The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, January 14, 1915, Image 4

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Rolling Dollar
J. T. Beamish
1 0 0 1 3 ;
Why She Wrote
a Novel
Stayton Mail Votes Court
Most in the Premium
Copyright 19M
Ml*» Winifred Well», who hud wrlt-
teu a novel under (he unit)« of TbomiM
Ersklno Mortimer, received a letter
The Rolling Dollar dropped with a satisfied sigh into the
oiio momlDK which read
grocer’s till. ‘ ‘Glad I*m safely back from that trip ," he said l Thom*a Krsktne Mortimer. Kao.;
LV*r Sir—I writ» to aak you whsrs you
to tne other dollars there assembled.
Sot ths nnma o f your hero. Kdgur Whsat-
lohthT My n«mt la Kdsar Wheatlslgh.
That was a risky stroke o f Fate that led me off to Moss-
■ml l am rurloua to know how you hap­
pened to hit upon It for your claarty
dale. My wings almost shook off their eagle feathers in an
drawn character 1 am vary truly your»,
ague of fear that I would never get back. Why? Because
Now, M l»» Well», u young lady o f
Mossdale folks trade with Chicago mail order houses, and what
twentyoue summers. had taken tho
chance has one little dollar to get back when about the only
name from the city directory, and It
adventures possible are in the postoffice cash box or the box of
' orcurrcd to her that It belonged to her
the expsess company between here and Chicago."
I correspondent She wu» about to n>-
i t'l.v that »be had done » 0 when an Men
"W ell, did somebody steal you back."
pepped Into her head whereby »he
"N o, sir. but a farmer had a change o f heart. 1 was
mtcht have some fun. She wtoto Mr.
Wheatlelgh. signing herself Mortimer,
present at his confession. All I know* about it Is that he laid
ahe bad board a friend apeak of
me on the table beside a big mail order catalog; and after he
a Mr Wheatlelgh In high term» and
had looked at me and at the catalog he wrote a letter which
had I>oeii given the salient |>olnts In
he read to to his wife. His letter was about like this:
lit* character, which »ho bad euilKHlled
in her hero. This ponton of her uuvel
"Mossdale, Mich., January 15, 1914. Gentlemen—Yours
wu* undoubtedly another than her
of recent date at hand, also catalogs and circulars offering
Thl* brought u reply from Mr.
' premuims for distributing same among my neighbors.
As you
Wboatlelgh giving n few points as to
say it would be a favor to you but I doubt if it would be to my
hi» antecedents with u view to dlacov-
friends. I have dealt with you for some years myself and I 1 ertng whether or uot he wait the hero
have received no favors.
I paid for all I got: in the same 1 of the novel. Ml*» Wells, affecting to
bo much surprised at the points ho
length o f time I would have gained standing and credit in a
gave her. admitted that ho was doubt .
home store. You think I am a steady comer, and send me any
leas Identical with the man who had
been described to her. In this letter
old goods that are handy on my orders.
also »he wrote under the guise o f her
noui de plume.
"Y ou r catalogs seem to offer some great bargains, but
Mr Whentlelgli wrote again, asking
let us see if there are not some things very neccessary to the I
for the uaiiie of the frleud who had
people o f our section that are not mentined in your big book.
described him. The reply was that the
writer was doubtful whether he should
" I don’t see any reference to paying cash or exchanging { give
the name However, since his In-
goods for wheat, oats, com, beans, butter, eggs or hay. How
former might not i>e the original ol>-
much will you pay for cattle, sheep and hogs. f. o. b. Moss­ [ server he would strain * point and do
so The outline from which tbo char­
acter had t>een drawn was a Miss
"W e have to have a market and we can’t expect to sell < Winifred Wells To this she added her
to the home merchants if we buy in Chicago.
The nest scene In this diminutive
comsdj w m a call from Mr. Whoat-
"H ow much will you pay to support our schools? How
ielgh. Miss Well* came down with his
much for building our roads and bridges? For supporting our .31 card In her hand looking very much
For the general public expense? Two stores and a
“ It's a long while since we have
brush factory went out o f business here last summer, and my
met." she remarked. “ You have grown
taxes are higher this year because those concerns are not here 1 from boy to tnnn since I saw you last
to share up the fixed expenses o f local government and public j I should not have known you."
Mr Wheatlolgh In the novel was a
utilities. You got our money and kept it, so those who would
: copy o f a grand gentleman character
have given it back had to quit
In one of Oulda’s novel*, flc would
not be so nngnllant as to ndmlt that he
"H ow much do you give our churches? How much
did not remember this friend o f his
credit will you give me when times are hard? I think I ’ll | childhood.
"1 would know you." he »aid, “ had 1
trade at home a while. I f the home merchant is tricky I can
uot had the slightest knowledge of
have it out with him face to face, and settle any misunder- 3 your Identity The only reason I might
standing in half an hour. I have been all winter getting my
not tinre recognised you Is thnt from a
rather pretty child yon hare grown to
money back on that deal with you, and now I get only a credit
; be a snperb woman."
card, which one o f your clerks with studied carelessness had 3 [ Miss W e lls wag not only delighted
with her device, but with a man of
j such unblushing assurance.
