Oreg1*'* U'uioilciO ioeW f THE STAYTON MAIL iO t h Y e a r , N o 4 . S T A Y T O N , M A R IO N C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , FE B R U A R Y 2é, REBELS SAY BR..ii’a g re a t comedy success i, * T < Mi‘ >< uri Girl” for date ofWed- r ‘ •' i y <>i ly, .Var. 4th here, '■ * i ’ He t i n i I.f w exactly thst '■ *1 »ty. filim t nd all the larg< r eities. . , lie co.ipxi-.y carrtet two complete i t I m ci :•! rrei try, the »mailer of a i ;ch v || f. i the toes I cl »ire very r,ice- Lived Six Months With Pendleton.—After living for than six months with a broken Frank Dunton, Canyon City stocks died In thle city. Dunton, while watch­ ing some children playing in bin barn, endeavored to show them some tricks on a trapeze. He fell to the floor, striking on his head, and fmeturing the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Since then he has been entirely paralysed. * ■’, t i t s i r t u i i i g i k e rc m p k te pnxiuc- The only 1913-14 World’s Championship Round-up a t Pendleton, O reg. “Let ’er Buck” The World's Best Pictures 7 Reels of Thrills, Action and Fun 7 Prices, 15 and 25 S TA Y TO N TH EA TR E. FRI. FE B . 2 7 THE PENDLETON BOND ELECTION IS ROUND-UP PICTURES TO BE PUT OFF The 1913 Pendleton Itound-Up pic­ tures will be the attraction at the Stayton Theatre Friday evening Feb. 27. The Pendleton Round-Up is the largest and beat wild west show, all the largest and best rulers of the world taking part in its many events. The committe every year strives to make the show bigger and better than the precccding year. liow successful they have been may be judged by the ever increasing crowds attending the show. The attendance last year being over thirty-five thousand. New York sending a special car. The pictures show each ami every event as they occur in the arena and not a bodge podge of various events picked at random and called a round-up It takes seven reels to show the entire Round-Up. They are full of thrills, action and amusement and at times it is hanl for the spectator to realize that he is looking at the reproduction and not the real thing. Anv one with red blood in their veit.s that are loversjof good clean healthy out door s|»ort can not afford to miss this wonderful pictures. Admission 15 and 25c STAYTON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE ORGANIZED The Stayton Development longue wns fully organized Monday night with Geo. Kcech as President, J. W. Mayo as Vice President and John Thoma as Secretary-Treasurer. The following were elected as directors in addition to the above: Geo. Spaniol, C. H. Brew­ er, S. L. Stewart, II. E. Rennet, E. D. Alexander. The constitution and by-laws were adopted at the same meeting and the regular monthly dues set at 50 cents. The meeting night will be the Record Monday of each month. The place for the present will be the city hall. It is not expected that the longue will change Ihe map of Oregon to any great extent, but it can help in a tn. sand ways to get those things that in the aggregate make up a very consid­ erable of our business life and activity. One of the prime reasons for the forming of this League is to bring the business men in closer touch with each other Hnd mold them together in a body politic, so that when we do want a par­ ticular thing to come to pass there will be a concerted effort instead of spas­ modic jerks. If you are a business man, you are invited to join the League. If you are interested in any way in Stayton’a wel­ fare you are invited to join us. The next meeting night will be Monday, March 9, come. Mrs. Edith Long of Salem visited at the home of her brother Arthur Cas- NEW STOCK—Crepe and Ornamen­ tal paper at Brewer’s Drug Store. pcll a few day* last week. Judge Bushey has just about decided to put off the road bond election till the primary election in May, says both the Journal and Statesman of Salem. The Judge can see no reason for In­ volving the county in an extra expense of about $4,000 for a special election ‘jf he can VIII two birds with one stone. He has put up the validity of the elec­ tion to the Attorney General and will await his decision before deciding final­ ly upon the matter. It is reported that Judge Bushey looks ten years older and has many more gray hairs since the proposed bond issue has come up. FRANK BURSON DEAD A late report today states that Frank Burson, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Burson of this city, died at his home in Dallas Tuesday of this week. The deceared was well known here, and his family have the sympathy of all. ' n tli!- ¡rf: rs sett m the regular c'lv Ike: tre*. A li e trsr.: geirer.t here is under a heavy ixpensa in acturmg this excel­ lent attraction, it is to Le hoped that local theatre-goers will appreciate his effoits to give them first class attrac­ tions, by packing the house on the above date. Prices 25 A 60c Kathryn Cameron As “Mrs. Grubb’* in the “ Mis­ souri Girl” at the Stayton Thea­ tre, Wednesday, March 4. Sunday Closing la Intent. Salem.