The Stayton mail. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1895-current, February 12, 1914, Image 1

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    O r»*"»
Historical BoeWtl
Year, No
Events Occurring Throughout
the ftalo During the Past
The registration law o f 1913,
been declared unconstitutional,
it will
be necessary for the voters o f every
precinct to register again.
registration law o f 1911, which is the
Round-Up Buckaroo Killed.
John Bay.— In a drunken row Vel
son Pope, 1* years old, sou of a well
known pioneer, shot and killed Jim
Orem , a half brood Indian. The shoot
In* occurred at the Pope ranch, a few
miles out of John Bay.
Green was employed at the Pope
ranch to break wild horses, und on bis
return from a trip to John Bay he took
a quantity of Intoxicating liquor with
Green was noted for his prowess a*
a buckaroo, and was a star performer
at the Pendleton Hound-Up last year.
He Is survived by a wife and a child
about one year old.
Highway Stakes Are Set.
Central Point.— The surveyors cm
ployed by the county In connection
with the Pacific highway, and under
the direction of the state engineer,
are here setting grade stakes between
this city and Medford. This Is the Ini
tlal move In the actual development
o f the highway here. The surveyors
after they have finished work In this
locality will move to the Siskiyou
mountains, south of Ashland.
Eight-Footsd Hog 2 Months Old.
Ashland.—The four-winged duck on
the Cyester ranch, east of Ashland,
has a rival In an eight-footed pig on
the Beall ranch, south o f Central
Point. Both sets of feet sre well de
veloped. This freak Is now 2 months
old and promises to attain the six«
o f the average hog. Its legs are nor
mal down to the ankle Joint, each leg
terminating In tw o feet Instead ol
Prisoner Eats Evidence.
Portland.— Although he ate the do©
umentary evidence against him whit«
on the witness stand. In full view ol
the court attnehea and spectators, sc
cording to officials, flam Malhesoti, a
S e m tie contractor, was bound over to
to the grand Jury by Municipal Judge
fltevenson on a charge of passing a
bad check for $35.
T h e Stayton Mutual Switchboard
Association met last Saturday and the
prospects o f an early incorporation o f
all the lines that enter Stayton is very
The subject o f buying a home fo r the
Central has been postponed to a future
date pending the action taken in ineor-
( ’ resident Chrisman appointed a com­
mute o f five to confer with Attorney
Heltzel in gettin g the p»|K-r* ready to
submit to the next meeting o f the
Association. The committee is: W. B,
Chrisman, L. S. Lambert, John Sand-
ner, L J. Hocdigheimor, Henry Smith.
The next meeting of the Association
will be announced later.
A couple o f Lebanonite* carne to
Stayton last Saturday to get the bene­
fit o f the *'Closing Out Sale o f W et
Goods.” They both lunded in the cool­
er before the evening was over. Re­
corder Grier handed them each a $7.60
package Monday.
One o f them had
the money and the other had spent
all o f his at the Bargain Emporinm.
Mars! all Smith allowed the broke
fellow to walk around a little and he
took advantage o f the liberty and made
a bee-line for Linn County, however,
the marshall caught the one with the
horse and buggy at the bridge and held
the property until the absentee was
brought back to the City Bastile.
W e would have given a good two-bit
piece to have seen the Marshal cutting
tnrougb those sawdust piles on the run,
so aa to be the first one to the bridge.
L a te r—The "co n ” took French leave
the next day.
Only a few days le ft in which to file
Fifty or More Passenger« and
Crew Believed to Have
Perished in Tunnel.
your income tax statement.
Applications for blanks can be
to any bank or County Treasurer or to
Milton A.
