B R IE F N E W S O F OR EG O N The STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by Erection ot a cannery at Junction City ia planned by the Junction City (range. Oregon haa 84 national banka and Entered as second class matter at the postoftice at Stayton, 73 appllcationa to Join the federal re Marion county, Oregon, undo the act of Congress of March 8 , 1879. serve association have been received All communications -should be addressed to T hk STAYTON M a il . Saturday will be the final day for fil­ ing applications. S U B S C R I P T I O N S , S l.fS O p e r y * e « r ir t a d v a n c e Oregon's building at the San Fran­ A d v e r t ix iiig K u te n o n «p p lto n tto n cisco exposition is to be equipped with C ards of T hanks $.50 O b itu a r iks -$ U W up. furniture made by the manual training classes in the Oregon public schools, Positively a ll pu/ters stopftnl on exp im tio a o f subscription aceording to announcement of Assist­ ant State Superintendent E. E. Carl­ ton. Count 31 Judge Frank L. Tou Voile has gone to Chicago, where he will turn over to the bond buyers the $500.- 000 road bonds voted last fall by Jack- son county for the improvement of the Pacific highway from the California There are some very amusing things in this world. A per border to the Josephine county line. cent of-the people*of every-vicinity has an idea in their heads that Senator Chamberlain has introduced a bill to allow the longevity pay claim a newspaper is a sort of "free-for-all,” in which one should be that v u due Lieutenant George J. a b le to tell the w ork ! at la rg e not on.y their private grievances but E. M. Olmsted ABOUT ADVERTISING ETC. PJJJX tj . d„ , m. advertising bvsidv. &h“' N°‘“ l)r. Rebec of the University of Oregon and Supt. W. M. Smith will be here f o r the Parent- Teachers meeting that is to lie held in the Opera House Friday evening February 20. Grace Askew entered fourth grade Monday. Mrs. A. L. Shreve school Friday afternoon. W e ’ll Introduce You 0 / r At Qt AiMiiyy hftrn ' th e A, a o o i> l^ dnam * visited The pupils of Miss Olmsted’s room are weaving rugs o f jute and hammocks of raffia. Gladys Hiunmon i s absent from Miss McShane’s room on account of illness. * ^ Thirty-seven of the pupils of Miss Olmsted’s were neither ab­ sent nor tardy during the last , m . . . T h u v w e r e exciu cH on e > the best Cigar you ever smoked if you come in ­ to our store W e Carry & full line of imported and domestic cigars of great flavor and splendid taste, lust a single trial will prove this to your satisfaction. G EM C O N F E C T IO N E R Y J. A . H E N D E R S H O T T ■ of the claim is $5,192.84. Dr. William . . . , . * Campbell, of Portland, is a son ot the l he editing and running o l a newspaper is a business just The High School has made a deceased claimant. the same as any other-and the stock is trade is the circulation and payment o n their piano. The parent teacher forces of Pen- the plant. When you wish to use the circulation as a medium to They intend to give one more en- dieton are leading a fight for the an- ro a c h t he people, we charge for it, just the same as you charge tertainment before school closes nihilation of the cigarette in Pendle­ for goods over your counter. Not only that but it is a trade and a f or ^ ¡ 9 vear ton. The city council is expected to profession. I f a merchant’s clerks require a holiday or are taken . . . . act on an ordinance prohibiting use of t Not so in a t*lan'{,nK those, w h o so tobacco in any form by boys less than sick, it is very easy to get some one to till their place, is years old. newspaper office. I f one of the regular force is laid off or laid up, kindly helped us with our enter- The little town of Hoidman. Umatn how many people in Stayton do you think can step in and begin to tunment. through an oversigl t la county, and the vicinity is in iigid type” and do the other one thousand things necessary to we neglected to thank the Or­ Hot and Cold Water Baths quarantine, established by Dr. E. J. chestra and Ed Blakely, we wish McFaul, county health officer, in an get out a paper. to take this opportunity to thank endeavor to stop the spread of small­ Did you ever think of this? I f not we invite you in at any them. pox. an epidemic of which has reached time and will let you try your hand at it. It