A Real Foe BRITAIN’S REPLY FRIENDLY, BELIEF is a To Health Weak Stomach From thin source arisen such ills hh Poor Appetite, Nauaeu, Heartburn, IndigoM- tion Dyn])epHia, BiliouHncsa und Constipation. You can conquer and fortify the system against such foes by the timely use o f H O STETTER ’S STOMACH BITTERS Bi Sun You Get the Genuine Short-Winded but Speedy. "A dollar doeau'l go un fur u s It used to." "You »«try frequently sacrifie« en­ durance to speed," replied the engi­ neer. "You must remember that a dollar goes much faster than It used to."— Washington Htar. NEW HOTEL HOUSTON !>•*• Houiton. Prop. M. li. Thorsnss, Mirr. Thoroughly modern. 101 Koom« o f comfort. Mod- e»sts I’ rirss. Ttuss minu'm walk ftom Union Writ# for n tM. 72 H Vsé k. fOÄTUNÜ Uft Tobacco Habit Cured Not only to u iw , of pipo end r e i n , bat tho tlrlwir rlenrott. habit la ovarcoma by usine tho "N IT a iT K " trostnianf. Prie, .unipl.tr*. puatneo paid. II.(u. l-.u. Iiavla |>rue Co.. M and Yam* kill. Purtlsmi, Or. IWhan writins manUon Una papar > Much Interested. "When the British attaeked Wash­ ington In 1813 all the congressmen had to leave the city. Of course, they came back later." "Did they collect mileage both waya?" eagerly Inquired the congress­ man addressed.-Iroulsvlllo Courier- Journal. Discouraging. "Wlinmnn ain't got no sense of the proprieties." "How now?" "You kuow that bulldog I got my wife?" "Yes." "She wants to name It Ftfl."— Kan­ sas City Journal. Dodging Responsibility. “ Yes.” said Mr. Orowcher. “ 1 In­ tend to keep up the Idea of Santa Claus In my family as long as possi­ ble .” "What for?" "I don't wnnl the children to blame me when they don't get just the pres­ ents they were looking for.”— Wash­ ington Star. Paris Prices. "Your prices are higher than those of others." “ We dress our own beef, mum," said the butcher by way of explanation. "Dress your own beef, eh? .Well, you must think you're the Itedfern of the trade.”— Louisville Courier Jour­ nal. Audible. Clinton— Did you get In without your wife hearing you last night? Clublclgh—No, nor without my hear­ ing her, either.—Boston Transcript. Quick Relief When Utterly Worn Out Getting the Blood in Order k Required By Most People. I f yen think you h ir e gone to smash s o d lit usly for th* discard, try R. 8. 8. for ths blood It w ill aurprli* you to know what ran bo doao for health ones ths blood Is rtloasod o f tho excess o f body waste« that keep It from exercising Its full measure o f bodily repair. I f you fool playod out, go to any drug stors and ask for a bottle o f Hi 8. 8. Iters Is a remedy that gets at work In a twlnk- lin t; It Just naturally rushes right ints your blood, scatter* germ« right and left, up and down and sideways. You fool bettor at once, not from a stint- nlant, not from the action o f drugs, but from th « rational effect o f a natural medi­ cine. Tbs Ingredients In 8. 8. 8. serve ths active purpose o f so stimulating ths cellular ties,is■ o f ths body thst they pick out from ths blood their own essential nutriment and thus repair work begins at once. The relief U general all oeer the system. !>• not neglect to get a bottle o f 8. 8. 8. today. It w ill make you feel better In Just a few minutes. It Is prepared only In ths laboratory of The S w ift Speclfle Co., 5.10 Rwlft Bldg.. Atlanta, Os. Rend fo r their fre * hook lo g in « o f the many strangs con. dltloaa that afflict the human fa m llf h j reaaos o f Impoverished blood. V. N. U. No. 2. IS IS Outline of Answer to American Note Sent to France. Italy and Allied N ation» Thought to Have Agreed -Herm ann Alone Proteete. Ixindon—The British government’s reply to the American note concerning contraband probably will be aent be­ fore the end o f this week. It is thought the answer will be friendly. An outline o f the reply has been sub­ mitted to France, which in greatly in­ terested because o f the activity of the French ships in searching Mediterra­ nean cargoes. A statement probably will be issued shortly, showing thst Italy has arrived at an understanding with England and the other allies concerning contraband satisfactory to all the countries affect­ ed. It can