NEWS NOTES OF CURRENT WEEK Resume of World's Important Events Told in Brief. Premier Asquith praises the Belgian heroism in the house o f commons. The Germans have imposed a tine of $300,000 on the Belgian town o f Char­ leroi. Namur, a principal city in Belgium, has fallen into the hands o f the Ger­ mans. The German ambassador. Count von Rex, at Tokio, will sail for Seattle, Wash. Wheat in Chicago pits is reported may rise in a day or two to $1.23 per bushel. A small German cruiser which ran ashore in a fog, was blown up by the Russians. The burgomaster o f the city o f Brus­ sels, has surrendered the city to the Germans. The Russian army is reported crush­ ing the Prussians and making headway toward Berlin. The French war office admits Ger­ man victory and the recovery o f Lor­ raine and Alsace. The French fear an attack on the Louvre and have placed all valuable pictures in vaults. Cong res* Is Busy With Issues Arising from War Washington, D. C.— To pre|erial promotions of officers for the period of the war, regardless of sen iority." PARIS TO RAZE OWN SUBURBS Residences in Way of Forts to Be Destroyed. Invading German Arm y Hopeful o f Penetrating Lines Before Russians Reach Berlin. Paris It is officially announced that the military governor has ordered all residents of the zone within action o f the c ity ’s defending forts to evacuate and destroy their houses within four days from August 31. As far as can he learned, the French troops ap|Mr raine, which led them to weaken their forces on the Belgian frontier. Hav­ ing recognized the danger o f this course, they have now reverted to what appears to experts to be a more ls>ndon —Only by exceptionally good logical strategy, abandoning their in­ vasion o f the provinces and concen­ fortune was the life o f Richard Hard­ trating their strength in the defense ing Davis.^special war correspondent, ■|>arcd by the Germans, who suspected o f the northern frontier. him o f being a spy, according to the story told by James R. Evans, an Clash ot Butte, M o n t, American engineer, who arrived from Miners Is Renewed Brussels which place he left Thursday Butte, Mont.— More than 1000 in night. For hours the Germans debated ■urgent miners marched to the mines whether to shoot Mr. Davis, who had Thursday night with the announced Five Fires Burn Over purpose o f preventing any Western followed in the wake o f the German Tract ot 2000 Acres Federation o f Miners members from advance. He was some distance south o f the Belgian capital when taken into Cottage Grove— Nearly 2000 acres descending to work. of the forest reserve was burned over Arriving at the Anaconda mine, the custody by the German officers. in the recent fires in the I,ondon coun­ insurgents, who are now known as the try. Probably 200,000 or 300,000 feet Butte Mine Workers’ union, massed Germany's Naval Loss of timber was destroyed. their forces around the collar o f the Off Heligoland Is 670 There were five fires in progress at ■haft and notified the shifts going uff !aid by Fire Warden Frank Brumbaugh and and were wearing the new union’s but­ the British fur the naval action against a crew o f eight men have this and ton, they would be prevented from go­ the Germans in Heligoland waters smaller fires under control. ing to work by a force o f the members Friday. An official statement issued here Fire Warden S. P. Shortridge has of the new union. gained control o f three fires in the Following their ultimatum to says that o f 1000 men composing the same territory. The blaze on Wilson the members o f the Western Federa­ crews o f the warships sunk off Heligo­ creek is still burning, required a tion of Miners, the insurgents again land, only 330 yvere saved. The British losses are described as month’s fighting with crews ranging paraded the streets, ending at the Au­ from three to six men. Five hundred ditorium, where a meeting was held, follow s: "T h e light cruiser Arethusa lost acres were burned over in the three no one being admitted except those fires handled by Mr. Shortridge and wearing the buttons o f the new union Lieutenant Eric Westmacott ami nine men killed, four seriously wounded, about 100,000 feet o f timber de­ and Lieutenant Robinson and 11 men stroyed. He thinks that the fires wounded, but not seriously. handled by Mr. Brumbaugh covered "T h e tor|>edo-boat destroyer Liberty 1500 acres. It is probable that at lost commander Bertellot and six men least 200,000 feet o f timber was lost. killed, one man has since died from Several fires occurred in the Row Washington, D. C, — Prospects of wounds, one dangerously wounded, five river country during the past week. losing a day’s pay for each day’s ab­ seriously wounded and five slightly sence brought Representatives troop­ wounded. Two Months’ Work Needed. ing back to the house and the rollcall “ The destroyer Laurel suffered ten Astoria — Captain Groves, superin­ showed 267 o f the 435 in their seats men killed, one has since died o f 'his tendent of dredges for the Port ot in the house— the greatest number in wounds, two men dangerously wound­ Portland commission, says he expects weeks. ed, seven seriously wounded and two “ This is the second line o f reserves slightly wounded." about two months’ work with the dredge Multnomah will be required arriving,” announced the leader o f one to open up the Tongue Point channel. returning party, “ the third line is on London Paper Holds Up The intention is to dig a channel 300 the w ay.” America as Good Example “ Who is that man?” demanded feet wide and 25 feet deep from No. 2 buoy down, a distance of approximate­ Speaker Clark, pointing with his gavel l-ondon—The Daily News, In an ed­ at a strange face. A clerk explained itorial denouncing secret diplomacy ly 4000 feet. that it was a returned member. The operation o f the dredge entails says: A deluge o f applications for leave an expense