—To prohibit the conduct of business and gainful ■ mas »menu «• Sunday la the object of a massera I» bo Initiated at tho aest elaattea by the Washington County Christian .en­ deavor Union. Tho bill was approved as to form by Secretary of State Ok co tt The measure exempte drag atoran, physicians’ shops, undertaken, livery stablea, butchers and bakers. Don’t Forget,you should always take a spring medicine, such as Beef Iron "& Lime and Sulphur Spray at Brewer’s Wine, Kambo Blood Builder, Iron Ton­ ic Bitters, etc, $1.00 the large bottle at Drug Store. Beauchamp’s. Why not have your umbrella repair­ ed in Stayton? Umbrellas recovered- B. Pompella and family and Mrs. La­ samples to select from. F. Silhavy’s Long Loat Diamond In Chicken's Crop- th rop of West Stay ton were business Wagon and Repair Shop. Water St. Clatskanle.—About eight visitors here Monday. ago Mrs. Robert Bryant loat tf mond setting out of n ring, search for the missing gem proved un­ availing. A few daya ago, on the oc­ casion of her husband's birthday, as she waa preparimg a fowl for dtnaer, she found the loat stone la the of the fowL ^b rd It’s the Ford age—the age of dependable and economical transportation. hundred and twenty world-wide service More than four- thousand have changed Fords in distance from a matter of miles» to a matter of min­ utes. Buy your Ford today. F ive hundred dollars is the price of the FORD runabout; the touring car is five fifty; the town car seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalogue and par­ ticulars from. P. D eidrich, - Stayton, Agent for Stayton, Sublimity, Aumsville, Stayton, Mehama and Mill City territory. Shaw, West E. S. Muck ley of Portland made a business trip to Stayton this week. THOMAS'MAYO Company’s New SPRING GOODS Are Now On Display V arious shades and p attern s of Wool Crepes, Silk Eponge, Rice Cloth, Lenox Poplin, Ratines, In­ dian Head Suitings, Ripplette, Soie- sette, Russian Cords, Silk Stripes and Brocade Crepes. All of these are the newest and most up-to-date goods that can be bought on any market. Come in early and get your choice of shades and fabrics. Garden Seeds in Bulk! 20 lbs. of SUGAR for $ 1.00 at THOMAS-MAYO Co. Regatta Flan Astoria.—A mass meeting of busi­ ness men and citizens generally ts ta be held on the evening of March t. when n committee will ha rater *«d ta take charge ot the 19th annual m a t ta. Thla meeting will ateo l i the date for the water * carnival, fc; K la generally understood that Jai j 3. h, and 4 will be selected. Party Lines Only Test. Salem.—Attorney General Crawford, In an opinion, holds that a qualified elector waa not limited In signing the petition of one candidate for an office, but may sign petitions of all candi­ date« If they are members of the party with which he affiliates. WOULD CONSOLIDATE BOARDS Darart Land Board, Slat« Engine«» and Water Beard May Qe. Salem.—A movement has been started to Initiate a measure at the next election to abolish the state dee ert land board, the state water board and the state engineer’s office, and put the business handled by the: * three departments In chars« of on« board, thns effecting a considerable saving to the taxpayers. Governor West states that at tb* recent meeting of the Oregon Irriga­ tion congress In Portland, delegate from Central Oregon put the proposi­ tion up to him and asked for his ap proval. He said he favored the m ow ment and would give his rapport te the proposed measure. He said ■ large saving would be made by such a change. He declared that the desert land board, as now constituted, la a useless affair, and the state engineer’s office Is an expensive luxury. The plan ta to give the one board to he created in place of the three departments au­ thority to appoint an engineer. _ Fishing Rules Pretested. Astoria.—During the past few day* quite a number of letter« have bee- sent by packers and fishermen to Co onel McKlnstry, of the United Static Engineers, protesting against the pr>- posal of the department to prohibit fishing within a prescribed district «: the mouth of the river. Goat Industry Started. The Dalles.—W. F. Ripley has start­ ed a new industry In this vicinity, that of goat-raising. He raises the T o# genberg goat, which to the malnsta# of the cheese Industry of SwItxerlanU This goat Is of the blue-blooded vatV ety, and with a pedigree, It ts mot*- valuable than the thoroughbred ’cot Few Doga Show Symptom«. Baker.—Forty-two dogs have be» , killed in Baker as the result of viel tion of the muxxllng ordinance parti by the city commissioner as a prrre five measure against spread of rabia . Only six of these have shown symp­ toms of the disease. Before coin* to b-il lak« a Dr Mitad1 Laxative Tablet.