The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 14, 1915, Image 5

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« *
U»v* HouaUm. Prop.
Thuruughlr m«.Urn. |o|
^ r##
H T h o r s iM M m r
,,f . cmi/ort. M.-L
fm I« uu »»*
Starving People Share Scanty
Food With Peasants.
w«Jk front Union
U N tea St. fO* I LAX II. Ml
Writ« for rstee.
R elief Commission Ha* Provision»
to lAut Only to February
A guaranteod remedy for Colds and
Great Tragedy Possible.
La Grippa. Price 26c o f your druggist.
It ■ good. Taka nothing o I m . — Adv.
Little Bit of Medical Advice.
Ksshlonsbl« physician (to new pa
tlent)—“ Ah, luadam. 1 perceive that
jssu are all run down, a complete ner­
vous wreck. In fact. (Hlztiig up lux-
urloua environment, and absently fall­
ing Into his usual formula.) I would
advise a chunge of scene- -er any a
little trip to Kurope— " Lady (shriek
Injt)—“ Good gracious, doctor,
]ust come from th ere!"—Judge.
Answers the Purpoee.
Wild-eyed customer I want a quar­
ter's worth of carbolic acid.
Clerk—This Is n hardware store, but
we have-—er— a fine line of ropes, re­
volvers and razors. Yale Record.
I s Ureal In Maw »Haas.
..A lw ays shake In A lleu '. Foot r.ssa, a powder
It _ cure, hot, »wi ttin g, —
....... S i ■ .w
" " ollen
l i e u i fort
C«»J « curtís, Ingrowing tislls and tel liions. At
SII druggists
lin ,esista siili siine
sin * a
K la
e rr.
re , .a li ni a, , . ,.|
sa rsu h siltu U . He rupietrialU-i lEUEL.
Allan S. O lin.led, lai Ruy.N
*■>/. . Y.
Shifting the Blame.
“ Have you anything to say before I
peas sentence?"
"Yes, your honor. I would call your
attention to the fact that the fool law­
yer who defended me was assigned to
the case by yourself."— Philadelphia
Baltimore, Md„ May 23, 1914: “ My
limbs from knee to ankle were com ­
pletely covered with eczema for a
It commenced with several
small water pimping, which burst
when I scratched them, until they de­
veloped Into sores, and oozed a yellow­
ish fluid. 1 haled t o 'g o In company.
It Itched and burned so badly. 1 had
no rest at night. I tried a good many
remedies for eczema, both liquid and
salve, but they did me no good, only
made the skin more rough and scaly.
1 learned of reslnol ointment and res-
Inol soap and tried them, and was re­
lieved of the severe Itching and burn
Ing AT ONCE, and after a month's
steady use was completely cured.“
(Signed) T. 8. Lewis, 1821 Summit 8t.
Reslnol soap and reslnol ointment are
sold by all druggists.— Adv.
“ Psps's Olapepsln” makes Sick, Sour,
Gsssy Stomachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you Just ate Is souring on
your stomach nr lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas. and eructatu sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
In mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Dlapcpsin from any drug store.
You realize In five minutes how need­
less It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc­
tor In the world. It's wonderful.
Studied Botany.
" P o s t —How do you get your Christ­
mas tree so loaded down?
Parker— It's done by the grafting
process.— Life.
■ S
Purifies Blood
With Telling Effect
Give* ConscioA Evidence of
Its Direct Action.
I,ondon— Herbert C. Hoover, chsir-
msn o f the American commission for
the relief o f Belgium, returned to
Iiondon Thursday from a tour of in­
spection o f {the work being done for
the commission in Belgium.
In s
statement Isaued hare Mr. Hoovsr
“ An appalling situation has bean
presented to the commission with re­
gard to the French peasantry in the
valley o f the Meuse juat south o f the
Belgian frontier, where there are 10,-
000 persons absolutely without food.
Our Investigation showed that s large
number o f deaths already had occurred
there from starvation.
