TWO ROADS, W H ICH WILL YOU TAKE [T .„ 7 . ~ ~ _____ Jchntan'a Portrait. In 1T75 Sir. Juobua Kvyuoida paluted \ PAIR OF SUPPERS MAKES Unit portrait of I i I h rrleud, Ur. Jobu- \ aon, whloli reprvacuta him aa reading AN APPROPRIATE ; .uni ut’H miiz lit oil. Till» waa v«ry UU- 1 phasing to Johnson «*h*>, when be w w It, reproved Sir Joshua for itaint- ! Ilia h im in Unit uia utter ii ml attitude, ! saj1 1 ut, "It la uoi ftieudly to band ! down to |ioMtertly the Imperfect loua of un.v mini.'* Hut. on the coutrury, Sir 1 Jo bun himself esteemed II a elrcuui* YOU WILL F IU THEM AT su m o In mituro to tie reumrlted aa ! ebaincterlring tba |M>raou represented LANCEFiELCS C A S H STORE ! und there Ion- na giving tiddlUouitl ALSO NECKTIES, GLOVES AND vn!ue to the |iortralt. Of this elreuuiatance Mm. Thralo HANDKERCHIEFS., “ I ohsorved that be would not ; he known by posterity for Ids defects only, let Sir Joshua do bis worst,** and Piano Contest Coupons With ' when she adverted to Sir'Joshua's own picture painted with tbs ear trum­ All Sales. pet mil done In this year for Mr. Thrnle, she record» Johnson to bava ntiswered. “ lie may (mlut himself as 1 deaf ns he chooses, hut I will not bs blinking Sam.** Xmas Gift T A R T OB the ROAD TO P R O S P E R IT Y today. The first milestone i i a B A H X ACCOUNT. I t is a check against extravagance. Read the autobiography o f any of our great captains of industry anJ finance. In variably, close to the opening paragraph, he w ill tell of his F IR S T B A N K ACCOUNT. I t was the first milestone in his ROAD TO S SUCCESS! STAYTON STATE BANK of Stayton and vicinity box of candy for sister, mother or sweetheart-A box of cigars for dad or brother-A magazine for a friend will be appreciated. Look over our stock. A LANCEHELÜ’S "ash Shoe Store Wounded Sailor». When a sntdter lighting on land Is wounded he 1» generally carried out of the firing sone without much delay and »^.-4 . v t » M W M > t « M s s s s » V Is soon made as comfortable na |*oa*t- , bio In it hospital out of range o f the enemy's guns. Not so the sailor on board a warship. Warships are, above everything, fighting machine* There Contractors & Builders Is very little spare room on board, and In the confusion o f battle the wounded D w elling houses a specialty sailor cannot get the best attention alt ut once, nor vau lie I to carried out of Let us figure on your build­ range of the big guns of tho enemy. ings But efforts are made to carry him to a W e can save you money place of safety. Such places, easy of access and not tit» hot. are scarce A good job gauranteed enough Of course all that can Is» Phone 77 P. O. Box 228 done Is done. The wounds lire dressed, and the men nre made as comfortable as |>osslt>!c Ip the circumstances. Then j as soon as an opportunity presents it- i self they are transferred to « hospital ship.— Pennon's Weekly. Lulay Bros. & Co. STAYTON, OREGON. A share of the banking business Christmas Is Coining Buy Candies And nuts here j 1 1 ' : ! : GEM CONFECTIONERY J. A.-HENDERSHOTT Prop. EUREKA FLOURING MILLS MANUFACTURERS OF FLOUR AND FEED GEORGE 8PANI0L, Proprietor a# Remodeled and Ready for Business “Eureka” and “Cooks Delight” Give our new flour a trial. SUMMONS is solicited. Community Habits. No. 12071 Coiumiinltlcs are llke luminila, tbey IN TH E C IRC U IT COURT OF THE get Inibiti*. làuti community rnukcs ' S TA TE OF OREGON FOR M ARION ita orni colludimi, seteets thè particu- Inr Itimi* It llke* Tbla rnukcs lt a COUNTY. "peculiar place*'—ss thè phrsse goce Department No. 2. gl ve* tt Individuallty, ready mnkes lt L E BLAIN A M HAMMER % Mandolin C. Benson, Plaintiff, vs. differì ut frani thè re»t Now thè clinr Mary E. Schell, Lousia J. Smith, Har­ a* ter of u community—wbetbcr lt la riet E. Baldwin. Jerome Mulkey and Co* d or I mii I dcpt’ iids ou thè klud of C. C. Mulkev. Defendants. .tuff lt pack* luto lt* Imldt truuk. To Mary E. Schell, Lousia J. Smith Furtbermore. cotnmtinittca smnctlmee and Jerome Mulkey, defendants, IN get cbronlc. Tbey get '*»oi In thelr TH E N AM E OF TH E STATE OF wnys *' The hablt ruta get deep Judg OREGON you are hereby required to menta nbout thiiigs cet twlated Am­ Whot- appear and answer a complaint filed bitimi gròws tlri-d and ■¡tilt* ever thè cousmunlty t» lt sta.