The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, March 05, 1914, Image 1

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    O K ' K ' i II
Historical Bucloty
20th Year, N o 5.
S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 5,
Serial N o 937
go to sublimity
General Carranza Declares the i la s t Thursday evening about fifteen
members o f the C. O. F. Ixxlge of
Bcnlcn Cate a British
Stayton went to Sublimity to attend
lodge at that place.
Question. *
Our friend, J. F. Mounee, broke into
print again last week in tbe Statesman
and said that everything was ready,
almost, to commence work on a Salem
to Bend railroad.
We surely wish Mr. Mounee ail kinds
of luck in his undertaking and hope
that he will not miss Stayton with his
proposed line, though we have been
missed so many times that we have
gotten almost used to iL
Mr. Mounee went down to California
the latter part o f the week to get the
kale. Here’s to the Salem-Bend Rail­
jfib r x l
S i V I u
A fter the regular business was tran­
Nogales, Honor» —General Car ram*
decline«] to furnl*h Information to th«
atata department at Washington re
gsrdlng tba killing at Juarrs of th«
llrltlah aubjact, William 8. Uenton. Al
the aame time he gave aaaurancea tc
Herretary Bryan that he would Invaa
tlgate the disappearance near Juarei
of Ouatav liauch, an American cltlaen
Th;» atrongly defined stand came
after three day» of negotiation be
tween the American secretary of state
and constitutionalists' commander-in-
chief, through Frederick Slmplch
American oonaul at Nogales, ant* Yal
dro Fabela, acting secretary of foreign
relations In Carrania's provisional
The stand was taken by the revo
lutlonary leader that tbe death of Uen
ton. a llrtton, should be taken up
through th* diplomatic channels of his
In In. entten message to Secretary
Bryan which was addressed to Consul
Slmplch, Carranaa did not aay that
any Investigation of the Benton caa«
was being made on his part. How
ever, simultaneously with the two
notes to Washington, Secretary Fabo
la Issued an official announcement
saying that tbe Renton case was being
Investigated for the satisfaction of the
constitutionalist party.
RI Paso. Tex.—The trip of the Ben
toh Investigation commission to Chi­
huahua was suddenly postponed short
ly before the commissioners were
about to take the train.
While confidentially it was felt Car
ra n i«'» attitude delayed the departure
of the commissioners. It was explal>
ed by officials here that receipt of
Instructions from tbe state department
to postpone their mission was colnct
dent with the failure of the commls
slon to obtain a regular passenger
train for Chihuahua, controlled by the
Income Tax Returns Reveal That New
York’s Are Largest.
New York.— Amatlng figures testl
fylng to the stupendous wealth of New
York millionaires are contained In the
Income tax reports that are made to
the collector of Internal revenue In
this city.
Notwithstanding the strict Injunc
Uoa to secrecy Imposed by the xom
mlsaloner of Internal revenue, It was
learned that 29 residents of New York
city will pay approximately 18,320,000
in taxes. This Is about 8 per cent of
the total of f 115,000,000 which the gov
ernment expected would be raised
from the personal Income tax. It Is
estimated that New York city's con­
tribution to the government will be
betweon 110.000,000 and 315.000.000.
sacted Stayton and Sublimity lined up
In a debate on "Shall Marlon County
vote 1850,000 for road»?"
Sublimity, represented, by Chas.
Hottinger, F. A. Bell, F. J. Riesterer
and Henry Steinkamp upheld the
affirmative, while the negative was
taken by Geo. Spanlol, W. F. Klecker,
Andrew Fery and Anton Schindler of
T h e debate lasted a considerable
length o f time and good points were
brought out by both aides.
The judges decided that Sublimity
•cored twenty points and Stayton twen­
ty-one, thus giving the decision to the
It la proposed that these debates be
continued on the current issues o f the
day, and thus help to vote Intelligently
on the many questions that arise.
It la needless to aay that the Sublim­
ity lioya treatel the visitors to a fine
luncheon before the meeting adjourn-
The fruit trees are coming into bloom.
ago----- that the light, strong, quality
car, sold at a low price, best meets the de­
mands of all the people.
N o w they're all fol­
lowing where Henry Ford led.
Five hundred dollars is the price o f the FORD runabout;
the touring car is five fifty; the town car »even fifty—f. o. b.
Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalogue and par­
ticular! from.
P. Deidrich, Stayton,
Agent for Stayton, Sublimity. Aumsville,
Stayton, Mehama and Mill City territory.
A. L. Shreve, the former manager of
the Stayton Electric Light Co., has
moved to Goble, Oregon where he will
engage in his old business. His plant
at Goble will light Redtown and Rueben
besides the city named. These towna
are on the Oregon side o f the Columbia
juat across from Kalama, Wash. The
house hold goods were snipped Monday
and Mr. and Mrs. Shreve followed the
next dav.
A birthday party was held at the S.
