A Persistent Poisoner W h at Could S h e D o? By LOUISE B. CUMMINGS By HARRY VAN AMBERG COTTAGE HOTEL H. A. BEAUCHAMP,M.D. Ptiyslilan m l Surgttn J- H. Gliuut Prop. “Home Cooking” Commercial T radc "Owen!” Solicited Tin* ii'O of tli« poisoned needle la not “ Yes. papa.” new. In the early part of Ilia •even­ ‘‘I have som ething to soy to you. My Board by Day or Week in' n th century n man nam ed Tebaldo frlemi John Truesdal« la coming up In Venice Invcntvd an Instrum ent In from tho <-|ty to *i*.*nd some tim e with I lit; form of a key from w hich lie shot uie. t wish to w arn you a g a ^ s t play­ a tiny neodlo Into tli« Jl«**
  • I jHiisoii inetbods th a n existed and 1 don’t wish anything to come be­ any w here except in tho city on the tween him and me to cause restraint. Dwelling houses a specialty Arno. T here w as som ething uncanny If you go for him he'll keep aw ay from Let us figure on your build­ about him th a t soon turned th e Ho­ hero forever after." ings mans ag ain st him. A certain yeunr; "If Mr. Truesdale Is a friend of We can save you money TOP to ooniider what a GOOD BANK ACCOUNT INSURES. The lady, lllnnca Itanzlne, A ttracted the ut- yours, how can he"— tenlioii of lire si ranger, mid he w as oh- A good job gauranteed "Nonsense! in the first place, he’s busineti man can employ the test help am? insure SERVICE. Do« erved to ca st longing eyes U| m > ii her. prcision may come in hit line, hut hit biff CASH ON HAND meant ltut ail« was IsUnirhcd to n Hold« Vene­ ten years younger than I; In th e sec­ Phone 77 P. O. Box 228 If lie were ten year* older It would SECURITY. The fine line of credit , may be drawn tiffht, but none will tian. Itlcordo Mantel, nud tt wus us- ond. not make any difference to you. Now, STAYTON, OREGON. question hit STABILITY. Give your buunes* SERVICE, SECURITY I -lined th a t I.IC liese's love was bope- go. You understand whnt 1 require; 1« Hut one day hignorliia Itunzlue's behave yourself." or. > STABILITY with your bank depotitt. lo ier a fte r tmvtng mingled w ith a "How do you wish me to tre a t Mr. crowd w itnessing a race on th e Cor so Truesdale?" wus M-l/.cd w ith a sluirti pain and died "I>et him alone.” . wit kin a few hours. It w as supposed "All right, pup:«. I'll do Just as you ho died of h eart discus«*. say.” Not long a fte r th is Ipu-hese propose«! Mr. Truesdale appeared, or. rather, to Hlguor Itanzlm* for the Imud of bla Captain Truesdale, for be bad com­ daughter. T he application w as declln- manded a company In Colonel Board- ed h every m eans to ingratiate had given Gwen. A few days afte r Mixed C hickens________ him self w ith rilgiMtrinu Itauzine. But his arrival a second Interview occurred i G eese................. 8 r.he took n dislike to him and would between fath er and daughter. Ducks,Indian K unnerslO.Pekin 12 have nothing to do w ith him. A share of the btnkipg business “G wen,” said th e fa th e r sternly, "I T u rk ey s........................................... A fter nw hile tin* young lady m et a thought 1 told you to do nothing to of Stay ten <»nd vicinity m an unnied Francesco Demetrlo, a gqt T ruesdale balled up." i Dressed T u rk e y s .......................... handsom e and in otln*r w ays a ch arm ­ Veal Fancy 10, O rdinary 9 '< "F or heaven's sake, papa, w h at have [is solicited, ing man, who fell desperately In love I done?" P o r k ................. 1............... 9* with he.- nud w on-lfcr from her In Live Hugs, Choice______ 7| "Done? You have done a lot. One rears • oor tended .celibacy. They lN»«-amo en ­ can often work more m ischief by doing Live Hogs, H eavy Rough 7 gaged. au«l Btnucn'a friends rejoiced nothing th an doing a g reat deal." E g g s.............................. 154 You arc assured of a safe deposi­ th a t the heart of on«* so young wool«! "P liln 't you tell me to leave Captain Corrected Thursdays b ut su b ject not ufti-r all tie tiuritsl. Demetrlo had Trues«lnle alone?" tory and courteous treatment at hear«I som ething from Florence nboui to change w ithout notice. “I did. and you have left him so se­ Luclu*;e th a t imt him on Ills guard verely alone already th a t I cau see this bank, by ample capital and against th e mail. he Is