The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, May 21, 1914, Image 1

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ilUtorWîi»' ft"0'*17
» 'j y . if«t »
20th Year, N o 16.
Serial N o 948
---------------------- -
Ktuyton got their revenge last Sun­
day oit lhe Sent hunch in good shape.
The crowd from tho South aide o f the
Santiam were cracked up aa aonu- hall
playera hut they loat their goat, cart
and harncaa to the local aggregation on
, W ashington— Peace delegate« of the 17th, inat.
The mam “ «laughter o f the inno-
the Huerta government «topped In
Wuihtngtou while on the way to Niag­ centa" occurred in the drat inning when
ara Kalla, (unnda. to attend thn niedl- St ay tun run in aix large Juicy acoroa.
From then on it waa merely a game
atlo t conference. They are confident
of thn aucceaa of the mlaalon, which, o f tag and you're " i t . ”
Two timea the pill waa lamnud over
It waa learned, 1« the broad quoatlou
center-field fence, on«« by Hobbs of
of purifying nil of Mexico.
Ttioae done to President Wllaon and Scut and once by Tnotna o f Stayton.
A real pretty double waa played in
Bpcretary llryan aeeert that tha quea-
Klecker to
tlon which la to be mediated 1 « no | the laat half o f the aixth.
lonrer the failure of Huerta to aelute, Humphrey to Kock.
of tha offenaea committed agalnat llio
dignity of the United State«, but the
broad (juration of pacifying Mexico.
Thoaa who know the viewpoint of
tha Washington government declare
(be American troopa will not be with­
drawn from Vera V ru i until a »table
government la established or la In
eight in Mexico City.
President Wilson told the American
[* S t
commissioners before they left for the
m< illation conference
l : v ••v-v n
Falls. Ontario, that the United Blnte*
trill keep Its troop* at Vera ch ia until
a definite settlement of the Mexican
The president gave the American
q(n'nts»loncr*—Justice lounar, of tho
(lilted Htntcs aupreme court; Fred
•* :k W. Lehmann, former aollcltor-
ernl, and Diplomatic Secretary II.
_ ceval Dodge— no specific Instnic-
ns. They were told to place them-
Ivea In « receptive mood end uwalt r c < j Couldn't C el Th«m With a Basket
Lpoaals from the three South Auisr-
Failure to Salute the Flag No
L o n g e r Factor in Pend­
ing Negotiations.
L, ln mediators.
The feature o f the game waa th»
.'Atay ton m a n a g e r 's tryOUt of "Red"
BELS CRY VIVA WILSON’ (Crabtree hehiud the bat. Crablrve
aidant C u p S T W H h C .rr.nag By • * • » * * "
Victor, at Tampico.
J^Vera C ru a .-A heavy rain atorm
,tch flooded the tren ch ., and blew
>1.« »«»rrwnf Into th« ta re s * th a U(fjfwl
)eral. contributed much to thMr de-
|< ut T a m p ic o . according to Am. rl
ns who have come hero from that
__I be constitutionalists took advan-
Nse<- of thin and poured a terrific fire
talo them, forcing them back from the
outpost« Into the town
the federal» began entraining.
. The constitutionalists cam«* into the
town shooting In the air and shouting
"Viva Cnrranin, viva W ilson!”
Cablegrams based on messages from
Jamplco have boon sent to Berlin urs-
tpg the German government to pro-
test agalnat the forced loan« alleged
to have been Imposed by the rebels.
at the
AI m > ui lifty.
f*y. (teoptq
peep!« i gutheged at
home o f (Ivo. ‘ Ò lofcrtl^ n iV Sublimity
last Sunday.
The occasion was the
birthday o f Mrs. Geo. Glover o f Subk
limity mid Mira Amelia Glover o f Stay«
ton. Nt-udb-ss to say the party was an
entire sucrasa.