of between $8000 and $9000 “ Can Europe ever again tolerate the a month, which is being paid by the “ on account o f illness” came down on appalling peril o f secret diplomacy? the clerk. Majority leader Under­ Can we ever again play about on the Commission. wood announced that the sergeant-at deck with sails and compasses, making arms would have to be satisfied o f the our little laws and imagining that we Hood River Relic Goes. validity o f every such application. are self-governing, while down in the Hood River — The oldest structure hold o f our ship of state there is a now standing in Hood River, built 28 Jews Pray for Peace. powder magazine, the existence o f years ago by Robert Rand, and occu­ Brooklyn — A prayer for peace be­ which we are not |>ermitted to know?. pied by the c ity ’s first barber, was "S ecret diplomacy belongs to the destroyed by fire Wednesday. The tween the warring nations o f Europe structure was occupied by a plumbing has been prepared by members o f the traditions o f autocratic anil personal It has no place in a company and the fire Btarted in a pile Union o f Orthodox Jewish Congrega­ government. o f tar-covered ropes. Its frame walls tions o f America, o f which Bernard democratic world, and the example o f were dry as tinder, and the flames Drachman is president. It is being the United States must become the were pouring from doors and windows sent to all congregations affiliated with model o f tho civilized world on this in an instant. Adjoining business the union, with the request to use it vital matter, if Europe is to be free blocks were saved by quick work o f in the services during the war. The from menace in the future.” the volunteer fire department. trend o f the prayer is a bitter denun­ Burns—The worst Are in the history o f Burns began Monday at midnight and in three hours a large num­ ber of business houses were in ruin. The blaze was started in the hay loft o f McKinnon’s livery barn, aup- lioscdly by someone sleeping there, and it quickly spread to every building in that block, including the Hotel French ami a large two-story building contain­ ing a pool hall and living rooms. Three] small dwellings in the block to the east were burned and the flames spread to the block to the south. They jumped the Harney County National bank, which is o f stone, and caught in two frame buildings, which were quickly destroyed. Then they com­ municated to the roof o f the stone building occupied by the Bedell saloon and barber shop and also to another stone building, occupied by the Donne- gan & Logan abstract office and Frank Davies' and Charles Ellis' law offices. The postoffice and Harney County News office, adjoining these, were saved. In the livery stable 27 horses were burned to death. The liaises will reach $60,000, with about $30,000 insurance. Several buildings on the west side o f the street caught fire, but the flames were extinguished. The owners o f the destroyed proper­ ty will rebuild. A heroic fight was made against the blaze by firemen'and citizens. It was due to this and favorable wind that the entire city was not wiped out. KICIIAKI) HARDING DAVIS, WRITER, ARRESTED AS SPY ABSENTEE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE RETURNING Czar I studs Scots Greys. ciation o f the men who are now ruling I/omion — The official press bureau the destinies o f their soldiers and asks Oregon City— More than $100,000 for a quick ending o f the slaughter and has issued the following notice: was collected Tuesday in the tax col­ massacre taking place in Europe. “ His Majesty the Emperor o t Rus­ lecting department. Tuesday was tne sia, who is colonel in chief o f the last opportunity for the taxpayers to “ All-Water” Voyage Made. Scots Greys, has sent the following settle their account with the county New York— The first all-water voy­ gracious message to his regiment: ‘ I without paying the 10 per cent added age from San Francisco to New York am happy to think that my gallant penalty. The Portland Railway, Light by way o f the Panama canal was com­ regiment, the Royal Scots Greys, is & Power company paid more than pleted here Thursday on the arrival o f fighting with Ruasia against the com­ $74,000, the largest amount. Less the Pleiades, o f the Luckenbach mon enemy. Convinced that they than $50,000 will be turned over to the Steamship company. The Pleiades, will uphold the gracious traditiona sheriff’s office on the delinquent tax which flies the American flag, sailed o f the past, I send them my warm list. _________ from San Francisco on July 24 and greetings and wish them victory in Buena Vista Clover Poor. passed through the canal August 16. the battle.’ ” Buena Vista— Clover hulling, which Prince, Surrounded, Dies. King Mingles With Troops. is in progress in this district, is expos­ Rome — How Prince Frederick W il­ ing a poor yield. The midge, grass­ London— According to the Antwerp hoppers, and the long dry spell are liam o f Lippe died in the fighting be­ correspondent o f the Daily News, King blamed for the noted decrease. From fore Liege is described tersely in a Albert constantly mingles with his one bushel to two and one-half bushels dispatch received here from the head­ troops, and was in the trenches In the are being obtained. Some growers quarters o f the German army. The fighting around Malines. He was al­ report even less than a bushel an acre. Prince's regiment was surrounded by ways at the points o f the greatest The Polk county acreage this year is the Belgians under the walls o f Liege danger, assisting the encouraging the ■aid to be the largest yet planted and and he was struck by two bullets while men. He went among them attired estimates for its value has been at a standing among his men. He died in­ simply as a soldier, and his sympathe­ stantly. high mark. tic conduct had a remarkable effect. Car Line Pays $74,000.