The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 19, 1914, Image 1

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^Oth Year, No 3.
Events Occurring Throughout
the Stato During tòt Fast
Bteelhrad for Yamhill.
Ebrrldan.--Htt-elhaad anlmon hnva
n i« ir been found In th« Yunihlll river,
Ihou h Ihoy are found In many
Ctrl', as a of rtnuller alxo on the rant
aid» of th« Willamette. Representa­
tive It. I.. Graven la determined to
ma»e the Yanihtll one of the beat
o n rm s str«nms In the state, and to
thin end haa aec-ured three carload* of
you.i 2 steelhead aalinon to atork th«
sire: m. One of the*« will he liberat­
ed at McMinnville, one at Sheridan
and one al Wlllamlna. A car of trout
will be liberated at Carlton.
Nab Portland Chinese Woman.
Portland.—Mrs. Toy Yoke, who I*
alleged to havo eloped on November
27 from this city with Won Wah, the
latter hnvlng In hla possession (1000
In money and Jewels, belpnrlng to Le*
Hen’s, was arrested In Chicago, ac­
cording to wurd received by the local
She will be brought her# to answer
to a charge of grand larceny, local of­
ficials «ay. It Is alleged the couple
eloped Immediately after the theft
from Hong.
O.-W. R. A. N. Buying Land.
Tendleton.—Ellsworth Denham, of
Porllaud, representing the O-W. it. &
N. Co., arrived at Rtnnfleld and at
once began buying land for the right
of way of the proposed Coyote cut-off.
This action apparently confirms the
report which has been current for the
past few days that the railroad com
pany expects to commence operations
this spring.
State Hangs Man. Sues.
Astoria.—The county court made an
order directing that O. X . Pulton be
employed to prosecute a suit In equity
to foreclose a ¡ten ot the state In th*
sum of $622.70 against the estato Ot
Oswald C. Hansel, who was executed
at the state tyeplteutlary recently.
The amount dee la the court cost*
for the trial of the case against Han­
sel, when he was convicted of murder.
'Ihe Wilbur Woolen Mills of this city
will soon be a veritable hive of indus­
try. Already plans are going forward
fur thu erection of a ware-house of
considerable cspaciy. Other perman­
ent changes are also contemplated, In­
cluding thu erection of a wool mattress
factory that will employ a hundred
girls st one-hundred sewing machines.
When It Is considered that Mr. Wil­
bur is a self-made man, an authority
on the woolen mill industry si.d ssks
no favors of anyone, it will readily be
seen that the facts stated here should
be taken at full-face value.
In an interview on Tueaday of thia
week Mr. Wilbur aaid in part.
“ Notwithstanding the fact that we
now have free wool, the woolen indus­
try is in better condition than ever be­
fore. Fully INJ'A of the mills of this
country are enlarging their plants,
waking up and vetting ready to com
pete with the world in thia line. N< t
only that, but instead of raw wool be­
ing chea|>cr, fully 50‘4 of the output in
Montana, Idaho and Wyoming is being
contracted for at from one to two cents
in advance over the price of a year
“The U. S. imported last year 370
million pounds, 40 million more than
was raived here.
The foreign wool
will blend with the coarser American
product and give a better class of
goods at an equal price.”
Mr. Wilbur stated further that he
had two high-class salesman on the
road and was going after the merchants
trade as well as the jobber's. Already
orders are coming in thick and fast for
fall deliveries and before long every
wheel in thu mill will be turning, mak­
ing Oregon made goods.
Not only that, but Mr. Wilbur sees
that in the not far distant future more
mills of this kind lining the banka of
the Santiam where wo have pure, soft
water, unlimited power and cheap fuel.
Burn your hammer and get in line
with the Slayton Development League
for a bigger, better and brighter Stay-
ton in the near future. Opportunity,
likb Poe’s "Haven” is tap, tap, tap­
ping at your door, will you invite him
in or not?
Is iS S P
Copyright, lilt, by thè Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co.
REGON, the first state to select and dedicate a site at the Panama-
Pacific International Exposition, was also the first to accept de­
signs for her state building. This very Interesting structure,
nelgblKir to New York'»-great bulbing, has been designed in the
chnste spirit of the golden age of flreece’s architecture. It wiil be 150 by
230 feet mid designed on the classic line of Icthlnus’ Parthenon. The col-
aiuus, w h i c h «»recce herself modeled In marble from previous exemplars
in wood of a more ancient archlte. lure, will revert to the original and be
of timber brought from Oregon's forests. They will be flTe feet In
dlnmeter and for jr feet In height Not only will the materials which
will tie pine«I within the structure be Oregon's products, but the ma­
terials of which the state palaro will be constructed will come from Ore­
gon ■ vust resource».
“F O R D ” The Universal Car
Mammoth’s Tooth Found.
Albany.—A fairly well preserved
tooth of a mammoth was found by J.
Q. Crawford, a locnl archaeologist, in
a oar of gravel which had been re­
ceived here from Canby.
