OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. The STAYTON MAIL Published every Thursday by E. M. Olmsted Entered as second class mutter at the postolflce at Stayton, Marion county, Oregon, under the act of Congress of March 8, 1879. All communications shouki be addressed to T hk STAYTON M ail . The Stayton Mail for $1.00 During the month of January S U H S C K I P T I O N S , f l .S O p e r y « m r lit a d v a n c e Booth Will Make Race for Sonata. A d v e rtiN ltig R a t e s o n a p p lic a tio n Eugene.— After two week» of con­ C a r o s of T h a n k s 8.60 O b i t u a r i k s - $1.00 up. sideration. during which time hun­ dreds of tetters have come from ail Positively nil papers stopped on expiration oisubscription parts of the state, urging acceptance. Robert A. Booth, who was waited up­ on by a delegation of Eugene citiiens and asked to become a candidate for Lew Caldwell of Holton, Oregon is Dora Raben's one ofoureighth the United States senstorshtp, has visiting at the Blakely home. graders, is visiting in Portland determined to heed the request, and to J. J. Staiger and wife of near Sub this week. seek the nomination for that office at limity and Mr. and Mrs. Hunder of the hands of the republican party, of Sjuth Dakota who are visiting at the A teacher’s institute will be which he has always been a member. Staiger home were in town Monday. held in Stayton in the near fn- Wm. Harlan and fartfily of Mdl City ture. County Supt Smith has Cooley Requisition Made. arc spending the Christmas holidays at not yet informed us as to the Balea.—Governor West has issued home of Mrs. Harlan's parents. exact date. a requisition on the governor of Cali the Hr. and Mrs. W. S. Watters. fornia for A. R. Cooley, under arrest in San rrancisco on a charge of kill­ Satisfaction for Skavers— ing Thomas Van Pelt in Curry county We have in abondance. Razors that 15 years ago. Detective Doyle, who. hold their edge. Brushes that do not with District Attorney Brown, worked shed. Soaps that lather perfectly. Lo­ G. H. and J. M. Ray were up the evidence against Cooley, will tions, to free the ikin from irritation take him to Curry county for trial. and leave it in comfortable readiness guests at the D. Townes home Both One Year $2.50 Christmas day. for the next shave at Beauchamp’s. Two-Cent Fare McEwen Man's Idea. The program and Chrisrmas Salem.—Two cents a mile passez.ger This offer cannot be duplicated with any other magazine. If you don't know tree given at the church Xmas fare on all steam and electric rail­ Collier’s., you have missed something, a great big fearless, independent, illustrated roads in Oregon is to be the purpose eve was well attended and ev­ of a measure John Edmiston of Mc­ Geo. Cornelius and wife o f eryone reports a most enjoyable weekly magazine devoted to the common people. Collier’s is a standard in Ewen says he intends to IniUate at the next election. He has written Colfax Washington and A. C. evening. Newspaperdom. Secretary of Stats Olcott for informa­ Cornelius of Alberta Canada are Ruben Cates and family and tion as to how to prepare the initiative at O. H. P. Cornelius’ during Oliver Rowan of Jefferson were petitions. holidays. Xmas visitors at the D. Townes Take Advantage o f this offer At Once home. Tumalo Engineers Are Decided Upon. Geo. Mason and wife are at Bend.—The board of engineers who Mrs. Mason’s mother. Mrs. Lina Mrs Henry Senz and Mrs. as the time is limited. will determine the character of the Wood. Mike Ryan called at the Dave big dam that will be built to impound the waters of Tumalo creek for the L. D. Barr’s sister Mrs. Smith Aegerter home Tuesday. Irrigation of the lands under the Washington is visiting them M. F. Ryan and sou Willie Subscriptions received at the Mail office state's Tumalo segregation, have been of this week. made a business trip to Aums- chosen and will hold their first meet­ * ».fW fm /m ~ m ~ /a» m f m ing in January. B. B. Herrick Sr. of Salem was ville Saturday. * * .• * ^ • a -*:-' in Turner between trains Mon­ W. R. Brenner and wife and Band Begins Tour. Linn Lambert and wife spent Albany.