Miller, Collector
Cambre, Mexico.— Nothing but char­
ted bones and buttons w ere found by
Penalty o f $20 to $1000 fo r failure to
the rescuing party which, by the aid
o f the peace. It is my desire to assist
file returns on or before March lat.
of oxygen helmets and pulmoters. su©
as many voters as possible in register­
Fine not exceeding $2000 or imprison­ ceeded to penetrating the Cumbre tun
ing, for which no charge will be made.
ment not exceeding one year or bfth at nel from the south portal as far as the
Any voter may register by calling at
the discretion o f the court fo r making locomotive and first two cars of the
my office in the Dcidrich Bldg., Stay-
passenger train. They were probably
a false or fraudulent return.
ton, Oregon, between the hours o f 9
Every person having a net income o f killed when the engine o f the passen­
o’clock a. m. and 6 o ’clock p. m ., e x ­
$3000 or over for calendar year ($2500 ger train crashed Into the burning
cept noon hour and Sundays. *.ny per­
for year 1913) must make a return; a freight train, which had been pushed
son desiring to register during the noon
single person ia allowed an exemption Into the tunnel by Castillo’s bandits
hour may do so by appointment.
o f $3000 and a married person $4000. several hours before.
The 1911, registration law requires
It la now believed that every one o f
(F o r year 1913, March 1 to December
all naturalised citixens to exhibit their
31, the exemption allowed is $2500 or the SO or more passengers and the
naturalization papers to the official
crew aboard the train when It daabed
registsr before they can be registered.
A il payments due on your income into the tunnel are dead.
Out o f a total Government appropria­
This vyoukl include children o f any nat­
Railroad men are furious at Castil­
may be remitted at once or you can
o f $23,4*10,000 for carrying on re­
uralized person, who owe their citizen­
have until June 30 in which to pay. lo's act. Last week 22 of his men were
ship to the naturalization o f their fath­ clamation work, Oregon receives $1,-
Payment must be made by certified captured and executed by the rebels
The good roads excitement has invad­
er, and would also include an American 220,18<V O f this amount about $500,
check, money order or draft.
Perso­ and the next day, apparently In r©
000 will be expended on the W est Um a­ ed Polk County. The Dallas Commer­
born w ife o f a foreign born husband.
venge, he captured the freight train,
nal checks can not be accepted.
The signature o f the person register­ tilla project, nearly the same amount cial Club is making an effort to secure
Partnerships as such are not requir­ ran it into the south end o f the tunnel
ing must be witnessed by two free­ on the work jointly being carried on bv a bond issue o f not less than $600,000, ed to make income returns, but the about 300 feet and there set fire to it.
holders o f the county, therefore it the Government and the state, nisi the with which, it is figured, practically all members comprising the firm providing
Castillo's failure to send back warn­
would expedite the registration if three balance will be allotted to the Klamath the cities o f the county can be connect­ their individual incomes reach $3000 ing of his act la regarded aa the moat
ed by a hard surface road.
or more voters registered at the sam e! project.
($2500 for 1913) or over are to make cruel and murderous act o f bis career
time, however, all electors calling w i l l :
o f outlawry and there la a disposition
be registered.
I f in doubt regarding any part ot the here to criticise General Francisco
I will be in s position to register vot-
law or regulation* w rite fo r informa­ V illa for not having crushed him long
ers from any o f the surrounding pre-1
tion to M. A . Miller, Collector, Port­ ago.
cincts in Marion County, and also those
land, Oregon.
» i
from Kingston precinct in Linn cou n ty.!
For year 1913, the law operates only
from March 1 to December 31 so the
I y
S. H. Heltzel
incomes, deductions and exemptions Big Blast Remove* Last Obstruction
to Flow of Water.
are figured accordingly.
The Dalles. Or.— About 80 per cent
o f the work on The Dalles-Celilo canal
waa completed when 10,500 pounds ot
powder w ere exploded by the pressing
” ,n
of an electric button. The last ob­
struction to water flow ing from end
to end waa blown out.