tie stated authoritatively that only five cargoes destined for Italy have been stopped » t Gibraltar since November 16. Two o f these were re­ leased within three days and the others os soon'oa the alleged contraband could be removed. Since December 4 no cargoes for Italy’ .have been intercepted by the allies. Rubber cargoes destined for Ameri­ can Arms and held in English ports probably will be released soon or pur­ chased by Great Britain, which needs rubber for msnuafeture o f tires, bed blankets and boots. Constant negotiations are in prog­ ress between the allies and the neutral countries situated near Germany look­ ing to a tightening of the export regu­ lations which will prevent American shipments from reaching Germany and Austria through neighboring countries other than Italy. A loosening o f the regulations apply­ ing to American cargoes, it is said by British officials, will depend largely on the assurances received from neutral countries that they will not assist in supplying Germany, Turkey and Aus­ tria with munitions of war. Generals Scott and Villa to Meet on Boundary Line Washington, D. C.— Brigadier Gen­ eral Scott, chief of staff of the United States, and General Villa, commander- in-chief of the forces o f the Gutierres government in Mexico, have arranged to confer on the international bridge at El Faso, with a view to arriving at on understanding that will perma­ nently prevent further Aring into American territory by Mexican fac-. tfons fighting along the international lines. General Villa is on his way north, and the conference will be held imme­ diately upon the arrival of the Mexi­ can chief. General Scott has been st Nsco for two weeks trying to bring about an agreement between General May- torena, commanding the Gutierrez force attacking the Mexican town of that name, and General Hill, o f the Carranza garrison. H ill agreed to withdraw to Augua Prieta, but May- teorena has postponed entering into any final agreement, awaiting, it is said, the arrival o f General Cabral, who is on his way north with 8000 men to take charge o f the situation. Land Slides May Halt Panama Canal Naval fete Washington, D. C.—The possibility o f a postponement of the cruise o f the international fleet from Hampton Hoods to San Francisco through the Panama canal, in connection with the opening of the canal and the exposi­ tion, was suggested Tuesday in the course of a conference between Secre­ tary Garrison and Colonel Goethals, governor of the canal. Though the great earth slides st Cucaraha have apparently been con­ quered, according to Colonel Goethals’ report, the earth movements continue in the neighborhood of Gold Hill. At that point the superincumbent masses o f earth on the side o f the canal, by their great pressure, are continuously forcing rock and soil in great quanti­ ties into the canal prism. The move­ ment is sufficiently extensively to re­ quire the continuous employment of dredges to maintain the channel. New York 1» Wealthiest New York— The wealthiest land- owner in the limits of the municipal jurisdiction, according to a report to Controller Prendergaat, is the City of New York. The assessed valuation of the city’s holdings is (1,447,647,869, o f which (1,429,491,360 is within the city limits. Compared with the fig­ ures o f 1913, the value o f the proper­ ties shows an increase o f t (71,104,689. The increase in land values reaches the large figure o f (41,689,078. while in the value of buildings and other im­ provements, it totals (29,263,632. Danger In Overcrowded Cars. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS Portland—Wheat offerings by farrn- ars havs ceased. Prices hare ad­ vanced so rapidly In the past week that sellers havs withdrawn from the market. Extreme bids put out yes­ terday, denoting the urgency of the demand, failed to have effect on hold­ ers. One large firm of buyers, which has been taking In an average of 36 cars a day, has, since Christmas, been unable to secure more than one car a day. At the Merchants’ Exchange session yesterday bid prices were raised, but this failed to bring out more than two lots of wheat. Five thousand bushels of January club were sold at (1.28tt, an advance of 1'A cents over Monday, and 6000 bushels of January red ltus- slan were sold at (1.23, the same price as bid on the preceding day. A 6000- bushel lot of spot club was sold on the curb at (1.29. This Is the highest price so far paid for this kind of wheat In the local market, but a half cent better wa* paid In the country the day before. Offers for bluestem on the Ex­ change were up 2 cents for early de­ livery, (1.30 being bid. March blue- stem was wanted at (1.33. For spot forty-fold (1.29Vi was bid, against (1.27 on Monday. Red wheat was held st about the previous day's prices. The closing days of this year are brlnglug more activity In the hop mar­ ket. Qrowers are making no effort to sell and this Is holding prices steady at the old level. Beer sales In the United States for the month of October, 1914, were 5,- 686,640 barrels, as against 6,456,803 barrels for October, 1913. Wheat— Bid: Bluestem. (1.80; forty- fold, (1.29H; club. $1.28*4; red Rus­ sian. (1.22; red fife. (1.24*4. Mlllfeed—Spot prices: Bran. (2 6 0 28.50 per ton; shorts, ( 2 8 0 2 8 .60; roll­ ed barley, (29030. Corn—White, (36 per ton; cracked, (27 per ton. Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, (14 016: grain hay, (10011; alfalfa, (13 013.60; Valley timothy. (11012. Vegetables— Cucumbers, hothouse, (1.7602 dozen; eggplant. 8010c per pound; peppers, 8010c per pound; ar­ tichokes, 76 0 86c per dozen; tomatoes, (101.25 per crate; cabbage, l*401*4c per pound; beans, 1214c per pound: celery, (3 per crate; cauliflower, (1 0 1.26 per dozen: sprouts, 8c per pound; head lettuce, (1.76 0 2 per crate, pump­ kins, l*4c per pound; squash. 1 Vic per pound. Green Fruits— Apples. 6Oc0(1.6O per box; casabas, (1.6501.76 per crate pears, $101.60; grapes, $3.50 03.75 per barrel; cranberries, (9011 per barrel. Potatoes—Oregon, (1 per sack; Ida­ ho, (101.15; Yakima. (1; sweet pota­ toes, 2*4c per pound. Onions— Oregon, buying price, (1.25 f. o. b. shipping point Sack Vegetables— Carrots, (1.26 per sack; beets, (1.25 per sack; parsnips. (1.25 per sack. Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, case count 35 0 38c; candled, 37*4©40c;> storage. 36 030c. Poultry— Hens, 12012*4c; turkeys, dressed. 21 022c; live, 17018c; ducks, 11014c; geese, 10011c. Butter— Creamery, prints, extras. 34Vic per pound In case lots; H e more In less than case lot; cubes, 30c. Cattle— Prime steers, (7.5008.00; choice, (8.60 0 7 ; medium, (6.25 06.50; choice cows, (6.00 0 6.85; medium, 85 0 6 ; heifers, (5 06.50; calves. (6 0 3 ; bulls. (3.50 04.75; slags. 4.5006. Hogs— Light, (6.8007.36; heavy, (6 06.75. Sheep— Wethers, (5.25 0 6; ewes, (4.25 06.70; lambs. (6.25 07.35. Seattle— Eggs, select ranch, 38039c per dozen. Poultry—L ive hens, 10014c per pound; 1914 broilers, 11c per pound; ducklings. 12013c per pound; geese. 10c per pound; guinea fowl, (6 per dozen; turkeys, live, 18c per pound; do. dressed. 21022c per pound. Dressed pork— 7©8c per pound. Dressed veal— Small, 12*4c per lb.; large, 7012c per pound. Beef— Prime beef steers. 12\12*4c per pound, cows, 11 *4012c per pound; heifers, 12c per pound. Hogs—Whole, packing house. 8*4© 10c per pound. Spring lamb— 13013*4o per pound. Mutton— lO01OV4c per pound. Vegetables— Artichokes 85c © (1 per dozen; bell peppers. California. 7©8c per pound: beets, new. $101.25 per sack, cabbage, local. (1.2501.50 per 100 pounds; red l% c per pound; celery, 60 075c per dozen; carrots, washed, (1.25 per sack; cucumbers, hothouse. (1.76 0 2 per dozen: horse­ radish. 