—The Oregon agricultural day. THE BUTT IN SKIS college cadet band appeared in a con­ Robt. Witzel’s were guests at Christmas at the Pat Lambert cert In the Albany armory Monday the J- M. Bones home the first of home. If You evening. The concert was the first the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ray call­ A story I am going to tall in the band's second annual tour of <£ people we all know well. cities of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson from ed on Mrs. N. Anderes Saturday. Of They are scattered all over the country A re Inclined Idaho spent a few days this week Miss Elsie Thayer called on Butt Ins is sbout what they spell. U M A TILLA P R O JEC T S T A R T ED with John Watson. Mrs. John Huber Monday after­ They are all the time looking for labor, f o r a really enjoyable Secretary of Interior Orders Opera­ Jim Bones made a business noon. And atill they are buay all day. smoke here is your op­ tions on West Extension at Once. trip in Linn and Benton counties M. F. Ryan and family, Geo. They are telling you all of your business, Pendleton.—H. D. Newell, engineer ! And leaving you nothing to say. Ray, Hazel and Frank Lambert You can take a man with you fordinner portunity to get the best in charge of the Umatilla project at last week. Hermiston. received orders by tele­ Effie Farris of Sumpter Hill David and Ernest Aegerter, And show him your place that’afor sale. <•1 > G gar that was ever roll­ graph from Secretary oi the Interior Hill spent part of the holidays in Ethel Smith, Leslie Townes and He will tell you he’ll let you know later, ed. Made of fine selected Lane to begin operations on the west wife were guests at the Henry But put up no money for bail. Turner. extension of that project immediately. Havana stock, of superior flavor. It is a good drawing Shank home Sunday. The But Ina will then get busy, As this order has been eagerly await­ For they know just where he has been. ed, no time was lost, and within one Miss Angeline Ryan is spend­ They will nab him wherever they aee cigar, therefore desirable for outdoor smoking. Buy one hour after the message was received ing her vacation at the home of and try it— then you will be tempted to buy a box for him, a crew of men were busy locating the her sister Mrs. Frank Haberman And then they commence to But In. first construction camp. This will be Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mull of the house or the office. W e have priced these Cigars so about two miles west of Hermiston. Portland are spending the holi­ of Munkers. There are people that have been scalded as to meet all kinds of pockets. The 70,000 acres contained in the Ed Smith made a business trip And had to be grafted with skin, west extension will be reclaimed by days here with relatives. The doctor must have uaed goat hide units. There are 10,000 acres in the W. H. Downing spent Christ­ to Jordan Saturday. By the way these fellows Butt In. first unit. The principal part of the mas with his father in Salem. F. T. Thayer and family spent They are all the time kicking and work wUl be the construction of the knocking diversion dam across the Umatilla B. F. Fresh was a Stayton cal­ Sunday at the Floyd Shelton home. Our climate, our country and all river, making a reservoir of the river ler Saturday. Whatever the governor doea for us valley. This dam will be located two Grandma Flick who fell and These people are ready to bawl— Fred Frank and family, L. 0. miles west of Hermiston. Following broke her leg is said to be im­ The work the completion of the first unit, a Reynolds and wife, E. C. Down­ proving hours are always to many. nicely. second dam will be built across the ing and family James Gibson The wages are always to small, river near Stanfield, converting a and Mike Raehm spent Christ­ J. M. Ray of Lebanon was vis- They ill jerk the props out. so they large part of the Umatilla meadows mas at the Albert Frank home, liting with relatives last week. - tell us. Into a reservoir. And this country we love so will fall. Mr. Ray has purchased property Jos. Hildeshein was seen driv­ R. J. MOSES, Prop. $$ in Lebanon and expects to make That They trusts **y the are (t°vernment *» kind rotten, W. J. Leaton it Sentenced. ing home with a new carriage the worst of sin. Marshfield.—William J. Leaton, con­ j it his future home. And still they organize unions victed of the theft of *3085 of street Saturday. spent Where the goat-heads can always Butt Joe Warwick of Scio Hot and Cold Water Batha - - funds of the little town of East Side, J. T. Hunt and family spent In. near here, while city recorder there, Sunday with Mrs. John King. several days last week at the G. There are some will say I’m a traitor. was sentenced to from one to 15 years ; H. Ray home. When they see what I have to say, in state prison and to pay a fine of BOARD BY THE DAY OR THE WEEK Leslie Townes and Harry For these fellows they can’t keep from $6170. The fine is $2 for every dol­ H kicking, lar he stole. Shank attended the shooting at Jordan Saturday, they Like the mule, tl.ey were bom that way. Hungarian Pheasanta to Be Tried. School commenced again Mon­ match thought a turkey was too heavy There ia nothing we say that can please Klamath Falla.