■f KKI-OMT OK THIS CONDITION OK TIIB With a Check How You R u n Y o u r B u s in e s s Book - A b o u t Y o u r H o m e STAYTON STATE BANK * A BURNED BARRIER EUREKA FLOURING MILLS • I Ktaylun, In the titani ill orvgun, at the i U m * III bll-IlK-as. 1), c.. Sill, 1914. M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F FLOU R A N D FEED tt Kami unit« LomiN mid dlKounii , 1 71,1*1 11» GEORGE SPANICL, Proprietor Overdrafts, «enured aud unsecured . 1 .ATA ti HolUl« itfl'J tr nr rants I«.t*7 »0 M m lik iiiK hoi»»»»». h ¿álti UU Kurtiitiiiu mill fixture*__ 2Jb 09 00 Other real on null. . «>'»> DO Diif from bank« 1 not rv*. v»* itinik»; B R A N D S M um Item approved njw.rvi' 'UtMi .*0 (Continue I from last week) ' luw.k* And 4»ll»»;r i m H It*in«... i .ou» w r»«h on h»tt(), ; pi \ so When be bad gone abe again resum­ Kipi uses ed her twilight reveries Give our new flour a trial. Every sack guaranteed. Other resources............................... "Mina D oiyT Rbe started and. turning, aaw the T u TAV............... fi té PA Z’ i figure of a lad <«> like the youth of the LiurlMTII* H Capital Sloan paid In 1 ¿¿.UU' 00 long ago that there was a momentary 4urpMiib fund 1 ft-' M stirring In her heart like |>aln. Jl)bcw. who -L E Q L A IN A M HAM M ER' T otal . . . . ....................... $15» :t7 25 had been lined tie n child to *|«Mid tils summer vacation« with his unde VUta ul liri-son ( ooiit) ni Marlou j ‘‘ Little Ijiiirle: mail!** 1« W. KHiliaiftitoi«, f n-hUT ol the above uaiued 1 "I ho|ie mi." he replied, taking her uni»», Oft mj I ’Mtuiy km»! thaï tî»i ul»uve siati • hand "I came today for a visit after ui- ut -¡'» tu t id oí tuf kudu!« L 8, bill», bill!— nothing but bill»!” frequently ii the complaint of la* Livi. all thes*. years. We Just heard o f the L J the head of the family. No mmi would think of running hi» bti*i • W. Hi« N AMI** >, CliLilvf ' fire, and Uncle Jed naked me to come neri WITHOUT A CHECK BOOK. How about YOUR home T ri i* • i*. •! .»ii-; »Wbru lo iH-lm« ii tbls * II, and see you and a*k If there was any­ ^ da/ ut da»*. IHM, thing we could do to help you Won t l i e running of the home today ii a EVSINEPS PROPOSITION. !\ II. ita LT/i.i » you anil your father root* over to Un­ Notary Public. cle Jed’s and stay. Just for the itigiu Correct—Attesti izj ! C i anyway?" j ‘ * h .> a M im a Mad It been so Jong. then. Ula strug­ «»tu. «FAMOL. gles? She pondered sadly. It hurt • In rev tur» her that be could not come hlaiself, but must send another. She thanked SUMMONS KKKOKT OK THK CONDITION OK TH K the boy kindly, but declined tbe Invi­ tation After talking a few moments No. 12071 of old times she bade him go to ths Farmers and Merchants Bank IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ham and see her father. at 8 lay ion, in tb* elate of Oregon, at the close "You bad better come, too.” be plead­ STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION of bURlneM Dec. 31, 1MU ed. "1 don't believe it’s Juat good for COUNTY. Ksaousvu. Bath Tubs, Lavatories and Department No. 2. l/oaru and diocouiit* 1 AV.333 UÜ you to stay here." • A share of the banking business all Sanitary fittings—Farm- Mandelia C. Benson, Plaintiff, vs. She smiled at his boyish wisdom. Overdraft* secured and uuaccured. 27 33 "Just a few moments more. Laurie, Mary E. Schell, Lousia J. Smith, Har­ liond« and warranta 1,000 00 of Stayton and vicinity ers-We carry a line of Hanking bOUM........ 3.0*9 22 and then I'll Join you and father.” riet E. Baldwin, Jerome Mulkey and pumps, leader water sys­ Furniture and fixture».......# .., 3,073 10 is solicited. It was very quiet. A lone bird call­ Liue Iroin banks mol reserve bai.k.l 4JU X tlh ed. Sbe felt solitary and outlawed. A C. C. Mulkev. Defendants. tems, etc. Gasoline engines. To Mary E. Schell, Lousia J. Smith Due from approved reserve bank».. 17,912 V. third time she was Interrupted. There and Jerome Mulkey, defendants, IN Check» and other cash Hem* .. t» 71 Ca»b on hand........ «1.234 :* was no mistaking the man. Jed. strong THE NAME OF THE STATE OF and straight, his slimness softened, You arc assured oi a safe deposi­ JACOB SPANIOL Torsi............................. 1110,37» 1» but showing In the lines of bis face, OREGON you are hereby required to appear and answer a complaint filed tory and courteous treatment at esme straight op to her. L u i u n a*. Capital »lock paid in................. » x.juoo ou "Doxy. 1 thought they would never against you in the above entitled court this bank, by ample capital and Fuiplus fund MU 00 go. As soon ns I sent tbe lad 1 knew I and cause, on or before the 7th day o f Undivided profit«.......................... '..Ski k¿ must come myself. I took a short cut, January, 1915, said date being six (6) long experience in the banking le»» i'XK‘ ii»u and taxes paid but tbe 0|>|>er man was ahead o f me, weeks from the date ordered for the L’ohtal «aving* bank deposits .. business. first publication o f this summons, to- Dei*»its due State Treasurer hJMO 00 nnd then. Laurie.’’ "Well?" individual deposits subject to check Ot.lM Ht SESTAK & wit: November 26th, 1914 and if you lu maud certificates of deposit Her voice was curiously subdued. :«i 30 fail so to appear and answer said com­ Time certificates of deposit............. 25,69» 36 TH OM AS, "Doxy, I am bere at last I bare plaint, plaintiff will apply to the court T otal ......................... »IIU.I7» IS punished myself all these years, which ' for the relief demanded in said com­ Proprietors. have not meant much to you. for yon ; State ol Oregon ( are as young and ss fair as ths 1 plaint, namely, for a decree for the | County oi Marioni partitioning o f the following described ],* L. 8Tt£W A K T , Cash 1er oí the above named night"— bank, Jo »oJemuly swear that tbe above state- "The night you said you should nev- | lands, tc-wit: Beginning at a point on taeul is true to the best of ujr knowletlge and er cross our threshold." the north boundary line o f the Donation belivi. 0. !.. Me»art. Cashier. "Doxy.” be cried, seizing her band ; Land Claim o f David Mulkey and wife #bab*€(ibt’it and «worn to before me this 7th passionately. ” 1 have suffered for It in Township 9, South range 1, East ot day of Jail., lViô. Be good to me." « Alllitÿ RICH Alt MON t h e Willamette Meridian in Marion Notary Public "W hy did you come tonight. Jed?" County, State o f Oregon, said point Correct-Attest; she asked quietly, but wltb beating ; being north 84 deg. 23 min. east 13.86 Highest Market Price Paid For Fat Stock A.D. UAkbMKk heart chains from the most westerly north- ------ ------------ - - L. 6. U s u i » "W hy? Because everything brought j • Directors. west corner o f said claim and being at » » s s s s f » e e s » e s e » e s e M »sse» roe. I couldn’t keep a way.” "You came," she said, turning proud ■ the most northerly north-east corner of ly sway, "because you knew that at a tract o f land owned by E. D. Alexan- Inst you could come aDd still keep J dc-r, as shown o f record in Volume 104 . TREASURER'S REPORT your oath, because you knew tbe bouse ! at page 368 o f Records o f Deeds for Contractors & Builders was gone.” j Marion County Oregon, running thence t "No.” be said, wltb a long breath. j north 84 deg. 32 min. east 14.16 chains F'or the Town o t Stayton, Quarter Dwelling houses a specialty "You don't moan that, and you don't more or less to a point within 11.88 Ending Dec. 31, 1914. think so." Let us figure on your build­ chains o f the south-east corner o f the General Fund She felt his strong arms about ber. ings Balance on hand O ct.l, 1914 «258.61 She wns lifted and carried orer the James Valentine claim, thence north 8 We can save you money Collectioni sin?e 96.26 smoking ashes nnd bricks to tbe place deg. 30 min. east 27.70 chains to the ! center o f the county road leading from A good job gauranteed 353.8? where tbe doorstep had been. He held Mehama to Stayton, thence easterly ber closely with his left arm while his Warrants paid 497.14 Phone 77 P. 0. Box 198 right band grasped a blackened beam. following the center line o f said road Over Drawn 143.27 In a moment he was standing on the to the north-west comer o f a 50-acre STAYTON, OREGON. 