"Return the amount without further dickering or I shall
“ But how,” she asked, "have you
take it out in advertising you and your methods among the 3 J ! found me out after nil those years?”
“ In a very singular way. My friend
folks around here. Yours truly, Carl Schultz."
Tom Mortimer wrote n novel naming
one o f Ills characters for me. When I
"Today he drove down to Centerville and spent me on a
asked him how he learned certain fea­
tures concerning me. the original o f bis
bill of goods here because there isn’t a decent grocery left in
character, he said that they bad t>een
given him by an old friend of mine,
Winnie Wells "
*1* -*******
« .L- \ . uX*
This came very near being too much
for the authoress, but she repressed
all. At the close of the session, her mirth.
“ How long have yon known Tom?”
refreshments were served by the
she asked
entertainment committee.
“Tom? Why, I have known blin
The school will give a baske t ever since we were little toddlers to­
The Hammond Lumber Co’s
social on Friday evening, Jan. 15 gether, our homes haring adjoined
each other.”
mill resumed work January 4, „
, , . .. ,
Ladies be
“ Did he say I gave yon any points
after being closed two weeks for
° ? irn' e ,
' as to your character?"
sure and bring baskets.
Mr Wheatlelgh. though a scamp,
was. so far as his own merits were
Chicken pox is about to t a k e --------------------
concerned, a modest one. He said thnt
the town, a number o f cases be­
Tom had endowed him with traits he
did not posses* Nevertheless he knew
ing reported.
(hat Miss Wells had »(token very high
Miss Nellie Albee spent the
ly of hitn He was bent on knowing
who she was and what had been this
week-end with her parents at
Misses Eunice and Ruth Woods child connection between them; hut,
o f White Salmon, Wash., spent although lie beat the bush Inee antly,
| lie uncovered nothing
At last .Miss
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Will the holidays at Jordan.
3 Wells gave him all the Information he
Holt, a boy, Dec.
Roy Mielke and Clare Thomas wished and more, too. had he known
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Bert killed two coons and a wild cat It was manufactured.
“ You have evidently forgotten what
Jewell, Jan. 7, a girl.
during vacation at the Thomas passed between us the night yon went
away." she said, revealing what It was
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harlan home.
j by dropping her eyes to the floor.
moved to camp 14 on Monday.
T. H. Thomas drove over from
“ Forgotten It! I shall never forget
to Stayton Tuesday and ' it. What I said then I repent now. 1
Master Max Harlan went to
| aia as unchanged ss the rocks “
Stayton on Thursday to stay Mrs. Sarah Cox returned with
“Then why did you never write?"
“ Why didn't I write? Why, for the
with his grandparents, Mr. and him the next day.
best o f reasons. I broke my right arm
Mrs. W. S, Watters. He will at­
Dr. Beauchamp made a trip to three days after we parted.”
tend school there for the re­ see Mrs. Woodard one day last
Miss Wells burst Into a laugh thnt
, made the house ring. When it subsld-
mainder o f the year.
• •d she told Mr Wheatlelgh the whole
C. L. Ransom and w ife left on
L. W. Woods bought a car­ story He was ns much delighted with
Saturday afternoon for Portland, load of cattle of Mike Bilyeu and it as she was with the success o f her
| trick
where they will visit for a few loaded them at Scio for White
“ Well." he said when It was all out,
j “ for once In my life I’m a hero—the
Salmon, Wash.
1 hero of a story.
Whnt I said when
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter left
The Misses Rosencrantz have last we met f repeat now. I said then
Monday afternoon for Portland. gone b a c k to White Salmon, I that you were the girl for me, nnd I
say It now
I'll have no other. I
Prof. W. H. Lee of Albany Wash., to school.
' swear It."
Miss Wells laughed again, taking the
College occupied the pulpit of the
declaration ns a matter of gallantry.
Presbyterian church last Sunday
And so It was at the time Intended.
both morning and evening.
But the acquaintance having been thus
pleasantly formed was continued. Mr.
The Parent-Teachers Associa­ J. O. McCrady, 1164 Lincoln Ft., Eu­ I Wheatlelgh Insisted on the anthoress
tion met last Friday evening.
making him the hero of a novel.' She
declined to do this, but the inntter was
Prof. Lee o f the Albany College
. f ;
compromised by his making her
being the principal speaker of
! M
ife He now arcuses her o f hav-
the evening. His lecture proved Old Newspapers— \
i . ig -.rltten a novel for no other pur-
than to secure a husband.
Big bundle for 10c at the Mail office.