The tooth Is sevon Inches long, five
Inches high and three Inches wide. It
■hows some decay.
A big Rooster Meeting is to be held
today at Eugene to foster the move­
ment to erect an Crcgon Display build­
ing at Ashland. Ashland is a division
point, is the first town the passenger
sees in entering Oregon from Califor­
nia and the last one he sees on his
journey to the Fair.
It is proposed to erect a building
sufficiently large to accommodate an
exhibit from each county in the state,
and especially thoso from the Willom-
mette Valley.
Marion County will probably be well
represented at the Eugene meeting, as
the Salem Commercial Club, it is un­
derstood ia In favor of the building.
An enthusiastic meeting was held at
lohn J. Kennedy, Treasurer of
the city hall Monday evening for the
New York State, Kills Saif
purpose o f organizing a commercial
body of business men and those inter­
in Buffalo Hotel.
ested in Stayton and vicinity.
Buffalo, N. T —John J. Kennedy,
A temporary organization was effect­
treasurer, committed suicide her*
ed with Geo. Keech as chairman and
it the Markeen hotel, where he had
John Thoma as secretary. After some
lved with his family. He was found
discussion, it was decided to ask all n a small room off the hotel ball­
those present to enroll as members af­ room with his throat c u t An opaa
ter which a permanent organization razor was lying on tha floor beside
aim. His Jugular vein had been sav-
will be made. .
Thirty-three names were secured st «red and death ensued before a doctor
the meeting Monday night and no doubt «rived.
Temporary insanity. Induced by
the number will be swelled to at least
fifty by the next meeting. Farmers worry over hla Impending appearance
are especially urged to come in and before a New York Jury, where Dis­
join thia club. Already several farm­ trict Attorney Charles E. Whitman haa
ers of Linn county have signified their been conducting a John Doe graft In­
quiry. la said by District Attorney
willingness to help in the work.
As stated last week, the purpose of Dlrnberger. Jr., to be the only reason
the club is to help foster and encourage that can be assigned for Mr. Ken­
any legitimate enterprise in or around nedy’s act. He had been aubpenaed
Stayton, as well as to be in shspe to at the Inquiry.
Mr. Kennedy went to church wKh
take up rationally such questions as,
his ton, William H. Kennedy, Sunday
I roads, fairs, improvements etc.
Mr. Business man, Mr. Farmer, you about noon. After greeting hla wife
are urged to be at the city hall tonight, and daughter Mr. Kennedy said he
Thursday, February 19, at 8 o’clock was going to his room to lte down
and give your influense in the right until they were ready for luncheon.
direction. You believe that great de-
vetopement and great changes sre in SPECULATORS CONDEMNED
prospect in the next three years. Be
prepared with s full organization of Oregon Irrigation Men Take Advanced
every business and agricultural inter- ' Position In Favor of Co-operation.
Portland, Or.—The Oregon Irriga­
est, and we will surely get our share
congress took advanced position
of the prosperity that will follow close
on the opening of the Panama Canal on the question of state and federal
co-operation In reclamation, and hear­
and the San Francisco Exposition.
tily condemned the speculator who haa
handicapped reclamation.
Officers elected wore: President.
Asa B. Thompson. Echo; first vice-
president. J. W. Brewer. Redmond;
second vlce-prestd snt. J. R. Blaekaby,
Ontario; third vtce-preaideot, W. Lair
Just a Few Reasons W h y
The Ford Car is the Car to Buy
Because it is the “ Universal Car.”
2nd. Because it is easily operated.
3rd, Because of Its durability.
4th. Because it ia economical to run.
6th. Because of the very low price
6th. Because of its light weight—less tire ex­
pense and more mileage with less gasoline.
7th. Because there is no shifting and stripping
of gears.
8th. Because there la less depreciation in the
FORD than in any other make.
9th. Because it is the car in greatest demand.
“Shoot Up” Country Dance,
rendleton.—By "shooting up” a
country (lance Lou Caper and Jack
Murdock, two farm laborers, staged a
frontier day drama at Juniper. No
one was Injured, but the two succeed­
ed In thoroughly terrifying the women
and completely Intimidating the imffi.
finally escaping on horseback under
cover of their guns.
Sería! N o
U pE
Stats Railroad Commission Say*
Tumble Will Come About March 1.
Salem.—Express rate» In Oregon
will take n big drop about March 1.