“ Despite the shortness o f the ra­
tions in Belgium, our Belgian col­
leagues agreed that we must share the
last crust with these people.
therefore, sent them food out o f our
limited Belgian stores.’ ’
Mr. Hoover also issued a report on
the commission’s work in Belgium, in
which he says the organisation for the
distribution o f food supplies is well on
the road to completion. It is sided
by 60,000 volunteer workmen and
there are only a few localities to which
relief has not yet been extended.
“ It must be borne in mind,’ ’ Mr.
Hoover says in his report, “ that our
problem falls Into two phases. The
first is to provide bread for those who
are unable to pay for it, and the sec­
ond is to supply all food for those who
are destitute.
Broadly, the former
comprise some 6,600,000 persons. On
the basis o f the minimum ration we
are providing they require about $3,-
600,000 worth o f bread a month.
recovery o f this money and the ex ­
change problem have not aa yet been
solved and arc causing us the greatest
“ The destitute comprise about 1,-
400.000, who are being wholly fed by
the public canteens. The coet o f sup­
porting them is about 12,600,000 a
month, for which we are depending on
the chairty o f the world.
“ All Belgium is now on a ration o f
10 onuces o f bread a day, rich and poor
alike, when there is not much o f a
ration available.
The rich pay the
coet price; the destitute nothing.
“ This requires a total import o f
more than 100,000,000 pounds o f flour
or wheat a month, to say nothing o f
peas, salt, beans, bacon, condensed
milk and other things which must be
provided for the canteens.“
In his report Mr. Hoover pays trib­
ute to the assistance in the work o f
distribution rendered by the Germans,
“ The occupying army has been ex ­
traordinarily scrupulous in its observ­
ance o f the agreement that none o f the
foodstuffs imported by us were to be
consumed by them.
"T h e German government has issued
a general order that no provisions
which would in the ordinary course
have to be replaced by the relief com­
mission shall be requisitioned.’ ’
The report closes as follow s:
"D e ­
spite the volume o f food which has been
placed at our disposal, we can provis­
ion only until February 16. Great has
been the generosity o f the American
people, it is well to bear in mind that
if we fail after that date the world
will be faced by the greatest tragedy
it has yet witnessed in the possible ex ­
tinction o f an entire nation. Strenuous
as the efforts that we, our countrymen
and countrywomen have made, they
cannot for one moment be relaxed if
this gigantic catastrophe has to be pre­
Subway Fire Causes Panic.
R. fl. 8 ., tbs famous bloog purifier, slm oit
talk* as It aweep. Its way through tba d r-
Its aritos Is ao dirait that very
•finn la acme forms of akla affliction the
appearance of the arupttoos changea over
night, tbs Itch and redaras ora fona ami
recovery begins Immediately.
Aa a mat 1er o f fact, thara la ona lnfre.1l
ant In 8. 8 . 8. which aervaa tha active pur-
poae of attorniatine each rellolar part of
tha body to the healthy and Judicious «elee
tlon of Ita own essential nutriment.
to why It regenerates the blood supply ; why
It haa such a tremendous Influence In over­
coming en em a, rash, pimples, om l nil akin
affli diana.
And In regenerating the U n tie . 8. 8. 8.
haa a rapid and positiva antidotal eifert
upon all those Irritating Influences that
cause rheumatism, sore throat, weak eyes,
loan of weight, thin, pale checks, and tb it
weariness of muacla and nerve that to gen­
erally experienced ns spring fever.
Oet a
bottle of S. 8. 8. at any drug store, and la
a few dayn you will not only feel bright and
energetic, but you will be the picture of
new life.
8. 8. 8. la prepared only In ths
laboratory of The Rwlft Specific O v , 534
Rwlft Bldg., Atlanta, O s., who maintain a
vary efflrlert Medicai Department, where all
who bava any blood disorder of n stubborn
nature may write freely for advice and a
sporto! hook of Instruction. 8. 8. 8 Is sold
everywhere by drug atores, dspartm est and
aril store«, but beware o f all substitutes,
s e t accept them.
