MORE EORDS SOLO ROYAL BAKING POW DER Wm. Harlan and family of Mill City visited at the Watters home in Stayton Sunday. —----- Since lust week’» issue of the Mail, IVter IVivIrich has sold Fords to C. A Mrs. Lee Tate and ton Lee are vlait- l.ulliv of St ay ton. Jack Rnhsnla of inir at the Wm Cladck home in l.eban- Fern Rul« j and John Smitn of the »» thia we«k. Waldo Hills. Soon a large per rent of —— the farmers will lie riding In their own| NOTICE There will be preaching at the Baptist church on Sunday, May 24, cars. morning and evening. A b s o lu te ly P u r e The only Baking Powder modo from Royal Crape Cream ofT artar Homemade candie» at Brewer’». Mr». Harvey Shelton and daughter Kuth and Misa Kunice Woond defects of , he Eye wiM make rejf„. Lodges from this city to Grand Lodge lar trips to Stayton every 30 to 60 days held in McMinnville this week. Watch for dates. 6-4x Luster Sandman and family left for South Bend,Washington last Saturday. FOR SALE 1 ney will stop in Portland for a few voting Pure bred Jersey | day’s visit with Mrs Sandman’s sister r ( Three good One fresh, two fresh soon. El- Stella Mrs. Grsrft Murphy acc« mp I-1 cows. O crible to registration. All first class a ¡ied them as far as the Oregon me " i gihle stock. M. H. Titus, Kingston. tropolia. Miss Mary Reiger went to Portland yesterday for an extended visit. We will meet SUEDE, NUBUCK, Patent Leather and TAN Baby Doll Pumps, Suede $3.00 Patent Leather $2.50 LA N C EFIELD ’S toward the country-side there's nothing like a day of Ford freedom. its cost is well within your And income. Get your Ford to-day. Five hundred dollars Is the price of the FOlft) runabout; the touring car ia five fifty; the town car seven fifty — f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalogue and par-( ticulsrs from. P. Deidrich, Stayton, Agent for Stayton, Sublimity, Aumavllle, Stayton, Mehama and Mill City territory. Shaw, West Misa Jessie Thomas of Silver Creek Dr. E. F. Reamer, Specialist In dis­ visited friends i n Stayton Saturday eases o f the Eye, Ear. Nose a n d Throat and the fitting of Glasses. 140 and Sunday. Hainan Shelton of Lyons died Tues­ Masonic Temple 8alem. Oregon. day of this week at Albany. The fu­ neral was held at the former place to­ John Bertram an old resident of Mill day under the direction of the Masonic City died yesterday of cancer cf th<> stomach. He leaves a wife ami two order. sona. The funeral was hold today. Adolph Heater and family of the Waldo Hill« visited at the J. W. Mcrri- Mrs. Carrie Beauchamp and son llar- fietd home Monday. Mrs. Merrifield and daughter returned with them for a J vey are here from Portland for the I summer. Hsrvey passed his first ex- short visit. ! srnination for pharmacist a short time ago. T. B. Riggs and family visited In Sweet Home over the week-end. Mrs. Dr. A. F. Pet «el and wife and T L, A. W. Cornish accompanied them to her home in that city sfter a week’a t Flay of Portland viaited with Wm. Pet* | /.el Sunday. stay in Stayton. W all Paper Until very recently it has been necessary for people of discriminating taste, living in small communities, to go to the larger cities for exclusive wall decorations. This condi­ tion of affairs has now been overcome. We carry on hand large samples of an exclusive decorative line. All selections from this line can be filled in 24 to 48 hours after ordering. We also carry a large stock of wall paper on hanl at all times We nave remnant patteins, enough for small rooms at 5c per double roll Standard Stock Patterns, new and latest designs, suitable for any room in the house at from 10c to 45c per double roll STAYTON HOUSEFURNISHING CO. Manufacturers of Blankets, Dress Goods, Wool Batts and Mattresses. Will make mattresses iron your own wool. Any of our products sold retail at the Mills. Competition Get our prices Wool Growers Attention Before Buying Thomas Mayo Co, Land Open for Enlarged Homesteada. AT REDUCED PRICES tug STAYTON. OREGON J. B. Grier helped get out the official The secretary of the Interior haa count of Marion county this week. designated for enlarged homestead en­ try 900,000 acres of land In small C. O. Crawford and wife spent Sun­ tracts, scattered all over eastern Ore­ day at the Kimsey home near Mehama. gon. The largest designations are In the Deschutes and John Day valleys. He also designated 170,000 acres In Asotin and Okanogan counties, Wash- Oxfords and Pumps that For that urge—fer Wilbur Woolen Mills Co. Mail Order House Joe Schwindt and wife o f Jordan were here on business yesterday. Ladies Have you tried the Ford cure? shut-in feeling—for that roaming We will pay the Highest Price for your wool at the Mills. We use this in our business, and do not buy on commission for the Broker. We will furnish you New Wool Sacks Gratis if we buy your wool We are in the market at all times. Come and see us and get the bgst price for your wool. JO H N P. WILBUR, Mg'r, N e w Com m ercial Hotel C ULL0M, Prop. London Consul-General Dead. London.—John L. Griffiths, the American consul-general at London, died suddenly at hia residence of heart disease. O. P. Hoff Is nominated for labor commissioner, Frank J. Miller for rail­ road commissioner, John II. Lew la for state engineer and Relph E. Williams for national committeeman on the re­ publican ticket. On the democratic ticket H. M. Es- terly is the chosen national commit­ teeman. It Is probable that Samuel Evans, of Klamath Falls, has re :elved the dem­ ocratic nomination for congress in the second district. Canal To Open Soon. Panama.—Plans are being matured under the instruction of Oovnrnor Goethala to put a Panama railroad steamer through the canal within 10 days. i Best of Service To AH Commercial Trade a Specialty Cafe I)e Luxe IN CONNECTION Hot and Cold Water Baths STAYTON, OREGON L E BLAIN AM HAMMER COl 1 w r ^ w e m em EV E R Y TH IN G - FOR ALBANY. rn m MAN AND n r BOY OREGON.