** unti* lt E V E R Y T H IN G FOR M A N AND BOY against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 7th day of t*cg!n* to slip back luiek iN-rhaps to :hc cn.iditUiii of timi rural community January, 1915, said date being six (61 wblcb Hiinlly rulm«d ouly in o dopa a weeks from the date ordered for the jeur— ••buekleherrl«* In suiumer and first publication o f this summons, to- hnde* In «in ter **—Oountryelde Maga­ writ: November 26th, 1914 and if you tine and Suburbau Life. fail so to appear and answer said com­ Skerif* Sale W Real Property plaint, plaintiff will apply to the court W its Johhnia. ON FORECLOSURE. for the relief demanded in said com­ Teacher-W hy didn't you aak your 1914-18 A T |S plaint, namely, for a decree for the fnthpr how this sum wnt done? Johnnie 'Cause I didn't want to ba partitioning of the following described Notice is hereby given, That by vir­ lands, tc-wit: Beginning at a point on sene to bed St I xhi I m (ilolm-Demo­ II tue o f an execution duly issued out of the north boundary line o f the Donation crat WINTER SHORT COURSE— JAN, 4-JO the Circuit Court of the State o f Ore­ I Land Claim of David Mulkey and wife Agriculture, including Agronom y, gon, io fth e County o f Manon and to All Hands Up. Anim al Husbandry, D a iryin g, Horti­ i in Township 9, South range 1, East ol j me directed on the 16 day o f Novem- "A t what hour did the defendant hold culture, Poultry H u sban d ry .Insects. t h e Willamette Meridian in Marion Plant and Anim al Diseases, C re a m ­ , her 1914 upon a judgement and decree j County, State o f Oregon, said point up the saloon?" ery Management, M a rk e tin g , etc. "A t five minute* to 12." , duly rendered, entered o f record and being north 84 deg. 23 min. east 13.86 Home Economics, Including C o o k ­ "Ilo w can you fix the minute bo posi­ docketed in and by said Court on ing, Home N u rsin g, Sanitation. Sew ­ chains from the most westerly north­ tively?” the 4 day o f November 1914 in a cer- ing. D r e s s m a k in g and M illin e ry . west corner o f said claim and being at ■‘Because I noticed that even the Commerce, including Business M a n ­ \ tain suit then in said court pending, the most northerly north-east corner of clock had It* hand* up.**-LoulivUla agement. Kura! Economics, Business wherein Arney B. Browning was plain­ a tract o f land owned by E. D. Alexan­ Courier-Journal. Law , Office Training. Farm Account­ tiff and E. W. Cherrington and Ger­ ing, etc. Engineering, Including der, as shown o f record in Volume 194 Shopw ork and Koadbulldlng. trude E. Cherrington were defendant* | at page 368 o f Records o f Deeds for FARMERS W EEK— FEBRUARY 1-6 in favor of plaintiff and against aaid j Marion County Oregon, running thence A general clearing house session of defendants b y which execution la m j north 84 deg. 32 min. east 14.16 chains six days for the exchange of dynamic commanded to sell the property in sakl i more or less to a point within 11.88 Ideas on the most pressing problems * execution and hereinafter described to Of the times. Lectures by leading ; chains of the south-east corner o f the authorities. State conferences. pay the sum due the Plaintiff o f Seven James Valentine claim, thence north 8 j EXTENSION SERVICE Hundred Twenty A 00-100 ($720.00) I deg. 30 min. east 27.70 chains to the! Offers lectures, movable schools, In­ Dollars with interest at the rate o f 8*A J center o f the county road leading from > stitutes and numerous correspondence per annum from the 1st day of January course* on request. j Mihama to Stayton, thence easterly < 1914, and the further sum o f Twenty MUSIC: Plano, String, Band, Voice. : following the center line of said road | to the north-west corner o f a 50-acre N o tuition. Reduced rates on all rail­ Five A 28-100 ($2S.28| Dollars with Int­ erest at 6'jt> per annum from the 2Hlh roads. For further inf*rm ailon address, j tract o f land owned by C. C. Mulkey as The Oregon Agricultural College, day o f August, 1914 and the further j shown o f record in volume 108 at page (lw ia-uo-l.1) COl{VALU.