C. Bass home last Sunday. The occas­
ion w a s Mrs. Baas’ 70th birthday.
About twenty relatives and neighbors
were present and helped cheer up Mrs.
Bass, who baa been an invalid for near­
ly four years.
A very pleasant time
was had by all present.
There are a lot o f people in thi* town
who cannot afford to be sick. Perhajs
none o f you feel that you can, but cer­
tainly some o f you can’ t, for aa soon
as you are sick, your wages atop and
worry and debts begin to pile up. The
sensible thing for you to do, as aoon as
you feel run-down and worn out, no
matter what the cause,la to take some­
thing just aa quick aa you can to build
up strength and health.
Make your­ Fresh Easter Candies
In bulk, in boxes. Candy Rabbita and
self more confortable and provide a-
Chickens at Beauchamp's the Rexall
gainst serious sickness.
We don’ t believe there is any other Store.
medicine made that will do as much to­
wards saving your health and thua help­
ing you save your money aa Rexall Ol­
iva Oil Emulsion. It is a medicine that
gets right at the trouble and relieves it
by toning the nerves, enriching the
blood, and giving new strength and
health to the whole body.
It doesn’ t
do this by means o f alcohol or habit­
forming drugs, because it contains
none. Its strength and health-giving
power is due to pure Olive Oil and the
Hypophosphites, long endorsed by suc­
cessful physicians, the one for its food
value, the other fur its tonic value.
Hera, for tba first time, they are com­
bined, and the result la a real nerve,
blood and body-building medicine—a
real strengthener that we are proud to
tell you about. You don’ t need to hes­
itate in using it, because if it doesn't
do all we say it will and satisfy you in
every way, it will coat you nothing. I f
it doesn't make you atrong and well
again, come back and get your money.
It will be given to you without word or
question. Sold only at the more than
7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town
only by us. $1.00— Beauchamp’s Drug
Store, Stayton, Oregon.
Good Samaritan Is Well Repaid.
Eugene.—James Heaaeaway, of Cot­
tage Orove, was surprtssd a pea open­
ing hla morning mall to find a latter
sontalolng a ¿raft on a Wyoming bank
for $300 and the offer of the manage­
ment of an oU enterprise at Castle,
Wyo., the letter being signed "James
Mullen.’* For some time Hemenwsy
could not remember anyone by that
name, but finally he called to mind a
man without money who called at hla
office 18 months ago and offered to
work for his dinner. Hemenwsy al­
lowed him to repair the sidewalk In
front of his home and gave him a
The fact that there is lean dyspepsia
Afterward, believing him to be wor­
and indigestion in this community than thy. Hemenwsy gave him $5. The man
there used to be is largely, we believe, promised to return the money "some
due to tbe extensive use o f Rexall Dys­ day” with interest.
pepsia Tablets, hundreds o f packages
o f which we have sold. No wonder we
Trap Owners War en Tax.
have faith in them. No wonder we are
Astoria.—The owners of fish traps
willing to offer them to you for trial en­ along the north shore of the Columbia
tirely at our risk.
river are excited over the way licenses
Among other things, they contain and taxes are being lmpoeed upon
Pepain and Bismuth, two o f the great­ them. At the present time theee trap
est digestive aids known to medical owners pay the customary property
science. They sooth the inflamed stom­ tax. a license fee of from $21 to $50
ach, allay pain, check heartburn and a year and an additional fee of $1
distress, help to digest the food, and on each 1000 fish taken. New comes
tend to quickly restore the stomach to Initiative measure Noi 11, prepared
its natural, comfortable, healthy state. by the Washington state grange and
There is no red tape about our guar­ filed at the statehouse In Olympia a
antee. It means just what it says. few days ago. It is to be voted upon
W e’ ll aak you no questions. Your word at the coming November election, and
is enough for us.
I f Rexall Dyspepsia If approved will Impose another and
Tablets don’ t restore your stomach to •till heavier burden on that class of
health and make your digestion essy fishing gear.
and comfortable, we want you to come
back for your money.
They are sold
Big Calibration Plsniwd.
only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in
The Dalles.— The Dalle* Rodeo, the
this town only by us. Three sixes, 25c, wild west show which was Inaugurat­
50e and $1.00—Beauchamp’s Drag Store ed here last fall with eweh great suc­
Stayton, Oregon.
cess, will be staged July 2, 3 and 4
this year, making tt Include a cele­
bration of Independence day.
The Rodeo was held last year com­
bined with the county fair. The farm­
ers objected to the wild west show
in connecUon with the fair, contend­
ing that It detracted from the exhibits
and other features. So K has been
decided to hold the county fair in the
fall and the Rodeo In July.
Mrs. F. K. Spalding was here last
week from Portland to visit her daught­
er, Mrs. S. H. Heltxel and to attend
the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. HeKzel’s
infant girl.
Mrs. Spalding’ s son, H.