piqued. W hat I wish you to do Every on«* knew th a t Locbeeo hail cast is to trea t him Ju st as you would tre a t long experience in the banking SHERRIFFS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY longing eves oil Hlam-n Uanziiic before any guest o f mine.” the death of her betrothed and th a t business. ON E i J a i l s 1 RE "Yes. papa." he had proposed for her hand soon In spite o f th e obedient tone In wbicb afte r tils dentil. Moreover, la.lsoulng the words w ere s|ioken Colonel Board- being much in vogue a t th a t time, man looked a t his d au g h ter w ith m is­ NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN, T hat tli.-re w ere those who b lleved that giving ns sbe meekly left th e room. by virtue of an execution duly issued Itlcordo M antel hud not died of heart A nother b rief period passed, an d the (lb istac. but ha«) been secretly |>oisoned. colouel again th o u g h t tt necessary to out of the C ircuit C ourt of the S ta te of Demetrlo u tte r bearing th e rejtorts speak to bis d au g h ter ab o u t her tre a t­ Oregon, for th e County of Marion and frojn H oren e nbont Lilchesc strongly m ent of his friend. to me directed on th e 4th day of May, sit Tss-tisi not* only th a t Mantel bad j. 1914 upon a ju d g em en t and decree duly “O w en!" She knew by th e tone In ' be«-n |>olsoiied, but tlint Ditches« had which her nam e w as spoken th a t more rendered, entered of record and dock­ I mhui the poisoner. fault was to be found w ith her and eted in and by said C ourt on th e 17th However, lie* kept his own counsel bowed to w hat w as coming. day o f April, 1914 in a certain su it then and a t the a me tim e a strict w atch on “ 1 can’t understand," th e colonel re­ Tan In se. If Dcibctrlo w as In any r«»otn sumed a fte r a pause, "w hy yon can 't . in said C ourt pending, w herein - E lisa­ w here I.uchese w as present he would treat friends o f mine who come Into beth P . Ryan was plaintiff and D. H. Immediately leave. On several occa­ this house more naturally. I asked yon W eyant and M ary J . W eyant, hia wife, sion« lie mu !>ml th a t th e Florentine to let Captain T ruesdale alone, and J . O. Beardsley and Mrs. E. L. Beards- tiled to get near Mm. b u t be had a l­ you let him ao severely alone th a t j lev, hia w ife, Louis Lachmund, Robin w ays-prevented his ilolng so by mov­ your treatm en t of him a ttra c te d his D. Day and Salem Bank St T ru st Com­ ing aw ay, o tic day D efietrio w as talk ­ attention. Then I asked you to be pany, a corporation, w ere defendants ing w ith a friend on a street on a fete more cordial to him. and yon m ust «lay when n procession of the church needs tie too cordial. D on't you know in favor o f plaintiff and ag ain st said defendants by which execution I am was pasxlrtg and suddenly felt a sharp th a t's the way to get a man In love commanded to sell th e property in said M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F FL O U R A N D FEED pain In Ills arm . Turning, lie saw I.U- with you?” execution and h ere in afte r described to t hese ixisliiiig his w ay from him . GEORGE 8PANIOL, Proprietor “You don't mean it! Isn 't th a t fu n ­ pay the sum due the plaintiff of, F IR ST , am ong the crowd. ny?" | ‘•Seize th a t man!” D em etrlo said to the sum o i F ifteen Hundred 0ft-100 “ Funny! It Isn 't funny a t all; it'a Ills friend. 'H e has punctured my arm ($1500.00) Dollars w ith in te re st th e re­ serious.” anil doubtless polsoic d me.” on a t the ra te of 8‘fc p er annum , from “ W hat do you wish me to do next, Tho friend gave ch ase an d caught B R A N D S the 8th day o f May, 1912) until paid to­ I.ii'-ln «*. As soon ns he laid hands on papn':" g eth er w ith th e costs and expenses of "W hnt do I wish you to do? Why, in him lit» felt n »harp pain in his baud. There happened to !