N. U.
I W H E N writing to ode
He« U to payer-
No. 3, 1918
------------- 1
Big Steam Schooner
Eureka Land» on Rock»
Son Francisco — Tha North Pacific
Steamship company’s steamer Eureka,
bound with s light cargo of general
freight from Sen FAnrfsco to Ven­
tura, Cal., wssnwrerked on the rocks
at Point Bonita, st the entrance to San
Francisco harbor, shortly after dusk
Saturday night.
All but one o f the crew o f 18 were
resceud and lifesavers from all sta­
tions in the vicinity braved heavg seas
in an effort to save the life o f Second
Officer James Bolger, who was unable
to board either of the boats by which
his mates escaped when it became evi­
dent that the vessel would crash into
the rocks.
From the beach 200 soldiers from
the adjoining military reservation
watched for some sign o f the missing
man, but at a late hour he had not
been rescued.
An hour after the Eureka struck she
turned turtle, and captaina of the life­
saving crews were o f the belief that
Bolger had perished.
According to the survivors, a heavy
sea caught the vessel broadsides just
as she was passing through the Golden
Gate. So great was the force o f the
wave that most o f the deckhouse was
carried awsy and the engine-room
flooded. Some o f the debris caught
in ths propeller and the engines were
completely put out o f commission.
With the vessel’s steerage way lost
the heavy seas raked the vessel fore
and and aft and the crew was ordered
to the boats by Captain Paulsen.
Ironworker» ol Dynamite
Conspiracy Ask Parole
leaven worth, Kan.— The rapidity
with which they constructed a new
cell house st the Federal prison here
was one o f the arguments put forward
by 17 structural ironworkers convicted
in the “ dynamite conspiracy” coses at
Indianapolis, who appeared before the
Federal parole board. Having served
one-third o f their sentences, the men
are eligible for parole.
Frank M. Hymn, o f Chicago, ex-head
o f the ironworkers, was not eligible
for parole, not having served a suffi­
cient portion o f his sentence.
For seven years the prison manage­
ment hod been trying to get the cell-
house built.
When the ironworkers
arrived in the prison, Warden Morgan
explained the situation to them and
put them to work.
Kyan was made
foreman. Within six months the iron
work on the cellhouse was compelled.
Only one o f the men who applied for
parole failed to do his share in the
construction work.
That man was
Hockin, and he was willing to help,
but the others objected because o f the
part he played in the prosecution of
the ironworkers by the government.
Hockin has been tending a gate in the
prison yard.
Washington, D. C .— The San Fran­
cisco reserve bank Saturday secured
the approval o f the Federal Reserve
board to the lowest rediscount rate yet
named by any o f the 12 banka— 4 per
cent on maturities up to 30 days.
Money apparently is plenty all over
the country and the board is inclined
to approve low rates in order that the
banks may be able to do some redis­
counting to make expenses.
Other rates approved w ere:
Francisco, 6 per cent on maturities up
to 60 days; 6 ) per cent on 60-90 days
and 6 per cent on longer maturities.
Minneapolis, 4 } per cent on up to 30
days— 6 per cent on 30-90 days and 6
per cent for longer.
M any Priest» Tortured
and Murdered, Is Report
An Unuaual Dog Journey.
Portland — The demand for hops is
much better than it was at the cloee
o f last week/
No ssles by growers
were reported recently, but severs!
hundred bales of mediums changed
hands st 9 to 11 cents. The market is
quoted at 12 to 13 cents for the best
There was no further change in the
egg situation. The tone of the mar­
ket in steady, as ths supply o f fresrh
Oregon« was not heavy. Buying order*
from the North have temporarily
butter and cheese are holding steady
at prevailing quotations.
Trade is brisk again in the fruit and
vegetable line on Front street. There
was a fair supply o f everything and
prices held steady.
A car of fancy
sweet potatoes was received and a car
o f lettuce is due.