K. Spalding, accompanied her.
Greatest O f Opportunities
Berlin.— In a statement of 11,000
words, Admiral von Dlederichs re­
plied to Admiral Dewey's version ot
the International Incidents In Manila
bay In 1898. He says Admiral Dewey
threatened the Germans with war if
they did not cease Interfering with
blockade regulations.
Admiral Dewiy Is declared to have
been laboring under great tenalon.
British Interests are accused ot fan­
ning the flame. Admiral Dlederichs
concludes with the startling state­
"It was even related that Admiral
Dewey had already worked out a plan
for the destruction of the German
The German admiral aay» that when
Flag Lieutenant von Rintxe visited
Admiral Dewey, this happened:
“ Admiral Dewey gradually talked
himself Into a passion. He said, ‘Why,
I shall stop every vessel, whatever
may be her colors. And If the does
not stop, I shall fire at her. And that
means war, do you know, alrT’’
Admiral von Dlederichs makes tbe
comment that Admiral Dewey must
have known a declaration of war did
not depend on either admiral. He at­
tributes Admiral Dewey's conduct to
nervousness arising from the weight
of responsibility resting on bird.
T h e y all see it now— what Henry Ford saw
Events Occurring TWvffcent
the State During D m Past
Probably the beat show that has
■truck Stayton for several yesrs wsa
pulled off at the Stayton Theatre last
night by the "Missouri G irl" people.
Zeke and Daisy kept the crowd, which
was a fair sited one, in a continual up­
roar of glee for over two hours.
The scene is laid in the " O u r k s ,"
which is claimed by many psychologists
to be the most attractive proper name
In the English language. We all hope
that some day we may be able to meet
Zeke and Daisy again.
The premium list o f the Eighth An­
nual Linn County Fair, Baby Show and
School Fair, la on our desk.
■et are
The dates
September 23-24-25,
1914 at
Scio, Oregon.
The premium list is much enlarged
over past years, also the awards are
increased. The Scio Fair always draws
a good sited crowd from Stayton and
territory. Send for one of their prem­
ium lists.
Address Roy V. Shelton,
Secretary, Scio, Ore.
OREGON—Greatest undeveloped state of the union.
COOS BAY—Fastest developing section of Oregon.
PORTSMOUTH—One of the best locations on Coos Bay.
Coos Bay— Solves the problem of cheap fuel, raw material and
Vicinity cheap transportation. Has more standing timber
tributary to its harbor than any other Port in the
United States. Has 450 square miles underlaid
with coal from 5 to 12 feet in thickness. Has the
largest mills in the state, also a pulp mill costing
$750,000 just completed.
T h e Willamette Pacific Railroad is now building.
pleted this year.
T h is road is expected to be com­
W hen this road is Completed just think of the activity that w ill be go­
ing on at Coos Bay.
Better get in now before price of lots advance.
10ty cash, balance $5 per month at
If you are interested please sign and mail, and
we will send you our illustrated folder with map
showing you the progress of Coos Bay.
Y ou can buy lots now for $150 to
interest payable annually.
_______ _
COR. F O U R T H & L Y O N S T S .
Albany - Oregon
Land Matters Will Demand Attention
and W ill Spsak on Prison Reform.
Salem.— For the purpose of advanc­
ing the state’s Interests In various
land matters pending before coagrees
and the various governmental depart*
menu, Governor West left for Wash­
ington, D. C„ and expects to be gone
from the sUte three or four weeks.
Secretary of SUte Ben W. Olcott will
be acting governor In his absence
In addition to looking after state
land matters at the national capiUl,
Governor West will be the principal
speaker at a mass meeting and con­
vention on prison reform to be held in
New York, under the auspices of the
NaUonal Prison Reform association.
One of the principal measures in
which the governor Is Interested Is
the bill pending in the house of repre-
senUtlves which authorises the ex­
change of 50,000 acres of timber land
In the Santlam national forest for an
equal number of acres In scattering
sections of school land. This bill has
passed the senate and the governor
hopes to see It put through the house
at this session of congress.
Safety Rules Are Issued.
Salem.—Labor Commissioner Hof
has prepared a number of rules tc
persons working In factories. Tbe or
ject is to keep them from being ii
jured. While simple, they are impor
ant, Mr. Hoff says, and If observe
will save many legs, arms, fingers s l '
lives. Hla object la to have tbe rule
printed and copies framed and place
In conspicuous places In the faetoriet
Coos Settler» May Get Land Claims
Marshfield.—Twenty or more Coos
county men will be affected by a re­
cent decision of the Interior depart­
ment regarding the Hyde-Benson al­
leged fraudulent forest lieu selections.
The department In one case decided
In favor of actual settlers contest Inr
such land and holds that such actus
settlers are entitled to prefer<<nc
rights of entry of the tracu Invol.e
after the cancellation of the selection
Before going (o brü take a Dr. Mtt«W