In connection with the regular aum-
rocr a» »»ion of the Oregon Agricultural
ÍX» liege, a two week«’ abort course in
will Iw given for boys o
the Seventh, Kighlh, and High School
grades. A s|iecial illustrated circular
Of 16 pages has been issued and mailed
to all county school superintendents and
to city and village superintendents and
Edwin Km-ch o f Stayton will attend principals. Copies may be secured of
the Boys’ Short Course in Agriculture them or o f director of the summer
at the O. A. C,. June 15-30, us the rep* school, I'rof. E. Ü. Kessler, Corvallis,
reavntnlive from the Stayton acl.ool.
The primary election is over and gone
and after the ‘ ‘mists had cleared away’ ’
it was found that Manon and Clacka­
mas counties had snowed under the
Good Roads Bond Issue, while Coo#
county voted to build permanent high­
ways. Just watch Coo* county grow.
Irr the different race* for state and
county offices the line up on the No­
vember ballot will be about as follows;
For Governor; Witbycomhe, Kep;Smith
Dem. In Marion county the Republi­
can ticket will be: State Senators; C.P.
Bishop, A. M. LaFollett. Representa­
tives; D. Alien, Sam Brown, Thomas
Brown, D. C. Thoms, G. W. Weeks.
County Com; W. H. Goulet.
Recorder; Mrs.Mildred Brooks. Treas­
Some fo low who hardly deserve« tha j #rive buildings on the south side o f urer; Dave Drager. Coroner; A. M.
name o f man drove his auto down tho the river at Mill City burned to the Clough. Sheriff, Win. Each.
road north o f .sublimity Monday even- | ground last night at about 7 o ’clock,
Clerk; Max Gehihar. Surveyor; B. B.
ing o f this wuyk. The machine scared
The building« were pool hall and bar- Herrick.
the horse which was being driven by ber »hop, Odd Fellow building occupied
In the precinct it looks like Grier for
Mr*. Geo. Given o f near that town and j by J. L. Weaver ami Co, and a bakery, Justice and Smith for Constable.
the animal upset th- r g . threw Mrs. Livery Stable, used as feed stable, and
The local election passed off very
Given and children (oiw o f them a ha* j owned by Ralph Patterson, Frank quietly and orderly. The ladies on the
by les» tnan a y^-ar old) upon the hard l Koclchky Shoe Store together with a election board gave a tone to the oc­
road injuring all three.
»mull second hand store owned by the casion that made the men put on their
,-flow-cornea the coward part.
The Mime party.
very best drawing-tuom manners.
auto driver did not «top to a »»ist the :i The loss waa about #9000 covered bj ' In a few weeks more the stage will
woman und children but drove n gnt cfl about #4000 insurance.
be set for the final contest which will
regardleaa.of tile liavu; he had made.
The origin o f the tire is unknown b u t! be waged up until the last day belore
G**o. Keech o f ih’a city happened it is known that it started in the attic | the November election between the
along a few minute» later and assisted above the German Lodge room which; “ wet” and “ dry” forces in Oregon,
t h e unfortunates g e t somewhat ia situated above the pool hall.
for no one can doubt but that will be
straightened out.
it ia quite probable that the O d d ! the main issue before the people this
California he» u law that takes care of Fellows will rebuild.
just such chap». Six inonit.« in jail for
not stopping to assist ~in an accident.
Oregon needs just such a law.
U /l! I
DL' ka i V
~ —
innln*1 w ht" he W“
The S. A. Hunter Post No. 37, o f
(not lhe ^
w. . the Grand Army o f the Republic has
b. u pUyer bul made arrangements for Memorial set-
Mle*p 00 Aral and vices at the Methodist church on Sun­
o ot
u ,.n .
day, May 24. Rev. Good an old soldier
Iirk „
will preacl. the memorial sermon.
The line o f march will commence at
the City Hall, Stayton ami will be aa
follows; Grand Army, W. K. C., dona
o f Veteran», Spanish American Veter­
ans, Fraternal Orders, Citizens. Every­
one is'invited to march to the church
and attend the memorial services.
Decoration Day services will be held
at the cemetery Saturday May 30.
The Waltemeyer and O ’Connor Co.,
who played two nights last week in the
Star Theatre o f this city will get a
larger audience on their return.