Hogs comprised the larger part of
the 26 cars o f stock received at the
yards Friday, and the bulk of the trad­
ing was slso in this division. The hog
market ruled (steady in spite o f the
targe run. One load sold at 97.16, a
nickel better than the previous day’s
price, but most o f the sales o f good
light stock were at $7 and $7.06.
In the cattle market only odd lots
were handled and price conditions in
this line are unchanged. Sheep and
lambs also traded in at former prices.
Receipts of poultry are oof equal to
the demand and the market is hrm at
the quotations printed. Buyers wanted
chickens, and for the best offerings
paid a premium.
There was also a
good demand for dressed meats and
prices were steady.
With hogs — Alanson Lewis, Ban­
croft. Idaho, 1 car; E. C. Palmer,
Oakland, 1 car; S. B. Baker, Mikalo,
2 cars; J. B. Younts, Condon, 1 car;
G. H. Russell, Redmond, 12 cars; W.
B. Kurtz, Maitin, 2 cars; J. W. Silva,
Gooding, 3 cars; Morgan Farm com­
pany, Goldendale, 1 car; L. L. Crider,
Roosevelt, 1 car.
Wheat—Bid; Bluestem, $1.38 per
$1.361; red Russian, $1.29; red Fife,
Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $28(4
28.60 per ton; shorts, $30(480.50;
rolled barley, $29.60(430.60.
• Corn— White, $36 per ton; cracked,
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $16
@16.60 per ton; valley timothy, $13(4
13.50; grain hay, $10.60(411; alfalfa,
Vegetables — Cucumbers, hothouse,
$1.76(4,2 per dozen; eggplant, 8(410c
pound; peppers, 8<4T0c; artichokes,
76<486c dozen; tomatoes, $ 1@1.25
crate; cabbage, 1J da, 1J c pound; beans,
12|c; celery, $2.60 crate; cauliflower,
$2.26; sprouts, 8c pound; head let­
tuce, $1.85(42 crate; pumpkins, l i e
pound; squash, l c ; carrots,
sack; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.25.
Green Fruits — Apples, 60c @$1.50
box; casabas, $1.65 crate; pears, $1@
1.50 box; cranberries, $ 9 @ U barrel.
Potatoes—Oregon, $1 sack; Idaho,
$1@ 1.10; Yakima, $1@ 1.10; sweets,
2Jc pound.
Onions— Oregon, buying price, $1.25
f. o. b. shipping point.
Eggs — Fresh Oregon ranch, cose
count, 32@33c dozen; candled, 36c;
storage, 25@29c.
Poultry — Hens, large, 16c pound;
mixed, 13@14c; springs, 12@13c; tur­
keys, dressed, 20c; live, 17c; ducks,
12@ 14c; geese, 1 0 @ llc .
Butter — Creamery, prints, extras,
82c pound in cose lots; |c more in less
than cose lots; cubes, 27@29c-
Veal— Fancy, 12@13c pound.
Pork— Block, 9@10c pound.
Hops — 1914 crop, 10@13c; 1913
crop, nominal.
Hides — Salted hides, 14c; salted
bulls, 10c; salted calf, 18c; salted kip,
14c; green hides, 12c; green bulls,
8c; green calf, 18c; green kip, 14c;
dry hides, 25c; dry calf, 27c.
W ool— Valley, 17@18c pound; East­
ern Oregon 16(420c; nominal mohair,
1914 clip, 27Jc.
Cascara bark— Old and new, 4 @ 4 }c.
Cattle — Prime steers, $7.60(48;
choice, $6.60@7; medium, $6.25@ 6.50;
choice cows, $6(46.85; medium, $5@
6 ; heifers, $5@ 6 .5 0 ; calves, $6(48;
bulls, $3.60(44.75; stags. $4.50@6.
Hogs — Light, $6.80@ 7.16; heavy,
Sheep— Wethers, $5.25(46.10; ewes,
$4.25(45.50; lambs. $6.25@7.50.