W e want to g « t the news to all old
Tbo completion o l this im port**«
people about Rexall Olive Cil Emulsion,
improvement w ill give a large port low
a remarkable new food-medicine which
o f the Inland Empire the benefit of
High School Class 1911 which met at
wc firmly believe is the best remedy
water transportation. It w ill open ti
ever made to overcome the weakening,
the Daisy Hall Saturday Feb. 7th.,
steamboat navigation the Columbia
debilitating effects o f increasing old
Stephen Tavlor was elected river from Priest Rapids to the sea, a
Because it is the ‘ ‘Universal C ar.”
age. It helps to rebuild wasted
distance o f about 400 miles, and dur-
President and Mabel Gardner elected
2nd. Because it is easily operated.
ues, strengthen tho nerves, and give
j Sec. Prof. Phillips now o f the Jeffer- Ing the greater portion of the year tb.
3rd. Because o f its durability.
new energy and a lively feeling to the
! son School was present with the class, Snake river from Lewiston to the sea
4th. Because it is economical to run.
body. It contains no alcohol or danger­
as he was the Stayton incumbent in a distance o f about 465 miles.
5th. Because o f the very low price
ous drug. It may not make yon feel
1911. A banquet was served and the
6th. Because o f its light w eigh t—less tire ex ­
better for a few days, but if you do
May Sue Rockefeller fo r Taxes.
class adjourned to meet Feb. 1915.
pense and more mileage with less gasoline.
not feel much b etter and stronger be­
Cleveland, Ohio.— County Attorney
7th. Because there is no shifting and stripping
fore you have taken j quarter as much
With a capital stock o f $641, the Cor­ Locher received instructions from At­
o f gears.
you have o f other medicines that
torney General Hogan ts sue John D.
vallis Cannery, operated by the Benton
8th. Because there is less depreciation in the
have not helped you, we will gladly
Rockefeller for his personal taxes
FORD than in any other make.
give back your money.
business o f $55,000 in 1913. The estab­ The Cuyahoga county authorities hao
9th. Because it is the car in greatest demand.
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion contains
lishment packed 17,850 cases o f fruits estimated approximately $12,000.006
pure (Hive Oil and the Hypophosphites
and vegetables, making 38 carloads o f was due them.
which, though they have long been en­
36,000 lbs. each. Growers received ap­
dorsed by successful physicians, are
proximately $12,000 for raw material.
here for the first time combined. The
result is a real body, nerve and blood­
Prof. Phillips, w ife and baby o f Jeff­
building food-medicine that we believe
erson visited friends here over Sunday.
is superior to anything else in overcom­
ing debility, weakness and liability o f
disease, and to tone und strengthen
Washington.— Notable improvement
the nerves and enrich the blood. You
in the relations between the United
who are weak and run-down—you who
States and Japan la believed to have
a r e often troubled by various cold
resulted from the events In the house
weather ailments, use Olive Oil Emul­
of representatives last week connect
sion to get and keep well and atrong.
ed with the passage ot the Burnett Im
It ia a sensible, pleasant-lasting aid to
migration bill. Reports from T ok lt
renewed strength, better spirits, glow ­
are to the effect t«g t a profound Im
ing health.
I f it doesn’ t help you,
presslon waa cansed In the Japanes«
come and tell us and we will give back
capital, not only by the refusal of th
your money without a word. That is
house to Include In the bill the pro
how much faith .we have in it. Sold
posed prohibition against the entry ot
only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in
Japanese Into the United States, but
this town only by us.
even more by the non-partisan appeal
champ’ s Drug Store, Stayton, Oregon.
o f Representative Mann.
law now in e ffe e tf electors may regis­
ter under any notary public or
Revenue, Portland, Oregon.
zn o izu
Just a Few Car Reasons
The Ford
is the
to Buy
Attorney.General McReynolds Advises
Governor W est Decision Is Final.
flslem.— Announcing that the dec I
slon to separate the Southern Pacific
and Central Pacific railway lines was
final, Attorney General McReynolds
telegraphed Governor West that the
Institution of suits could not be de­
layed for further bearings. The A t­
torney-General said that a careful In-
veatlgatlon had been made and that
the consolidation of the system was
clearly In violation of the anti-trust
a c t This means that the business In­
terests of the state will not have an
opportunity to make protest through
Governor Weal several (lays ago tel­
egraphed President Wilson that the
contemplated action of separating tho
lines would be harmful to the business
Interests of the state, and asked that
action bn postponed until healings
could bo held. The state railway com­
mission made a similar request.