>e a doctor In the confound It. I have a mind to send you sale of said property, SECOND, it is aw ay!” fu rth e r ordered, aujudged and decreed ,-owd, who, ¡«‘tim ing w h at hnd oc- “Shall I packT* Give our new flour a trial. Every sack guaranteed. by the Court th a t in the sale of said > urretl. aslceil Demetrlo to »how him The «Hilonel thought a few moments prem ises, as aforesaid, any surplus wher«> he had boon pricked. So small before replying to th is la st question was tho whitnd th a t It could scarcely “ Yes." he said a t last, “you may pack. proceeds which may be realized from l-e discovered, hut the doctor whipped Go to your Aunt M argaret's till T rues­ such sale over and above the paym ent out a lancet and cu t aw ay n piece of dale leaves here. Then you may come , of plaintiff’8 m ortage, in te rest and ex ­ the tb -.li. I»emetrlo's friend, having hack. If I hnd any confidence In you. penses of sale shall be applied tow ards turn«'«! I.ticliese over to nu officer, which I haven't. I w ouldn't object to the paym ent of th e judgem ents of the • -in,«' reeling back, and the dm’tor, Trttosdiile. Imt this mania of yours to Notice of Hearing Final Account learning th a t lie, t<»>, had is*eii prick- tiring every uian down for m ere s|iort defendants, Louis Lachmund, in the ««1, treat«-«! his hand ns Jjo hnd treated Is execrable, nn«l In the case of T rues­ sum ofO ne HundredElevenOO-lOO ($111.- In the County Court i>f the Slut, of 00) Dollars, w ith in te re st a t th e rate DemetrloV arm. Oregon for Marion County. dale I w on't have It. I'm extrem ely T he doctor took ls>th pieces of flesh fond of him and will not perm it you of 6 ^ per annum from N ovem ber 18th, In Ihe m a tte r o f tho K stnte of Caro­ 1910 until paid; and the defendant, to Ids house, and on euttlng them Into to em liarrass our friendship.” line Titze, deceased. 4 acres inside corporate lim its of • bits found In each a sm all needle not Robin D. Day, in th e sum of Four “ Yes. papa.'' Notice in hereby given Unit the final S tayton only four blocks from business half an hu ll long. W hether there had The same afternoon Gw en was pack­ Hundred E ighty S even & 50-100 ($487.- arro u n tjo f Albert Titze ms adm inistrat- section, well improved, all clear, no in­ lieen poison In eith er of them he could ed off to her m int’s. W hile she had 50) Dollars, w ith in te re st a t th e rate or of the estate of Caroline Titze, *!«.*- cum brances, good buildings and or­ not tell, b u t -the evidence w as strong beeu at home. Truesdal«, especially un­ of S*)t per annum from Ju n e la t, 1913, ceased, has been filed in the Couiftv enough against I.uchese to Insure his der his recent trea tm e n t by her, had until paid; and the d efen d an t T he Sa­ chard. Price $1)500, term s. Court of the S tatu of Oregon for Marion conviction. lie w as searched ns soou been the life of th e house. He talked lem Bank A T ru st Co., in the sum of 9 no res inside corporate lim its of County, and th a t the 1st clay of June. ;s arrested, but nothing iticrimluntiug over their cam paign w ith his host and 1914, a t the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. S tayton, a 1 I under cultivation, fine was found e w ith a spring in It, | yielded, sluce his guest had ceased to to the highest bidder for cash in hand 5-UKx deceased. ! lie companionable. So they parted ! on the day of sale, all the rig h t, title, 200 acre stock farm . Ho acres under | which boiibl la* loosened by a pressure | Then the colonel, who m ust have com­ of tin* thumb. in terest and eatate which said defend­ cultivation; 100 acres more can be read- j panionship. wrote his daughter; ants D. H. W eyant and Mary J . W ey­ ily cleared and cultivated, 1,000,000 feet ; T.m lies«* w as tried and executed. GET YOUR SOLE FIXED “You may come home—the tempta- Demetrlo suffered b u t little from the ant, and all persons claim ing under of standing tim lier on place, running | tkui Is now out of your way." «■OV Is of tin* puncture, b u t his friend John W a tte rs the Old Reliable ia w ater, good buildings and fences. When Gwen drove up to the house them subsequent to th e d ate of the was III a long while. back a t bis old stand. Nuff Scd. Price 945.00 per acre one-half dow n The fact th a t Mantel hmt doubtless the colonel rau out to em brace her m ortgage herein foreclosed, in of arid bah 8 y ra. 6vi 'v eil poisoned by the uian who w ish­ Who should get out of the carriage to said prem ises hereinbefore m ention­ PLASTERER AND BRICKLAYER ed Blun, a for him self w as kept from first Imt C aptain