—Twenty-four pairs day after a week’s vacation; ev­ them, to pack home of Hungarian pheasants, recently re came back with a smil­ low chicken. so took a big yel­ It’s always the way with some men. ceived from Europe, will be sent to eryone They will blat and stamp like a Billy, I3QQOIDO DQaoi this couaty soon. They are about the ing face and renewed energy. Then stiffen their necks and Butt In. W. R. Ray and wife left Sun­ size of the ordinary pheasant, but are Zelma Elder, Rosie and Marie HE New Seaflon IHK ScMHon b hr r i n g g s i gjj The Aumsville Poet believed to be hardier and more capa. Deidrich were absent from Mrs. day for Lebanon where they ex­ w with i t h it it a u tarnrld world a of # new ideas W!* ble of oaring for themselves than the Pratt’s room this week on ac­ pect to stayjovernight and start in Portraiture. Your por­ Mongolian pheasant. trait is a happy reminder to Monday for Los Angeles t o count of sickness. your 1 friends that they’re "in HOLIDAY NUMBER spend the winter. Club Asks For Highway Fund. your thoughts." Oregon City.—The Clackamas Im Maude Morton from Salem vis­ Chas. Lambert returned to Sa­ The Pacific Homestead got out a We can assure you the good Holiday Number this year that is a provement club has adopted résolu ited school this week. Portrait likeness that only personal care lem Monday evening. tions asking the county court to apply produces. high school has organized Joe Senz and wife visited with beauty. It consists of 70 pages pro­ to the state highway commission for a The Come early and avoid t h e fusely illustrated with scenes from the part of the $238,000 highway fund, and Student Body with the follow­ home folks Thursday. Holiday Crowds. Write o r Willamette Valley. The cover ia done I that the same be expended on the ing officers; Oliver Lesley, Pres; Phone for a time for a sitting. in colors, and the whole issue ia a cred Pacific highway through Clackamas Malana Sestak, Vice Pres; June P. P. Crabtree of Kingston it to any printing plant. county. Kearns, Sec-Treas. The Student called at the H. Shank home Body intends to give an enter­ Tuesday. Taxatlon'Values Boom. Astoria.—The segregation of the tainment soon t o raise money Mr. and Mrs. Fax Thayer spent valuations of the holdings of the pub­ to m a k e a payment o n Xmas with relatives at Hubbard. GET YOUR SOLE FIXED NOTICE lic service corporations as fixed by t h e piano which they have the state tax board «hows that $411,- placed in the high school room. Clifford Trask of Lyons was a Mt. Pleasant visitor Sunday. 041 of the total amount Is taxable John Watters the Old Reliable is To members of the Farmer’s Fire Re­ „ WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET back within the limits of the city of Astoria. Mrs. Pratt was absent from Darrel , ^ Downes , is spending at hia old stand. Nuff Sed, a FRICES for ,ivc hog§( calveg( gheep lief Association of Sublimity, Oregi n. her room Tuesday morning on few days at the Pat Lambert Schools to Tset Cows. There will be a regular meeting of anb cattle, also country produce of all account of illness. June Kearns Dallas.—A system of herd record­ home. the association, its 18th annual meet­ kinds. Telephone or write our buyer DRY WOOD FOR SALE keeping Is being Installed In Polk filled the position during the ing. held at the C. O. F. hall at Sub­ J. D. Densmore, Salem, Ore., Box 85 eounty schools under the supervision regular teacher’s absence. limity on Janurary 3., 1914, at 11 A. M. of W. A. Barr, of th>- extension depart­ Mrs. Pancoast visited Miss Buggies, hacks, surries an d fsrm phone Main 1041. Shipping dates for for the election of officers and other machinery at cost Wright Hardware live stock can be learned by phoning A. few tiers of dry wood for sale, business that may come before the ment of the Oregon agricultural col- Hollister’s room week before and Implement Co., Aumsville Oregon Produce houses at Lebanon, Scio and also other wood for sale. See or Phone meeting. tf Stayton. Union Meat Company. | last. E. B. Hunt, Stayton. 1-8 Chas. Hottinger, Sec. only we will make this offer The Bargain Price positively closes Saturday January 31. If you wish to take advantage of this of­ fer either for yourself or for a friend, do so before February 1. fit. Pleasant Collier’s Weekly and Stayton Mail a Turner Tidings EL i h n Rock Point GEM CONFECTIONERY COMMERCIAL HOTEL Ü “A homelike place to stay” Commercial Trade Solicited Stayton . . School Notes Oregon mxwmk if T The Latest Styles For The Holidays FARMER’ ATTENTION S Pratt’s Studio