8 R IE F N E W S OF OREGON The STAYTON MAIL West Stayton Abeline Bloye visited with friends in Stayton the last of the week. Published every Thursday by Kids Have a Sweei Tooth The Oregon Irrigation Congress will Meet lr Portland for its third annual so..-ion, Friday and Saturday. Mary Jarvis of Eugene spent The First National Bank o f Merrill Kntered as second class matter at the post office at Stay ton, the week-end at the Dively home. has applied for membership in the Marion county. Oregon, under the act o f Congress o f March 8, 1879. new banking system. The Pie Sociul given by the All communications should be addressed to T mk STAYTON M ail . W. S. U’Ren of Oregon City has fo r Ladies Club, o f West Stayton, maily announced himself as an inde­ S U B S C R I P T I O N S , tJtl.oO p « r y s n r lit n d v a n c « on Wednesday evening was well pendent candidate for governor of Or­ A d v e r t is in g R a te s o n im p lic a tio n attended- Every o n e present egon. C ards o f T hanks $ .60 O bituariks - $1.00 up. had a good time. William Hanley, of Burns, will be an independent candidate for United Mamie Fisher of Stayton visit­ Positively all pa/ters stopped on expiration o f subscription States senator from Oregon at the ed a t t h e A. Forrette home general election next November. Thursday. Floyd Bilyeu, chairman of the state game and f^h commission, states that There will be a Parent-Teach­ the department will save about $8000 ers meeting at the Hall Friday a year as a result of moving its of­ evening, Febuary 13th. Every­ fices to Salem. body come. T. T. Geer, ex-governor of Oregon, is Not because we think that we could add to the illustrious considering seriously becoming a can­ A large crowd of young folks didate for the republican nomination name of Abraham Lincoln, but as a reminder that you give at from this place attended t h e for governor at the coming primary le^t a passing thought to the man who, more than any other, elect ioa. helped to prove to the world that we are "One and Inseparable.” dance at Ashfords Friday even- ! ing. Senator Chamberlain's joint resolu­ All honor to the name o f LINCOLN. tion to continue the provisions regard A. Forrette and wife visited ing the marking of the graves of C ^ - at the Frank Wolf home near federate soldiers and sailors was re­ Sublimity Sunday. ported favorably to the senate. Mrs. Joseph Nusbaum gave birth at Chris Mulkey made a business the Salem hospital to a baby January trip to Stayton Monday. ♦♦♦« 26, making the fourth baby of the tarn ily born on that date in as many gen­ John Crum has improved the Both Salem papers state that Fred S. Bynon returned from erations. looks o f his place, by putting in Stayton where he helped the Stayton people to organize a Booster The federal grand jury will, it Is a new wire fence lately. said, investigate the business transac­ Club. We acknowledge the visit of the Secretary of the Salem Messrs. Dively and Imlay have tions of T. R. Sheldon, former presi­ Commercial Club, and listened to one or two o f his best stories but dent of the First National bank of we will be darned if we can find that Booster Club. Maybe he rented the Kearns ranch. Hot and Cold Water Baths Roseburg. took it home in his pocket The "Ary” petition, bearing names of 262 voters, was presented to the city council at Klamath Falls, asking BOARD BY THE DAY OR THE WEEK the question of prohibition to be The entertainment given b y placed on the ballot. the High School Friday evening Two hundred and fourteen native Alaskan school children at the Salem was well received by the large Indian school have telegraphed Sen­ President Wilson is standing in a rather inconsistent light audience which attended. Miss ator Chamberlain their thanks for get Ir. one breath he tells the women of the Lilly and Mr. Eagan from Salem Ung the Alaska railroad ball passed. on one or two subjects. The North Pacific Fir & Lumber United States that he cannot dame out for equal suffrage because *ar>g and Mr. Bynon also from company, which i* iustmiiing a big mill i the D e m o c r a tic platform does not contain that plank, and in the Salem spoke for us showing us at Bank*, win put in an electric powet n e x t b r e a th b e 3 a y s that he is against free tolls for American ves- how well Mr. Gauntt’s speeches a .d lighting Plant for uae by the in ^ th a t th h th e Panama Canal, which WAS one of the are always received. Q&DiLant6 of tne village. i , Governor West is considering ac pl&nks o f th e SBIH6 pisiform. The Student Body wishes to ceptin g^ n invitation of the National The president thinks the clause of free tolls might have take this opportunity to thank Civic Federation to speak on "Prison been all right at the time but that conditions have changed. In Mrs. J. W. Mayo, Mrs. J. M. Reform at a meeting to be held in o u r sma]j way we wonder if conditions and opinions have not Ringo, Mrs. G. F. Korinek and New York city March 6, changed somewhat on the question of equal suffrage since the Mr. C. Hoffer for helping us with The O.-W. R. & N. Co. is showing i our entertainment Friday Even­ moving pictures at La Grande, in a Baltimore convention also. campaign of education to show how ing. accidents may be avoided and urging The Teachers’ institute will be people to keep the laws of the country held at the school house Saturday, The departments of civil engineer Ing In both the Oregon Agricultural February 21. A good program college and the University of Oregon ' will be given by the school. were ordered eliminated by the board Mrs. Joe Fisher a n d Mrs. Salem women are learning to bowl. We wonder if the fair of higher curricula. Olmsted’s The interstate Commerce commis sex of that city will improve their aim to any extent when it comes Flake visited Miss sion announced that they win give ^ handling a rolling-pin or a flat iron. room Monday. hearings on Senator Lane's resolution The Second and Third grades to investigate