Rablea Reported In Baker County.
Baker.— Reports of rubles Infected
dogs have been received In Baker nnd
county health officials are taking
steps I f advise the populnce on how
best to escape Infection, nnd on what
to do it infected. It la believed that
the disease Is spread by coyotes on
the range.
Gold Strike Made.
Canyon City.— Tho gold strike re-
ported on Canyon mountain several
daya u k o lias been followed up by
three other discoveries. Miners here
say that It now has the nppearance of
ledge matter. The «round Is the same
Ihnt I>an O'Shea took a $2500 pocket
from Inst summer.
To The Trade
We have a complete line of garden seeds in
Bulk and have tried to secure the best grades possible.
The high school
entertainment last !
Friday evening was well attended, r.nd
nothing hut praise fo r the program has :
been heard from all sides.
This speaks
well for the school and assures them
that other entertainments in the fu ­
ture will go far toward paving fo r 1
their fine new piano.
Elsewhere in the Mail the high school
has thanked those who helped in the!
program. The songs by Miss Lilly o f
Salem were especially well received.
T o Prison For Fourth Time.
Mr. A . J. Eagnn o f Salem also sang a
Pendleton.— Pour times a convict li pleasing song Bnd Fred S. Bynon, Sec­
the record held by Bert Plxler, found retary o f the Salem Commercial Club
guilty In the circuit court of the theft told one o f his inimitable stories.
of four cattle. The crime for which
be has Just been found guilty was com­
FOR S A L E —Team, harness a n d
mitted within 10 dnys after ho return­
Wagon is new, weight o f
ed from the state prison. He was sen­
horses 1200 each. Phone or call on A.
tenced to serve 10 yenrs.
Laffoon | mile squth o f Fox Valley
Mrs. Ira Thomas o f North
was in town Tuesday.
Get your Garden Seeds at Thomas-
M ayo’s and save postage.
If you will compare our prices with any of
the seed house prices you will readily see that we are
selling them here f
the same price they ask for their
seeds in Portland.
Beet Seeds
Stock Beet
10c O Z .
10c oz.
15c O Z .
10c Ò Z .
10c oz.
10c oz.
15c oz
10c oz
20c lb
Sweet Corn
15-20C lb
Field Corn
5c lb
15c lb
Local G row n Recleaned Clover Seed and other Field Seeds
Special prices in larger quantities
Buy here and save postage
Thomas-Mayo Co.
The Japanese statesmen are declar
ed to have been much pleased, by the
house's reception o f the appeal for fait
treatment of aliens and for abstention
from legislative Interference with th«
executive department in Its efforts te
arrive at a settlement o f the open Is
sue between the two countries.
Banker’s Shortage Is Now Million.
Memphis, Tenn.— W ith the disco
ery that o f $527,867 listed aa actu
cash on hand when the bank clos
its doors. $410,000 was represented '
personal checks of the president.
Hunter Ralne, now Imprisoned, char
ed with embezzlement, the amount c
the apparent discrepancy In the nc
counts of the Mercantile Bank advanr
ed to more than $1,000,000. The exact
amount will not be known until the
audit is completed.
Y. M. C. A. Meeting May be Repeated
Vancouver. Wash.— The T ri-S U ti
convention of Young Men's Chrlrt.aa
associations of Washington, ldahu nd
Oregon, which met here, was so in
structlve, harmonious and enthuslai
tic that there Is every possibility thr
a Tri-State convention will be bcl
again next year.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for rbeumatlsi