The petition of August Kchrbcrger
The extent of the tumble was mad* and others asking the County Court of •¡J
known by the state railroad commls Marion County to call a special election
ston upon receipt of word from the to vote road bonds has been examined
Interstate commerce commission that by the County Clerk who has officially
certain modifications desired to b* certified to the Court that the petition
made In this state from the Interstate contains the number of names (9771 ( o
schedule will be favorably considered. necessary to make the calling of the
There are three features about th* elestion mandatory upon the Court.
new rates that are of particular Im­ The Court has still under advisement
portance. One Is that through rate* the all important matter of designat­
will hereafter be quoted from any ing the roads to be .improved and the
point In Oregon to any other point amount of money to be expended upon
within thu state. Another Is that the cnch. Judge Bushcy has l>ecn in con-
western states will put in a 65-cent sulation with representative men from
minimum fate, as contpnred with the all parts of the County, and has listen­
70-cent rate on Interstate shipments, ed to the arguments of each section
and the third Is a special modification asking for part of the roads It is prob­
for the benefit of Oregon, adjusting able that a decision will be reached in
rates within the state to commercial this matter by the first of next week,
conditions, Instead of following In ev when the active work of bringing the
ery case the rate busing points so question formally before the voters
lected for the Interstate rates.
will be begun. The Court has had the
Because the rates vary with dis­ assistance of the State Highway En­
tance and with thu weight of the pack gineer Bowlby in regard to various en-
age. It Is Impossible to state the per i gineering problems involved, and it is
centage of decrease, but In a general reported that a decision has been reach­
way It may be said that the rates from ed as to what general variety of im­
Portland to eastern Oregon points will provements will be specified. From
be lowered from 25 to 60 per cent. present indications, the special election
The decrease to southern Oregon will he called near the middle of next
towns will not be so great, an the month.
distance north and south does not ul
low so large a variation, and the
blocks nre longer north and south than
east and west.
1914 .
G IC iC id O lZ M iQ C IC
Chas. Hottinger and John Zuber were
in Portland last Sunday where prepa­
rations for the coming of Thomas H.
Cannon High Chief Ranger of the
Catholic Order of Foresters were be­
gun at the meeting of the Oregon State
Court of the organization yesterday.
Mr. Cannon is expected here in April
or May.
The meeting began with high mass in
St. Mrry’s Cathedral Fifteenth and
Davis Sts. at 11 a. m., Father M. P.
Smith preached the sermon. After the
mass the members which numbered
about 125 adjourned to the Oregon Ho­
tel where a banqued was served.
A business meeting was held later in
the Cathedral Court Hall Fourth and
Washington Streets.
A committee
was appointed to prepare an entertain­
ment in Mr. Cannon's honor.
Among the speakers were Archbish­
op Christie, Judge Kavanaugh and Chas.
To The Trade
We have a complet« line of garden seeds in
Bulk and have tried to secure the "best grades possible.
If you will compare our prices with any of
the seed house prices you will readily see that we are
selling them here for the same price they ask for their
seeds in Portland.
Beet Seeds
Stock Beet
10c oz.
10c oz.
15c oz.
10c oz.
10c oz.
10c oz.
Sweet Corn
Field Corn
15c oz
10c oz
20c lb
15-20c lb
5c lb,
15c lb,
Local Grown Recleaned Clover Seed and other Field Seeds
Special prices in larger quantities
Buy here and save postage
Thomas-Mayo Co.
Thompson. Lakevlew; aacmtary. 17*4
M. Wallace, Latdlaw.
The congress went on record as
supporting state-federal co-operation
In reclamation of arid lands in Oregon
on a dollar for dollar basis. , aa i
Gore Brands Suit as Political Plot.
Oklahoma City, Okla.—Denouncing
the allegation as an "infamous lie,”
United State# Senator T. P. Gore, from
the witness stand, declared that
charges of improper conduct, the basis
of the $60,000 damage salt against him
by Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, ware the 1»
ventlon of a coterie of disappointed
office seekers Intended to bring him
Into disrepute and wreck his chances
for renomlnatlon.
Coal Taxed to Guard Mines.
Denver.—A tax of one cent a ton
on all the coal mined by the principal
operators in Colorado since the strike
began last September haa been used
to pay the expenses of guarding tha
mines, according to the testimony of
C. L. Baum before the house sub-com­
mittee Investigating the labor war.
Chicago.—Heavy snowfall early in
the week was reported over practical­
ly all the country from the Missouri
river east and south to the Ohio val­
Railroad traffic was badly crippled
and all trains were late. In soma
instances trains were abandoned al­
together until the tracks could ha
Dispatches tell of much suffering,
shortage of fuel and forage for live­
stock. T V fresh storm has undone
the work of clearing away the two
previous heavy snowfalls, and sma
towns and suburbs were practical!
Dispatches from various points 1
the middle west say the entire count
ia covered with snow from two to
Inches deep and the cold weather f<
lowing means that It will remain 1
several days. Board of trade men st
the storm Insures good crops.
The immediate need of fuel in mac
localities was the chief feature of tfc
latest storm. Railroads had been fca<
ly hampered by the previous snowfall
and had been unable to deliver coal.
Slayer-Guards Guilty.
Houghton, Mich.—Three WaddeH
Mahon Detective Agency guards and
a deputy sheriff were found guilty ot
manslaughter for killing Steve Putrtch,
a striking copper mine worker, at Sea
bervllle, on August 14 last.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain pills for rheumaUf