*, OKBOON sum o f One Hundrad A 00-100 ($100.10) ! 428 o f Records o f Deeds for Marion Dollars aa attorney’s fees and the fur­ ' County, Oregon, thence south 6 deg. ther sum of Thirty Four k 00-100 ($34.- west 43.65 chains t o the south-west ! v according to their rights and for plaint­ meet up with in life who tell law. Dated this 19 day o f November iff’s costs and disbursments and such you total ahstinenre I* Temper- 1914. other or further relief as to this court anee are deceiving themselves. Wm. Esch Sheriff of Manon County, They’re the kind that (Toe*; the shall seem meet with principles o f equi­ decent tax-payingBaloons and fos­ Oregon. By W. I. Needham Deputy. ty. C. E. Kramer, Prop. ter the *]ieak.rasy and blind pig. 12-24 You are hereby further notified that Steer clear of those dives, my this summons is ordered to be served ~ ■' 1 boy, and you'll never cultivate on you by publication thereof in the an appetite for strong drinks. Stayton Mail, a newspaper o f general You've got a perfect right to drink beer moderately, but do it circulation, printed and published i n i aboveboard, son - in the beer Stayton, Marion County,- State o f Ore­ Buloon, whore decent men are gon, namely from the 26th day of No- ; ashamed to drink to exress. I vember 1914 to the 7th day o f January j won’t fear the caliber of the companions yon meet there. 1915 pursuant to the order o f Honor- \ For Sale at Brown’» Garage. An 8- — A d v r r t ig p m r n t able William Galloway, Judge of said [ I pass. 60 h.p. Thomas, good as new, court, made on the 24th day o f Novem­ just overhauled except tires and paint, By E. D. Ulrich, Ch. of Commerce, ber 1914. Walter L. Spalding will remodel into truck if wanted. Attorney for plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. Call in and see it. C. E. Brown. Big bundle for 10c at th» Mail office. PURITY, STRENGTH AND WHITENESS Y o u are assured of a safe deposi­ tory and courteous treatment at this bank, by ample capital and CO long experience in the banking busincs \ B 1 ■- L ' A • v I N Çj:9î j I j vtN Ä tvtuim f mj/nr i ALBANY. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton. Oregon Capital $ 2 5 , 000.00 Sale Posters Butter Paper Statements Letter Heads Sale Bills Envelopes Programs Invitations Anything you want & * * *# n & u At The Mail Office ff ft OVER as YEARS' EXPERIENCE T rade M arks D esigns C cRYRIGHTS Ac. A n rm i« ««ruling a «ketch mid description may cMilckly «»certain our opinion free whether an ivenMon 1« probablfnatentable.^Conimunlcfi- • u«Rtrictlrconfidential. HANDBOOK <*. Patente e« nt free. Oldest airency fo r eecnrlnfr pater t«. r.iiente taken through Munn A Co. receive tp uU noties, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handeomelf Illustrated weekly. 1*rwmt <1 r « ’ilaf ton o f any ecientlQc Journal. Term*. $3 a > “ nr; four month», |L Bold by all newedeaLer AiiU NNMo.»8«8 ^ ^ New fork BrAoob one. tu Wulilwluo. D. C. m T STAYTON MARKET REPORT Hens heavy 9, light Broilers 1} to 3 lbs........ Roosters_______________ Mixed Chickens........... Geese............. ............... . 8 Ducks,Indian Runners 8, Pekin 9 Turkeys___________ 1 Dressed Turkeys..... ............... Veal Fancy 10, Ordinary 9 Pork........................... . 8 Live Hogs, Choice.......... 64 Live Hogs, Heavy Rough 5J Eggs........ ................ 36 Corrected Thursdays but subject to change without notice. lea n Keep jrour . _ V 11— * L a ju t t iv . T a b le ta . w ith D T. OREGON. IMPORTANT EVENTS L COLLEGE Good Printing! « I * ¥¥ ■ H É jt iü ¥¥ ¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¥¥ Every sack guaranteed. —and, Son, Just One More Word 1 IKE all red-blooded j men, you have a natu­ ral denirc for stimu­ lants. STAYTON Home Bakery Patronize Home Industry Old Newspapers— BIG CAR