the steel trust freight rebates, dates of hearings to be an have finished their readers and nounced later. after a short review will take up Because he claims Oregon as his supplementary readers. real residence Jale Uronich. serving time in federal prison at McNeil’s Is Miss Ida Mack and Miss Mabel The Rev. Dr. Cha*. F. Aked, one of San Francisco’ s most Gardner visited the school Wed­ land, denies jurisdiction of any court outside his own district in matter ol gifted ministers denies the ‘ ‘Immaculate Conception,” and the nesday. proceedings to forfeit his citizenship other ministers jump on him with both feet. Evidently Dr. Aked papers. The Parent-Teachers’ meeting was born in Missouri. At th* second meeting of the logan will be held at the Opera House berry growers of the Willamette val ! Friday evening February 20. A ley, held at Salem, the 100 growers number ot good speakers have present voted to effect a permanent been secured for this meeting. organization for the purpose of devel oping the loganberry market and ad Theo Matthieu attended the The Oregon Messenger claims to be a democratic paper, but vancing the interests of the growers now funeral of her grandfather last in every way possible. never misses a chance to “ Shoot it into Gov. West.” Honest Friday. Representative Sinnott s bill to au you Messenger fellows, didn’t you vote for Gov. West? thorize the secretary of war to detail \ ___ The pupils of the third grade two army engineers to work with en _ _ are weaving napkin rings from gineers of Oregon and Washington raffia. The pupils of the second and the reclamation service in evolv grade a r e accomplishing good ing a plan for the development o f the ” Celilo Falls power project, seems tc results from paper cutting. ON be meeting with favor. Sylvia Dardy was absent last Hereafter it will be unlawful tc week on account of sickness. work any woman employe more than 64 hours a week, and employers will The High School will have ex­ be required to pay experienced women aminations this week as this is workers not less than $8.25, and inex OF THE perienced workers not less than $6 a the end of the first semester. Why not use a few Booster Envelopes? We have week. This is the ruling of the state industrial welfare commission. printed like the one below. They are just the thing for your A movement has been started in em Correspondence. Poik county to prevail upon the coun SU NSET \P » 1 25 Envelopes....................................... 15c (OGOENkSMASTA) ty court to employ a general super Meral Mulkey was ill last week. ROUTES 50 ” ...,2 5 c • visor over road construction in this 100 ” 50c county. It Is estimated that the em Mrs. LaBare and her daughter ployment of a competent man to over On sale at the Mail Office. Mrs. W. Dirr were Mehama vis­ i see and direct all road construction itors Sunday. and maintenance in Polk county will The Exposition Line 1915 save many thousands of dollars. Juluis Titze made a business Probably the highest price ever paid trip to Stayton last week. And now is the time to see California; to live outdoors for an apple tree was the $600 which Mr. and Mrs. Henderson were was paid to an Oregon farmer for a and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer spqrts. It 13 year-old seedling which grew in a Mehama visitors Sunday. Mr. is a trip you cannot afford to miss. fence corner on his farm. The worth Henderson tuned Ben Beringer’ s of the tree to the purchaser lay in the piano. fact that It yields ripe apples every month from May to November, the Wm. Mulkey i s putting the fruit being rich in quality and prodi roof on his barn. including Shasta Limited th e train o f modern service gious in quantity. with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment. Rue Drager went t o Salem Mors Untouched P o ..ih ilitie. Than Any Other Town The people of Oregon will be given The C a lifo r n ia a n d S a n F ra n d a c o F.xpreaa Trains opportunity to recover, by vote at thf Sunday and returned Monday. of 1,200 People in the Pacific Northwe.t electin' next November, the use ol Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service The band practiced on the hill tick. ils in tl.e Portland harbor. An that will please. RE T U R N IN 3 D A Y S TO near the school house. Sunday. Initiative measure revoking the tide land franch'se of 1862 will be prepared Mrs. Luther Stout and Miss Call on nearest 8. P. Agent and let him oatline a trip, within the month by Frederick W. Lena Brestler had some dental quote fares and furnish Outing literature on California’s STAYTON ORKOON Mulkey, chairman of the public dock work done in Stayton last week. fomous resorts. com-nisslon. ’"his franchise gave up We didn’ t have church Sunday land owners of watorfront right to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. as Rev. Allen was ill with la- use tidelands for dock construction. E. M. Olmsted in that, for pure can- We make and sell on- the purest kinds, and the best quality. LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY TODAY GEM CONFECTIONERY )EKSHOTT | œ m tM V H W Ê Ê Ê m zm M BM WHERE IS THE CLUB? #• 0 KK * * * * * * * COMMERCIAL HOTEL R. J. MOSES, Prop. & “ A homelike place to sta y” PRESIDENT “ RENIGTON CANAL TOLLS m School Notes S Commercial Trade Solicited Stayton . . . . Oregon n Bargain Price Is Continued Owing to the bad weather for the past two or three weeks, in which it was almost impossible to get to town, we have decided to advance the date of our One Dollar Bargain Rate on the Stayton Mail to March The First You need the home paper. Take it now when you can get it for less than two cents per week. Just One Dollar for One Year The Stayton Mail STRIKE! A POINT OF VIEW DID YOU VOTE FOR GOV. WEST? “Safety First Our Motto SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS r.CÊSSgfi, USE STAYTON ENVELOPES Mehama Mites AND DON’T Three Fine Trains Daily tom grippe. FORGET! STAYTON has them East,