353.87 charred threshold, pressing ber to him | tract o f land owned by C. C. Mulkey as In a tight embrace. J shoivn o f record in volume 108 at page Water Fund "H ere," be said with forced light­ ! 428 o f Records o f Deeds for Marion Balance on hand O ct.l, 1914 $871.56 ness, “ I lay my pride at your feet | County, Oregon, thence south 6 deg. Collections since 370.35 Now, Doxy, won't you say something?" j west 43.65 chains t o the south-west “ Never mind the ten years now, Jed. 1241.91 |corner o f said 50-acre tract thence Warrants paid 182.36 They are gone—like the house.” south 86 deg. 39 min. west 8.10 chains "But we'll have a new bouse. Doxy, Balance water fund 1059.56 right bere, nnd Sol shall put on nnd in more or less to the north-west corner 1241.91 all those things you told him to leave of a 100-acre tract owned by C. W. .V I C T & , I Steward as shown o f record in Volume off.” Total amount on hand “ I say.” cried the voice of Laurie 98 at page 4% o f the Records o f Deeds General Fund Over drawn $143.27 from a distance, “ Uncle Seth Just for Marion County, Oregon, thence found a ten dollar bill in the old die- south 3 deg. ¿1 mm. cast 14.98 chains, Balance water fund 1059.55 tlonary. He says he'll bet It's the one to the most easterly north-east corner 916.28 he lost ten years ago!- o f the aforesaid Alexander tract,thence Deposited as Follows ! south 86 deg. 39 min.west 10.41 chains, Stayton State Bank $417.42 American Place Names. ! thence north 3 deg. 21 min. west 31.38 I f the movement for the American­ chains to the place o f beginning, con­ Farmers & Merchants Bank 498.86 ization o f American place names com­ taining 82 acres o f land more or less 916.28 parable with the movement which In Respectfully Submitted, Russia has changed the name of St situated in Marion County, State o f Treasurer For the Town o f Stayton Petersburg to Petrograd ever gets Oregon. C. A. Luthy. started tu tbe United States It will j According to the respective rights o f make awful havoc with the map. Bos­ the parties plaintiff and defendants, or ton will be ShawmuL Portland will be if a partition can not be had without Ptscataqua, Long island will be Pau material injury to those rights then for mnnok, and so on around the country. 1 a sale o f the said premises and division Y e llo w ja c k . No doubt names with a real local rea­ j o f the proceeds between the parties Not only I« yellowjack a popular term son In them, like Philadelphia. Pitts­ according to their rights ami for plaint- In some pin« <-s for molasses enndy, but burgh. Providence. Cincinnati. Detroit A N D A L L TH E F A M IL Y I It 1.« a common nickname am ong s«‘a- Indianapolis nnd San Francisco will lie iff’s coals r.nd disbursments and such Two and a half million readers find it of nien for the ilrended ye'Jow fever. retained, but New York. Boston. New | other or further relief as to this court absorbing interest Everything in It is Probably the phrase originated In the Orlenhs, Richmond nnd Cleveland will ! shall seem meet with principles o f equi- Written So You Can Understand It us«> o f tin* Jellow Jm*fc or Hag by naval have to go Tbe names of Chicago, We sell 400.000 copies every month without i tV‘ e, ssels In quarantine to Indiente con Milwaukee. Buffalo and Oshkosh al­ You are hereby further notified that Riving premiums and have no solicitors. Any newsdealer will show you a copy; or write the tnglous disease n'oonnl. ready loom magnificently for their I this summons is ordered to be served publisher for free sample — a postal will do. OVER as YEARS' sturdy Americanism.