12*4c per pound; lettuce, local, leaf, 40 050c per crate; California, head, (1.6001.75 per crate; onions, green, 25030c per dozen; California, yellow, (1.25 01.50 per cwt; Imported Spanish, (2.50 per crate; Oregon. (1.75 per cwt; local, (101.25 per cwt: par­ sley, 30c per dozen: potatoes. White Rivers, car lots. (13015 per ton; Oems, car lots. (15017 per ton; Bur­ banks, (17018 per ton; store prices, $203 per ton additional; sweets, (2.2502.50 per cwt; rutabagas. Yaki­ ma. (1.25 per sack; sprouts. Brussels, 708c per pound, squash, local, 202*4c per pound; turnips. Yakima. (1.25 per cwt; local, white. (101.26 per cwt; Alaska, yellow, $1.76 per cwt. t Health Commissioner Ooldwater’s fight for the straphanger In New York Is of vital Interest to those who travel about In all large cities. "The wilful crowding of cars,” says the commis­ sioner, “ Is a serious offense against public health and safety. It can be readily demonstrated that throat af fectlons, tuberculosis and like disease are transmitted from person to per son under the conditions that exist In subway and other passenger cars." Heretofore the fight against over­ crowding In the cars has usually been waged on the score of discomfort. If It Is now to be carried on as a health ! campaign, to safeguard the people' against Infection and contagion. It w ill, probably be effective.—Jersey City Journal. Calculations. "L et me see.” said the young man, thoughtfully, ‘T v e got to buy some flowers, some confectionery and some theater tickets, and----- " “ Doing mental arithmetic,” inquired the man at the next desk. “ No. Sentimental arithmetic.” — Washington Star. f That W eak B a ck accom panied by pain h ere o r i M p l M U M w - m y ba fa in t xpalla— o r ap - a l i a r e u g n a la o f dlatraaa fo r a w om an. 8 h * m ay ba g r o w in g fr o m g irlh o o d in to womanhood— paaaing fro m wom w om anhood t to o m otherhood— oth erh ood— o r la te r Buffering from th a t ch o n g a in to m idd le U fa w hich laavaa aom any wracka o f w om en. A t any o r a ll o f th es e parioda o f a w om an'a U fa aha should take a tonic and riareina prescrib ed fo r ju at such eases b y a physician o f v a c t e x p e r ie n c e In th e d is ea se « o f w om an. DR. PIERCE’S Favorite Prescription has su ccessfu lly tre a ted m ore cases hi p ast fo r t y y e a rs than a n y o th e r kn ow s : can now ba bad in su gar-coated , ta b le t fo rm an w e ll a * la th e liquid. Sold b y d ealers o r tria l box b y m ail on r e c e ip t o f 60 ce n ts In stamps. M l*« Elisabeth Ixrrdahl o f Berkeley, Cab. In a recent letter to Dr. F t « * « « aakh *T i broken down in health, I was aching and had p am aallorerm r body sad was ao nervous thai • talked to me. bur 1 bad the sood fortune In meet a nurse who hod been cured by I uon. 1 bare never bad an or casino to consul t a physician «inn« am In < Dad's Bank Roll. Inexpensive Travel. W illie— Paw. what is a willowy "I would I were m bird,” she maiden. “ I would you were," said her hus­ Paw—A skinny girl who has a band. "You could go couth for th* IF YOUR CHILD 18 CROSS. wealthy father, my son.—Cincinnati winter without its costing me any­ FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Enquirer. thing.”— Life. Look Mother! If tongue Is coated, cleans« little Rowels with "Cali­ Influenza. P inkeye, fornia Syrup of Figs.” E pizootic, D istem ­ Shipping Fever per and all noee and thruat dis Mothers can rest easy after giving cured, and all others, no m a tter how "expooad ," kept from "California 8yrup of Figs," because In h avin g an y o f these diseases with S P O H N 'S L IQ U ID D IS ­ a few hours all the clogged-up waste, T E M P E R C U R E . T h re e to six dosea often c u r« a case, o n « frO-cent bottle gu aranteed to do eo. Beat thing fo r brood sour bile and fermenting food gently m ares: acta o r the blood, to cents a bottle. $& dozen bottle*. moves out of the bowels, and you have D ru ggist* and harness shops or m anufacturers sell It. A g e n ts a well, playful child again. wanted. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless “ fruit laxative.” Millions of mothers keep It bandy be­ cause they know Its action on the stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt Convertible Watch. END STOMACH TROUBLE, and sure. GASES OR DYSPEPSIA A convertible watch recently de­ Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot­ vised is provided with an ingenious tle of “ California Syrup of Figs,” “ Pape's Diapepsin” makes Sick, Sour, which contains directions for babies, set of interchangeable attachments Gassy Stomachs surely feel fins that make the one watch equivalent children of all ages and for grown-ups. In five minutee. to »even, so far as styles of wearing are concerned. By means of these at­ Final Precaution. If what you just ate is souring or tachments It may be worn as a brace­ "You treated the accusations with let watch, as a moire, silk-elastic, or your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest or you belch silent contempt, of course?" leather-wristlet watch, as a silk or gas. and eructate sour, undigested "I did.” chainsautoir watch or as a chatelaine food, or have a feeling of dizziness, “ And then with haughty indiffer­ brooch watch.