London— Dozens o f Catholic priests
were murdered, some being tortured,
and the churches in numerous commu­
nities were wrecked and profaned by
German troopa invading Belgium,-ac­
cording to detailed charges given out
here by the official press bureau o f the
war office at the request o f the Belgian
legation In London.
The statement makes the declara­
tion that members o f the clergy have
been exposed to special indignities at
the hands o f German soldiers.
In the
diocese o f Liege, Namur, Malines and
Ghent many priests and others con­
Seattle Wheat — Bluestem, $1.35;
nected with the churches were either Turkey red, $1.30; fortyfold, $1.34;
shot or hanged.
Many other priests club, $1.33; Fife, $1.33; red Russian,
were carried off to Germany, where $1.28.
they appear to have been “ subjected
Barley— $28 per ton.
to abominable usage.”
Car receipts:
Wheat 13, oats 5,
barley 3, hay 6, flour 5.
New York— The worst accident in
the ten'years’ history of New York's
subway occurred during the morning
rush hours Thursday, when 700 pas­
sengers in two stalled trains were
■tricken with panic in the darkened
tubes as a result o f the dense smoke
and acid fumes from *n short-circuited
In the ensuing struggle to escape
some 200 persons were injured, one— a
woman— fatally.
Others were over­
come and were rescued, unconscious,
by police and firemen, while scores o f
Officials Watch Bread.
others struggled to the street, un­
nerved or hysterical, their clothing
Washington, D. C.— Department of
torn and faces blackened by smoke.
Justice officials have expressed interest
in reports that the price of a loaf of
Zeppelin Visits France.
bread was about to jump from 6 to 6
London — A correspondent o f the cents in New York, Chicago and pos­
Doily Mail in France reports that a sibly other large cities. No complaints
Zeppelin airship skirted the French had reached the department, however,
seacoast near Grave Lines Wednesday, and no action is in immediate prospect.
and then turned westward toward Eng­ Attorney General Gregory has kept a
land, and that it is rumored that two close watch on any efforts to increase
other Zeppelina preceded it.
“ There­ the cost o f living through combina­
after through the whole d a y ," the cor­ tions o f producers in any line, and it is
respondent adds, “ Dunkirk was sub­ considered certain that a rise in bread
jected to German air raids and at­ would be looked into at once.
tempts to drop bombs, but owing to
X-Rayed Cargo It Passed.
the vigorous Are o f the town's guns
few bombs fell. A t one time six aero­
Galveston, T ex .— A fter X-ray tests
planes were hovering over the tow n.” had shown no contraband concealed In
her cargo, the American steamer Ne­
Swiss Commend Protest.
braskan sailed for Bremen, carrying a
Berne, Switxerland— President W il­ cargo o f 10,317 bales o f cotton. The
son’s note to Great Britain concerning teats were made under the supervision
delays to American commerce has been o f the British consul in order to avoid
welcomed by the Swiss newspapers, poaslbie delay by British warships
The Ne­
which in editorial comments express searching for contraband.
the opinion that he is acting in the in­ braskan is the second vessel to sail
terests o f all neutrals and especially from Galveston for Bremen direct
since the outbreak o f the war.
“ Inquirer" has Interesting reading
oa to a dog having followed 1.1s master
119 miles. 1 think I can beat hla "rec­
ord" by some 21 miles. It happened
In 1890 Father, then a government
official and a passionate hunter, had
been transferred from 8------ in the
northern Carpathians to Z------, about
140 miles away. Among his hunting
dogs there was a 14 year-old dachs­
hund. which he had left with one of
his friends. We were hardly settled
In our new domicile when father re- j
celved a letter telling that Oil hail
disappeared. Father was sorry, for he
was, as all hunters are, fond of his
dogs, when a week after, Oil, all worn
out an t starved, suddenly reappeared.