Their play “ Pierre o f the Plains,”
was one o f the strongest pieces o f act­
ing that the writer has seen in years,
Portland.—That Dr. James Withy- I
and would take in any city, no matter
combe, of Corvallis, and Dr. C. J. |
The Home Team Had a Cinch
what its size.
Smith, of Portland, will be the repub­
They were both good clean shows
lican and democratic candidates, re­
A fter the dual and language had something to bo enjoyed after a sur­
spectively. for governor In the Novem­
ber election waa Indicated clearly by clear«! away it was found that Scio feit of the smutty, slap-stick variety o f
the ordinary barnstormers or vaudevil-
the figure« received from the state at had 8 and Stayton 11.
The batteries were: Stayton—Cole, iians.
‘T i a probable tha( Dr. Wlthycombe Crabtree. Lulay; Sc*o-R u»«ell. Hobbs,
will have a plurality of about 4000. Dr. U m pire-B row n, Shepherd.
Wlthycombe. It la believed, will come
Everyone is taking an extra bitch In
up to Multnomah county with a lead I their belts for the three games to be
pulled off Carnival week May 28-29-30.
over l)un C. Monor of about 10,500
A - Hendershott o f this city has
,he M»vion County Agency for the
” Sboir escope, ” a mechanical contriv-
a nee for the enlargment o f single views
aa tin
'-reoscope does to the double
Mr. Hendershott has them on display
ut hfs store and he is also anxious to
get agents to sell them.
shown they sell like hot-cakes.
him before the territory is ail gone. | 5
The Petrel Estate Lumber Company
will unload a carload o f shingles at
West ot-yton tho latter part o f this
week or the first o f next. If you are
in need of any, a special price will be
made at West Staytoa.
See us at
Petrel Estate Lbr. Co.'tc^
A very pretty home wedding occurred
last Sunday at 10:30 A. M. at the Cot­
tage Hotel in this city, which is the
home o f the bride's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Glass.
The contracting parties were Miss
Hazel Glass o f this city and Mr. Ar­
thur Haynes o f Brownsville.
Rossell o f tlie Christian church o f this
i city performed the ceremony.
the immediate relatives o f the young
! couple were present.
t he bride and groom left on the noon
*t«ge for West Stayton. where they
took the train to Portland and other
Dr. C. J. Smith la nominated by the
points for a short wedding tour after
democrats in all probability by a plur­
ality between 1000 and 1500.
“ Don’ t scold the cow, but swat the which they will be at home to their
closest competitor la A. S. Bennett, of
fly; don’ t get dirt in the pail, but roll i friends in Brownsville.
The Dalles, who la second in both
up your sleeves, spit on your hands an 1
Multnomah county and the state out­
get busy.” said one eighth grade ap­
plicant for the high school to the ques­
P. N. McArthur has won the repub­
Last Sunday the regular summer tion “ Give four dairy rule*.”
lican nomination for representative In schedule o f the C * E from Albany to says the examining board. ¡3 Worth
framing for dairymen.
Ho is being
congress In t(?e third district, comprl* Newport went into effect.
lug Multnomah county, by a plurality
The train leaves Albany at 7:30 n.- spoken o f for dairy commissioner.
"W hy is a warm bath harmful after
over A. W. Lafferty. the Incumbent, m., arrive» at Newport 12:10 p. in.;
It is not known to the writer whether
that probably will total 2100 votes.
leaves Newport 5:30 p. m., arrives at eating?” “ If you get your face in the
water, you will be more apt to dround Stayton has a speed limit for autos set
United States Senator George K Albany 10:15 p. m.
by ordinance or whether they may flit
Chnmberlaln wns renominated by the
after eating than any other time.”
“ Name the glands o f the digestive tip our streets at from 25 to 40 miles
democrats, R. A. Booth received the
system .”
“ The digestive glands are per hour without molestation; but the
republican and William Hanley the
writer does know that if there is «uch
the oil ami sweat glands.’ ’
progressive nomination for United
“ Who was Hofttce MannV” “ Horace an ordinance it should be enforced and
States senator. All were unopposed.
| Mann introduced slavery into the l' j if there is rone, there should be, pretty
| I want to thank the people o f Stay- 1 s> •>
pronto, or somebody is going to get
Parks’ Execution Seen.
hurt, t
Vera Cru*.— Additional confirmation I ton, -Sublimity and victnit’y for theiH
"W h o was George Peabody?"