—New York Mali on you by publication thereof in the EXPERIENCE S i.s o A Y e a r is c A c o p y T a k e n L ite r a lly . Stayton Mail, a newspaper o f general "Are you saving up something for a circulation, printed and published i n Popular M e ch a n ics Magazine C ondan sed L angu age. rainy day?" 6 No. Michigan Avo., CHICAGO “ Samoa bus an ideal language, nnd Stayton, Marion County, State o f Ore­ "N o." repll«Ml Farmer Corntossol. there it was I got my Inspiration.” gon, namely from the 26th day o f No­ “ What we're troubled with out this way Is an annual drought. If we had says Oelott Burgess In “ Burgess Un vember 1914 to the 7th day o f January Hens heavy 10, light 1 more rnlny days everybody would save abridged.” “Can't we make English as 1915 pursuant to the order o f Honor­ T rade M arks subtle ns Samoan? I wondered. There D e s ig n s money." Washington Star. Broilers 1J to 3 { able William Galloway, Judge o f said C o p y r ig h t s A c . they hare a single word, meaning, Roosters . 1 Anrnn* «ending a «ketch end dtMTlptlon mn? court, made on the 24th day o f Novem­ 'A-party-ls-nppronchlng-whlch-contalns- etllcklT ascertain o«P opinion free whether an Right in the Fa m ily. O R E G O N a n d W A S H IN G T O N Mixed Chickens ber 1914. Walter L. Spalding ivruttnn 1« probably pmentable. Com mimics• nelther-n-clever-man - nor-a-pretty-wom- mu« «t rlctlf confidential. MlNOBOOt « . Pnt enta " A r e von family friends o f the Wom­ Geese............................................. 9 a «••nt. free. Oldest aaencjr for eerurlnir potei in . Attorney for plaintiff. an.' Another beautiful word describes bats?" r limit« taken tnrouiKh Munn A Co. recelvt Duckr,Indian Runners 8, Pekin 9 2 •I».roll n otice without obarge. In thu "I presume I might say so. They •A-mnn-who-clImbs-out-on-the-llmbs-of- A D irectory o f each City, Town and T u r k e y s ................... _ . . i ........... U j don't hesitate to quarrel with me.” — bls - own - breadfruit - tree-to-stenl - the V illa*«, giving descriptive sketch o f breadfruit • o f - bis • neighbor.’ 'Sulla* Dressed T u rk eys___ _________18 ♦ Louisville Courier-Journal- each place, location, population, tele­ V h*»nd«omeff Illu«tpatc1 week!?. f .invest c»i graph. «hipping and banking point; means ‘Change-tbc-subJect-you-are-on- l it ion o f any «otonliiln Journal. Term », I i i. Veal Fancy lu i. Or .naiv 9 2 ir ; four m onth«, $1. bold by all new «deni. also Classified Directory, com piled by dnngorous-ground.’ Another happy Pork.. .......................... ,8 * Artificial Turquoise. business and profession. Artiiut.il turquoise Is ma«le In Ku- word expresses a familiar situation, Live Hogs, Choice . 8,50 2 R . I - POLK a CO.. 8 R A T T L * ■To look- by soaking Ivory which shows no- For Sale at Brown’ s Garage. An 8- gettlng-glfts ’ Have we anything In F.ggs._.................... 38 f grain In n saturated notation o f am- English ns charmingly tactful ns this? pass. 60 h.p. Thomas, good as new, mnnlnrnl copper oxide nntil the de- Corrected Thursdays hut subject t slm l shade 1« renclxxl. No, oar tongue Is almost as crude as I just overhauled except tires and paint, to change without notiee. pidgin English Itself, where piano Is I will remodel into truck if wanted. Old Newspapers— Iwn with UT, Ke»p y. 'Box-you-llgbt-hlin-cry.’ ” | Call m and see it. C. E. Brown. H t M M t M S t M S M S S S S S SS « « Big bundle for 10c at the Mail office. MUSS’ L a SSU ya 'i'ablkta. Remodeled and Ready for Busines “ Eureka” and “ Cooks Delight” PURITY, STRENGTH AND WHITENESS blain CO v/E N c V l R ulMrFuliu E V E R Y T H IN G AY C M ATE! BANK ALBANY. FO R MAIM AND BOY |j OREGON TINWORK and PLUMBING STAYTON MEAT MARKET Fresh, bait & Cured Meats Farmers & Merchants dank of Stayton. Oregon Lard & Creamery Butter. Capital $25,000.00 Lulay Bros. & Co. #* » & & & # » $* #• H #* Good Printing» Sale Posters Butter Paper Statements ^ BUY. Letter H eads 8 Sale Bills Envelopes Programs Invitations Anything you w ant s . P T _______ M ECHANICS M A G A Z IN E n & ** At The Mail Office For Father and Son j P atent >AY STAYTON MARKET REPORT P O L K ’ S. Business Directory Scientific American. BIG CAR :