takes several years BOARD BY THE D AY OR THE WEEK alarming proportions. A benefit show will be given to master the details alone of a ordinary print-shop. The Linn county grange has adopted Monday evening Feburary 23 at resolutions urging the submission ot The Stayton Mail expects no more patronage than it deserves. the Stayton Theatre. The fol an initiative measure regulating the Our circulation practically covers the North Santiam and the Waldo courses and departments of the uni­ Hills like a blanket. We personaly know o f as high as TH REE lowing program haa been prepar­ versity of Oregon and Oregon agricul­ Now we have no ed by the school. tural college to prevent conflicts in famalies that co-operate in reading the Mail objection to that in the least. Our maxim is to reach the greatest -Song, by Miss Olmsted’s pupils studies. Recitation, Washington, Edwin Disapproval of the agricultural ex number of people, and ten readers for one paper is very nearly as Keech tension bill, is expressed by United good as five readers for two. Patriotic Tableaux, Mrs. Pratt’s States Senator Lane, because of the In view of these facts Mr. Merchant you are missing a good fact that too many agricultural ex pupils perts are provided positions and not a opportunity to tell the people what you have for sale. Do you Recitation, Playing Washington, single fanner has urged the passage think that the Royal Baking Powder Co., the Rexall Company and Clarence Huntley of the bill. others send us a check every month just for love o f the Stayton Song, Chorus five girls The matter of getting a good road Mail? Not by any means. These powerful corportiaons KNO W Recitation, Darrell Down from Wheeler to Nehalem city is be-1 ing strongly agitated in Tillamook i that it pays to advertise, and they do it freely. Flag Drill,Miss Hollister's pupils county. Wheeler is almost entirely The Shadow Girl, Mr. Merchant do you know W H Y the country weekly as a Recitation, isolated by land, having no direct con Alma Fulton rule does not carry an ad for Sears & Roebuck or some other mail nection with either the north or south Dialogue, From Little Women, order house? Simply because the country newspaper believes in beaches and other parts of the Neha M ìbs Olmsted’s pupils lem valley, since the only outlet is a building up the home town, not because these ads cannot be gotten. poorly constructed road leading tc I f the Mail should come out next week with a quarter or half Mohler. page ad from a Portland or Chicago Mail order house, there would Declarations of intention to be can didatea for justices of the supreme be considerable howl from the merchants of this town, but the one court on the republican ticket have who shouted loudest would be the fellow who does not spend a been filed with Secretary of State Ol- cent with us because “ Advertising does not pay.” cott by Chief Justice McBride and Justices McNary and Bean. Justice On Monday’s mail we recived a letter from a Chicago mail Wm. MacFarland and family Ramsey, the only democrat on the su order house offering a 12% commission in cash for all business or­ of Salem spent Sunday at Tur­ preme court bench, haa announced iginating in and around Stayton, if we would carry their ad. We ner. that he will be a candidate. wonder how many merchants would turn down an offer like this. According to reports received by Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie were the Think it over. eastern Oregon sheepmen, R. F. Bick- guests o f Mrs. Ritchie’s parents, nell, a buyer of sheep and wool, is We had very much rather have every firm in town represent- Mr. McCorkles, over Sunday, now in Morrow county endeavoring tc ed by a small ad, than a large one from one or two. Notwith­ contract for the 1914 clip at prices ap A. L. Bones made a business standing the fact that there is considerable pessimism in the city, proximately 2 cents in advance of trip to Salem Friday. Get after your share of it. those paid last year. Acording to we are going to have a GOOD year. Mrs. Golden has a new wire these reports some sales have been made, but most of the growers are fence around her town property. refusing to contract. Wm. Lyons has moved to the According to figures recently issued west side of town. by the Southern Pacific railroad, the Rogue River valley has changed from