Mill City Locals
[Piano Contest
One year subscription to the Mail—$1.50
2 years subscription to the M ail-$3.00
3 years subscription to the Mail—$4.50
5 years subscription to the Mail—$7.50
10 years subscription to the Mail—$15.00
20 years subscription to the Mail—$25.00
pire in January. Now is the time to
do your soliciting. Get busy and
get in the race by getting subscrip­
tions for the Mail.
$300 PIANO
tD c a n u a a a o ic a m c a a n u C ' <
Lyons and Fox
Mr. Small is slowly improving.
Mrs. Rogers o f Rainer Valley
California has been visiting her
father Mr. Small.
Ed Thompson, while at work
l a s t Friday received a blow
which ceased his work for a
Mrs. Frank Siegmund visited
her parents in Lyons this week.
T IN W O R K and
P L • U
To whom it may concern;
Notice is hereby given that Ephraim
Shepherd has been duly appointed Ad­
ministrator o f the Estate o f Daniel
Neff, Deceased, and that all persons
having claims against said Estate arc
hereby required to present them, with
the proper vouchers, within aix months
from the date of this notice, to Eph­
raim Shepherd at the law office o f V.
A. Goode, Roy Building, Slayton, Ore-
Ephraim Shepherd, Administrator o f
the Estate of Daniel Neff. Deceased.
Bath Tubs, Lavatories .
all Sanitary fittings— F;
ers--We carry a lint
pumps, leader water t \
terns, etc. Gasoline engii i
Two and a half million readers find it of
absorbing interest Everything in it is
Written S o You Can Undvretand It
We *ell 400,000 eopict every month without
Divine premiums and have no *01101107*. Any
newsdealer will .how you a copy; or write the
publisher for free «ample — a postal will do.
$ 1 .8 0 A Y E A R
1 Sc A C O P Y
P o p u la r M e c h a n ic s M a g a z in «
« Ne. Michigan Ava., CHICAGO
..3CH and W/kSKlHOTON f,
- EL-sinsss Directory
A !>•»' < tary c f
City, Town find
¿ruing ¿cftcflptlv* »ketch of
> '? jJk- p, location, population, t*!«»-
i a
fciifpplnff And b&nkJnir point;
C .
Directory, com piled by
Fresh. Salt & Cured Mt *
Lard & Creamery But:
Highest Markel F, c; Paid For Fat I .1
For Father and Son
O sir..-, open inee, sliver watch, name
hf mske. Lady’s Racine, on dial, hinge
on bark o f ease broken, gi ld and silver
fob with heart shaped charm. Reward.
Bertha Sehree. Care o f Chris. Siln r-
nngcl, Scio, Ore.
S P A N I0 L
very helpful and instructive to
Many Subscriptions to the Mail ex­
Jordan Jingles
Dudley Vacirnn Sweepers $7.50
4 0 .0 0 0
For Sale st Brown's Garage.
An 8 -1
pass. CO h.p. Thomas, go<*l as new, j
just overhauled except tire* and paint, -
will remodel into truck if wanted.
Cal? in and see it. C. EL Brown.
Lulay Bros. & Co.
Contractors • & Builders
Dwelling houses a specialty
Let us figure on your build­
We can save you money
A good job gaurantecd
Are you thinking o f moving to town?
If so you had bi ttcr investigate this at
Phone 77
P. 0. Box 198
j onee. A good 7 room house, well fin­
ished except upstair* which only needs
cloth and papor, one of the best wells
' in the city, pump in kitchen, fireplace
in living-room, on corner, one-quarter
block 100x100, n fine location, i.nd good
T h s rcmlors o f th is pap er
w ill
neighborhood. $1200. terms.
(.'all at
pleased to learn th a t thora 1 * a t luust on
dreaded dlsenso th a t science has I, . 3 ;
Mail office for owner’ s name.
9100 Reword, $100
able to curs In a lj its stag, *, and that I
Catarrh. H a lt's c a ta r r h Curo Is tha onl
positive cu rs n ow know n to the medics
fratern ity. C a tarrh bein g a constitution,
dlsenso, requires a constitutional tr, <t
merit. IlnM 's C a tarrh Curo la tn n i 1
ternalty, a c tin g d lre e .ly upnn the 1
and mucoua su rfaces o f tho ayatem. 1
by d estro yin g th e foundation o f tli
34 acres, bottom land, 20 acres clear­ enee, snd g iv ln g tlio pntlent «tre
building tip thè
tha ron
rn n allfu
stlfu tton
tlon and
and t « <- n
ed, 7-ioom house, barn, etc* All r.ew n a tu r e ln «V.tng Its w ork. T h o pr, ; r
h ave ao much fa ith tn Its cu rativo f w-
buildings, fenced and croon fenced. 1 ers th at th e y o ffe r One Hundred r> i l - r »
r an y raso thnt I» f i l l s to cure,
mi. to town, macadam road.
Price I fo
fo r Ilot o f testim on ial».
$4*,00. Terms. M. Mueller, Stayto i,
Bold by nil Druggist., 75o.
T a k * lls ll's Family P ills for eoostlpslloa.