—Popular Mechanics heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste ence?" Magazine. In mouth and stomach-headache, you "Yes." can get blessed relief in five minutes. "Then you laughed them to scorn?” Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regu­ Put an end to stomach trouble forever "Certainly.” "And finally repelled them with just late and invigorate stomach, liver and by getting a large fifty-cent cose of boweis. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. indignation?" You realize in five minutes how need­ Easy to take as candy. "Exactly." less it is to suffer from lnd gestloR, "Then you’d better see a good crim­ dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Father’s Heart inal lawyer next."— Philadelphia Led- It's the quickest, surest stomach doc­ «er. "You’re not 'urrying to work this tor in the world. It's wonderful. moruin'?” " I ’m not th at" Not in This War. “ S'pose a duke like you don’t mind "What are you reading about?” losing arf an ’our.” “ The ruins of PompelL” “ Look 'ere. Bill, our timekeeper's "When was It bombarded?” — Lout*- have many friends who use them »• - genera' daughter was married yesterday and villa Courier-Journal. tonic end for Kidney trouble. P-1-- ner box. I tell you if 'e's there to time this morn’ 'e’s no father's 'eart.”— Tid-Bits. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.,ckfnusa- Goshen, In i Kola Tablets 6 boxes for 11.00. For sole by L sue- Davis Drug Co. 9d end Yamhill Sts.. Portland. Ora. YOUR OWN Thraldom. “ Her husband never leaves the house without her knowing 1L” Trapped. “ How does she manage It?” “ Dick,” said his wife, as she poured "She buys him neckties that he can't possibly tie without her assist­ the breakfast coffee, “ did you get any mail this morning?” ance.”— Washington Star. "Nothing but papers.” “ Did you post that letter I gave you HOW TO HEAL SKIN yesterday?” AND SCALP TROUBLES "Certainly." “ Strange you haven’t received i t It A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but reliable and Inexpensive, was addressed to you.”— Philadelphia home treatment for people suffering Public Ledger. with eczema, ringworm, rashes, and Theaarus Outdone. simifar Itching skin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar Tommy Figgjam— Paw, doesn’t “re­ of Reslnol Ointment and a cake of verse” mean to “ back?” Reslnol Soap. With the Resinol Soap Paw Figgjam— Surely. and warm water bathe the affected Tommy Figgjam— Then, what did parts thoroughly, until they are free from crusts and the skin is softened. Uncle BUI mean when he said that he Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer busted up in business because he had of the Reslnol Ointment, and cover too many reverses and not enough with a light bandage. This should be backing it?— Chicago Post. done twice a day. Usually the dis­ More candidates for charity at tressing itching and burning stops with the first treatment, and the skin home. The pickpockets report that soon becomes clear and healthy again. they are suffering because so many wallets are flat. Wrong Woman. Miss Hobbs— I saw your wife yes­ terday. Mr. Bobbs— Did you? What did she have to say? Miss Hobbs— Oh, nothing! Mr. Bobbs—That wasn't my wife.— Puck. I 10 CENT “ CASCARETS” FOR LIVER AND BOWEL8 Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness. Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, stom­ ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—you always get relief with Cascarets. They imme­ diately cleanse and regulate the stom­ ach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con­ stipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep youf liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head clear for months. They work while you sleep. Comparatively Good. "So you are going to be married. Mary?” "Yes. ma'am, and I’ll be leaving you next Tuesday." “ Well. I hope you are getting a good husband.” " If he ain't better than the one you've got I won’t keep him long.”— Detroit Free Press. Ruptured D R U G G IS T W IL L T E L L T O O Try Marine Eye Remedy tor Red, Weak. Watery E ye« and Granulated E yelid»; No Smarting— uA-Eye Comfort. W rite for Book o f kbe Eye >y mail rr«e - Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Persona suffer more from inexperienced 1 fitting than from hernia. Why not bay trainee from experts? Try Laue-Davis Drag Co. at Id and Yamhill Portland. Ola- who a t « ex­ pert. and know how. Scene: English Training Camp. Zealous Sentry—Afraid I can’t let you go by without the password, sir! Irate Officer— But, confound you! I tell you I’ve forgotten It. You know me well enough. I'm Maj. Jones. Sentry— Can’t help It, sir; must have the password. Voice from the guard tent—Oh, don’t stand arguing all night, Bill; shoot 'im.—Tatler. Matter of Sentiment. “ Do you think a green Christmas Is undesirable?” "That color,” replied Mr. Rafferty, “ is one that can do nothing except Is the way of improvement—but ITI b« drawn into no political argument”— Washington Star. A mind reader aided a chauffeur rw cently. Wonder if it was In deter mining the wealth of his fares. Rheumatism Sprains Lum bago Sciatica W h y g rin and bear all these ills w hen Sloan’ s L in im e n t kills pain ? " I have used your Liniment say it is fine. I have used it throat, strained shoulder, and like a charm.” — AUen Dunn, Box 88, Pine Volley, AHea. and can for sore it acted- Route 1, “ l i m a painter and paperhanger by trade, consequently up and down lad­ ders About two years ago my left knee became lame and sore. It pained me at nights at times till I could not rest, and I was contemplating giving up my trade on account of it when I chanced to think of Sloan’s Liniment. I had never tried it before, and I am glad to state that less than one 25c. bottle fixed me up apparently as good as ever.” —Chariee C. Campbell, Florence, Texas. Tacoma— Fruit: Apples, green cook­ ing. 40 050c; Spltxenbergs. Winesaps and Roman beauties, 75c0 (1 per box; Delicious. (1.25 01.75. Comb honey— Yakima. $3.50 per crate; strained honey, (5.50; Idaho, (3.50. Pears— Yakima. (1.50. Cranberries— $8.50, (9 and (10. Found Wanting. Casbas— (1.5002 per crate. "Brudder Perkins, yo' been fightln,' Meats and Poultry— Fresh meats— I heah,” said the colored minister. steers, 12c; cows, ll*4 c ; heifers, 11*4 “ Yaas, Ah wuz.” Arizona D ry Law Teat On. 012c; wethers, 12*4c; dressed hogs. "Doan yo’ 'membah whut de Good All Deal are 25c. ___ Tucson, A ris.— Louis Qhems, a sa­ 12c; trimmed sides, 16*4c; combina­ Book sex 'bout turnin’ de odder loonkeeper, arrested January 1 by pre- tions. 15*4c; lambs, 13014c; Sand four cants in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. Dia­ theek?” • arrangement to test the Arisona Pro­ mond T. C., 14c; yearlings, 13c; ewes, “ Yaas, pahson; but he hit me on DR. EARL S. SLO AN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. D^x. » hibition law, was found guilty in the 1 1 c . mah nose, an' I ’se only got one.” — Poultry— Ducks, live, 10012c; hens, Superior court and given a sentence of Livingston Lance. 90 days or a fine of (100. Gherna re­ dressed, 16018c; live, 10014c springs dressed. 22c; live, 14016c; squabs, fused to plead prior to judgment in or­ live, $2.50 pozen; dressed, (6; tur­ der to give basis for habeas corpus keys. live, 18c; dressed 28030c; proceedings which w ill be instituted geese. 20c. for the purpose o f bringing the validi­ Butter— Washington creamery, 300 dr«. Every package guaranteed to color Silk. Wool« Cotton and Mixed Good# at one boiling. 10 food« fatter and brighter colon than any ty o f the law to a legal test. 33c; Oregon, 28 030c. MONBOB DBUG COMPANY. Department Z. Quincy. W rit« for ft « « bcoklet “ How W Dye md lifts Colons'* calendar, blotters, etc. PU TN A M SLOAN’S LINIMENT FA D E LE SS D YES