This ic a remarkable feat The dog
had traversed nearly 140 miles In less
than a week, through a very moun­
tainous country, an-i without being
able to follow us on the "scent,” as
we made tne trip by rail.—Letter to
New YorL Times.
is at stake when yam
neglect the Stom­
ach, Liver and
Bowels. Poor
health will soon
overtake you. Keep
up “to the mark” by
assisting these
organs in their work
with the help of
Stomach Bitters
A National Calamity.
“ Where's my umbrella?” demanded
the wile of a m- mber of parliament.
"I'm afraid I've forgotten It. my
dear,” meekly anawered her husband.
"It must be In the train.”
"in the train?" snorted the woman.
"And to think that the affairs of the
nation are intrusted to a man who
dresn’t know enough to take care of a
'voman's umbrella!"— New York Call.
It makes the appetite
keen and aids
digestion. Try a bottle
10 C E N T “ C A S C A R E T S ”
Curs Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—-Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad your liver, stom­
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels— you always get
relief with Cascarets. They imme­
diately cleanse and regulate the stom­
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the-excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con­
stipated waste matter aud poison from
the Intestines and bowels A 10-cent
box from your druggist will keep your
liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet
and head clear for months. They work
while you sleep.
Naughty Wrinkles.
“ Quick, quick, my dear—everybody
else is in the lifeboat. The ship is
“ Walt a moment—I cannot be seen
like this. The life belt makes my coat
pucker.”—The Bystander.
$ 9 .0 0 0 o ffe re d f o r certata
n venU on*. book**Mow t o O b t a la
a Patent** «nd “ W h a t t o Invent**
Bent free. Send rongta »ketch for tram
report am to patentability. Patent» ad­
vertised for asiie at oar expeoae la Maa-
• fartare!■*’ Journals.
Try Marine Eye Rcmrdy (or Red. Weak. Watery
yelid»; No Hinartii
Sinnrt in*—
S y e i and GrBoolAt^l Eyelid»;
luabwKye Comfort. Write for
“ Book
* of vhe Í J«
by m *il Free. Marine E je Remedy Co., Chicago.
Philosophy on the Half Shell.
“ What are you working at now ?”
"Shuckin’ oysters,” replied
Erastus Pinkley.
"How do you like the work?”
"It’s purty hard work. ’Bout de
only satisfaction I gits out of it is
thinkin’ how lucky I is to be de shuck-
er instld o ’ the oyster."— Washington
i* » Ie a
1 0 3 4 L St. Wa*togtaa.B.B»
than S m a l l p o x . Artsy
experience baa demonatrated
the almost miraculous effi­
cacy, and banalessnett, of Antityphoid Vaccination.
Be race hutted NOW by yonr phyaician, yen and
fuar family. It is more vital than boose insurance«
Ask your physician, druggist, or »end for Have
you had Typhoid/** telling of Typhoid Vaccine*
results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers-
o r r r t t lab ob atoby , bcbiucley , cal .
rto ism s «¿cents a sea was mm b ib
w .
a. am. ucaasn
Same Thing.
"Does your husband keep a scrap­
"N ot exactly; he keeps a checkbook
and we have a scrap every time it la
Lures of Home.
used for my ben efit”— Boston Trans­
Simms— You’re a poor sort of a club crip t
I very seldom see you
around at the clubhouse.
IF Y O U R C H I L D IS C R O S 8 ,
Timms— Why, I get around once or
twice a week.
Simms— Well, look at me; I'm there Look Mother!
If tongue it coated,
cleanse little bowelt with “ Cali­
every night.
fornia Syrup of Figs.“
Timms— Yes, but you’re married,
and I'm single.— New York Times.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
Constipation causes and seriously ag­ “ California Syrup of Figs,” because In
gravates many diseases. It is thor­ a few hours all the clogged-up waste,
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pellets. sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
The Fell Clutch of Habit
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Ragged Rogers— 1 heard a feller say Millions of mothers keep it handy be­
dis ntornin’ dat he wasn’t happy un­ cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
less he was workin’.
Tattered Thomas— Ain’t it a terrible and sure.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot­
t’ing when er habit gits hold o f er
tle of "California Syrup of Figs.”
man!— Boston Transcript
which contains directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-upa.