Also notices should be put up at the
“ George Peabody organised an *m>\
of the execution of Private Samuel support at the primaries last Friday.
I am certainly very grateful to my und licke.l the southern rebels.”
city limits on each road leading into
Parks of the Twenty-eighth infantry,
many friends, and their friend» who
•'How i?. treason defined in the con Stayton establishing such a limit. Bet­
was received here.
There was brought Into tho Ameri­ made my campaign the success it was. ■titution? “ Any ere is guiltv of treas ter see to it Mr. Mayor and City Coun-
Very Sincerely.
on when the president prcsdlos over oil.
can lines one of Huerta’s conscript«
Mildred R. Brook«. the senate. ”
who had deaerted. He said lie wns an
Thu above q u e s t io n s ai.d
eye-witness of tha execution of I'nrhs.
Mr». E. H. Hob-on returned to her
were given at the recent bth i; '..lie rx-
in ¡scio Monday after a short vis­
S. 11. Heltzei waa in Salem on legal
it here.
Before going to b«d tak» a Dr. MUa^
bany Herald.
btwinus«, Tuesday.
lAJUtlva Tablet.
If you are an employer o f men in al­
most any capacity you will come under
the “ W orkmen's Compensation Law”
July I, unless you file a written reject­
ion o f same oti or before June 15. This
means you Mr. Contractor, Mr. Mill or
Factory owner or anyone who uses
- -
I f you do not want this saddled on
you, you had better get busy at Once.
S. H. Heltzei will make out the nec­
essary papers for your rejection at a
slight cost as to what ON^E assess­
ment would be. Better look into this
and not stand around after June 15,
and cuss and say “ I didn’t know.”
The Stayton Mail has given you fair
warning. I f you don’t want to help
pay for all the injuries in the many
sawmills and factories in the state o f
Oregon, file your rejection before June
15, 1914.
In addition to the unusually elaborate
arrangements which have been made
for welcoming the “ Queen o f Rosaria, ”
and for the vehicle, industrial and Hu­
man Rosebud parade«, an event exf ex­
traordinary interest and one entirely
unique in celebrations o f this kind, will
be staged during the coming Rose Fes­
tival. This will be a night conflagra­
tion in which an 8 -story factory build­
ing occupying an entire city block will
be the oretically destroyed by hre. This
attractive feature will be produced un­
der the direction o f a professional stage
manager assisted by a large company
of actors who will be scattered through­
out the building when the torch is ap­
A general fire alarm will be turned
in after the building has been treated
with chemicals and other materials to
give the proper fire effect and tfec full
equipment o f the fire department will
All the most modern fire
fighting apparatus and the most effec­
tive life saving appliances will be
brought into play during this spec tacle.
The structure which is to be "destroy-
ed“ is centrally located atal it is estimat­
ed that fully 25U.OOO people will be able
to see it from near-by points.
The local Grange No. 340 met in r* g-
ular session at their rooms over the
Stayton State Bank ln?t Saturday.
Besides the regular business and a
fine dinner, the Grange adopted May f.O
as Grange Memorial Day.
The County Grange will meet in Stay -
ton for an all day session June 17.
Withycombe Heads Republican
Ticket and Dr. Smith Will
Lead Democrats.
R e p u b lica n Nom inees.
M em ber N ational C om m ittee— Uulph E.
W illiam s
Fritted Htate» S enator-— It. A. ii*>oth.
He presen Uttive, F irst D istrict— W . C.
M s eltjr.
R ep resen ta tiv e, S econ d District-— N. J.
R ep resen ta tiv e, T h ird D istrict— C- N.
M cA rthur.
iio v e r n o r — Ja m es W lth y com be.
T ren au rer— T h o m a s B. K a y .
J u stice s
S uprem e
C ou rt— H en ry J.
Bean. U w r e f t c t T . H arris. T h om a • A .
M< Hrtde. C harles L M cN ary.