Mr. W. Smith has been suffer­ a non-supporting to a self-supporting ing from neuralgia for several community in two years. The balance days. of trade in favor of the valley now totals 1175 cars. Of these, more than Mrs. John Watson was a Salem 100 cars are of fruit, but hay, potatoes visitor Saturday afternoon. onions and hogs are produced here and sent out. Two years ago these Harold Loony and wife of Jef­ products were shipped in. ferson were in Turner last week ON Governor West states that begin looking after their business in­ ning the first of April be will issue terests o f this place. for publication monthly statements of the expenditures of the state fish and J. M. Bones has had a deep game department and comparisons of well drilled and is installing a the figures with those of the corre­ \ —o—o— OF THE pressure system. sponding month last year. He said Why not use a few Booster Envelopes? We have them his idea was to keep the expenditures printed like the one below. They are just the thing for your East, down to a minimum and to show the public that he intended to have the em Correspondence. department operated on the most eco O ) / SUNSET \ ï » l 25 Envelopes.....................................15c nomical basis. |0G0CNftSHASTA| ROUTES 50 ” 25c R. E. Clanton, ex-mastei> fish war­ 100 “ 50c den and now superintendent of hatch­ eries, in his report for January, says On sale at the Mail Office. Miss Margaret Doerfler has re­ that because of the mild weather the turned to her home after having propagation work at the Bonneville spent several weeks in Salem. The Exposition Line 1915 fish hatchery has been more gratify­ ing than usual. Superintendent W il­ Miss Aurora Davis was a Sa­ And now is the time to see California; to live outdoors son has on hand 14,106,790 young lem visitor Saturday. salmon. The fry resulting from the and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer sports. It Bertha and Sylvester Doerfler fall Chinook eggs are all hatched. is a trip you cannot afford to miss. There are 1,250,000 eastern brook spent Sunday with home folks. trout eggs which are under differe- Little Miss Leona Priem fell, periods of incubation at the station. breaking her arm in two places. The women of the Civic club have THAT inaugurated a new plan for making The members o f the Parent- including Shasta Limited the train o f modem service Pendleton a better looking home town Teacher ^lub met at the school- Mora Untouched P o.iibilitie. Than AÄjr Other Town with all steel'up-to-the-minute equipment. and have announced prizes in a con­ house on Friday evehing. A The California and San Francisco Express Trains test between pupils of the grade o f 1,200 Pooplo in tho Pacific North watt * ’smmtewt: COMMERCIAL HOTEL R. J. MOSES, Prop. “A homelike place to stay” Commercial Trade Solicited S ta y to n . . . . » & O regon Bargain Price Is Continued T u rn er T id in g s NEXT WEEK IS THE LAST OF THE STAYTON MAIL’S BARGAIN RATE Owing to the bad weather for the past two or three weeks, in which it was almost impossible to get to town, we have decided to advance the date of our One Dollar Bargain Rate on the Stayton Mail to M arch The First You need the home paper. Take it now when you can get it for less than two cents per week. Just One Dollar for One Year The Stayton Maul “S afety F irs t 99 Our Motto SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS USE STAYTON ENVELOPES M c A lp in N otes AND DON’T Three Fine Trains Daily schools in a contest of home industry. Four prizes will he awarded, one to the boy or girl who makes the moat j improvement in his or her yard at ! home,' one for the best showing of i sweet peas, one for the best showing of vegetables and one for the beet showing of vines. The contest will j last until the close of school. Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service that will please. Gall on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a trip, quote fares and furni-h Outing literature on California’s fomous resorts. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. FORGET! STAYTON Valentine box and supper proved a pleasant part of the evening program. A Shadow Supper will be giv­ en at the school house on the evening of February 27. Every­ one is invited. A good time is anticipated. RETURN IN 5 DAYS TO STAYTON OHtCOON has