What it Was.
H O W ARD K BUBTUH - Assay er and rhemlat.
■ ■ Leadnlle. Colorado. Bpammeu price«: Gold,
dLiver. Load. ti. Gold. Silver, t&c; Gold 50c: Zino
or Copper H- Mailing 4»n»elopee a id fail price hat
•mt on aj plication. Control and Cmpire work an
.'icUod. ileft*ranee: Carbonate National Bank,
“ A complete kidnaping outfit was
found in this town.”
The old motto might have read: “ In
“ You don't say! Where was it?”
"In a cradle manufactory.”— Balti­ time of peace prepare for Hobson and
Gardner!”— Chicago Herald.
more American.
Cures the sick and a c ts aa ft p reven tative for o th e rs
Liquid given on the ton gu e,
i Safe for brood m ares and oil
others. B est kidney rem edy. 50 cen ts a bottle, 15 a doxen.
Sold by all d r u g g i.ts and t u r f gooda houses. or sent, exp ress
paid, by the m an u factu re™ . Booklet, "D is te m p e r. Cause an a
C u r e ," free.
S P O H N M E D IC A L CO ..
C h em ists and B acteriologists.
G oshen, Ind., U . 8 . A .
His Good Angel.
Clean Knowledge.
"W e are going to give up having
Caller -How much for a marriage 14-
Johnny get an education."
, cense?
"For what reason?”
i Town Clerk—One dollar.
“ Well, we can't get him sterilized
Caller—I’ve only got 50 centa.
Tacoma Wheat — Wheat quotations every morning in time to go to
Town Clerk—You’re lucky.— Philo-
on the local market, as furnished by school.”— Puck.
delphia Bulletin.
leading firms, are: Red Russian, $1.26;
milling bluestem, $1.33; club, $1.30;
forty-fold. $1.31; red Fife, $1.28.
Fresh Meats — Steers. 12c; cows,
l l j e ; heifers. 11| @ 12c; wethers,
Napoleon so said. A man
12Jc; dressed hogs, 12c; trimmed
with a weak stomach ta
A pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult—
lambs, 13(414c; Diamond T. C., 14c;
' almost impossible— lor anyone, man or woman,
yearlings, 13c; ewes. 11c.
if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or
socially—or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form
Butter—Washington creamery, 30@
31c; Oregon, 28@30c.
D r . P ie r c e * »
Eggs— Fresh ranch, 30@36c dozen;
local cold storage, 28(430c; Eastern,
Hay— Clover, $16@17; wheat, $14@
helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy a ctio n -
16; Idaho timothy, $20(4.21; Ellens-
helps them to digest the food that makes the good,
burg. $17(420; mixed, $17@19; al­
rich, red blood which nourishes the entire body.
falfa, $14(415.
This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts
Feed — Corn, $36; cracked, $36;
the liver into activity—oils the machinery o f
the human system so that those who spend their working hours at the desk,
wheat, $44; whole barley, $30; rolled,
behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health.
$31; hhorts, $31; bran, $9; oats, $33 ;
rolled oats, $34.
Boa brought rsltof to many thouaand* «vary y«ar far over forty yean,
rattova you and doubtlrm, rootor. to you your formrr haalth and atrangth. At
Cabbage, home-grown, l|c pound.
kaat you ow e it to youraelf to give It a trial. SoM by Medicine Dealer, or «end 50c for
trial box o f T ablete--D r. F ie rce '. In v alid .' H o t e l* S urgical lcM ltute. Iluffalo.N. Y.
Carrots, local, $1 sack.
Potatoes—California sweets, $2.25(4
Ysa «on hove Dr. Ftorss’s Common Sonsa
Adviser *4 1008 Fsgsa « r Ilia
2.50 cw t.: Yakimas, $20«c21 ton;
White River, $18.
■ m
F ig h t O n T h e i r
S to m so h s
Golden Medical Discovery