A ttorn ey -G en era l— G eorge M Brown.
ttuiH-rlntendcnt P u b lic In stru ction -—J .
A. C hurchill.
S ta te E n g in eer—Joh n H. L ew is
L a b o r C om m iM iufi£r— O. P. H off.
R ailroad C om m ission er— F rank J. Mil*
S u p erin ten d en t W a te r D ivision No. 1—
J a m e s T C hln nock.
S up erintend ent W a ter D ivision S o . Z—
G eorg e T . C ochran.
D e m o cratic N om inees.
M em b er N ation al C om m ittee— H.
E ster! y-
I ’ nited
S ta tes
S en a tor— G eorge
Cham hi’ rlaln.
R ep resen ta tiv e, F irst D istrict— F re d e r­
ick H ollister
R ep resen ta tiv e,
D istrict— No
R ep resen ta tiv e, T h ird D istrict-—.*. F.
G ov ern o r —C. J. Sm ith.
J u stice S up rem e C ou rt— W illia m Gul*r
low d v and W illiam R am sey .
A ttorn ey -G en era l— Joh n A. J e ffre y .
i No can d id ates fo r T rea su rer, S u p e rin ­
ten d en t P u blic In stru ction . E n g ln e e - I-a -
bor Conum issioner. R ailroad C onuni .stone
er o r W e te r C om m ission ers.)
Portland.— Dr. Withycombe, repub­
lican nominee for governor, owes his
nomination to counties outside of
Multnomah. In Multnomah county,
Moser polled strongest of all. but oili­
er portions of the state flocked to t
Withycombe banner, and cut d o « ...
then passed his lead.
While, on the republican ticket. Dr.
Withycombe carried a majority of the
counties, each of the leading candi­
date« was favored with one or mote.
Umatilla, the former home county of
Dr. Smith, the democratic nominee for
governor, and Wasco, the home of
Judge Bennett, who ran second, both
gave handaome majorities for their
thfodghout the state divided between
the two.
Although George M. Brown lost
Multnomah county to Frank S. Graat
by approximately 4000, the ou'
vote more than offset Mr. Grant's gain
and Mr. Brown ia nominate! by a
plurality of 4500 to 5000. William P.
Lord is third and J. J. Johnson fourth.
Progressive* Select Gill for Governor.
With but a few precincts uncounted,
the result o f the contest over the pr.
nomination for governor
shows 780 votes for F. M. Gill and 46?
for McMahan. The defeat of the lat­
ter has caused general surprise, ca it
was believed that he would captu •
the gubernatorial nomination wltho *
Sanfield Macdonald received t
progressive nomination for comm
stoner of labor, 250 voters havi ,4
written in his name for this position.
The vote cast for other names appear­
ing on the ballot for this nomination
was as follows: M. E. Miller. 15: O. P.
Hoff. 18; j\ A. Madsen. 49; Fred 3.
By non. 54.
Supreme Court Race Close.
For the four nominations to the su­
preme bench. Justices Bean and Mc­
Bride and Harris have substar tial
leads over all others. For the other
place the contest is close between
Judge McNary and Judge Benson.
On the democratic ticket two candi­
dates for the supreme bench were
named without opposition. They are
William Galloway. Judge of the Cur-
cult Court In Marion county and Judge
William R. Ramsey, now on the su­
preme bench.
Primary Notes.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe was electoi
progressive national conimitteemar
without opposition.
Marion county republicans nominal
ed their first woman candidate fo
county office, when Mrs. Mildred I
Brook led the ticket for county ret 01
The proposed issue of $850,000 r .a i
bonds in Marion county was anov/ed
under by a two to one vote, It having
lost in practically every precinct.
Miss Ivn Harrington won the repu'
lican nomination for clerk of Ciack
mas county.
John A. Jeffrey of Multnomah ccc
ty was the only democratic Candida
for attorney general and received l
nomination without opposition.
Mrs. Mary Scott, of Sheridan d ’e
ed Ira G. Nelson for the demorra
nomination for treasurer of Yan-.hi
county, and to oppose her the repu
llcans placed Alice 1,. Adams In r-.m
ination. Miss Adams defeated thr*>.
opponents, all men.