Truesdale. H e hand­ ed and described in said execution as 140 acres highly improved,««»*! build­ follows, to-w it; her. Indeed, she w as not Infortiu'd l'd o ut Gwen! ings ami fences in Waldo Hills. Price "W hat does this m ean?" asked the Lota Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Unit I.uchese lutd tried to poison her I am prepared to d o a ll kinds of p la st­ j $65 00 p er acre, term s. »«'•olid lover. A fter I.uchese’s execu­ colonel, bristling. Block Numbered S ixteen (16) in R iver­ “ It mentis." said Gwen, "th a t you ering, c h im n e f laying or mason work 65 acre farm 4 mile from town and tion she nml Demetrlo were m arried, side Addition to th e City of Salem, at rig h t prices. J . K, O. Bird. Stay* I railroad, good bottom lard, modern end great Interest w as m anifested In wished me to let Captain Truesdale Marion County, Oregon, as shown by alone. T h at didn’t please you. and I i buildings, goiill 'in e c -, 30 acres under tli«' wedding, for every one ex«*ept the ton. tf treated him cordially. Yon sent me the recorded p la tt th ereo f on file in the ( cultivation. Price $T5.00 per- acre 4 bride I new th a t one lover hnd lieen aw ay mid he followed me. W hnt In office of the recorder of conveyances m urdered and th e second had nearly ; down bal. a yra. 6 . . • the world conk! I do? I suppose 1 for said Marion County, Oregon. •net the sam e fate. Trespass and H unting- A b stracts .showing d e a r tifie and Said sale being made su b ject to re ­ But It w as not to be expected th a t m ust m arry hint, for you’ll never tie w arranty deeds will be, furnished ‘ free what w as common property could bo satisfied with anything else I do In the dem ption in the m anner provided by N otices for sale at the Mail ' like. with fy i li of tli4 nl oVe tracts. law. Dated this 5th day of May, 1914. kept from her always. Sin* learned In premise*." "I think you lia«1." said the colonel. - For w ith e r ipfosnraMon, » q u ire of Men* and In consti'qnenoi* alw ays drend- Wm. Esch. Old Newspapers— ¡8. H. Hfcltzel, De id rich Building, Stay- Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. d th a t her husband might f ill a t tho ! "because he will probably not he satls- I fled himself with anything else you do.” bauds of some secret enemy. By W. I. N eedham D eputy. 6-4 Biff bundle for 10c a t the Mail office. ton, Oregon. STAYTON. C H. BREWER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON STAYTON, OREGON S ta y to n , O regon Wilbur N . Flutter, D .M .D . Lnlay Bros. & Co. S STAYTON STATE BANK Farmers & Merchants Bank of Stayton. Oregon C a p i t a l $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 EUREKA FLOURING MILLS! Remodeled and Ready for Business "Eureka” anil ’Cooks Delight” PURITY, STRENGTH AND WHITENESS FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP STAYTON MARKET REPORT OREGON DENTIST Office O ver Stayton S tate Bank Phone 2152 S tayton, Or* 6. F . KORINEK, jV. S , B. V. Sc. Veterinarian T re ats all domestic animala, also appliea the Tuberculin test. Telephone* 3x7 Otllcm at Stay f a Stable» STAYTON - - - OREGO E N. TEAGUE Contractor & Builder Bond furnished to cover all cost and insured first class guaranteed job. See me and let me figure on your work,and I save you STAYTON STAYTON MEAT MARKET SE ST A K & T H O . M A S , Proprietors. Fresh, Salt & Cured Meats Lard & Creamery Butter. B A o l b i t * Prie. P «J F „ Fa Smt S. H. HELTZEL ATTORNEY -AT-LAW • NOTARY PUBLIC Abstracts u d Prebate Werk a Special Office O ver D etdrich’s H ardw are Sim J. M . R I N G Ü E m b a lm Third and Marion Streets Undertaker a n d STAYTON. OREGON NEW SPRINGand SUMMER ‘ SAMPLES RECEIVED 1 Suits $12 up.1 Game in and see them. Satisfaction Guaranteed. John Henkel, The Tailor S tayton . . Oregon TINWORK and PLUMBING Bath Tubs, Lavatories and all Sanitary fittings—Farm- ers-W e carry a line of pumps, leader water sys­ tems, etc. Gasoline engines. JACOB SPANIOL OVER M V K A r .V KXPBIMCWCE P atent i! M Ì Taso* Maua* D em o n s COPVftMMT« Ao. A n r e o . (M irtine a .k M r h m â mV i |, i t c l l r u e f t a l a o n t o p in io n f t t e w iM S«* ■ e n U ta M lM . w ith o u t nericali. T e rm i, f t a W & K S S B J« *