tr u n k ." —Cleveland P la ta
P rofound C o n su la r Advice.
T h e A m erican co m m ercial re p r e s e n t­
a tiv e ab ro ad should say w h a t he
m e a n s W e h a v e Just been re a d in g a
c o n su la r re p o r t from th e U g a n d a d is­
trict, Africa, w hich In form s u s t h a t
“h u m a n beings acq u ire t h e sleep ing
s ick n ess from biting files." If th is la
really a fact, th e obvious ad vlee la:
S u b s titu te beetles or roachae. Don’t
Mte flies; swat them!—JnflgB